Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

The entire left wall in the central corridor of level

two, of the ship destined for storage of food and

supplies, was stained with blood. A thread that began

almost at the door of the elevator was lost across the

hall and almost to the end. One of my soldiers had

found this while doing his patrol routine of the

facilities. The alarm sounded off automatically. The

general who came behind me was faster and pulled

the gun he had in his waistband. Soldiers who heard,

my call were there already. We decided to follow the

traces of blood to the end and see that we found there.

I took the lead between my body the empty hallway.

My mission was also caring for the General and his

life. With signs I gave my soldiers orders to make

silence, caution in this cases is a fundamental

ingredient, I asked my staff for a secure channel thru

my intercom, I needed drawings of the floor plan sent

to me, the possible exits on that side of the ship.

Hopefully we could find the cause of this.

I took from my pocket a refractor and in seconds I

could study the floor plans. Then I gave three of my

men the order to block the only exit available, if the

responsible was still here, he could only exit where I

had sent my soldiers or where we were. Now we just

needed to follow the traces of the red spots and see

where they took us.

We followed the trail of blood to the end of the

hallway it bent to the right. And finally right again

when we finally got to the end we stumbled upon an

image that could not be more heartbreaking. Dr. Hans

lay slain on the floor. His neck was completely


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

severed. His white coat was completely soaked in his

own blood, his eyes wide open, clear signals of the

struggle in his last minutes of life. On the stacked

boxes in the warehouse we noticed the evidence of a

pitched battle. They were all scratched it was obvious

it had been a big struggle. Then I thought maybe the

murderer of Dr. Hans could be hurt, beaten, with

some scratches. I sent one of my soldiers to the ship

hospital to alert doctors, mainly to Dr. Estevez. I gave

orders that if someone were to seek medical attention,

should communicate to me immediately.

General Pot also gave orders to shut down the entire

second level of the ship. Before removing the body,

we called in forensic specialists to check for evidence

throughout the area and find some clue. After the

general gave his orders, he stood up and gave me his

direct orders.

- Colonel, make sure no one enters this place until the

blood and body have been removed, I do not want the

civilian population on the ship to know about this, I

expect you in my office in 10 minutes. - He turned

around, put his gun in his waist holster, and left

horrible scene.

I left two soldiers in charge of watching the scene of

the crime. Things were getting difficult for me in this

mission, just in 24 hours we had two deaths. I could

not even imagine how, but obviously the enemy had

penetrated somehow.

I ordered one of my corporals to organize greater

vigilance in the most desolate part of the ship. We


Joseph Thomas

would no longer make rounds. From now on I

wanted two soldiers in each area. After I finished

giving my orders, I left for the general’s office. Once

there the man was sitting on his bed, shirtless,

noticeably tired. I sat opposite him and waited for him

to start talking.

- What do you think of this, Colonel?

I did not want to cause unnecessary alarm- I stated,

but I'm pretty sure we've been penetrated. Somehow

the selection process with the civilians population, the

enemy managed to infiltrate some of their men in the

ship. How many of them, or who they are, I do not

know, but they are among us.

- What is your plan then, Colonel? What do you think

we should do?

- First thing is to ask back home, information and

procedure used to select civilians and compare it with

our records, this way we might find some clue. If

identities were stolen, then those civilians are still

back home. We must get in touch with the FBI and

try to find them. I already gave orders to strengthen

surveillance in all parts of the ship. The forensics

experts are now trying to find traces that lead to the

murderer. Hopefully that gives us results. I also think

that their goals are senior leaders and scientists. The

first incident with the girl could be a fluke. According

to her the man repeated a phrase in Arabic.

- So from now on Drs. and everyone who has high

rank within this ship should be moved to another


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

level, organize them in different rooms and increase

their surveillance, also station soldiers in laboratories,

in the hospital and in the control room where flight

captains are.

- It will be done Coronel, I think it is also time to

inform the other two ships on what happened, they

must have a report on this incident, but no one can

doubt that they are probably also infiltrated. That

could create chaos. I think it's best to be prepared.

- Ok. Contact the colonels of the two ships through a

secure channel and report on what happened. Now

ask earth to send files with all the information used,

mainly civil DNA. We can compare them to what we

have here and that can help us uncover these terrorist.

A knock at the door interrupted the general. It was

agent Robert, head of the CSI with the initial report

on what they found at the scene of the murder.

Without asking he began to speak.

- The person who murdered Dr. Hans is a trained

professional. We did not find a single trace of

anything, all the blood belongs to the Dr. His neck

was cut with a sharp object, small knife or razor. The

murder weapon was not found at the scene. We are

confident that the Dr. was wounded first in the

elevator. He had a cut behind his right cheekbone,

this occurred first but it was not the cause of death.

The initial study indicates that the body had been

struggling and tortured before death.

It is possible that the murderer wanted to know


Joseph Thomas

something and used torture, he could have killed him

in the elevator and did not. Dr. Hans tried to defend

himself. All the scratches on the boxes match the

remains found in his nails. The death was caused by a

severe cut into his aorta and this was lethal blow, this

killer knew where he needed to cut. We have also

concluded that it looks like it had to be a strong man,

because he dragged his victim, the Dr. physically a

tall man and nearly six feet tall and weighing around

200 pounds. Then the murderer had power to control

that weight, or more than one. As I said earlier it is a

professional, he wore gloves and mask. We could not

find a trace of hair, nor a drop of sweat, or anything

by the murderer.

The general stood up unexpectedly, nobody expected

him to do that, sat in front of his computer. His back

to us, contacting urgently with the FBI. The image

appeared on the screen, it was the image of an agent,

he greeted the general and began to speak.

- What can I do for you General? How are things up








communication with you because I need to report an

extremely serious situation here, I can only trust the

Colonel Paul and his men, we had two major

situations here, I can tell you that we have been

infiltrated by the enemy. A man named Jarod Huken

tried to kill a girl. He was caught trying to open a few

panels in the wall, about an hour ago we found the

body of Dr. Hans beheaded. We think that enemies

could be impersonating other identities and are within


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

us. I need you to send me a list of all missing or found

bodies on American soil in the last thirty days that are

not victims of war. If possible send these records with

medical reports, DNA. Social security and criminal

history records. I have to stop this dangerous situation

as soon as possible.

The man on the screen noted in astonishment as the

general spoke. When the General finished explaining

what happened, he responded:

- Do not worry, General, you can count on my

discretion. I will send those files as soon as possible.

Give me a few hours to get them ready.

- Remember Starry, that you need total discretion. I

do not know how or where was this operation

infiltrated, you will not comment on what I just asked

you OK?

Starry nodded with military gesture to the general.

The screen went off the in the air, the General closed

it then returned to us, and give us instructions. He

started by Agent Robert.

- Agent Robert, re-check again the scene of Dr. Hans

death. Find something, anything, give me at least a

clue. Again check the body again. Do the retinal test.

Perhaps we find something there. Use all necessary

resources. I want to see back here with results in four

hours. I do not want one more death on this ship. – He

said, the officer got up and left right away. The

general and I were alone again. The General slumped

in his chair and slammed his fist on his desk, I never


Joseph Thomas

would have expected this reaction from this man that

I admired so, I dared not mention a single word. He

looked up to me and started talking.

- Paul. It was the first time he had called me by my

first name –I need you to take charge of checking the

records that agent Starry agent sends. Make sure you

reinforce security on all fronts, and all specialists in

this ship, do not leave it in the hands of anyone else.

Do it yourself personally. We do not know what will

happen with this. I prefer a thousand times a thousand

battles on land than this uncertainty. You take charge

of the research and catch the enemies among us. - The

general's words got to me, they seemed so very

human, I could feel this strong military man that had

commanded armies had collapsed under the pressure

of all that had happened. I walked to where he was

and put my right hand on his shoulder. I found in me

encouraging words and a smile, I said.

- Everything will be fine, have faith in God,

everything will be fine.

- I know -was his answer, this is why you were

chosen among many, we have walked a bit of life

together and I know who you are and what you are

capable of giving. I am an old man now. I also know

that if tomorrow I’m not here, this mission will be in

good hands.

I removed my hand from his shoulder and with my

right hand took his and expressed:

- Do not say that. You and I will return and liberate


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

many battles together.

- No, son. My body is tired now.

The general's eyes were beginning to moisten, a bad

feeling about this came to my mind. I decided to

change the subject and asked.

- General, forgive my indiscretion. There is

something I want to ask you, out of curiosity. May I?

- Colonel, said. Of course, what do you want to


- Why is the President not on this ship?

- No captain abandons his ship, nor his sailors

because, Colonel, would you leave your men if an

operation goes wrong or becomes dangerous?

- No – I quickly replied.

- Yesterday, when we boarded this ship, the President

was in the secret hangars, I asked him a thousand

times to come with us, but he showed his courage by

strongly refusing. His wife and two children are

somewhere in a safe place this massive of iron

machine. Just myself and their secret service know

where they are. But the president stayed behind to

command his troops. From here I can only send

blessings and wish that everything on earth goes well.

That is a brave man.


Joseph Thomas

With nothing to say after his answer, I asked for

asked permission to leave, I'm convinced I’m a

Colonel of a country and armed forces always ready

for anything in order to defend freedom.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas