Apollo 918 the Trip of No Return by Joseh Thomas - HTML preview

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Apol o 918 The trip of no return


Joseph Thomas

Agent Robert came to my office minutes after being

called. I explained the situation that we presented and

what was expected of him. I sent to your computer

the files received from earth. We needed quick results

of his research. He must compare the profiles with

those of the civilians in the ship.

The logical thing was to start with the records of

those who had turned up dead before the disaster.

Compare if these people were on the ship, was the

most rapid way of doing it. After DNA taken from all

crew and civilians, the enemy among us will be

uncovered. I gave him 24 hours to put on my desk the

first results of their work.

I asked to be alone in my office, talked by video to

the security chiefs of the other two ships. Colonel

Fabien European ship and Colonel of the Russian ship

Yaroslav. Before we finished we agreed to ensure

everything go as planned. The heads of the tunnels

should be kept by the soldiers of each group. And

only authorized personnel could pass thru them.

The organization and design of the ships was not

capricious. Everything had been well thought out, the

Apollo 918 would be in the middle of the three ships.

On the right would be the Russian ship and at the

other end the European ship. Our ship would

command center and operations of the entire star


Eventually Apollo 918 opened 6 large compartments,

at the ends, three on the right and three left. The ships


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

tunnels alongside our ship, those would slowly unify

into the mouth of the gates of the Apollo 918.

Already done the switch, the secure compartments

were closed and pressurize. The three ships had

merged into a single energy saving machine. This

way Apollo engines would remain working at fifty

percent of the maximum capacity. Stable enough to

keep all the weight of the three ships. The European

and Russian spacecraft could switch off their engines

and leave only power generators, needed to light the

elevators and oxygen compressors working and

distributing thru all parts of the ship. At each end of

these tunnels surveillance was strict with soldiers of

each ship.

It was early morning as our clocks had been

programmed not to lose track of time when we

finished all the coupling operation. Within a few

hours I was to meet personally with colonels Fabien

and Yaroslav. We had decided it was best to rest a

few hours. My body was exhausted and sleep

deprivation attacked me. I decided to take a tour of

the lower floors of Apollo 918. Walk a little, to clear,

and gather my thoughts.

The tranquility reigned in ponds dedicated to saving

marine species on the ship. As before, I finished my

walk with the whales. I stopped in front of them. I

leaned my back against the opposite glass wall and I

started to look at them. Quiet and constantly

swimming from one end to another of that huge pool.

One of them, the youngest, came to me. It remained

motionless. From my position I could see it’s

fullness. A white line through his body from his head


Joseph Thomas

to the opposite end of it’s body. I saw a question in

his eyes, as if asking me and expecting an answer as

to why they were in a manmade pool and not in their

humongous oceans. Why so far from their seas? It

was still standing in front of me. My hands crossed on

his chest, I felt the coldness of the opposite wall in

my back. But I could not move a millimeter, not a

single muscle moved, my body was tired.

The animal’s sudden movement jerked me out of the

concentration I was in, my body reacted together to

the fright caused by the sudden movement, and

thanks to that, the bullet that was headed to my head,

escaped me. He went down the hall, I fell to the floor.

In my fall, I was trying to grab my weapon, I could

only see a shadow slip away to my left. I stood up as

quickly as possible, called the guards at the entrance

of the ponds. This time I would trap one enemy, he

could not get out so easily. He had just fallen into his

own trap, one that I had not organized nor prepared.

Mistakes are always made and this time it was his.

The two guards at the main entrance did not answer

my call. From my intercom I gave the word close the

central control room of the ship. After a few minutes

about fifteen soldiers appeared before me. I ordered

two possible exits of the place. The man who had

tried to kill was still there and I would get him no

matter what.

- The two soldiers are dead entry, Colonel. - Said one

of the men who had come to my rescue.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

- Then, this man should still be here, he would have

encountered you in the main hallway. By my

calculations he did not have enough time to leave the

premises and slip away. The enemies are not stupid

and when they act they have everything well

organized. He knew that if he failed he did not have

enough time to get out. Let's find him, he is still here.

– I answered decisively.

From the computer attached to my intercom I

searched for the floor plans, across the floor where we

were, I wanted to have knowledge of every possible

hiding place. I divided the men into three groups, and

I assigned each group a section of the site. They had

to check everything. Each panel, each door. Even the

smallest place had to be checked.

- If you find him, do not shoot to kill. -Was my order.

In the silence of the moment just my soldiers

footsteps were heard and the bubbles from the oxygen

tanks. We were quiet for over twenty minutes, we

were just looking for the murderer who tried to kill

me and had failed.

- Colonel, Colonel, please come. - I heard softly on

my intercom.

- Where? – I Answered.

Third hallway to your right, by the pool with the

dolphins. –Was the answer.

I got there and saw three of my soldiers kneeling


Joseph Thomas

before a panel door. One of them motioned with his

hand and pointing it to the floor. We saw a trickle of

blood on the floor. We were all not heard anything,

not a whimper or a movement. But it was evident that

the person we were looking for was there. Behind that

grating. Two of my men were stationed on either side

of the edge of the panel where my attacker had

entered. Three more from the front and pointing their

weapons ready in case the murderer responded to us. I

took my gun firmly in my hands. And with a flick of

my fingers gave the order to open the duct. Two

assault bayonets were used to force the lid. The lights

on the guns of the soldiers lit inside the hideout. Total

silence, when in front of us a body with dark clothes

and covered head, his throat was completely severed.

The same murderer had cut himself the jugular vein.

There, in front of us was the only human being we

could have clarified all the question with, but we

arrived too late.

We hauled the body to the corridor outside the air

duct where he was hiding. All the dead man's chest

was covered in blood from the gushing of his neck. I

myself took off his head the balaclava. I wanted to

see his face.

I never would imagined that who I discovered under

the black cloth. By lifting the body I saw, blond hair

spilled viscous fluid out of her body. It was Lindsay

was Hemle, the girl who two days ago was the

alleged victim of the first attacker.

- Call the coroners. –I ordered while thousands of

things circled in my head and tell the agent Robert


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

that I need him in my office in twenty minutes. -

Pulled my arm from the body of the girl and headed

my way and out of there.

As I walked to my room-office, I kept thinking what

happened. I wondered what kind of ideology was able

to get a human to attempt against their own life. What

kind of religion could obstruct the minds of men and

not let them think with reason. How could a young,

American, brilliant student, was capable of betraying

her country and her people like this. Was she one of

the fake personalities spoofed on the ship. All these

questions haunted me when almost to the door of my

office I was addressed by General Pot.

- You all right, Colonel?

- Yes, Commander, thank you. I'm fine. – I


- What do you think about what happened, Colonel?

- I really did not expect to find the surprise like what I

found, something like this never crossed my mind. I

can only draw the conclusion that our enemies within

this ship are well prepared and trained. If that girl was

able to make fun of us and make us believe that she

was a victim. The others will remain on alert.

- Yes, you are right, Colonel. But we are urged to stop

this threat.

- I sent agent Robert a message, to present himself as

soon as possible here. I want to know if you could get


Joseph Thomas

something out of the records that we received before

the planets misfortune.

- Keep me informed, Colonel, and when you have

something go personally to the control room. I want

to know how things are going. – With a handshake I

nodded to the general and urged him to rest. He had

complete confidence in me.

I sat for a while waiting for agent Robert. But it was

not him who came. Suddenly at my door a man

dressed all in black appeared. He did not say his

name. Nor did he show credential. He entered without

permission. He closed the door and it struck me, he

knew the code for this operation.

- Who are you? I asked, putting my hand on the gun

in his waistband.

- Colonel Paul. You do not need to know who I am.

The first lady of our nation wants to see you. Please

come with me. Leave your gun here, you will not

need it.

Apparently today was the day of surprises. I thought.

My military instinct made me trust those words. I

took off my belt where my gun was. I put it in one of

secure drawers with a safe and signaled with my hand

to this mystery man to lead me. As I followed the

man in black, I realized that we were going thru a

section of the ship that was not in the plans that I had

studied. All I could notice was that we were on the

top right side of the ship. Upon arrival, after passing

guarded gates, we entered a small room, a bit


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

furnished with only two couches and a coffee table.

Large skylights lit to see into outer space and two

large lamps that lit the whole place. The man who

took me there ordered me to sit and wait,

disappearing through a side door of the room.

It took about five minutes for the same door the man

had disappeared thru open again, thru it appeared the

woman who was our first lady, now widow of our

president and commander in chief of U.S. forces. She

was quiet, I nodded with emotion and sat opposite

me. I noticed in his eyes fatigue and sadness. Her

eyes had traces of shedding many tears, her face was

strong and soft-spoken.

- I want to start by offering my apologies for sending

for you this way. –She said looking into my eyes.

- Do not worry, I understand the circumstances. I


- I will get to the point, Colonel. - Continued the

woman I know your time is limited and you have

many responsibilities. I've sent for because I am

aware of all that has happened on the ship and I want

to offer information that although have no evidence

to, it can help resolve the problem we have. As I said

this information is not confirmed, but in the white

house the best information is not the one in

documents of state, the truth many times is in the

halls and corridors. As whispers and secrets are

spoken. When you live as first lady you learns that

there are two types of secrets, some very small which

are not worth to be saved and others very large that


Joseph Thomas

do not fit in any place where they can hide. So today

you will hear one of those secrets.

I settled into my seat because what this woman was

saying needed my attention and seemed to be

something important. As she spoke I just kept quiet so

as not to interrupt while staring at her eyes. She did

not pause in her speech, I got the impression that her

words had been studied or memorized, if I interrupted

her, I could break the course of her remarks, so I let

her continue.

- The process of selecting people that would be

allowed on this ship was something my husband took

with great importance and care. A Senate committee

reviewed each record. Among the senators who

participated was Senator Will Thomson. In the

corridors of the Pentagon was said that this man,

while U.S. troops were at war, was dedicated to

getting juicy oil contracts with Middle Eastern sheiks.

He was a man without scruples, only cared about

money. My husband did not trust this man. The night

before boarding the Apollo 918 the President of the

nation was alone with me and his daughters for at

least three hours. He confessed to me his distrust in

Senator Thomson and handed me this file flash

memory, where all the records of civilians that this

man proposed and pushed for are included among the

chosen. – Saying this she stretched out her right hand

and gave me the small memory lash. I kept letting her

talk. Perhaps this information will be inconsequential.

But it is possible that within that file you can find a

clue that will lead to trap the enemies among us.


Apol o 918 The trip of no return

The first lady was silent. I kept the memory in one of

my pockets, we were alone in the room and no one

knew of our conversation, no one heard. I stood up

and thanked the woman for what she gave me. I told

her- The enemies will be caught sooner than later.

I was about to get out when the side door

unexpectedly opened a third time and eldest daughter

of the president appeared, with a newborn baby in her

arms. This was the fourth surprise of the day, to find

that the baby was none other than the daughter of

soldier Neal.

I walked up to this lady and made sure my eyes were

not deceiving me. When facing the white blanket

covering the baby. She looked so healthy, I passed

my hand her face, and without knowing how, soldier

Neal’s daughter grabbed one of my fingers and

squeezed it. It was a special moment when that baby

just days old gave me a smile. The woman I spoke to

so seriously minutes ago stood beside me and said:

- Do not be surprised, Colonel. I have this baby here

by direct orders of the President. He asked the soldier

and the father of this child not to even say a thing to

you. If today I sent for you and providing this

information is because my husband among the last

things he said to me was, referring to you with this

phrase: When a soldier saves a child’s life even

against orders, this is a man you can trust.

I said nothing, I said goodbye with a military salute

and returned to my tasks. Upon returning to my room-

office agent Robert was waiting for me at the door.


Joseph Thomas