Dead Watchers by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 14





I woke up to the sun just beginning to wish the world a great morning when a soft wind played through the tall grass. I had not slept in a very long time. Insomnia was always a cruel mistress. I began to rise off my stomach. I stared down at a white suit that seemed cut from the finest designers. Whoever dressed me knew that I enjoyed the fi ner things in life, when I was allowed them. I gazed around and realized that I was in the middle of a courtyard. The grass was tall and it was hard to make out the rock wall which seemed to surround me. The once cobbled street was cracked and almost vanished under the large grass. I stood and started dusting off my suit. I had on a black button down shirt that felt like fine silk. The dirt came off easily as I stared down and found myself a nice white and black bowler hat. I picked it up and dusted it off too before sliding it over my head. It fit like it was custom made for me. I opened the suit jacket to pull out my familiar tool of destruction, white gold finish with an ivory handle. The .45 Berretta still shone in the orange light. But how did it get here with me? I screwed the silencer on the pistol. It shone like it had recently been cleaned and polished. It looked brand new as my fingers slid naturally into the grooves. I finally put it back into my jacket and was about to search over the rest of me when a soft moan could be heard through the trees.

Deciding that the best place to be in a foreign territory was not in the middle of an abandoned courtyard. I ran to the edge of a particularly decrepit looking building and waited. I watched and scanned my surroundings over the tall grass. I continued to watch letting the wind lightly play over my face. “Damn this insomnia,” I heard my mind say, the last week had been a real blur to me. All I remembered was doctors, blood tests, and a hospital. It seemed that as soon as the images came to me they disappeared unable to be retrieved again. A woman stood up a couple of feet from where I had been laying. She had a sheet of red hair and freckles. She was wearing a black beret with a black scarf around her neck that she quickly pulled up and covered the lower half of her face. “Irish,” I heard my mind whisper. I saw her raise a gun that I had never seen before. I knew there was something different about this, about her. “Who was this girl,” she began to examine her outfit, camouflage pants, military boots, an Irish flag bandanna around her hand, black shirt, and what appeared to be a black satchel on the small of her back. She patted herself down but didn’t have much time to search. She raised the scope of her gun to her eye. Her gun looked like the most sophisticated sniper rifle I had ever seen. It was long and black and the scope looked something out of a sci-fi movie. However I saw what she was pointing at, “Halt!”

A dark skinned man stood with his hands slightly raised. He had small dark sunglasses and his dark hair was tied into small points with many small braids. His beard was tied into two large braids which reminded me of icicles. He lowered his shades, “whoa slow down there girl!” He had his hands raised in the air, “who are you darkie…where am I…what’s going on around here?” “Shut up you insolent Irish pig!” “Hello,” came a voice from directly behind her. A man was walking towards them with a gray antique looking machine gun hanging from his shoulder. His hands were raised too, “who the hell are you two? What the hell is going on? Why am I not in my cell, why am I in my old uniform?” “Look boy just lay down the weapon, before you hurt yourself,” the dark skinned man was moving closer, “holy crap!” The white adolescent teenager was shocked “I haven’t seen a spook as big as you in a long time!” “Spook,” growled the dark skinned man as the Irish girl lowered her rifle, “you two know each other?” They both shook their heads, “so what’re all three of us doing out here?” “Four of us,” shot the white boy which caught the woman’s attention, “four?” The white boy waved his hand at a crumpled up body ten feet away from them. She turned back to him, “and who are you?” “I’m Anton Koppe, Supreme Commander of the Fourth Reich!” “I’m Aednat,” they walked towards a concrete fountain. Anton raised his hands higher in the air as the large dark skinned male past him. “Yuck…I don’t touch people like you,” the mysterious black man moved away from him, “Don’t push me kid, don’t push me or else your going to bite off more than you can handle.”

The three of them moved towards a dark figure lying crumpled in a patch of dead grass. Aednat picked up the body and threw it over the rock wall. I saw that the body was a male. He had long colored dreads of red and blue, which clashed with his long black trench coat. Removing myself from the building I began to slink through the grass trying to move closer. It was getting difficult to hear them talking. I moved like a tiger through the grass flanking them from around their backs. “I know nothing,” I heard the new man yell, “I just woke up from you shaking me! I don’t know where we are!”

I removed my pistol and burst out of the grass they had never heard me. I was the ghost and my reputation always preceded me. My pistol clicked and they all seemed to freeze in the spot as they slowly turned around. I had gotten the jump on them and they all seemed surprised. We all stared at each other and I motioned my gun to ground. They all stared at each other as I motioned with more ferocity. “Why don’t you tell us what you want us to do?” Aednat’s comment seemed to die in her throat when the large dark skinned man removed his black sunglasses, “I knew a retard like him back in Nairobi, used to wave his hands like an you. I cut them off and now he is extremely clear with his messages. Maybe I should do the same?” I opened my own mouth to show them the absence of my tongue. “Wait,” said the girl whose rifle hung low, “can I just ask you one thing?” I stood there holding the pistol out as my vision never left the four individuals in front of me. “Do you know what is going on,” I stared at her as if I was analyzing the question. But after a few brief seconds I shook my head, “so can you just lower the gun. We are all in the same situation right?” I stared at her, “can we try to fi gure out what is going on around…” she stopped when something unnatural sang through the air.

“Is that a…” she stopped when she turned to the two dark skinned males. The taller broader one finished her statement, “a phone?” I lowered my pistol as the girl looked at all four of us, “we got to find it maybe we could call for help? Maybe we can get the hell out of here!” She began to sprint towards it but a hand reached out and grabbed her arm. “First off can you take that scarf away from your face? Second I can’t let you do that,” Anton was gripping her arm his Nazi uniform was something out of a history museum. His hat had a weird emblem on it, a skull with two cross bones. He had a runic insignia on his lapels, two SS bolts. “I am or should I say was currently on death row and now I am out here, free. I don’t want to go home. I have an army to raise and a war to begin. I have an empire to recover.”

The taller dark skinned man approached them as Anton released Aednat and stared at him, “I am sorry but I don’t associate or speak to people of your color. I mean look at you you’re not even a real person! You’re a spook and nothing more!” The dark skinned man’s face contorted as he reached over and grabbed Anton, “My name is Mwai, and I am the Black Wolf you racist son of a bitch! I am the leader of the Mungiki and I should cut you to pieces. Who the hell do you think you are little white boy? You wanna play war…I’ll show you war! I live war everyday of my life!” “I am Anton Koppe Supreme Commander of the Fourth Reich and Supreme Group Leader of the Waffen-SS Werewolf, which means I am a Colonel General! You are Mwai with your dirty military boots, torn up clothes, necklace of teeth, and face like the chimps I killed back in California. No uniform, no medals, no dignity, no class, you call yourself a leader…I mean you lead men off to war? You’re a disgrace! I call you just another darkie bug that must be squashed underneath my polished military boot.” Snapping his holster Mwai’s fi ngers traced over the handle to a large machete in the side of his military pants. “This right here is the difference between me and a polished boot. Real winners are left standing little boy. You think you know war…” snapping his head towards Anton, “you, know…nothing, nothing about war! You wanna play war little white boy, here…let me show you why they call me ‘The Butcher’.”

“Look…” Aednat jumped between them, “Jesus guys, please there is no sense killing each other yet.” Mwai growled as he clenched his teeth in anger his fingers gripping onto his machete handle. Anton just smiled smugly up at him hands crossed behind his back “you know what I did to the last darkie that messed with me and what is mine? I shot her and him and burned their family, all of them…alive!” Anton quickly gripped his ancient machine gun clearly ready for a fight. “I am not some homeless person in your capitalist country white boy. Clearly you don’t know who I am, or the havoc that I can bring down upon you …and all with just a wave of my hand.” The phone began to ring louder, “I have taken many men like you and killed them like nothing more than common dogs in the streets darkie.” Mwai continued to stare down at Anton almost bewildered by his actions.

This Mwai was a dangerous man more than the little white boy knew or realized. He moved like a wolf smooth and stealthy despite his stature. He towered over Anton like a bear would tower over its crying victim. However the victim showed a smugness and superiority that I had only seen in the bravest of bosses. “My very name strikes fear in all hearts across the great continent of Africa. NO DEBT goes unpaid, I’ll take anything I want and I want everything,” Mwai raised his machete high into the air. “If I want your head…I’ll take it,” his teeth clenched in such anger. “From now on if I don’t see you bow or kneel before me, I am going to take it as a sign of disrespect.” “You would die before your blade fell,” Anton’s hand was holding an authentic German Astra towards Mwai’s stomach. “You see my darkie friend, everybody falls under the Sieg Heil.” “Gunna shoot me with a mere cap gun,” “ENOUGH YOU TWO!”

Aednat lowered her hands and retreated back to the dark skinned man that I had nearly forgotten about. His eyes were wide as he stared around at all of us. His face was covered in papules, but a large spaghetti papule ran from his lip to the side of his neck. “Someone just shut that phone up,” I watched Aednat raise her hi-tech weapon up to her shoulder as she scanned the surrounding area. “No movement,” she turned to me, “listen I know that we don’t know each other, but I need to know if it is a trap or something. We are all in the same situation. How do I know that any of you aren’t going to try anything funny?” Everybody seemed to look around at each other, “Mungiki don’t have allies, Mungiki stand with Mungiki only.” Mwai returned his sunglasses to his face and stood upright as if he was about to be sculptured by Picasso himself.

“I would say under the circumstances you could at least make an exception,” I watched her turn to me. “You…are you dangerous,” I nodded, “are you going to be a problem if I go and see what that is?” I shook my head and I could see a slight second of relief flutter over her face. She turned and stared at all the rest of the people, “if any of you do something to upset me, I will make sure you all die with me.” And without another word she turned and began to make her way through the grass. She crept with such precision as the ringing continued in annoying repetition. “It’s somewhere north approximately 400 feet away,” she said gripping the handle of her rifle tighter. I clicked the safety off as I saw a look of disgust appear on Mwai’s face. He stared at Aednat and then back at me as he gripped his machete tightly. “Did you come at me with your safety off ? You got a lot of balls…I could have cut you like Crab Rangoon boy!”

I didn’t even smile but when I followed Aednat to the ringing phone I saw Mwai’s continued look of disgust. I made my way through the grass as the three other members of our party stayed behind. The ringing got louder the further we moved from the group. We moved closer until I heard Aednat’s soft, “over there I think I see something!” I saw her scope adjust automatically as she stared at something vibrating in the bushes in front of us. She moved closer as a loud CRACK could be heard. The three remaining members of the group had been following us the whole time. They were lined like an Oreo as Anton stared up at the two dark ends, whom looked murderously down at him. I wanted to smile at the sight of that racist bigot fearing for his life in the sea of minorities.

I turned to see Aednat was already reaching into the bushes and withdrawing a tablet that I remembered peddling for my family into America. They were products still being tested and not even released to the public yet. And sure enough as she brought it in closer to us she looked confused, “what is it?” I took my finger and motioned her to slide the icon that was green and read, Accept Call. She slid it unsure if she was doing it right and the screen popped open like a television. A man with droopy cheeks and tanned orange like a carrot appeared on the tablet screen, he was smiling jovially at all of us. He had large sunglass whose lenses were tinted with the faintest brown color. A gold chain hung from his neck as he sported a bright Cabana shirt. He had a large black push broom mustache, and as his vision fell on the two of us he smiled revealing a set of massive white teeth. “HELLO, my friends,” he bellowed in such jubilation. His arms were outstretched as the screen seemed to retreat to reveal white pants. However his outfit was not what caught my attention. A large scoreboard sat behind him with a mass of people underneath it. Papers raised high as people were scrambling like it was the stock exchange. “My name is Ron Reid Edwards” as he lowered his glasses he glared up at Aednat. “I am sorry my dear but due to the circumstances I am afraid that I can’t sign any autographs for you.” He gave a wide smile as she turned to me utterly confused. “But where are the rest of your friends everyone must attend when Ron Reid speaks… bring them over, quickly now quickly, I promise I will not bite!”

Everyone seemed to look at each other as Ron waved his hand, “hurry my friends hurry I don’t have all day.” The three other people joined us and soon the five of us gathered around the screen. “There we go,” he smiled when he stared at the f ive of us, “have you all introduced yourselves?” Staring at each other he seemed to shake his head a little, “I am sorry that you all aren’t getting along but you will need to if you are going to survive the three days.” “Survive,” Aednat said as he continued to smile, “oh yes mujer, you and the nine other individuals have been chosen for a most extraordinary event.” “What the hell are you talking about? What’s going on? Why can’t I remember anything,” growled Mwai. He had sheathed his machete and was now holding a gun that I had come to greatly know. The small AK 74 was a primary commodity that I had to sell for my master. “Don’t worry Mwai none of you will remember anything I assure you. However, what I am talking about is that you and your friends have been chosen for the 2005 hunt.” “What hunt,” asked Aednat but frowned when Ron wagged his ringed finger “I am sorry I can’t answer that question, you wouldn’t want me to spoil the fun now.”

“FUN,” Mwai yelled clicking back the chamber to his AK. “You call this fun? I have a kingdom to return to! My people need their leader, fun…come out here I’ll show you how I have fun!” Ron’s smile vanished quickly. “Mr. Mwai in the grand scheme of things you are nothing more than a speck of dust on the shoulder of my shirt. Your family is a joke and from your leadership you destroyed a once feared little mafia into a fractured little pissing match unworthy of me even to flush down my toilet. You couldn’t even keep a piece of IKEA furniture together. If you even knew what the hell that is in that third world shit hole you live in.”

Firing his gun into the air Mwai was screaming at the tablet “My father destroyed the family! Now why don’t you come down here you little shit…come out here and quit cowering like the little bitches I rape! You think you’re tough…” I watched Ron shake his fists at us smiling at Mwai “Good, good my friend, yes…seize that anger and use it! Use it in the fight, that…that is what will help you win…ferocity!” It seemed he had fi nally gotten to the topic of discussion which he thoroughly enjoyed most. “As I have stated my name is Ron Reid Edwards and I nominated myself to address you fine candidates today. I am the sponsor of Hakeem there, and I am here to give you a taste of what you all could have achieved had you taken the road I always chose.” He raised his head as he removed his shades, “to seize any and every opportunity that this world provides by any means necessary…ain’t that right my old friend Hakeem?” He returned his gaze to the screen and returned his shades to his face, “sleep is for the weak my friends. Sleep is for the dead. Since I am limited on time and constantly hounded about my…resume,” he said with such indignation. “I have a limited matter of time with you, but at the end you will get to ask one question.” “What’s this fool talking…” “Shhh,” Aednat stared up at the towering Mwai. His eyes seemed to bulge out of his skull never seeing such disrespect before. “Irish I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but...” She shook her head in frustration, “will you shut the fuck up and let him speak, some of us want a little information. Some of us want to get the hell out of here!” Ron Reid smiled jovially as he began to walk away from the windows and move down what appeared to be a hallway, “get the hell out of here she says, did you hear that?”

“Aednat I have a feeling that I am going to miss you. I think I am going to see a real contender in you. Anyway my friends you have to last three days.” “Three days,” repeated Aednat who stood up as she caressed her sore knees. The group gathered closer around Aednat almost like we were friends watching television. I could only imagine how dangerous these people were but I could not place their line of work. The most confusing one was the white boy dressed like a World War II Nazi soldier. I always tried to consider myself a history buff after all history was all I ever was able to read on my “off time”. His accent was strange it changed many times between Russian and German. In truth, I had never seen anything like it before.

Ron’s attention was drawn to a mysterious figure off camera, “Yes, yes I will hurry. Yes my dear boy please, you can’t silence the words of Ron Reid they are here for everyone to enjoy!” Returning to the five of us he smiled “Forgive me…you all have been given four items, one primary weapon, two side arms and one special item. Each item you have come to know well and some I dare say a little too well.” We all looked around at each other, “it’s too bad you all aren’t bonding as quickly as I thought you would. Even the most evil people in the world must unite in situations outside their norm, which I hope is all this is…your squabbling.” And as his face tilted down a genuine look of disappointment came across his face.

He stepped through a pair of glass doors as he came out onto the deck of a ship. It was the largest ship I had every seen. “I am sorry I am speaking too much,” his smile returned as the vision of the sea surrounded him. “Let’s get straight to business…you have three days to survive plain and simple, fight in a group or die alone, your call.” The Nazi Anton stepped forward, “and what happens if we survive because I plan on spending my entire life hunting you down and bringing war to your very doorstep!” His teeth seemed to stretch up to his ears as his smile grew wider, “oh that is good, but our vacation only lasts three, the hunt must last three days.”

“What’s this around my legs Ron,” the dreaded man was beginning to pull at what looked to be a flesh colored bracelet. “What’s this blinking light,” he exclaimed starting to show his anger. “Oh,” Ron said slapping his forehead, “I almost forgot that is an ankle bracelet strapped with a new type of artificial gel that is molecularly the same as C4. There is approximately enough to blow off your legs causing your eventual death by blood loss. I suggest not fiddling with it. Your playing field is approximately 400 miles long surrounded by an outer wall with proximity and remote sensors that are triggered by the blinking lights. Do I really need to explain what will happen if you cross that wall?” “GET IT OFF,” yelled the dreaded man. “OH Hakeem my friend please I really wouldn’t fiddle around with that if I was you. T he molecules stability must be in a constant state of electrolysis and it can be very temperamental…fiddling with it is not a wise decision.” I turned and watched all five of us look around at each other again as Ron continued, “now you may ask me one question my friends you deserve the knowledge that Ron Reid has acquired. I always believe in helping the down trodden and who else to help but the most evil humans we know personally.” Ron stopped as he lowered his eyes and an unknown person was talking to him off camera, “I know, but they still get the question anyway I just…” he stopped as he raised his sunglasses. “I’ll deal with you later fool…now my friends what is your question,” we all stared at each other. “I am not evil! I believe in a cause, I kill for my country’s independence,” Aednat looked angry, “that’s not a question mujer!” “Fine, what would you do if you were in our shoes?” “What the hell is that? Mwai doesn’t follow… Mwai leads and I want to ask…” Ron Reid began to talk so loud Mwai’s words were choked to a silence. “My dear mujer if it was me I would hunker down and work as a team but knowing you all…you’ll probably cut each others throats before tonight.”

Holding his hand high Ron Reid smiled to an unknown patron, “I know I’m wrapping it up tell the Speaker I’m finishing now,” turning back to the screen. “I am sorry my friends the creature is being released in a few minutes. Now ignore the cliché line but this tablet will self-destruct in ten seconds. Remember three days after that boom!” And with a final little salute he gave a jovial little smile and the tablet screen went completely black. A giant white ten flashed, “Throw it!” Aednat acted like she didn’t need to hear Anton twice. She threw it like a frisbee as everyone took off in the opposite direction. It was odd seeing all five of us running from something so small. I didn’t have much time to dwell on the subject the ground seemed to rumble beneath me as I felt something push my entire body forward. I cart wheeled into the air and fell on my back as dirt rained like little droplets of dew. I covered my face and after a couple minutes the soft wind could be heard again.

I rose from the grass and rubbed my back looking around at all the people in my group. The information did not make sense. It didn’t seem to fit in with what was going on. This only could mean one thing to me. The man that I had lowered my weapon to that night. The man named Pascal that told me he could fi x my debt. He had lied to me. I reached down and saw that bracelets were wrapped around my calves. It looked foreign and uncomfortable but it didn’t feel like anything. As a matter of fact I wouldn’t have even noticed if I hadn’t had my attention brought to it. “WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE,” Mwai was raising his machete again pointing it at Aednat who gripped her black rifle in anticipation. “I am going to cut your freaking head off, nobody speaks for me especially a woman…it’s time you learned your place!” She nodded, “oh yea well come a little closer and see where I place you.” “I rape women every day just for stepping in my way! However, I plan on cutting off your head and ripping out your tongue…nobody speaks for me! I give orders, and I demand my questions be answered not yours!”

Aednat tapped her fi nger on her trigger, “you know for a man that talks so big I don’t really see any balls to back them up.” The machete swung higher and with bulging eyes he brought it swinging down. He froze mid-swing when a pistol hit the back of his head. “Alright their darkie that’s good enough!” Mwai froze, “I knew you were a sniveling coward...pointing your gun at the back of a man’s head. I’d have more respect for you if you pulled it in front of me …figures, whites look out for other whites.” “OH, I assure you that this isn’t because you are a spook. If that were the case I would’ve killed you when I first saw you. You’re just the bad bully on the block when I am the definition of evil! But sometimes, we must do ugly things to complete our mission. I need you alive so I can get out. Whether we like it or not we’re all stuck here and if we want out we have to stick together. I mean at least three of us are intelligent people. We need big gorillas to help us for whatever is coming.” Mwai snapped around so quick that the antique German Astra flew up with a loud shot. Mwai’s hand wrapped around the Nazi’s throat. The machete quickly turned and landed mere millimeters from his chest as Aednat held her rifle by Mwai’s head. “And look how quick I take you down. I’ll spill your guts all over this ground and leave them for the birds and sun!” Nodding his head and smiling serenely with Mwai’s hand around his throat, “make your move then!”

“Will you two just shut the hell up, every minute you’re fighting just stop! We need to move not stand here and argue about whose dick is bigger!” “And look at this stupid freckled bitch. Who exactly are you with?” I watched Mwai glaring down at Aednat, “if we keep fighting like this we’re never going to get anywhere! I know we all are very dangerous people where we come from, but we’re not there anymore. We have to play this smart. I always work alone, but when I am deep in shit I gather my forces and work as a squad…a team! Since I have no idea where the hell I am, I am willing to work as a team for awhile. I hope that we can ALL put aside our differences and get out of here...and then we can all kill each other.” “Alright Irish but you aren’t in charge I don’t take orders! I give them and they are followed!” “Whatever Mwai can we just move ahead” said Aednat as Mwai snorted away his discomfort of the situation. “That pompous Ron Reid said we each had four items maybe for the sake of trust we should reveal these items. And since Ron is I am assuming sponsoring Hakeem. Whatever that means, I believe he should go first. He should also probably explain how he knows Ron Reid.”

“Ha,” shrieked Hakeem as he flicked the collar of his black leather trench coat, “I don’t reveal anything I have or any information! I am the nightmare of a dark shadow.” “Yeah, well by those bumps on your hands and scars on your face I would understand the need for secrecy” cried Aednat in such confusion. She continued on “After this Hakeem you are going to tell me how you know that shit Ron Reid. But for now if it makes you all feel better I will go first. I hope that you do the same out of respect. I know we are all ready to die but with this supposed creature on the loose I say some form of trust must be formed. The initial thing to do would be to show what we are playing with.” She pulled forth the black space age weapon “I have only every read about this gun, it is impossible to get even in the RIRA. This here is an AMP Defensive Sniper Rifle the DSR-1 version made in Germany a simple bolt action with a scope that…” “You talk about it like it is a former lover,” she shrugged at Anton “let’s just say it’s a family business.” “Enough talk what else you got,” I watched her turn to Mwai, “well we’re all going to reveal what we got Mwai, so you will wait your turn.”

He snorted, “I never said I was going to show you anything!” Aednat eyed him, but Anton spoke “I agree I’d like to see what everybody is playing with. I would also like to know everybody’s background, well except you and especially you.” Hakeem turned his head so fast that his dreads swung like wet noodles. “Excuse me whitey, I am the Black Death” “oh it’s not just because your dark, but with all those bumps over your face you look infected with some African Voodoo disease.” Aednat seemed to sense the tension growing, so she continued on as she pulled out from her waist a black pistol. But when she clicked the top the pistol turned into a small portable crossbow. She turned around and flashed her custom camoufl age baggy pants to show small arrows. Clicking the button the crossbow returned to a black pistol. She then unsheathed a large hunter’s knife and then returned it. Reaching around her back she removed a black satchel revealing a large cylinder object with red and black wires. A small timer graced the front, “and the finite de resistance a nail bomb just like da used to make.”

Quickly slipping it into the satchel on the small of her back her eyes returned up “alright that’s my four items, whose next?” Everyone stared at each other and when the Nazi stepped forward Mwai began to jeer, “Oh somebody wants to get some pussy!” I smiled at Mwai sniggering silently, he was entertaining. Removing the gray antique looking machine gun from his shoulder, “this here is something I had only heard stories about from my father during my training. He was in the Hitler Youth and he said that no gun was more reliable…he tried forever to get one after the war.” “Wait,” exclaimed Mwai, “you’re telling me that your father was in the Hitler Youth!” With a loud snort Anton smiled, “he didn’t just serve with them he was Stammfuhrer…the unit leader just below Senior Unit Leader. See this, see these two Oak Leaf patches with the three dots. I am Supreme Group Leader and Colonel General of the Waffen-SS Werewolf!” His uniform should belong on a wax statue in some historical museum. He turned his arm to reveal a read sash across his arm with a large swastika in the middle. Hand moving to his leather belt he removed from his case “a SS issue Astra 900.” “THAT is what you were going to shoot me with,” Mwai looked enraged, “why not shoot me with a BB gun?” Anton smiled “well I guess that is why they say whites are smarter than darkies.” “WHO says that,” Mwai’s teeth clenched, “I do Mwai, I do!”

“Anyway…I have my fi ve inch shan