Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 93


7:55 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

President Stevenson, Jamal, and Press Secretary, Christopher Hughes were huddled together in the private office allocated to the President when he was at Camp David. They had been discussing both the accusation of the bribe with Israel and the apparent murder of Ken Giles.

Chris was saying, “Mr. President, I know we have a news blackout for this meeting, but we need to say something to the press. They are camped outside the gates and we are not going to get out of here without talking to them. We need to at least have an impromptu press conference to give a statement on both of these issues and then try to avoid any further problems.”

“I know,” Stevenson said. “I do realize that we have to say something. I suppose that first off we need to address Ken Giles’ murder and send condolences to the family.” He hesitated, then said, “Regarding the bribe, as it is being called, we need to white wash it and try and make it seem like it was going to happen anyway. I realize the Iranians are going to be all over this, but they are under sanctions and we do not pay that much attention to them anyway. There will be some saber rattling, which is normal, and some bad press, but I doubt if this would result in a congressional hearing of any sorts; at least not now.”

Jamal said, “I wonder if it got out that you asked for Ken’s resignation today. I mean Camp David is not quite as secure as the White House.”

“I doubt it Jamal, but then I see your point. We could be getting set up. So maybe we might just want that to come out anyway. However, the problem is that conspiracy reporters, like John Roddenburg, will just read a lot more into it than there is. I know for sure that none of us gave an order to dispose of Ken.”

“Anyone you can think of who had reason to have done this?” Chris asked.

“No, not really. I mean, he was attorney general and that means that he made enemies everywhere. It could have been any number of people.” Stevenson thought back to what Aafre had said only the day before, and that made him shudder.

It was quiet for a moment while everyone seemed in deep thought, then Stevenson broke the silence, “Here is what we are going to do…”