Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 99


6:00 AM CEST Wednesday June 3rd Cairo, Egypt - Egyptian Palace

The Egyptian President, Mohamed Basarick was staring out the window of his office watching the rains. His country was in the areas outlined by the American and self-proclaimed Witness of God, Jack South. His concerns were the Nile flooding and the dam. It would cause havoc on their systems and infrastructure. He had enough trouble keeping the country functioning in any situation, and this would definitely be a major setback. The Nile flooded every year, but this prediction could mean disaster for his country.

The last time the Hebrew God had decided to cause problems was during the Exodus of the Israelites. He had spoken to many scholars knowledgeable about the archives of their nation’s ancient writings. He had asked them if the events predicted were even possible and they had searched through their historical writings of the country, but to no avail. Their report was that it appears that the Hebrew God had destroyed much of Egypt then and that this flood could do the same. They went on to say that supposedly, their God had promised not to destroy the world again with a flood. Yet here it was coming again, at least to Northern Africa and most of the Middle East. He supposed that with their God, it was a technicality, for flooding would be regional not worldwide.

His religion was Islam and they talked of witnesses and Jesus as a Prophet. However, who was this witness of the Hebrew God and what of the other witness who had not yet shown himself? It was as if the whole world, in less than a few days, had come to a grinding halt, and started going in reverse.

The president would be meeting with his advisors soon, to see what they could do to stem the damage. They needed a plan to help with food shortages, shelter, clean water, and all the other things he had fought for, for his country. Now the Hebrew God, after over three and a half thousand years, was visiting Egypt one more time.