Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 100


7:00 AM EST Day three of 1260 New York - LaGuardia Airport, Private Hangar

We had landed back on American soil around 2:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, back at LaGuardia Airport. The plane taxied to a private hangar where we were met by some associates of Veronica’s who immediately started taking the plane apart, looking for listening devices and other stuff that were not supposed to be there, courtesy of the Israelis.

My luggage was already here in the hangar, so I assumed that someone had checked me out of the hotel I had been staying in while here before. I wondered if The Network had still paid for my room.

I felt dirty and since there were showers in the hangar area, I took a shower and changed clothes. Food had been brought in. We sat around a break table and chatted about the day’s events.

Veronica had told me that I could not go into the city because it would cause riots. I would never get out of there in one piece. She said jokingly that I was like Elvis Presley, a prisoner for my own safety. That was great. I really was not happy about that. Overnight I could not even go get a cup of coffee or a beer without causing problems. This ordeal was not going to be pleasant.

They had a TV in the break room and we had it turned to Bear News and were listening to the updates of all that had been happening since we left. I was sorry about the Ken Giles murder. I did not connect it to anything that I was doing. It seemed probable that as the news media presumed that someone he prosecuted may have put a hit out on him and they found a chance.

I listened to all the commentaries about martial law in the U.S. and other threats. I also saw the updates about California, which saddened me. I still had not crossed the threshold of not feeling responsible. I did not know that I ever would.

I saw that it was raining in Northern Africa and once again felt saddened. I had not caused it, but for some reason I felt that I had. I was taking everything personally; the rains, like the California earthquake, and now the hurricanes that were imminent.

We would be leaving for Kansas City around nine or ten this morning, once they were through with the plane. It would not surprise me if they found a bomb on it. New pilots were to arrive soon, also. The ones we had before were not able to continue to fly based on FFA rules, but I left that to Veronica to handle.

I was looking forward to Kansas City for two reasons. The first was to relax for a day. Then, hopefully, to see some of my family. The other thing needing my attention, were the now photocopies of my sermon for Thursday. I needed to get it down correctly. They supposedly came from God; and in light of that had happened to date, I knew they were.

I wanted to make some calls, but I was told that my cell had been turned off and that calls made from non-secure areas would not be allowed at any time. However, once we got to Kansas City, they could set up a secure line for me, along with a computer. Veronica said they had deleted all my email accounts, chat profiles, and any other types of web based accounts I had. She told me it was because there were millions of people who wanted to talk to me, chide me, or possibly kill me. So here I was. A day and a half to go and I would give the first sermon of my life. This would come as a shock to many people.