Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 101


8:30 AM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Arrowhead Practice Facility

Mayor Madeline Sipes was back at Arrowhead for some more strategy meetings with Colonel Roland Winters and his staff. In less than twenty-four hours he had managed, if nothing else, to get the people scattered all over Kansas City, under control. For the most part things were peaceful, considering the vast amount of people in the city at this time.

They had set up cooling tents and somehow gotten port-a-potties brought in from all over the region. They were scattered in the downtown area, in and around 20th and Main Street, Volker Park, and the Plaza areas. He had set aside areas under the underpasses of several freeways Downtown where people had set up tents and were camping. He got the biggest grocery chain in Kansas City to setup a tent store in Washington Square Park, across from City Center.

Madeline had reluctantly agreed on police measures after the Colonel informed her that he had placed soldiers in and around the city armed with guns. This concerned her, but as he had put it, this was a city under siege and under the protection of the federal government. Therefore, they were armed and there was nothing she could do or say about it that would make any difference.

They sold ice by the truckloads, and other miscellaneous items like bread and lunchmeat. They had decided no liquor would be sold in the tent store. There were over one hundred clerks working around the clock to handle the mass of people needing to purchase things.

City Center itself was staffed 24/7 with armed guards and military personnel. Most of the dignitaries, including the President of the United States and Jack South, with his group, would be staying there. Security was very tight.

All roads in and around the park were completely closed off to all traffic except military. Some deliveries were allowed to the area. Areas completely closed off were West Summit Street to I-35 from 31st, where the park ended, to 12th Street, then east on 12th Street to Grand Boulevard.

Entrance on Thursday would be limited to only two locations: one at 12th and Main Street, and the other at 31st and Main. For the most part, it was a short walk from either entrance to the park.

Other areas were being used for holding people and campers. That included Penn Valley Jr. College, Volker Park, and Swope Park. Thanks to Reverend Marks, Jumbotrons would be set up in all those areas also to accommodate those who could not get into the closed off areas. That would allow the multitude of people here in the city to still be here in the city and be able to see the entire ceremony, even if they did not get to see Jack in person.

With a combined effort, most of the restaurants in the city were now able to continue selling meals. One of the area’s favorite barbecue spots had run out of food with a line that stretched for over three blocks before they were forced to close their doors. However, supplies in the warehouses in the city and the suburbs seemed capable of keeping most of the restaurants open.

The mayor’s thoughts were interrupted when the Colonel spoke to her, “This Reverend Marks said that if we would like, he could get some gospel singers up at Liberty Memorial Park to sing to the crowd this evening.”

“What do you think?” Madeline asked.

“Might be a good idea. In addition, Bear is completely set up and they can start feeding the Jumbotrons as soon as we give the okay. This way their thoughts would be occupied. They will also be able to see Bear News’ broadcasting.”

“Okay Colonel. I guess that will do. Oh, one other thing, Royals Stadium, the Sprint Center, and Arrowhead will be open for free if you want to put that out. The feed will be seen on the screens there and of course the Power & Light areas too. Do we have an estimate on how many people are in the city who do not actually live here? “

“Best we can figure, ma’am is around five million.”