Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 136


6:33 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

Bear News had the cameras directed at Thomas and his opening speech, but they broke away for comment with the singer in the background, after getting a close up and a few bars of his song. The cameras were now focused on the three anchors at the desk, John Roddenburg, Mary Ann Sinclair, and Geraldo Vasquez.

Mary Ann was commenting on the President’s and the First Lady’s attire. That in true form, they were casual in comparison to other political and business leaders in the stands. “Well John,” she was saying, “I think that if the President came out with a suit jacket and tie, the American public would probably not recognize him. Nevertheless, I also think that it is quite warm and I really would not want to be wearing a tie like the Prime Minister is. It is just too warm for that.”

“I never wear a tie, so I can relate to the President,” John said. “In the meantime Mary Ann, let’s let the viewers get a bird’s eye view of the multitude of people that are waiting for Jack here in Kansas City. I understand from officials, that it is almost five million spread out over the city.”

“Yes John, as you can see from the aerial shots that we are showing provided by the Blimp, both Royals Stadium and Arrowhead are packed to standing room only; even with chairs on the fields. That probably breaks a record here at the Stadium for attendance. Looking out over the Park, it is shoulder to shoulder, much like what you see on New Year’s Eve in Times Square.”

“Yes, and as you can also see from the live shots from our cameras here on the hill,” Geraldo cut in, “The area around Union Station, which is right below the Park, all the way as far as you can see, is again filled wall to wall with people. That stretches all the way to Twelfth Street, if I have my facts right. The crowds continue the other way past the barrier on Main Street. It goes all the way up the hill to the hospital.”

John then said, “Let’s go to Phillip Boneya, who is down by Union Station, for some person to person comments from people that have come here.”


“Yes John, we are here on the street with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, who drove here Monday night from Janesville, Wisconsin, with their family. They have been camping out under I-35 since early Tuesday afternoon.” The broadcast was doing a close up of previously shot footage of their makeshift campsite, showing them and their children, who were about nine, ten, and fourteen or so. Then they cut back to the live interview. “Sean and Debbie, what made you just pick up and come here to Kansas City?”

Sean started talking, “We are a Christian family; and we heard, during the interview with Jack on TV, about what he was able to do in God’s name and that the sermon was being held here in Kansas City. We knew that we had to be here. We study prophecy and we believe that Jack is one of the final witnesses of God, and that yes, Tribulation has started. We were very disappointed that the Rapture was not going to happen, according to what Jack said, but nonetheless, we realized he is of God and we knew we should make the trip. I mean, this is a once in a lifetime experience being here with a real Prophet of God.”

“Has it been difficult?” as Phillip turned to Debbie. “I mean, camping out in the city under a freeway?”

“At first it was, but the Army came in and straightened some things out; and the tent grocery store over there has made getting the things we need very easy. Of course, the port-a-potties help, even though we brought one. We really did appreciate that.”

“What have you been doing since you came here waiting for Jack’s Sermon tonight?” directing the question to Sean.

“We’ve sat and talked to people from everywhere around the country, like us, and shared our views about Jack and the end times. Of course, we have been speculating about the other witness and then worrying if the Midwest would also be destroyed like California has and the East Coast is going to be.”

Phillip turned to Debbie and asked, “Do you think God is punishing the east coast and the south?”

“Oh yes, they are evil in New York and that is where Washington is too. They are all evil.”

“Thanks Debbie for your comments. This is Phillip Boneya, reporting from Union Station here in Kansas City.”

The cameras then returned the viewers to the anchor desk. Mary Ann said to her colleagues, “That was interesting. New York is evil. Do either of you think that is the way many of these people think?” she asked.

Geraldo said, “I think that a lot of them may well think this way. You have to remember, this is the Midwest. This is not the East Coast, and culturally, even though we are all the same country, people and companies from the North or the East are considered with caution around here. So, this type of attitude or thought does not surprise me.”

“I agree,” John said. “Even though the Civil War is over, some of the sentiments from generation to generation has obviously carried over with the industrialized capitalist North. In addition, all the banks and investment firms from a couple of years ago, failed. The government cash bailouts of financial companies fueled the bad vibes people feel about places like New York and Washington. It will be interesting to hear what other people think about this. When we come back, we will have more comments and will be going to our reporter, Keith Ludwig, who is in Royals Stadium, right after a word from our sponsors.”