Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 137


6:50 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

I was still in my hotel suite sitting on the couch. I had the vestment on and the staff across my lap as I watched the Bear News coverage of the preshow. I was glad the people from Wisconsin had the story right for I feared that many would think I was from Lucifer himself, instead of being a Witness from God.

I felt very much apart from others. I had wanted to ask one of my friends to stay with me, but I supposed they felt I needed to be alone. I really did not like being without anyone. It was like being in that chair in Israel all over again.

As my thoughts wandered, I thought about the scroll that Veronica had given me. It said to show them God’s power and it had instructions on how to do so. I really wished that Shraya were here with me, or even Gabriel. I knew that Gabriel would not be. I also worried about the attempt on my life tonight, but I knew and believed that I would not be harmed. Many would try, but would fail. That is what the prophecy said and that is what I believed.

I looked at my watch and realized that it was almost time for me to go. I still had a few more minutes, but I also felt I needed some guidance from God. I slid off the couch, holding the staff with my right hand, kneeled on the floor, bowed my head, and said my opening prayer, “My Father and Jesus Christ. The time has come.” I continued my prayer and when I finished, I gave thanks to the Lord for allowing me this opportunity.