Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 138


6:51 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

The announcer said, “Welcome back to the live and exclusive Bear News coverage of the first ever, self-proclaimed Witness of God, Jack South; as foretold in the Book of Revelations, from Kansas City, Missouri.” As the camera zoomed in on the anchor desk, John turned to his co-anchors and asked, “Do you think that possibly the other witness may be introduced here tonight? What I am saying is, with the coverage worldwide it would seem the best time to introduce him to the world. Never before have so many people worldwide tuned in for any event. I have some stats here on viewership. On our website and the website set up for Jack South by his advertising agency, there are over one billion people logged on worldwide; one billion.”

“Wow,” Geraldo said, “that is incredible.”

“With viewership like this John,” Mary Ann said, “I would definitely agree that this would be the best venue to let the world know who he is. I am sure that the people here and the world are also wondering the same. I also think many of the viewers and people here are expecting to see some act of God to prove that Jack is truly from God himself. What do you think?”

“I don’t really know Mary Ann,” John said, “but let’s go to our correspondent at Royals Stadium, which by the way, like the Arrowhead Stadium, is being used because of the jumbo screens and sound systems. So Keith, are you there?”

“Yes John, I am here with a group of people who have standing room only tickets. By the way, I understand that all the tickets were free here today, on a first come first serve basis. I have here Frank Garner who has come all the way from Jacksonville, Mississippi. So Frank,” as the camera moved into his face, “what do you think Jack is going to do here tonight?”

“I am not sure what he is going to do and to be honest I am almost afraid of what he might do. I mean, he acts like God himself and I am almost convinced that he really is God in disguise.”

“Do you think that maybe Jack will introduce the other witness tonight Frank?”

“I am not sure, but I would like to know who he is. He is scaring the heck out of me.”

“Thanks Frank, for your comments. And this here is,” as he turned to another person in the group, “Greg Reed.” He then said, “Greg went to school with Jack when they both grew up in the Kansas City area. Tell us, Greg, about Jack back then.”

“He was kind of a goofy guy. I knew him all the way from grade school at Tom D. Korte, then Nolin Jr., and onto Van Horn High School. We were not really friends, but you just rather knew him. He played in a band on the east side in high school and other than that, I just remember him sleeping a lot in class. I heard he got into some trouble in his junior year, but I am not sure what it was.”

“So Greg, what is your opinion of your childhood friend now?”

“Like I said, he wasn’t really a friend, but I have to tell you that God picking him out of all the world is a big surprise to me. I mean this person was just like everyone else. I remember that much.”

“Do you have any opinion on what he will do or say tonight?”

“I’m not sure, but I, like the other man over here, hope he does introduce the other witness. But I am almost afraid that when he does, more things are going to happen in the world and there are a lot of people that may get killed.”

“Do you think Jack is killing people Greg, and if so, why?”

“Yes I do, but I think he is doing it so the rest of us will listen to him. I can tell you I will listen tonight.”

“Lastly,” Keith turned to a middle-aged woman and asked her, “Do you think Jack is killing people on purpose?”

“No, he is just following God’s instructions and warning us Christians to get out of the way of trouble. I think he is trying to help us survive Tribulation.”

“Do you believe this is the start of Tribulation?”

“Oh yes, and I know that very soon the Antichrist will take over and battle Jack and the other witness. I have read my Bible.”

“Thank you, uh?”

“Christine, Christine Mudden,” she said.

“Thanks Christine; and now back to you John. This is Keith Ludwig reporting live from Royals Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri.”

“Thank you, Keith,” John said as he turned towards his co-anchors. “Well, it seems that there are a lot of opinions out there about Jack and also that many are here to see if he does something spectacular or introduces the other witness tonight.”

Geraldo said, “No matter what he does, rest assured it will be different. What I mean is that we have had famous ministers on TV before, but nothing like this; which brings up another point. Unlike most televised specials, as for a politician or a famous person, we have absolutely no program other than the pre-show from Reverend Marks. Normally we would get a pre-outline or a copy of the sermon. In this case, we have received nothing at all. So, like everyone else, we have no idea what will occur.”

“You’re right Geraldo,” John said, “and we will pick that back up once we return.” The cameras then swung to get a shot of the choir singing in the background, then cut to commercial.