Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 139


7:10 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jacks South’s Suite

I had gotten up from my prayer and gone to the restroom to see if I looked okay. With the vestment and staff, I thought I looked somewhat biblical. I supposed this was how I was supposed to look. I checked myself again in the mirror then walked back into the suite and saw Gabriel and Ariel sitting there on the couch.

“God heard your prayer Jack and we are here in answer to that prayer, to give you the support that you asked for,” Ariel said.

“Thanks,” I replied. “I have to say, I am nervous.”

“We understand Jack, but you also need to understand that you have it in you to do this. When you walk out there tonight, the Holy Spirit will guide you. Just follow the feeling you have inside. Let your human feelings go and let God guide you. That is all you have to do. You also have your ancestor, Enoch’s spirit with you tonight. Just believe. So that you know, you will be able to see us on the stage. However, no one else will, except Veronica and maybe Mark. So do not refer to us. We are only there for you and so that you know you are not alone tonight.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“You better go Jack. By the time you get to the stage, it will be your time and you will change in the flash of a moment when you walk out on the stage and become who we know you really are. Have faith.”

“Okay.” I bowed, and then opened the door. I told the security guard, “I am ready.”