Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 140


7:20 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

Mary Ann was talking on the air then John interrupted her and said, “Next we are going to have a treat, Mary Ann and Geraldo. Sarah Martin is going to sing ‘Amazing Grace’ for us with the award winning acclaimed Gospel Choir from Chicago, backed by the Kansas City Philharmonic. She came all the way from New York to sing this for the viewers and it is my understanding that she is doing it for free, and that she paid all her own expenses. Arriving yesterday, she and her producer rehearsed with the choir a little while after they arrived. I was here and it was heavenly. So, let’s listen to her sing ‘Amazing Grace.’”

The Reverend Thomas Marks walked out onto the stage and thanked the previous performers, then shouted, “People of God. I have a treat for you tonight. One of our sisters has come here of her own will, to praise God with her angelic voice, to show her faith to the world, and in support of God’s Witness, Jack South. I have the pleasure of introducing Ms. Sarah Martin, international recording star.”

“Thank you Reverend. Thank you so much,” she said as she walked out to the middle of the stage. She then turned to the back of the stage and then again to the front, to the clapping of hundreds of thousands and millions of people. She held her hands high and slowly brought them down to quieten the crowd. The choir started humming the song and the orchestra joined them. She lifted her head to the heavens and started singing, “Amazing Grace…”