Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 141


7:29 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Steps to the Liberty Memorial Stage

I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the song to end. This song always brought tears to my eyes, for I had played it at my father’s funeral. It always reminded me of his death. When I had arrived, a tech had set up a remote mic around my head with an earpiece, like some singers used. I hoped it worked.

I knew that in a moment, I would be introduced. I would then step up on the last step and walk onto the stage. I would ask Thomas to say the prayer I had given him. Then I would do as I was asked to do in the scroll. When I did that, the whole world would know of God’s power. From there, I would talk to them. Not preach, but talk and teach. That was my purpose tonight.