Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


8:35 AM EST   Washington, D.C. - FEMA Headquarters, Director Samuel Jordan’s Office

The director of FEMA, Samuel Jordan, was in his office in conference with his staff. They were all listening to the news feed of the earthquake in California on Bear News. “According to current estimates, the entire region, as described by Jack South, was a complete mess; streets, homes, businesses. Infrastructure such as water, gas and electricity, are completely destroyed,” the news anchor was saying. Samuel knew that a 7.9 was not so critical, but four hundred and twenty two seconds of shaking, as this person predicted, was. Buildings and other infrastructure were not prepared for that.

He had recently been appointed as the Director of FEMA. He had been picked by the Administration solely based on his political ties and his ability to speak on camera effectively. He secretly thought that he got the job because he looked more like the Marlboro Man without the cowboy stuff. The media liked him on camera. He fit their profile, which was better for them than his predecessor was. Now, as leader of FEMA, his job encompassed keeping the public secure in a disaster. He was in his office at around 7:50 a.m. when he saw that he had an email from The Network. Out of curiosity, he had opened it and clicked on the video icon. It was seldom that The Network would send him an email, but when they did, it was usually of some importance or a request for an interview. After he had watched the video, he could not understand why it had been sent from them. He checked the sender’s name and realized that it was actually spam, because whoever had sent it had added another letter to the Network’s email address.

It was about that time that his telephone rang and he was told to turn on the TV. He then learned of the news in California and it hit him, this person, Jack, had predicted it and in exact detail. How could this man know all this? How in the hell did he win those lotteries? No one had ever predicted such a disaster in such detail before as the earthquake in California this morning; even down to the moment it would begin. The worst part was that South put the death toll solely on The Network and Brad Williams; discrediting the entire network, for they would get the blame. It was all over the world’s news stations as well as the threat from Jack South to Brad Williams that if Brad did not broadcast the interview, the death toll would be ninety percent higher.

He knew this was a setback for The Network. It was owned and controlled by The Waldger Group, of which he was a minority member, as were many others in his administration. Having their best anchor destroyed on national, TV did not bode well for the future. Somehow, they needed to neutralize the damage done to The Network or they would definitely lose their market share. Since The Network was the Administration’s primary propaganda source, the damage could cause the current administration to lose votes in the polls and possibly affect the view of the people on issues that were important to The Waldger Group. However, he knew that was not really his business and that the right people would take care of Mr. South, eventually; and neutralize him if the need should arise.

He was also wondering why Homeland Security had not immediately picked up Jack South and find out how in the hell he is able to do this. However, when he asked about it in the earlier conference call with his boss, Jamal Jones, the Chief of Homeland Security, he was told to deal with his own issues and not to involve himself with Jack South. So here he was, just waiting with his staff here for the green light from the President to start the gears of the department that was supposed to react and provide resources in national disasters.

Sam knew from the news reports that it appeared that the earthquake was centered in the San Gabriel Valley and had wiped out most of Pasadena and the surrounding communities as far south as Rosemead; as far north as La Canada; other foothill communities, and parts of Los Angeles. The death toll, personal injury, and property damage were going to be the worst of any natural disaster ever in the history of the United States, if this Jack person was right. In addition, the costs of lives and property would probably be in the billions.

He was well aware of the consequences of Katrina in New Orleans and the inability of quick response. He knew decisions needed to be made quickly. The movement of resources needed to begin immediately. If Jack South was right, the death toll was going to be unmanageable. Getting that cleaned up, identifying the bodies, or even finding them, was going to be a catastrophe in itself.

Once a game plan was announced the movement of personnel, equipment, and supplies would begin. He also knew from the TV coverage that the Governor of California had already contacted the President a few minutes ago, requesting that the area be declared a disaster. He was also aware that the National Guard would soon be called out to immediately seal off the area and start patrolling the streets in order to provide aid to the people as needed. At least all this would happen only after everyone was told to put the Federal Government in gear.

Unfortunately, like New Orleans, this area had a lot of crime to begin with. Gangs, looting, robberies, rape, and carnage would be rampant. Some decisions would have to be made immediately to control the streets and then evacuate the area as needed. This was always a major issue.

In California, there were several FEMA camps. These would be, opened for survivors immediately, to provide some food and shelter for those who needed it. The media counts being quoted were shocking; that it could be up to half a million refugees from the area, if not more. The pictures on TV literally made California look like a war zone.

He turned his attention back to the TV monitor. The Bear News Anchor, John Roddenburg, was announcing that Jack South was on his way to their studios and that they would be broadcasting his interview live, within the next hour or so.

Samuel turned to his assistant, Laura Rogers, and said, “Please try again to get the President on the phone and let him know that we need to move forward as soon as possible.”