Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 76


8:35 PM CEST Day two of 1260 Ramat David Air Force Base, Level I Interrogation Room

“Veronica,” Moshe’s interrogation continued, “you realize that your friend is downstairs in one of our very special rooms. He is with Captain Weismann, whom you will remember from when you were here. Captain Weismann is quite capable of getting where he needs to go in order to gather what we want.”

Veronica, for the first time, knew that she betrayed some emotion, but said, “You have no idea what you are doing. If I were you, I would stop this now. Refuel our plane and let us all go and forget about all of this.”

“Well, maybe we can,” as he opened a folder in front of him. “Maybe you can tell me what this is. He held up a sheet of paper with markings going from the center of the page in circles to the end of the page. What is this that we found on the plane?”

She did not really know what it was, but knew that it belonged to Jack. “Jack said he was to read it because it contained instructions from God regarding the sermons he is to give, starting in Kansas City.” She knew from Gabriel that he had given Jack the folder and it contained several sheets of paper, but she had never actually seen them.

Moshe looked at Veronica and wondered if she really believed all this bullshit. He then said, “Veronica, I need to know what these symbols mean. I faxed them to one of our professors at the University in Tel Aviv and he says he has never seen anything like it before. So what does it say?”

“I really don’t know Moshe. Torture me if you wish, but I cannot translate it for you. Moshe, I am begging you, let this go and let us go. You will not like what happens if you do not.”

“Is that a threat, Veronica? It sure sounds like one.”