From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“Oh, so, are you telling me that you morph into human form as soon as you come up here like some kind of alien or shape shifter…?” she laughed hysterically and then turned serious almost immediately and said, “There‘s no pun intended.”


“There‘s no pun taken,” he replied, smiling sweetly just to show her that he meant every word he said to everyone and he never used sarcasm to blow people off. “You‘re partly correct. We do morph into human form as soon as we ascend, but we‘re not aliens or shape shifters.”


“Oh, my God, what am I going to say when I start talking to my family and friends about


“...About me or about all of us?”

“...About you,” silly,” she said, “about Robinson Bennett.”

“My whole name is Robinson Bradley Bennett.”

“That‘s one of the most beautiful names I‘ve ever heard.”


“What‘s your whole name, Kay?”

“It‘s Kayla Michelle Brown - Lovett.”

“You‘re single and you have two last names.”


“That‘s why I can‘t take your last name if we get married because it would be funny to have three last names.”


“It‘s weird to have three first names, too. My brother‘s name is Robert Bradley Michael Bennett.”


Kay laughed. “Wow!”


“I know, right? I don‘t know what my grandparents were thinking when they registered my dad because he‘s the one that started the whole Robert Bradley Michael thing. Get this, he wanted to continue the tradition, and so far, he‘s succeeded. My nephew‘s name is also Robert Bradley Michael Bennett.”


Kay laughed and said, “He‘s Robert Bradley Michael Bennett, III. Actually, the name I just said, it‘s very nice. It sounds very nice.”


“Yes, it does, but at the same time it‘s very difficult to write. Rob writes his name ‗ROBERT B. M. BENNETT.”


“Robert B. M. Bennett is nice.”



“Actually, I just had the craziest idea. If we get married, I will become Kayla Michelle Brown - Lovett Bennett. However, I could write my name KAYLA B. L. BENNETT.”


“That sounds nice. Actually, having so many names, you could go by different names in all of your documentation as long as you don‘t have a different SSN for every name. You don‘t break the law when you write your name different ways; you do break the law however if for example, Kayla M. Brown - Lovett retained her SSN and then Kayla B. Lovett - Bennett went on and got a different SSN.”


“Oh, my Lord, I would never do that.”


“Good. So, now that we‘re talking about this, have you come to a decision as to what you‘re going to change your name to when we get married? Because we are getting married, you know? I don‘t know when that‘s going to be, though. That is for you to decide.”


Open mouthed and wide-eyed, Kayla said, “So, you meant it when you said to the cops that you‘d marry me any day.”


“Yes, I did,” he said, looking her in the eyes and making them water all of a sudden.