From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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The guard came out and said, “Visitation time has ended for today.”


Destiny and Attorney Rosa got up. “I guess that means we have to go,” he said. “Have a good day,” she said to both of them and then asked Destiny, “May I visit you

when I get out?”

“Sure,” Destiny said.

Attorney Rosa just smiled.

Destiny and Attorney Rosa left and Vanessa went back to her cell.


Just two hours later, Vanessa‘s lawyer, Attorney Mc. Namara, entered the prison and went to pick up Vanessa.


Vanessa got out of prison a few minutes later with a change of clothes, pretty clothes, and got into his Lamborghini. They pulled out of the parking lot and took the road. Attorney Mc. Namara took Vanessa to her parents‘ house. They knew that she would be released from prison any day now, but they didn‘t know that she would be released today. They arrived at Vanessa‘s house and got out of the car. They walked to the entrance and rang the bell.


Michaela opened the door. “Oh, my God, Vanessa, Attorney Mc. Namara, come on in!” She made way for them to enter the house. They went in. Michaela closed the door behind them. Vanessa‘s father, Hugh was working. “Everyone,” she said to her brother and her sisters who were visiting at the moment “get some champagne! Let‘s make a toast to Vanessa!”


Everyone was happy that Vanessa was back. They got all the bottles of champagne that they had and gave Vanessa Coca Cola in a wine glass and they all made a toast. Vanessa‘s aunt, Vivian said, “This goes to Vanessa for regaining her freedom.” They made the toast and drank their champagne while Vanessa drank her soda.


Vanessa went back to her room. It was nice to see everything was the way she‘d left it. Suddenly, the phone rang. Shawna found out from Sergio that Vanessa had repented of everything that she had done, and she was calling her to reconcile with her. Vanessa answered the phone. “Hello.”


“Hello, Vanessa. I wanted to congratulate you for regaining your freedom.” “Do you forgive me? You‘ve never forgiven liars.” “I forgive you.”


Vanessa started to cry. “I didn‘t graduate high school because I had to go to jail!” “Don‘t worry, Vanessa. There‘s a program that can help you get your high-school



“Will it help me get my diploma, and not just a GED?” “You will get a diploma.”


“It sounds great. Where do you take the courses?”

“You do it online.” Shawna gave Vanessa the URL of the web site.

Vanessa wrote down the URL. “Is this free?”


“Yes, it‘s free.”

“Thank you, Shawna.”

“You‘re welcome.”

“I‘ve got to go. I‘m going to start working on this and I‘ve got to concentrate,” Vanessa


“Ok,” said Shawna, “I will talk to you later.”

“Bye, Shawna,” said Vanessa and hung up.