Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 7: The Underground Cave.



At the coliseum. There was a group of rescuers trying to find a way into the coliseum. Mya was helping trapped victims.

Mya: (to herself) God, when I asked you to make something to happen, this is not what I meant.

Headmaster Johnson was searching for doors. He found a maintenance door that led to the underground cave system.

 Johnson: Bingo.

Natalie walked up behind him.

Natalie: Do you have any of your people helping outside too? Or are they too busy killing their own citizens to notice what’s going on?

Johnson: Ha Ha, there is a cave system here and my troops are on the other side trying to find a way in. We can check it out and come back for the rest.

Natalie: Wait, let me get Mya and we will check it out.

Natalie ran to get Mya. As Natalie ran off, Johnson proceeded to the underground cave without her.

 Johnson: I'm not waiting.

Natalie made it to Mya.

Natalie: Hey Mya. Johnson found a door that leads to an underground cave system that would get us out of here.

Mya: Great let's go.

Natalie: Earlier, General Brown told me that there is an underground cave system that had a diamond in it. It could be this underground cave system.

Mya: How do they know about the diamonds and where they're at? I thought only temple officials knew that information.

Natalie: I don’t know, but we will find out. Remember about the The Guardians of the Idacast Diamonds. We should be careful if we see it or get around it.

Mya: Yeah, I remember what the High Priest said.

Natalie: Let’s go then.

They walked to the door and saw that there were a few people that had already found the door.

 Natalie: Great, Johnson must have already gone ahead of us.

They went into the underground cave. It looked like a mine shaft. There were little lights on the ceiling to illuminate the hallway.

Outside, Markus's airship landed in the park next to the coliseum. The ash was still falling like heavy snowfall and piling on the floor. He saw that there were 3 Octo District airships parked by the open trench. There were 2 Octo District soldiers setting up to go down into the trench that leads to the underground cave.

Markus: Excuse me Gentleman, I couldn't help but notice all the fire trucks trying to get into the coliseum, do you know if they found a way in.

Soldier 1: No, that’s why we’re here, we're seeing if there is a way in through this underground hallway here.

Markus: You mind if I help you.

Soldier 2 sneezed 5 times.

 Soldier 2: This damn ash

Markus: Are there more soldiers down there?

Soldier 1: Yeah, they are down there searching. Let’s go check on the progress.

They went down the rope ladder. Soldier 2 signaled Soldier 1 to kill Markus. Soldier 1 nodded in agreement. They walked into the hallway.

Headmaster Johnson was still walking around the cave system.

 Johnson: This place is like a friggin’ mine shaft.

Something passed by him at high speed.

 Johnson: What the hell was that?

He started walking faster. Natalie and Mya was walking in the underground cave system.

 Mya: It feels like we're back in the mine shafts in Avaline Continent.

Natalie: I know.

They approached a hallway that had a red light coming from a large crack in the wall.

 Mya: You see that Natalie.

Natalie: Yeah.

Mya went to the crack and examined it.

 Mya: The crack looks big enough for me to squeeze thru.

Natalie. Okay, I'll keep look out right here.

Mya started squeezing through the crack. Johnson was still walking fast. He tripped and fell over an object on the floor.

Markus and Soldier 1 was still walking the hall. The soldier was walking behind Markus and took out his gun. A loud female scream came out of nowhere in the near distance.

 Markus: Holy shit, you hear that?

Soldier 1: Yes, I did.

Markus: I think it came from this way.

Markus walked toward the scream and the soldier followed. Just when the Soldier was about to shoot Markus in the head, something ran by that startled him.

Soldier 1: What was that?

Markus: Hell if I know.

Then the creature jumped on the Soldier and ripped him to pieces. The creature had a huge tiger like body, muscular legs and arms, a python face with rows of teeth like a great white shark. It was about 8 feet tall with red reptile skin and black stripes like a tiger. This creature was the Red Guardian (RG), they guard the red Idacast Diamond.

Markus quickly grabbed his gun and shot the RG four times in the head. The RG dropped.

Natalie was still watching as Mya kept squeezing through the hall.

Mya: Natalie, what’s going on?

Natalie: I don’t know, but I heard a scream and gunshots.

Johnson got up and notices what he tripped on was a dead mutilated body. He landed in a puddle of blood so he had blood all over him.

 Johnson: Oh damn.

He ran into to the hallway that Natalie and Mya was in.

Johnson: Natalie.

Natalie: Oh my god, is that blood?

Johnson: Yes, but it isn’t mine. It’s like a maze in here, I can’t find a way out.

Mya made it to the other side of the crack and noticed it was a huge room with the red basketball size diamond floating in the middle.

 Mya: Wow.

Then she looked at the ceiling and noticed about 20 RG's staring at her.

 Mya: Oh shit.

She quickly ran back into the crack and started moving as fast as she could back to the other side. The RG'S couldn’t fit in the crack so they started digging their way to her.


An RG ran at Johnson and Natalie shot it.

Johnson: You had a gun at a Peace Conference?

Natalie: I bet you're happy I had one now.

Markus heard the gunshot and ran towards it.

 Markus: HELLO!

Natalie heard him.

 Natalie: OVER HERE!

Markus reunited with Natalie, Mya, and Johnson. Natalie and Mya hugged him.

 Natalie: I'm so happy to see you.

Mya: Please tell me you know how to get out of here. Because we got monsters chasing us.

Markus: Yeah, I do, follow me.

The RG's made it to through the cracks and ran after them. As they were running, they past a few dead mutilated bodies of survivors that came in after Johnson. One jumped on Markus and Natalie quickly shot it in the head before it could bite him.

Markus: Holy shit, thanks Natalie.

Natalie: No problem.

They made it to the opening and reached the rope ladder. Johnson climbed up the ladder first. The RG's approached them. Natalie and Markus stayed behind and shot while Mya went up the ladder.

 Mya: Who's next, I got you covered up here.

Natalie tossed her gun up to Mya and Mya started shooting at the RGs while Natalie climbed up. Markus ran out of bullets and had a new clip in less than 3 seconds.

 Natalie: I'm up.

Markus threw his gun up to Natalie and climbed up as they shot at the RGs.

 Markus: Thanks ladies.

Natalie and Mya turned around and was shocked at the devastation of the city.

 Mya: Oh my. This is terrible.

Natalie tasted one of the ash that fell on her.

 Natalie: What is this that’s falling out the sky?

Markus: Volcanic ash, every volcano in the world erupted at the same time.

Mya: Wow, the planet must have really been pissed at us.