Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 8: The Next Step.


The Temple of Nature.

High Priest Lee and High Priestess Blue was looking at picture of all the destruction the big event caused.

Lee: This is everything the photo probe got pictures of before it went offline.

Blue: Did we hear any word from Captain Leroy Jenkins?

Lee: No, and O.W.O.C. haven’t heard from him in hours either.

Jolin and Lalaine walked in the room.

 Blue: Good to see you ladies.

They all gave each other hugs.

Lee: Thanks for coming on such short notice. I believe this mission requires your expertise.

Lalaine: No problem, anything for the temple.

Lee: We're just waiting for the others to arrive.

They heard arguing coming from the near distance and getting closer.

 Blue: Sounds like them right now.

Amy and Mike walked in first.

 Amy: This is unbelievable.

Natalie, Josh, Markus, Mya, Joe, Joel, Dennis and Kersi walked inside arguing.

 Lee: What are you guys fighting about now?

Amy: They're all fighting over who had it worse during the search and rescue.

Blue: Are you serious?

Natalie: Well I believe we did. None of you guys had huge tiger-lizard-snake looking creatures on steroids try to bite your head off.

Joel: Those things can’t be that bad.

Lee: What things are we talking about?

Natalie, Markus, Mya, Joel, and Dennis stopped and stared at Jolin, Lalaine, Amy, and Mike because they didn't know who they were.

Kersi: Oh Natalie, this is Jolin and Lalaine, the two new instructors.

Natalie: Oh, I'm sorry.

Lee: And this lovely couple is Amy and Mike. They are also high-ranking treasure hunters of the temple. I trust you guys will get along for this mission.

Blue: What creature were you talking about Natalie?

Natalie: There was this underground cave system that looked like a mine shaft by the Coliseum. It had a bunch of red lizard skin, creatures with muscular tiger bodies and the face of a python.

Mya: The red Idacast Diamond was also in a room in that cave.

Lee: So, you saw the diamond there.

Mya: Yes, and those things were guarding it.

Blue: Those were the guardians of the red diamond. Each diamond has a guardian.

Amy: We didn't see anything hanging around the blue diamond.

They were completely unaware of the giant eye that was watching them the whole time while they were in the room.

 Blue: You didn’t see anything at all?

Mike: No, nothing attacked us.

Lee: That’s odd. Something should have been there.

Blue. Okay, so we know the red diamond is in some underground cave by the Monochello Colosseum, the blue diamond is in Mt. Glacius, and the yellow diamond is at the Octo District. We know getting to two of the diamonds will be difficult.

Mike: What about the green diamond?

Lee: The diamond locator had the green diamond near a town on Tanamo Continent.

Joel: Tanamo Continent isn’t the best place to be with Mt. Finine still erupting.

Lee: I know. We may have to wait out the eruptions to continue the mission.

Jolin: Why didn’t anything happen to Unison Continent?

Blue: Because Unison Continent is the world’s cleanest and purest continent. Plus, it is home to the Temple of Nature. But with everything out dead, it will soon affect us so we must act as soon as possible to revive the planet.

Lee: The best thing to do is wait till the ash cloud is gone. Once that is gone, we will start the mission. You guys please get along. This is our chance to start over and show the planet and Mother Nature that we are worthy enough to remain here.


  Jenkins and Lloyd was entering Ginia's atmosphere. Jenkins was singing along to "This is how we do it" by Montell Jordan and grooving to it.

Jenkins: Old school never disappoints.

Their ship was now going thru the thick ash cloud. The airship started shaking violently.

Lloyd: I thought we were supposed to go through the atmosphere over Unison Continent.

Jenkins: That’s what I thought too.

 The alarms started going off.

Jenkins: SHIT!

Lloyd: The engines are failing, they can’t take the ash.

Jenkins: Hold on Lloyd.

The engines exploded.

 Jenkins: Where are we, over land or over water?

Lloyd: It says were over Monochello Continent.

Jenkins: Get ready to crash land.

Jenkins and Lloyd sat down, put on their seat belts and braced themselves for crash landing. The ship crash landed in the middle of Monochello City. It crashed thru 3 skyscrapers before hitting the ground, and tumbled a few times before coming to a complete stop in a baseball field.

Jenkins and Lloyd were beat up from the impacts. They both had bloody noses, a lot of scratches and bruises all over their body and face, and black eyes. They struggled to get out their wrecked airship and could barely walk or stand due to the soreness of their bodies.

Jenkins: Are you okay Lloyd?

Lloyd: No, I'm not. I think my arm is broken.

Jenkins looked at Lloyd and noticed he had a huge glass piece in his arm,

 Jenkins: Lloyd, you got a huge glass shard sticking from your arm.

A small quake took place and the ground beneath them started opening. Millions of black work creatures started pouring out the crack.

 Jenkins: Whoa whoa whoa, what the heck?

Jenkins grabbed Lloyd and helped him run off from the worms.