Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 6: The Big Event.


Mya was inside the ladies’ bathroom reading her speech.

 Mya: Aw man, God, let something happen so I don’t have to do my speech.

Suddenly, a strange wave caused a change in the atmosphere which made everyone dizzy.

 Natalie: Holy crap, I just got dizzy.

Seconds later a massive quake took place. The quake was very violent that it shook people off their feet. The structure around them were tearing apart and crushing people who were beneath them. Everyone was panicking and trying to run to safety. The massive quake was happening everywhere except for Unison Continent. Tall building was swaying back and forth and collapsing in the streets.

On Unison Continent, everyone who was watching the Conference on T.V were witnessing the mayhem before the feed cut them off.

Reporter: Ladies and Gentlemen, I believed the feed has been cut, we will continue to brief you as this event unfolds.

Jolin, Lalaine, Joe, Joel, Markus, Josh, and everyone in the district, temple, and all over the continent were gathered around the television.


Jenkins ran into the headquarters.


Adam: Quakes sir. Measuring way above 10.0 on the Richter scale.

Lloyd: It's happening all over the planet except for Unison Continent.


Avaline Continent. The Temple helicopter was waiting for Amy and Mike. Mike and Amy ran to the helicopter. Their hotel was located at the base of Mt. Glacius. The quake set up a series of huge avalanches. The avalanche was moving at high speed towards the hotel and helicopter.



The pilot took off and reached a safe altitude for the avalanche to pass under them. The avalanche swept the hotel off its foundation like an ice-made tsunami. Amy looked down at the ground and could clearly see the quake waves. It looked like the ripple effect of someone throwing a rock in the lake, but moving on land.

All the coastal cities, except for the ones on Unison Continent were hit by huge tsunamis. No one could escape the huge waves as they crashed upon shore and washed everything and everyone in its path.


  Monochello City Coliseum was taking a huge beating as well. Headmaster Johnson hid under a sturdy table, as well as Natalie and Mya as the building crumbled around them. The quake lasted for 20 minutes before it died down. Natalie stood up from under the table.

Natalie: MYA!

Mya stood up.

Mya: I'M HERE!

Natalie: Thank god.

Outside, many emergency services were scrambling around trying to help survivors. There was a crew trying to help find openings to the coliseum.


Adam, Lloyd, Jenkins and his crew were also scrambling around.

Jenkins: Okay, every available ship must go to Ginia and help search and rescue. We have a lot of room to bring survivors up here until everything is over. Help bring survivors to which District is offering shelter.

Adam: Captain Jenkins. We have another problem here.

Jenkins: What now?

Adam pointed at the monitor.

Adam: The heat level is rapidly rising in every spot that a volcano is located. Including Mt. Finine.

Jenkins: Shit. Get a warning out every town and city by each volcano


Every single volcano erupted on Ginia. Including the Mt. Finine. The explosion was so loud the whole world could hear it. Tons of smoke and ashes was being thrown miles into the atmosphere. The pyroclastic flow from a lot of the volcanos decimated nearby towns and cities. The ash from all volcanoes quickly covered the sky and blocked the sun all around the world, except for Unison Continent.

In Monochello City, the ash cloud covered the sky and ash came down like snow. Some people were confused and tasted the ash, only to spit it out when they realized it was not snow. The ash came down heavy as if it was heavy snowfall in a winter storm.


Everyone in the space station was looking out the window at Ginia. It looked as if the whole planet was covered in a gray and black hurricane with Unison District in the eye.

 Adam: Captain. All those people down there.

Jenkins: I know, there’s nothing we can do besides pray for them. A lot of the airships from the district should still be able to perform a search and rescue. But I can tell you a lot of people are dying down there.

Tears came to Lloyd's eyes.

 Lloyd: I want to help with rescues.

Jenkins: You can come with me to The Temple of Nature. Adam. You’re in charge up here until we return.

Adam: Yes Sir.

Jenkins and Lloyd went to one of the rescue airships and took off to Ginia.


Unison Continent. General Jackson had a group of soldiers gathered up. Josh and Markus were among them.

Jackson: I don’t even need to brief you, I am sure you know why we called you here. Headmaster Peebles has ordered a search and rescue. Shit is still dangerous out there so please be extra careful. You will be getting help from other districts and from the Outer World Observation Center. Dismissed.

Everyone headed to their separate airships.

 Josh: You want to go to Monochello City and see if Natalie and Mya made it out okay.

Markus: Yeah.

Josh: Okay, I'll head to Avaline Continent then.

Markus: Why there?

Josh: The temple said that an important couple may have crashed when all this happened. So, I should find them.

Markus: Well, be careful my brotha.

Josh: You too.

They did their special handshake and headed to their airship. There was a group of 80 airships. When they approached the volcanic ashes, it looked like they were approaching a huge black and gray ash wall.

Josh: Markus you see that?

Markus: Yeah.

Josh: You think our engines will be able to take all that?

Markus: Mines can. Don't know about yours.

Josh: Forgot yours was all customized.

Markus: But honestly these babies are built to withstand that for rescue missions, so we should be fine.

Josh: That’s all you had to say the first time.

Markus: We’re about to hit the shit, so I'll contact you when we get back to the district.

They made it to the ash and had to turn on their virtual navigation.

 Markus: I can't see nothing.