Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 9: The Chemical Fallout Zone


5 weeks later, the volcanoes finally stop erupting and the ash cloud cleared up all around the world. Adam walked into the headquarters of O.W.O.C. His associate, Dave, was looking out the window at Ginia.

Adam: Dave, you called?

Dave: Look, the ash cloud disappeared all around the planet.

Everything looked gray except for Unison Continent.

Adam: It's so gray and dead looking.

Dave: We still haven't heard anything from Captain Jenkins. The photo probes we sent down there haven't picked him up on his last transmission over Monochello Continent. We found the ship, but no one inside. So, we know for sure him and Lloyd made it out the ship, but as far as where they went, we can't tell. We have seen people running around and rescues still going on.

Adam: How many people have we brought here from Ginia?

Dave: About 300,000 people last time I checked. The numbers could have doubled in the last week.

Adam: How much room do we have?

Dave: We have enough room to fit another 300,000.

Adam: Let the districts know if they overflow then we can start picking people up down there. If Captain Jenkins is still alive, he will find some way to send us a message.


Jolin walked into the room and met up with Lee and Blue.

 Jolin: Where is everybody at?

Lee: Josh, Lalaine, Joel, and Dennis went to Reid Continent to get something Lalaine needed badly. Amy and Mike is getting things ready for the mission. Natalie, Kersi, Joe and Markus is at Unison District getting ready for the mission also.

Jolin: Lalaine lives in Reid City. And if I'm not mistaken, when the earthquake took place, the Chemical Power Plant had a meltdown. Her house was in that zone.

Blue: The Chemical Power Plant?

Jolin: Yeah, some big-time scientists found some alien chemical that can be used for power. Like Nuclear Power, except it doesn’t cause a big explosion. The chemical is known to mutant things at a fast rate and turn people into mutated freaks so they did everything they can contain the chemical.

Lee: If it’s so dangerous, why did they use it?

Jolin: Because that chemical was enough to give power for a century so, like any mad scientist and dumb government, they will approve the use of it no matter how dangerous it.

Blue: How do you know about that?

Jolin: I had to do research on them and spy on them for Reid District.

Lee: If the chemical leaked out, would it still be in the air right now.

Jolin: It stays in the air for a week before it clears up. They should be good to breath but if they encounter anyone that’s been exposed to it, it may get ugly.

Blue: Well, they are all highly trained so they should be okay.


Josh's airship landed in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Reid City. Much of the neighborhood was in ruins, but Lalaine's house was in a stable state.

Josh: Lee said that there may be mutant freaks out here so we better watch out.

Joel: Mutant freaks?

Lalaine: There’s a power plant around here that used some weird chemical to make power but could turn things into mutated killers.

Dennis: So why the hell are we here then? What is so important that we had to fly all the way here for?

Lalaine: You'll see. It's something we will need for the mission.

 They stepped out the airship.

 Joel: We're not going to turn into no mutated freaks for breathing this air, are we?

Lalaine: No, the chemical should be out the air. And if you did see it the air would be green.

Josh: Make sure your guns are unlocked and loaded just in case you run into anything.

Josh, Lalaine, Dennis, and Joel stopped at the front door. The house was a two-story pillar house. They all took out their guns and got ready to raid the house.

 Josh: Ready?

Joel: oh yeah.

Dennis kicked open the door and they walked in with their guns drawn. They checked every room.

Josh: Clear.

Lalaine: Clear.

Dennis: clear.

Joel: Clear.

Josh: Okay Lalaine, go get what you need so we can get out of here.

They heard screaming in the near distance.

Joel: You hear that?

Josh: Yeah. Sounds like someone is in trouble.

Dennis: Should we check it out?

Josh: If you want to, just be back quick.

Dennis: Come with me Joel.

Joel: Okay.

Dennis and Joel walked out the back door to find out where the scream came from. Lalaine was upstairs looking around. A lot of memories came to her from her childhood up until she had to go to Reid District. Josh was looking around upstairs also.

Outside, Dennis and Joel was walking.

 Joel: Hey Dennis, do you guys have a problem with me being a homosexual.

Dennis: Joel, you been on our team for 5 years now, and you're asking me that now. No, we don't have an issue with that at all. No one on the team does. You've saved our asses many times and you are considered family. Besides you know we would have said something if we did have an issue with that. Plus, I'm basically the retard of the group and they love me like family.

Joel: You get picked on all the time.

Dennis: Yeah and so do you. But no matter how much we all fight and how bad our fights get, if anything happens we will still have each other’s back.

Joel: True. If any of us end up dying this mission, just want you to know I love you. Like a brother, not the homosexual kind of way.

Dennis: (chuckles) You know we love you too. Why are you getting all sentimental right now?

Joel: I'm just saying, no one lives forever, we had a huge group when I started and now we are down to 7. Any one of us could be the next to die.

Dennis: Dude, shut up with that shit.

They approached a big play ground. There were 2 bodies hanging upside from the swing set and a fire beneath them. There were 3 mutated men walking around. Dennis and Joel hid behind a set of bushes.

 Joel: You see that?

Dennis: Yeah, I see it.

One of the freaks went to one of the body’s that hanging, ripped open the stomach, and started eating the intestines. Joel turned around and threw up.

Dennis: Really Joel? We’ve seen worse than that.

Joel: That was unexpected.

Joel felt something tug on his shirt. He looked down at saw a mutated little boy with a human head in his head.

 Joel: WHOA!

Joel startled the little boy, so the boy screamed a loud, high-pitched scream. Dennis pistol whipped the kid with his gun to knock him out. The 3 freaks at the playground ran towards them. Dennis shot the 3 in the head.

 Joel: Good shot.

At the house, Josh was still looking around at the wreckage. He heard a huge thud in one of the bedrooms ahead of him.

 Josh: Um Lalaine?

He opened the door and saw a huge creature ransacking the room. The creature had black reptile skin, it stood about 8 ft. tall, had a very muscular gorilla like body, and a rat like head with sharp teeth. (Gortiles)

 Josh: What the hell?

The creature looked at Josh and roared. Josh shot it 4 times in the head and it dropped. Lalaine heard the shots and started running towards Josh. Josh went to the body and took a picture with his camera phone. Another creature bust through the wall next to him and punched Josh so hard he flew through the wall. Lalaine showed up and saw the creature.

 Lalaine: Hey you.

Lalaine ran into the hallway and the creature bolted towards her. The creature ran at her so Lalaine used the walls to jump over the creature. While she jumped in the air, she pulled out her gun and shot the creature 5 times in the head. The creature dropped. She took out her phone and took a picture of it too. She walked to the window and saw Josh laying on the ground by his airship.

 Lalaine: Josh, are you okay.

Josh: Yeah, I'm fine.

Lalaine: I'll be down in a minute. The gunshots may attract more of those things.

Dennis and Joel heard the gunshots coming from Lalaine's house.

Joel: You hear that?

Dennis: Yeah, that came from the house. Let’s go.

6 more mutated freaks approached Joel and Dennis, so they took them out with their martial arts. Afterwards they ran to the house. Lalaine was searching her room for the item she came to grab. Josh went in the airship and turned it on. He looked out the window and saw 30 freaks headed their way.

 Josh: Ah, great.

Joel and Dennis made it in the house but a few freaks busted inside also. Dennis and Joel started fighting and shooting them off John Wick style. Joel took a few pocket-sized proximity mines and threw them by the door and outside of the lawn. They exploded whenever the freaks got near them.

 Josh was outside shooting the freaks with the guns of his airship to minimize the amount getting into the house. Lalaine finally found what she was looking for.

 Lalaine: GOT IT.

She ran to the stairs. Dennis threw a grenade at the freaks by the bottom of the stairs. The explosion blew up stairs and threw Lalaine back against the wall. A lot of debris cut up his arms and face.


Dennis: Sorry.

Joel: Coast is clear for now, we will get to the airship and have Josh pick you up from the second story.

Lalaine: Okay.

More freaks come in through the back door so Joel and Dennis ran to the airship through the front door.

 Josh: Where’s Lalaine?

Dennis: We got to get her from the second floor. I accidently blew up the stairs on her.

Josh lifted the airship off the ground. A lot freaks started pouring out the front door and trying to jump to his airship.

 Josh: let me get rid of these guys to make this easier.

Lalaine was running to the 2nd story balcony but she stepped on a weak spot and fell through the floor. She landed on the floor in the downstairs kitchen, right in the middle of a lot of freaks.

 Lalaine: Oh no.

Josh started shooting his airship gun at the freaks downstairs. The bullets tore through the walls and all the freaks. Lalaine stayed down and covered up as the bullets flew past her and blood splattering all over her.

 Josh: I think I got most of them, let’s get Lalaine.

Lalaine walked out the front drenched in blood.

 Joel: There she is.

Josh: I thought you guys said she was upstairs.

Dennis: She was upstairs.

Josh landed the airship and ran to her.

 Josh: Are you hit Lalaine?

Lalaine: No, just covered in their blood.

Joel ran to the water hose and started spraying the blood off her.

 Josh: They said you was upstairs.

Lalaine: I was but I fell through the floor.

Joel was finished spraying her off.

 Lalaine: Thanks Joel.

Dennis: Did you find what you needed?

Lalaine: Yeah. It’s the treasure transporter. So, when we find the diamonds we can just have it transported to the temple instead of us having to fly back and put it on the pillars. This will make everything a whole lot easier.

Josh: Come on; let’s get out of here before more freaks show up.

They went back into the airship and flew off.