Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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The Temple of Nature. They all gathered in the briefing room.

 Lee: I understand you guys ran into resistance in Reid Continent.

Lalaine: Mutated people and some weird creatures.

Lalaine pulled out her phone and showed them the pictures.

 Lee: this was in Reid Continent?

Lalaine: Two of them were in my house.

Blue: Black reptile skin means that those are demonic creatures.

Josh: So, I got snuck by demons?

Lee: The book reads if the planet ever shuts down, other forces may enter and take over the planet.

Markus: Other forces like Demons?

Blue: Yes. Anything and anyone from the Temple draws them out. So, they may have been looking for the teleporter as well.

Lee: Plus, you guys are all marked by the temple. You bare the tattoo mark so they know you’re a target. Their whole mission is to destroy the temple along with anything and anyone who stays here, school here, or train here.

Joel: How do they know that?

Lee: Because the tattoos have an energy connected to it that they sense. They know you pose the biggest threat to them so they will try to take you out more than anything.

Markus: Great, so we're going to have to deal with the Guardians, demonic creature, and whatever freaks are left out there in the Dark Zone.

Natalie: Well Headmaster Peebles have agreed to help us with whatever we need so we should be fine.

Blue: You guys will do fine.

Jolin: Well, I’m ready to bring the planet back to life.

Joel: Me too, let’s get this over with.

Lee: Please be careful out there. Remember the Guardians of each diamond, and out of all the demonic creatures you see, most them will only come out night, but there a couple ones that walks the day and can possess you to do crazy things okay. Please watch each other’s back.

Natalie: Don’t worry, Kersi, Lalaine, Jolin, and I will make sure of it.

They all met up outside the airship landing. There was a waterfall in the background.

Natalie. We are going to split up in 3 different teams, so we can get the diamonds all at once to make this faster. Team 1 will be Me, Dennis and Kersi. Team 2 will be Jolin, Markus, Joel and Mya. Team 3 will be Lalaine, Josh, Amy, and Mike. How does that sound?

Markus: Like we didn't have much of a choice to begin with.

Jolin: You don't like the team?

Markus: I like the team, I just don’t like the fact that we didn't get to pick the team.

Josh: Dude, stop being a little bitch and let’s go.

Markus: Shut up Josh,

Natalie: By the way, Headmaster Peebles said you two keep running from him whenever he calls you guys to his office. Why?

Markus: Let's just say there are about 20 things that he could be calling us to his office for in which we will get in serious trouble.

Natalie: That doesn't surprise me.

Markus: We will suffer the consequences when the mission is over.

Natalie: Can you guys do me one favor? Please no unnecessary casualties or destruction.

Joel: Are you serious? The Dead Zone is nothing but destruction, how can we destroy it any more than it already is?

Natalie just started at Joel.

 Natalie: Smartass. Let’s move out.

Amy: Hold up, before we go, let’s all pray.

They all stood in a circle and held hands. Amy led the prayer. When the prayer we done, they all got in their airships and took off.


General Brown was walking to Headmaster Johnson's Office. Johnson was looking at a map.

Brown: Headmaster, you summoned me?

Johnson: I think it’s time we send a bomb squad to that cave so we can retrieve that diamond in Monochello City.

Brown: No problem. I'll brief them in.

Johnson: Oh, and there has been rumors of soldiers starting a rebellion against us, I want you to flush them out. Last thing I need is another civil war in our own district. Dismissed.

Brown: Yes sir.

Brown walked out the office. He walked to the training ground and met up with a female soldier named Iris.

Brown: Iris, people are talking?

Iris: What do you mean?

Brown: There is rumors going around about the rebellion. Whoever is talking needs to shut the fuck up. The point of this is to be secret and the element of surprise. Headmaster Johnson heard the rumors and now wants me to flush you guys out.

Iris: By "you guys", you're referring to yourself too.

Brown: I know. We got outside help coming and we need to find a way past the security for the yellow diamond. Its Johnson's fault our planet shut down and we need to help revive it and restore peaceful order to Octo District.

Iris: Yes sir. I will do what I can to find the talkers. And I will send someone to help find a way past security to the diamond.

Brown: You're the best Iris.

Brown walked off and Iris watched as he walked away.


Natalie’s team landed by the opening to the cave. Natalie, Dennis, and Kersi walked out.

 Natalie: I'm surprised this cave is still intact after the Big Event.

They walked in and was amazed at the beauty of the cave.

Dennis: Now this is a cool cave.

Kersi: Everything looks like it’s covered in crystals.

Dennis: Should I break a chunk off and offer it to you as an engagement ring?

Kersi: Ew no.

Dennis: We will get married one of these days Kersi.

They approached the room with the diamond.

 Natalie: Here it is. The blue diamond.

Dennis: I thought they said there is supposed to be a guardian, I don't see anything.

Kersi: Me neither.

Natalie took out the Diamond Transporter. She put it underneath the diamond and it teleported to the altar at the Temple.

 Natalie: One down, 3 to go.

Suddenly, the wall exploded behind them. The huge boulders came really close to crushing them.

 Dennis: TIME TO GO.

They ran to the airship while dodging falling boulders and stalagmites. One boulder fell on Dennis's head and knocked him out. Natalie went back to him and dragged him to the airship. When they got inside, Natalie went the driver seat. Kersi strapped in Dennis as Natalie took off.

Natalie: Did you see anything chasing us?

Kersi: No, I didn't.

A huge monster busted out the top of Mt. Glacius. The Blue Guardian (B.G) looked like a 100 ft. long muscular alligator, with blue skin, sharp eagle like claws, and huge dragonfly like wings with blue feathers on them. It started flying after Natalie's airship. Natalie’s proximity warning alarm started going off.

Natalie: Why is my alarm going off?

Kersi looked in the back and saw the B.G. approaching at high speed.

 Kersi: We got a huge problem behind us.

Natalie looked at the rear camera.

 Natalie: Oh shit.

The B.G. teleported in front of the airship.

 Natalie: WHOA!

Natalie stopped the airship seconds before it was about to swallow them whole.

 Kersi: Oh my god, I shit my pants on that one.

Natalie: Are you strapped in?

Kersi: Yeah.

Natalie: Dennis too?

Kersi: Yeah.

Natalie: gotta go turbo mode.

Natalie pushed a red button and the airship started moving a lot faster. The B.G kept teleporting to keep up.

 Natalie: We’re already approaching Monochello Continent.

Kersi: Where are the others?

Natalie: They're too far away to help us. I have an idea.

The airship was now over Monochello Continent.

 Kersi: Are you headed to Octo District?

Natalie: Yes.


  Their headquarters picked up Natalie’s airship and the B.G.

Soldier 1: Major Smith, we have two unidentified objects headed towards our airspace.

Major Smith: What color is the dot?

Soldier: Green Sir.

Major Smith: Green is Unison District. Let them know they're entering restricted airspace.

Soldier: Whatever they have with them is big.

Major Smith: Give them the warning and if they continue we’ll have an air squad ready to take them off.

Natalie’s Airship.

 Radio: You are entering restricted airspace, turn around or we will use lethal force.

Natalie: You can use lethal force on the thing behind me.

Octo District sent 3 airships to fly out to them. When the airships arrived, they shot at Natalie and the B.G. A couple bullets tore thru Natalie's airship.

 Natalie: Damn, we’re hit.

The 3 airships stayed and attacked the B.G. Natalie took off towards Monochello City. The B.G. headed to Octo District. A huge metallic dome covered the district and a huge cannon emerged from the top. They fired the cannon and it blew up the B.G.

Major Smith: Pilots, find that airship and blew them out the sky. They just initiated an attack on us.

Soldier: Shouldn't we alert the headmaster sir?

Major Smith: We just put the dome over the district; he will be in here shortly.

Natalie’s Airship. Natalie got on her radio.

Natalie: Come in Unison come in. We will need assistance in Monochello City. My shuttle is going down, we have been hit and we are going down.

Markus heard her distress.

 Markus: Natalie what happened?

Natalie: We was chased by a huge monster, we used Octo District to distract it and Octo District shot at us. The ship got hit and is stalling out. I should be able to make it to Monochello City.

Markus: We're almost there anyway, we will meet you there.

Natalie: Okay good. Be advised that Octo District may be hostel now.

Markus: Copy that.

Natalie’s controls started to stall out. And her alarms started going off.

 Natalie: No no no no.

Kersi: Should we prepare to eject.

Natalie: None of the controls are working. It won't let us open any doors to eject.

Natalie’s airship made it to Monochello City and was approaching downtown. Downtown Monochello City is filled with tall skyscrapers.

Natalie: brace yourself Kersi.

The airship busted through 4 skyscrapers before stopping in the 5th one. Natalie had a lot of cuts and bruises on her.

Natalie: Are you okay Kersi?

Kersi: I'm still alive.

Natalie: How's Dennis?

Kersi felt his pulse.

Kersi: Still have a pulse.

Natalie: Let’s get out of here before Octo District shows up.

Dennis woke up.

 Dennis: damn I feel like I got hit by a car.

He looked around and noticed that everything was wrecked. He also noticed Natalie and Kersi were injured.

Dennis: What did I miss?

Kersi: We need to get out of here fast.

The 3 Octo District airships arrived at the scene. One of the airships searched the buildings Natalie crashes through, the other 2 started shooting at each floor of the last building Natalie’s team were stuck in. Natalie, Kersi, and Dennis took cover and ducked as the bullets flew by them. Suddenly, the two airships blew up. Natalie, Dennis, and Kersi ran to the staircase and started running down the steps. Dennis stopped.

Natalie: What Dennis?

Dennis: Did you guys here that?

They heard a loud ferocious roar come from 5 floors above them and heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

Dennis: I'm not staying to find out what that was.

They started running down the stairs. The heavy footsteps were coming in faster. Debris was falling from the floors above them. They made it to the lobby and headed towards the entrance. When they made it outside, they ran to one of the wrecked airships that was blown out the sky.

Kersi: I wonder who blew up the airships after us.

Dennis: I wonder what was chasing us.

A huge 20ft tall and 20ft long spider-like creature with black reptile skin, busted out the entrance. It had the body of a spider, praying mantis face, and had very muscular legs. Since the sun was blocked from the high rises it could come out the building.

Kersi: Black reptile skin.

Natalie: A demon...

They started running and the remaining Octo District airships hovered.

Dennis: Damn.

The airship started shooting the demon. After it killed the demon, it put a spotlight on the team.

Speaker: put your hands up and keep them up.

They put their hands up.

Speaker: We are friendly’s, I'm the one who blew up the other 2 airships. Instructor Natalie Deluna we've been dispatched to help you.

Natalie: Who are you?

The airship door opened and Iris walked out.

Natalie: (smiles) Iris.

She walked up to Iris and gave her a hug.

 Natalie: General Brown sent you.

Iris: Yeah, he told me of your mission and figured you would need help with recovering a diamond that’s here in the city.

2 Humvees arrived and cut them off. Five people walked out with guns drawn. Captain Leroy Jenkins and Lloyd were among the group.

Jenkins: Why are you here?

Natalie: I am Instructor Natalie Deluna from the Unison District and Temple of Nature. We are here on a mission from the Temple to retrieve an important item that will help revive the planet. We mean you no harm.

Jenkins: I knew I recognized you. Would you like us to eliminate this Octo District vermin?


Natalie: This is Iris, she is helping us.

Iris: Believe it or not, there are some Octo District people that care about getting our planet back.

Jenkins: I’m sorry, it’s just that there has been numerous Octo District Airships flying around and none of them are concerned about saving survivors. There’s a huge group by the coliseum and they’re more focused on some underground tunnel. Anybody that steps foot in that area, they send them away or kill them.

Natalie: That’s where we need to go.

Natalie then recognized who Jenkins was.

Natalie: Oh my God, aren’t you Captain Leroy Jenkins of the Outer World Observation Center.

Jenkins: Yes, I am.

Natalie: So, this is where you been? Everybody thought you were dead.

Jenkins: Come with us, we will take you to our camp. Those injuries look serious, we will tend to them.