Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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Chapter 11: Blackbear Village


Team 2: Markus, Jolin, Joel, and Mya. Markus was flying around the downtown area looking for Natalie’s airship.

Markus: Her last transmission was in this area.

Joel: Hey look, I think that’s her airship in the street down there.

Mya: Does it look like it crashed?

Markus: That’s not her airship; it’s an Octo District airship.

2 Octo District Airships showed up.

Markus: Damn, time to go.

One of the Octo District Airships shot a missile at Markus’s Airship. Markus dodged one missile, but the other hit the back of his ship. The impact made Markus’s radio shot out its slot and hit him in the head so hard it knocked him out. The airship started spiraling out of control.  Joel jumped into the driver seat and tried to stabilize the airship. The ship was moving so fast it had already spiraled out the city and into the desert.

Mya: Strap up everyone.

Markus’s body was still being tossed around. The ship crash landed half a mile outside a desert village named Blackbear Village. The 2 airships flew over the village.

Pilot 1: I think we got them.

Pilot 2: You don’t want to double tap.

Pilot 1: We’ll just send a ground team to confirm. I’m done flying around right now.

Pilot 2: Okay, I’ll call for a ground team to investigate.

The airships flew off.  Joel and Mya opened the door.

Joel: I think they’re gone. Jolin how is Markus?

Jolin felt his pulse.

Jolin: I have a pulse.

Mya: It looks like were by a village, let’s go see if we can get any help or anyway to phone Unison District to help us.

Joel: Who’s going to carry Markus?

They all looked at each other.

Jolin: I will stay here with him if you guys want to go get help.

Mya: If any Octo District soldiers come back, there are a couple guns in the cabinet by the door.

Jolin: Okay good.

Joel: We will be back as soon as we can.

Joel and Mya started walking towards the village.  Jolin looked at Markus and sighed.

Jolin: (sigh) let's hope they get back before a whole squad show up.

Mya and Joel made it to the village. It was badly damaged due to the quake. Some structures were still standing. There was no one in sight.

 Mya: this place looks like it's been abandoned.

Joel: Yeah, hopefully we find something.

Back at the airship, Jolin saw that Markus had a huge cut on his arm from the crash. She went to get a bandage for the wound. As she was getting the bandage, a black worm, the same one that came from underground, slithered on Markus and slide into the opened wounds, then the cut healed up. She walked up to Markus and saw the cut was gone, but green slim was on it.

 Jolin: (to herself) what the hell?

Mya and Joel made it to an intersection where a bunch of shops were located. There was a convenience store at the corner.

Mya: Hey look, a store. Let's see if they have any supplies.

They went into the store and started searching for supplies. Joel saw a landline phone and went to see if it worked, but was disappointed when he picked it up and there was no dial tone.

 Joel: Dang, it doesn't work.

2 Octo District convoy trucks arrived at the store and parked. About 10 soldiers came out and huddled together. Mya and Joel hid and watched them.

At the airship, Markus woke up and looked around.

 Markus: Whoa, what happened?

Jolin: We crash landed.

Markus: my body feels like I got beat up with metal bats.

Jolin gave him some pills.

 Jolin: Here take this. It's a “Regeneration Pill” It will make you feel better in no time.

Markus took the pill.

Markus: Thanks.

Jolin: You're welcome.

Markus: At least I woke up to a beautiful woman.

Jolin:(smiles) stop it. Mya and Joel went to find supplies in the village nearby, I think we should go help them.

Markus stood up.

Markus: Wow, that pill does work. I feel great now. Where the hell did you get those?

Jolin: From the Temple of Nature.

 At the convenience store, Mya and Joel was still hiding and watching the Octo District soldiers. The 10 soldiers spread out and started searching. 5 Soldiers went into the store that Mya and Joel was hiding. Mya screwed on a silencer for her pistol and signaled Joel that a soldier is coming towards him. Joel grabbed the soldier and slit his throat. One walked by Mya, so she grabbed him, and stabbed him 3 times in the neck. Then both Mya and Joel quickly got up, and shot the remaining 3 soldiers in the head with one shot. They regrouped behind the front counter.

Mya: Piece of cake.

Joel: Yup. Is it bad that I get aroused by this?

Mya: (disgusted) Joel, come on man. I don’t need to know that.

Gunshots started erupting outside. Bullets tore through the wall and windows. Mya and Joel took cover. The soldiers were shooting at a metallic 2 story complex across the street. Markus and Jolin arrived in the village and heard the gun fight nearby.

Markus: Time to go to work.

Markus and Jolin started running towards the shots. They hid behind a nearby motel and observed the gunfight.

Jolin: Okay, so we have 4 soldiers shooting at the building across the street, looking at the building, there is gunfire coming from a window downstairs in the west end, 2 on the second story from east and west end, and 2 coming from the roof.

Markus: Whoever is in that building is shooting at the Octo District Soldiers, so they must be rebels. Blackbear Village has always been a main hideout for the rebels here.

Mya and Joel shot the 4 soldiers while their backs were turned.

Jolin: Shots just came from the convenience store behind them.

Markus: Yes Ms. Obvious I saw that.

Jolin: That could be Mya and Joel. I’ll go make sure.

Markus: I’ll go see who in the building.

Markus and Jolin split up. Markus snuck up to the building and pulled out his gun.

Markus: (to himself) hmm, do I need this. Nope, well maybe, damn, I don’t know. Let's treat yourself to a nice steak dinner if you don’t pull out your pistol.

Jolin was behind him, but Markus didn’t notice.

Markus: (to himself) How about a chicken dinner, damn I so undecided?

Jolin: Markus.

Markus got startled.

Markus: Holy shit, how long have you been standing there?

Jolin: Long enough for me to feel I should be worried about your mental health. Who bets a dinner with himself?

Markus: Aren’t you supposed to be at the store across the street?

Jolin: (chuckles) Oh no, don't try to change the subject.

Markus ran into the building. Jolin just laughed and went to the store. As Markus was sneaking around, he silently knocked out each soldier he came across. Jolin walked out in the street with her hands up.

Jolin: HELLO!

Joel and Mya looked up.

Mya: What the hell is Jolin doing?

Joel: I don't know, but I am going to help her.

Joel put his hands up and walked out. Mya did the same.


The one on the roof stood up.



Markus walked up behind the guy on the roof.

Markus: You look familiar.

The guy turned around and pointed his gun at Markus.

Markus: Whoa, we are on the same team.


Guy: NO

The guy put his gun down.


Markus: (to himself) Geez this woman.

The front door opened and a female stood at the door.

Girl: Come in before another convoy truck shows up.

They walked into the house. The inside looked like a huge hotel lobby. The 5 rebels regrouped. It was 2 females and 3 males. Jolin, Markus, Joel, and Mya stared at them.

Markus: Sorry I had to knock you guys out for a little bit. If it makes you feel any better I usually kill the people that I sneak up on.

Girl: That’s comforting.

Joel: Thanks for letting us in here.

Man: Unison District is not our enemy, we need your help.

Joel: Who are you guys anyway?

Man: I’m John.

Man 2: I’m Evan.

Women 1: I’m Peggy.

Women 2: I’m Virginia.

Man 3: I’m Stix.

Markus, Joel, and Mya just stared at them. Jolin noticed.

Jolin: Don't mind them, that is the same look they gave me when they first met me.

John: Well, if you guys don't mind, we need to find some supplies before the sun disappears behind the mountain.

Joel: What happens when the sun goes down? Do you guys have flashlights?

Virginia: When the sun goes down, that’s when all hell breaks loose.

Stix: There are a bunch of monsters that come out of nowhere when the sun goes down. We’re thinking they’re hiding in a cave system close to here.

Mya: Monsters? What monsters?

Peggy: They’re all different looking? They have black snake like skin.

Joel: Great, more demons.

Evan: Demons?

Mya: Yeah, demons.

Markus: If we need supplies then we need to start gathering right now. Do you know where a working vehicle is? We need to get to Monochello City.

Stix: We have 3 outside, we can loan you one if you guys could please help us gather more supplies.

Outside, the sun was creeping lower while the crew searched the village for more supplies. They were searching in every house and business they could get to. Jolin was in a house and was looking at the family pictures. She walked into a bedroom that belonged to the young daughter. As she was looking around she noticed a teddy bear on the floor with blood stains on it.

Jolin: (to herself) I wonder if they got out.

A loud bang came from the floor above her. Then she heard fluttering as if a bunch of birds were in the attic.

Outside, Joel and Markus was searching with Stix.

Stix: Before the Big Event, we had a whole team of about 30 rebels here. Half of them were killed in the earthquake, the other half was killed when these monsters arrived out of nowhere. These things are fucking brutal. You said they’re demons?

Markus: Yeah, the planet shut itself to start all over again. It’s called the Geniman Process. Since the planet is at its most vulnerable, creatures from other dimensions can slip in. In this case, demons from another dimension is taking over. We need to get to Monochello City to get the red diamond so we can revive the planet. Once the planet is revived, these demons will go away.

Joel: Just think of it as maggots feasting on dead flesh. These demons are the maggots. They’re pests. Then they grow into flies and become bigger pests.

Stix looked at the sky and noticed the sun was almost about the fade behind the nearby mountains.

Stix: We don't have much time.

A minivan approached the village and stopped to gas up at the convenience store. It was a husband, wife, and two teenage boys. The husband got out of the van and tried to pump gas. The gas wasn’t pumping at all.

Husband: Shit, I’m not getting anything.

He went into the store and saw the bodies of the Octo District soldiers.

Husband: Oh my god.

The sun started setting behind the mountains. Stix, Joel, Markus, and Jolin was walking and searching for more supplies at around the village.

Joel: Hey Markus, guess what I found.

Markus: What’s up Joel? You know I don’t like guessing games.

Joel: I know, but you know I am still going to make you guess.

Markus sighed and looked at what Joel had in his hand. It was a rare desert Gold Beetle. They look like quarter sized lady bugs but with a gold coat.

Markus: Holy shit, is that a Desert Gold Beetle?

Joel: Yup, didn’t think these things would survive huh.

Stix: Dude, how could you be comfortable with that?

Joel: It’s just a bug.

Stix: No, I was talking about Markus dealing with a homo for many years.

Markus looked at Stix and then looked at Jolin.

Jolin: Are you serious? You fucking piece of shit?

Stix: I am just saying. Lord knows how many times you had to save that poor bastard.

Markus walked to Stix.

Markus: You want to place a bet on that?

Stix: A bet on what?

Markus: A bet that this “Homo” could whoop your ass in anything. Shooting, martial arts, you name it.

Stix: I doubt he can beat me.

Markus: Joel, you want to prove this dumb ass that you are way more than “just a homo”.

Joel: My pleasure.

Joel dropped the beetle and his findings. Stix looked at him and laughed.

Stix: Are you serious?

He looked at Markus, Joel, and Jolin and saw that they all had straight faces.

Markus: Yeah, I am serious. I don’t need to get mad for him. I can let him handle you because without a doubt he isn’t JUST a homo. He is the world’s most dangerous homo you will ever meet and have the privilege of having him on your team right now. So, how about you show us how big and bad you are because from my experience, you aint shit homie.

Stix glared at Markus and walked up to Joel.

Joel: You want to grab a weapon or anything? A gun perhaps?

Stix: Shut up faggot.

Joel started laughing hysterically. Stix got frustrated, ran at Joel and attacked him. Joel proved to be more skillful at martial arts than Stix when he kept blocking and reversing his blows.

Stix: Stop playing with me.

Joel: I’m not even playing with you. I am not even putting effort in this to be considered for the category of playing.

Stix ran at Joel and Joel knocked him out with a swift kick to the face.

Jolin: That’s what you get you stupid bully.

Markus: See Joel can handle himself, but it pisses me off when people say shit like that to him or any other homosexual person.

Joel: It’s fine Markus, thanks for having my back.

Markus: Anytime man.

Suddenly, a huge scorpion-like demon busted out the ground and swallowed Stix.

Markus: WHOA

It was the size of a Humvee and had tarantula legs, scorpion body and pincher and the face of a praying mantis. Mya, Joel, and Markus started running. Thousands of flying demons appeared over the horrible as well. John, Evan, Peggy, and Virginia saw the flying demons coming.

Virginia: Shit, it's time to get inside everyone.

They started running to the fort. Peggy saw the family running.


As the family was running, a scorpion demon popped out the ground at them. It was seconds away from swallowing one of the teenage boys until Joel shot it. Peggy, Virginia, Evan, and John made it the fort and started shutting everything down.

3 more demon scorpions popped out the ground around the family. One of the demon scorpions grabbed the husband with its pinchers and stabbed him repeatedly with its huge stingers. One of the teenage boy tripped and a demon scorpion dragged him under ground. The other teenage boy was grabbed and the demon ran off with him. Joel went after him but was too slow, the scorpion dragged the boy underneath. Blood gushed out the ground and got on Joel.

The demon bats made it to the village and swarmed all over. Joel ran inside the house that was next door to the safehouse. Markus, Mya, and Jolin met up with Peggy, Virginia, John, and Evan.

Markus: We’re missing a man.

John: I saw him run into the house next door.

Virginia: We need to get to the roof then.

They ran outside to the roof because there was a huge spotlight. Inside the house next door, Joel was loading his gun.

Joel: This is crazy. Damn demons, huge ass monsters chasing us, Octo District on our ass, what else can go wrong?

The windows busted open and the demon bats flew inside. Joel ran upstairs while shooting and locked himself in the master bedroom facing the safehouse. All Joel could hear was the wings flapping, the doors and walls banging, and loud shrieking roars from the demon bats. Joel put a proximity mine by the doors and windows just in case the demon bats came inside. It worked because they both exploded and killed a lot of the bats. Joel ducked as the explosion shot thousands of debris in each direction. A lot of them cut him or went into him. The rest of bats smelt the blood and started heading to the room. The spotlight shined into the room and the bats flew away.


Joel walked to the hole in the wall. He noticed many of the bats were still flying around the light.



Joel climbed down the hole in the wall and ran to the safehouse. Mya let him in and hugged him.

Joel: Damn guys its crazy out there.

John: If the lights stay on, they stay away.

Virginia: They never swarmed all over town like this.

Mya: We’re from the temple, so they sense us.

Virginia: If they break thru, our safe room is up the stairs.

Outside, a huge snake-like demon was approaching the safehouse at high speed. The cord that supplied the safehouse with power was connected to the huge power generator in the convenience store across from them. The snake caught the cord and ended up pulling the generator out of its place and it went flying thru the walls. The power went out.


Everyone ran to the panic room upstairs before the demons busted inside. Virginia locked all the doors.

Virginia: There they won't get in.

Jolin: Are we safe in here?

John: Yes, we should be safe. We just gotta ride this out until the sun comes up.

Peggy: If we last that long.

Mya: Well you sure got a shitty attitude.

Peggy: I’m scared bitch, there’s thousands of monsters on the other side of those doors.

Jolin: Demons, those things are demons.

Virginia: How do you know that?

Joel: I could have sworn Mya told someone that we were from the temple.

John: You don't have to be rude man, we didn't know that.

Joel: Anyone of you guys homophobic too like your boy Stix?

John: What happened to Stix?

Jolin: The demons got him.

Markus: He deserved it too.

Peggy: Yeah, he wasn't the greatest person.

They heard a loud ferocious roar downstairs. They all stood up and looked around.

Peggy: I don’t know what that was just now, but I never heard it before and it came from downstairs.

Mya: It sounded big too.

John: The cameras will show what we’re up against.

Markus was sitting in the corner holding his stomach. Jolin walked to him.

Jolin: You okay, you’re being unusually quiet right now?

Markus: I think I may be hungry or something because my stomach is killing me right now?

Jolin: People usually say that when they have diarrhea.

Markus: I may have that too. I did eat the burritos from cafeteria.

Everyone met up at the camera monitor. John was controlling it. They couldn't see anything in the screen.

John: I can't see shit on this monitor.

Jolin: Where is the camera pointed at?

John moved the camera more and realized it was facing the wall.

John: Why the hell was the camera facing the wall?

Virginia and Evan looked at each other and smirked. There were hundreds of flying demon-bats, demon-scorpions, and demon spiders.

Joel: I think we can get passed that?

Peggy: How? There is too many of them.

A spider claw busted through the floor. It startled all of them.

Markus: WHOA.

Many more started poking through the floors, so they tried their best to dodge them. One of the spider legs busted through the floor under John’s leg. It went into his foot and came out his knee cap. John screamed in agonizing pain as the blood poured out his leg. Then a few more tore through his body as he was laying on the floor screaming. Once the blood poured thru the floor and the demons caught scent of it, they started going crazy trying to get to the top floor. The rest gathered in a corner.

Mya: If we are going to get out of here, now would be the best time.

One of the demon-scorpions busted thru the floor, so the others shoot it.

Joel: Shit.

Joel took out all his incinerating grenades and threw them in the bottom floor while the others continued to shoot the demons that were coming up from the floor.


The grenade exploded and it took out much of the demons that were downstairs.

Joel: Come on let’s go.

Virginia: Where?

Joel: To the Humvees you told us about.

They started to run downstairs to the front door. As they were running, a sharp pain shot through Markus's stomach. It made him kneel so Jolin stopped too.

Jolin: Are you okay Markus?

Markus: That damn pain again. This can't be diarrhea

Jolin: We’ll we gotta go Markus.

She helped Markus up and they ran to the group while shooting the random demons that tried to attack them. As they were running, Virginia was sucked underground by a demon scorpion. Evan was taken by a group of demon-bats. Alex and Peggy were the only two left from the rebel group. Humvee #1 was Mya, Joel, Peggy. Humvee#2 was Jolin, Markus, and Alex.

Humvee 1: Peggy was the driver, Mya and Joel was shooting at the demons chasing them

Joel: Does this Humvee go any faster.

Peggy: We’re about 15 minutes away from Monochello City. We’ll be safest there.

Mya: That’s where we need to go anyway.

Humvee 2: Alex was driving, Markus and Jolin was shooting.

Markus: We have a shit load of demon-bats on our ass. And I’m out of bullets.

Jolin: Me too.

Alex: We’re in a Humvee guys, the gun on the hood.

Markus: Oh yeah.

Jolin: I wanna do it.

Jolin quickly got up and started shooting the gun.

Alex: Too slow man.

Markus: (sigh) Ladies first.

Jolin: Way to be chivalrous. 

They made it to Monochello City. As they were on the Highway, Humvee #1 was approaching a bridge that was destroyed. The demon-bats grouped around Humvee #1.

Peggy: I can’t see shit.

Peggy lost control of the Humvee and it started to flip and slide. It stopped right before it hit the ledge. Alex stopped his Humvee and quickly got out and started shooting the bats around the crash site. Jolin was using the railgun on the top of the Humvee to kill all bats. Markus and Alex helped them all out. Peggy had a bone sticking out her arm and leg. She was screaming in pain.

Alex: Oh, my god. We need to get her to a hospital.

Markus saw an area of lights.

Markus: There is a bunch of lights out there.

Mya: What if that’s Octo District?

Markus: I don’t see any Octo District airships or vehicles down there.

Joel: Well let’s see anyway.

They helped Peggy in the Humvee and drove to the area with the lights. When they drove up, a group of guys ran up with their guns drawn.


They all got out the Humvee with their hands up.

Markus: My name is Markus Avery with the Unison District, we have a hurt teammate in here.

Guy 1: Why are you guys driving an Octo District Humvee?

Markus: We stole them.

The guys put their guns away.

Guy 1: That’s the most gangster shit I heard in 3 weeks. Come, we have supplies that can help you guys, where is the hurt team mate.

Jolin: She’s in the back seat.

The other two guys went to back seat to get Peggy. Once the saw the bones sticking out of her leg and arm they both threw up.

Guy 2: Oh, my god, the whole bone is showing.

Captain Jenkins and Natalie walked up to the scene.

Jenkins: What’s going on?

Natalie: Markus, Jolin, Joel.

She ran to them and gave them a hug.

Natalie: Thank god you guys are okay.

Jenkins: You know them.

Natalie: They’re on my team. Except for the hurt girl and that other guy.

Mya: Hey, aren’t you Captain Leroy Jenkins of The Outer World Observation Center.

Jenkins: Yup that’s me.

Markus: So, you been here this whole time. There have been many search parties out for you.

Jenkins: Come in guys, we have much to discuss.