Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 12: The Green Diamond Situation.


Josh’s airship landed in Tanamo Continent during the morning time. Josh, Lalaine, Amy, and Mike got out and looked around. The luscious jungle was full of dead trees and volcanic ash that was still on the ground.

Lalaine: It’s so ugly here now.

Amy: It used to beautiful here

Josh looked at the Diamond locator.

Josh: It says the diamond is close by.

Mike was looking up at Mt. Finine. The volcano was gone due to the explosion of the eruption. 

Mike: Dang, Mt. Finine is gone. 

Lalaine: Everything else is gone here too, it whipped out everything when it erupted. 

Amy: Do you think it whipped out whatever guardian is guarding the green diamond. 

Josh: Speaking of that, I haven’t heard from Natalie or Markus, I wonder if they found the other diamonds. 

Lalaine: I haven’t heard from Jolin either, usually she lets me know if she’s okay. 

Josh: Let’s get this diamond and go back to them. 

Lalaine pulled out a drone. 

Lalaine: I’m going to send this to the temple to see if they teleported any of the other diamonds. 

She sent the drone away and it flew off at high speed. 

Amy: That is cool. I didn’t know they were that fast.

Lalaine: Yeah, it should be there and back in 20 minutes.

Josh: What else you got in that bag?

Lalaine: I honestly don’t know what all I have in there.

Josh: There is nothing in there that can blow us up or anything?

Lalaine: No, I wouldn’t put anything like that in this bag.

Josh: Okay

They made it to the lake that the green diamond was located. It was a big lake.

Amy: Lake Randon.

Josh: Isn’t this the lake with all them dangerous fish.

Mike: Yeah, but I am sure there is nothing living in there anymore.

The water to the lake was a deep gray color.

Lalaine: This lake used to be so beautiful. Clear blue and green water. Now it just looks depressing.

Josh: well, per the locator, it’s in the water, not too far from shore.

Lalaine looked at the other end of the lake and saw black smoke.

Lalaine: Hey guys, am I seeing things or is there smoke coming from the other end of the lake?

Josh pulled out his binoculars and saw an Octo District Camp.

Josh: You got to be kidding me. Its Octo District.

Mike: (sigh) What should we do?

Josh: Hopefully they haven’t found the diamond yet. We would need to see if they found it, and if not, either beat them to it or take them out and get it.

Lalaine: I’m guessing you are aiming towards take them out and take it.

Josh: (chuckles) It’s like you know me well.

Lalaine: You are not hard to figure out.

Josh: All of us being from the temple and different districts, I’m sure we all possess the ability to get this mission done.

Lalaine: Let’s do it.

Mike: Yeah, I’m down. I haven’t been in any action like you guys have been since this all kicked off.

Josh: (smiles) Lets do this then.

They started making their way to the Octo District camp. At the camp, the group of soldiers were setting their equipment ready to go inside the water. They had about 10 tents set up, and a few crates laying around. There were 2 airships, and 5 jet skis. As they were setting up camp, they were unaware of the many large, neon green tentacles coming out the water. The tentacles looked like extremely long anacondas with huge piranha-like faces and long razor-sharp teeth. The tentacles started grabbing the soldiers and eating them off.

When Josh, Amy, Mike, and Lalaine arrived, it was a bloodbath.

Amy: Oh-my-God.

Josh: What happened here?

Mike: You think the Guardians got them.

They all pulled out their guns.

Josh: Be ready for anything. They said the guardians for the Red Diamond were bad so I am sure the ones for the green diamond is too.

The drone made it back to Lalaine.

Lalaine: Looks like they got the Blue Diamond.

Josh: Okay good, so they would be going after the Red Diamond on Monochello Cointinent.

Lalaine looked at the locator and noticed the diamond was closer to them.

Lalaine: Hey guys, the diamond should be right there, like swimming distance.

A lot of blood was trailing into the water.

Mike: a lot of the blood is trailing into the water, so we I’m guessing.

A tentacle popped out the water and startles Mike. He quickly shot he tentacle in the head.

Mike: WHOA.

Amy saw more tentacles slithering out the water.


Mike met back up with the group. Amy gave him a big hug.

Josh: we need to lure those fuckers out the water so we can get the diamond. Lalaine, you know how you keep asking me to fly my airship.

Lalaine: Yup.

Josh: Today is that day.

Lalaine: Hell yeah.

Lalaine started running back to the airship.

Josh: Mike, Amy, any of you good swimmers?

Amy: I am, I can hold my breath for like 5 minutes.

Josh: How the hell is that possible?

Mike: Trust me, she can do it.

Josh: Okay, when Lalaine shoots the thing out the water, I will lure it out into the wood, that’s when you should go for the diamond.

Mike: What about me?

Josh: You stay above and if the monster comes back, you lure him another direction.

They started shooting the tentacles they came across. Josh found an ammo crate with bigger guns.


Lalaine arrived with the airship. She started shooting at the water and shooting missiles as well.

The Green Guardian (GG) came up from the water. It looked like a giant neon green squid with a lot of the snake tentacles on the bottom. As it roared, Josh hit it with an RPG. The GG looked at Josh and glared at him.

GG: Did you just fucking hit me with a missile.

Josh: WHOA, I didn’t know these things could talk.

The GG went after Josh, so he ran into the woods. When the lake was clear, Amy and Mike grabbed 2 jet skis and went to the area where the diamond was located. Amy gave Mike a kiss and jumped into the lake. Mike stood watch.

In the woods, Josh was still running and shooting.


Lalaine kept shooting missiles at the RG. He started swatting at the airship with his tentacles. Lalaine dodged each one and kept shooting. She inflicted major damage to the GG.

Amy made it to the Diamond. She grabbed it and quickly swam back to the surface. Mike grabbed the diamond from her.

Mike: Good job babe.

The GG sensed the diamond, so he quickly headed back to the lake.

Josh: Shit, he’s going back to the lake.

Lalaine swooped down and picked Josh up.

Josh: Good Job Lalaine.

Lalaine: Do you want to switch?

Josh: No, I’m going to take him down.

Amy and Mike was headed to other side of the lake with the jet skis. As they were riding, Amy took out the Diamond Teleporter and sent it to the Temple. The GG made it to the water and started swimming towards Mike and Amy and high speed. They were going as fast as they could but the GG was closing in fast.

Lalaine flew over the GG.

Lalaine: Josh, there is a silver ball in my bag, take out, push the button and throw it at the Guardian.

Josh reached in the bag, pulled out the silver ball. Pushed the button, and threw it at the GG. The silver ball stuck to the GG. Just as the GG was seconds away of grabbing Mike and Amy, the ball exploded. The explosion blew up the GG and the blast sent Amy and Mike flying off their jet skis, skidding across the water like skipping stones, and landing on shore. Amy and Mike just laid there when Lalaine arrived. Lalaine and Josh ran to Amy and Mike.

Josh: Are you guys okay?

Lalaine: Any of you hurt?

Amy: I’m okay.

Mike: Me too, just very, very sore.

Josh: (looks at Lalaine) I thought you said there was nothing in that bag that could blow us up. What the hell do you call that silver ball?

Lalaine: I call it a life saver at this moment.

Josh: Yeah, that would be the best thing to call it.

Josh laid on the ground along with Amy and Mike.

Josh: we got to see if they need help in Monochello Continent after we rest. It’s been a long morning.