Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 13: Activation


The Temple of Nature. Caitlyn was in the Diamond room looking at the Blue and Green Diamonds floating. Her diamond necklace was still glowing. High Priestess Blue walked in the room.

Blue: Are you okay Caitlyn?

Caitlyn: I don’t know. I am still kind of grieving Grandpa. Being melted or being crushed would be a really messed up way to go.

Blue: I agree. It’s been a rough couple of months. But our team is out there making good progress. It looks like they have 2 diamonds already.

Caitlyn: I wish there was something I could do to help. I been training a lot, I’m sure I can help them fight.

Blue: Caitlyn, there is one way you can help them and the planet at this moment.

Caitlyn: How?

Blue: That glowing diamond in your necklace is the generator key. You stick that diamond in the middle of that pillar and it will activate the diamonds.

Caitlyn: What does each diamond represent.

Blue: Each diamond represents different aspects of nature and life. The Blue Diamond is for the weather, sky and sea. The Green Diamond is for nature, growth, harmony, freshness and fertility. The Yellow Diamond is sunshine, joy, happiness, and energy. The Red Diamond is for fire, blood, passion, and love.

Caitlyn: So, with the Blue and Green Diamond here already. When I activate them, that will pretty much kick start the weather and nature process.

Blue: Yes, it will.

Caitlyn: Can I do it now or do I have to wait for all diamonds?

Blue: You can do it now, when the other diamonds arrive it will just activate them also.

Caitlyn took off her necklace and placed it on the pillar. The diamond shot green lasers to the blue and green diamond and they lit up.

Caitlyn: Wow, I had that around my neck this whole time.

Blue: (smiles) You sure did, your granddad was looking after it and felt it was in good hands with you.

Outside, rain clouds started forming outside.

Monochello Continent.

Thunder clouds started forming. It started raining in Monochello City. Natalie, Jolin, Markus, Joel, Dennis, Mya, Kersi, Jenkins, Lloyd, Iris, and the others in the community ran outside. They watched and celebrated as it down poured. The rain clouds started forming around Josh’s airship. They all looked at the window.

Amy: Is that rain?

Josh: (Smiles) It sure is.

It started raining in Unison Continent. Everyone went outside in the rain. Everyone was outside at the Temple of Nature also.

Lee: Isn’t it incredible. (while talking, shows people celebrating around the world in the rain) How something as simple as rain can bring joy and happiness to a large amount of people. It goes to show you how people take things for granted and once it’s taken away they never realize how much they need it.

Monochello City.

Natalie, Jolin, Markus, Joel, Dennis, Mya, Kersi, Jenkins, Lloyd, and Iris were in the planning room.

Iris: Per our special ops team, the Headmaster is going to have them bomb that cave. Everyone they sent in keeps getting killed by creatures that live there.

Natalie: Those things are the guardians of that diamond. Bombing them would be a big help.

Markus: That should be our entry time. Once they bomb the caves, it will reduce our encounters with those things.

Mya: But then that will ruin the whole layout. I won’t be able to remember where the room was. And what if the explosion destroys the diamond.

Jenkins: It was my understanding that the diamonds can’t be destroyed.

Joel: Are those things really that bad?

Natalie, Mya, and Markus stared at him.

Joel: Okay. 

Iris: I will send a message to General Brown to see if he can provide us with some help.

Natalie: If their radios work we can send a message to Unison District also.

Jenkins: So, we strike tonight.

Lloyd: bout time we get some action around here.

Jenkins: What are you talking about? We get action here all the time.

Later that night, it was still raining heavily and the streets were flooding. The group was overlooking the Octo District camp site by the underground cave.

Joel: Damn do you think it's flooded deep in there.

Mya: It shouldn't be too bad Joel.

Iris: there should be a Comm Tent in there. We need to get to it.

They snuck down to the campsite and started taking out Octo District soldiers one by one.

Josh’s airship arrived in Monochello City.

Josh: I'm not picking up any of their airship trackers.

Iris and Natalie made it to the Comm Tent.

Iris: I just need the phone, you can use the radio to call Unison District.

Iris picked up the phone to call General Brown, Natalie used the radio to get ahold of Unison District.


General Brown received Iris’s message. He quickly walked to the Comms Room and shut off their “distress alarm”. He received a call from Headmaster Johnson.

General Brown: Yes Headmaster.

Johnson: Tell them to blow the cave now.

General Brown: Yes sir.


They started bombing the cave. Joel, Mya, and Kersi was right next to the cave when the ground collapsed beneath them and they fell into the cave.

Mya: You guys okay.

Joel: I’m fine.

Kersi: Me too.

One of the RG’s jumped on Kersi’s back, but Mya and Joel quickly killed it before it could do anything to her.

Kersi: What the hell was that?

Joel: Was that one of the guardians?

Mya: Yes, it was.

Joel: See, they’re not so bad.

Mya: Just keep that attitude once you run into more than one of those things.

Fire was still engulfing the walls and water. There were hundreds of dead RG bodies lying on the floor. Markus, Jolin, Dennis, and Lloyd were taking out the guards on the surface. A lot of the Octo District guards were being snatched by the demons lurking in the darkness. Natalie, Jenkins, and Iris jumped into underground cave.

Natalie: Remember stay in the light, these demons are headed our direction because they’re drawn to us.

On the surface. Markus met up with Jolin.

Markus: We got rid of most the guards. A lot of them disappeared for some reason.

Jolin: Markus, look at the area that don’t have light.

Markus saw all the demons lurking and watching in the darkness.

Jolin: That is why a lot of them disappeared.

Markus: There’s so many of them, if these lights fail we’ll have to use the fire light in the cave.

Lightning started flashing in the sky. Each lightning flash you could see the demons flying or running from the light.

IN THE CAVE, Mya was guiding Joel and Kersi to the room. The water from the rain was up to their knees.

Mya: This so much easier, yet so much harder at the same time.

Kersi: Why is that?

Mya: The bombs destroyed a lot of the Guardians, but the flood is making it harder to navigate the cave and remember where I’m going.

Kersi: But you can remember, right?

Mya: Yes Kersi, I can remember where it is. (looks around) Sort of.

She saw the glowing red light from the diamond.

Mya: And we are here.

They heard roars and growling in the near distance.

Kersi: It sounds like they are close.

Mya: They will be in the room too, we need to either draw them out or kill them all.


Jolin, Markus, Dennis and Lloyd met up at the entrance.

Dennis: Well that went a lot smoother than I thought it would.

Jolin: That is weird.

A bolt of lightning struck the camp and all the lights went out. They heard all the demons roaring and shrieking. Many wings were flapping towards them along with heavy footsteps.

Markus: Time to go in the abyss.

Markus jumped in the hole. The rest followed.

Markus: Damn, that fall looked a lot shorter than I thought.

Jolin: Everything looks shorter when its dark out Markus.

Dennis: Come on let’s go find Mya.

Mya, Kersi, and Joel made it to the room with the red diamond, but no Guardians were inside the room. The red diamond was still floating in the middle. Mya looked at the ceiling and there were none there also.

The others were still running and ran into 3 RG’s. The RG’s lunged in their direction but wasn’t going after them, they were going for the demons that were behind them.

In the diamond room, four 8 ft. tall dark shadow demons walked slowly inside the room.

Kersi: Um, guys, what are those?

Mya: Demons.

The demons were whispering to each other. Joel shot at them, but the bullets didn’t do anything to these demons.

Joel: Um. Our guns killed the last demons, why isn’t it effecting these ones?

One of the Shadow-Demons walked towards the diamond, while the other 3 stared at the team and slowly walked towards them. They could hear the gunshots and other roars from the Guardians and Demons.

Kersi turned around and another Shadow-Demon was behind her.


The demon grabbed Kersi by the back of her neck. Mya and Joel started shooting at it. It threw Kersi against the wall. 6 RG’s busted thru the walls and attacked the demons before they could get to the diamond.

Joel: Mya tend to the diamond.

Mya ran to the diamond and an RG ran to the diamond. Mya paused and the RG stared at her. Joel was still shooting the demons, but the RG’s were damaging them. The other RG’s saw Joel shooting at the demons, so they didn’t attack him. Joel ran to Kersi to see if she was still alive.

Mya showed her temple tattoo and the diamond transporter. The RG pointed to the ceiling. Mya looked up and saw large orange eyes staring at her.

In the hallways of the underground cave, Natalie and Dennis were running from bat-demons and spider-demons. Jenkins and Lloyd were setting more fires to keep out the demons. One RG pinned Lloyd to the wall, but the Spider-demon grabbed the RG. Markus, Jolin, and Iris was still running around trying to find Mya and the others while taking out more demons. They came up to the red light but saw many RG’s going inside the crack in the wall.

Jolin: That’s where the diamond is.

Dennis: Yeah and that’s where the guardians are headed too.

Suddenly, and loud furious roar came from the room. All the RG’s ran out the room and attacked all the demons instead of attacking them. Jolin, Markus, and Iris ran in the room and saw Mya, Kersi, and Joel.

Jolin: Oh, my God is Kersi okay.

Markus: Is that the diamond?

Mya: Yeah, look up.

They looked up at the ceiling and saw the master Guardian. It looked like a semi-truck sized queen bee with red reptile like skin, tiger stripes, and the same faces as the other ones.

Markus: Whoa.

Mya: They’re helping us guys. They’re protecting the diamond from those demons outside.

Iris: Natalie and the others are still out there.

Markus: I’ll go find them, Mya hurry and transport the diamond.

Markus ran out while shooting. Jenkins and Lloyd ran in with the flamethrowers.

Jenkins: Okay so it seems the monsters are fighting each other and leaving us alone.

Lloyd turned around and saw the others, but there were RG’s in the room.

Lloyd: Okay, did we miss something? Were we not supposed to kill those things?

Natalie and Dennis were running and shooting at the demons.

Dennis: It doesn’t seem like the fire is doing anything.

Natalie: I think I can remember the way to the coliseum. I am out of bullets.

Dennis: Me too.

Natalie: Follow me.

In the Diamond room. Mya was trying to teleport the diamond but the shadow demons kept showing up and attacking her. The master RG and the rest were doing their best to kill all the demons in the room. Jolin, Joel, Jenkins, Iris, and Lloyd were still shooting at them. They were more afraid of Jenkin and Lloyd’s flame throwers. The Master RG did an extremely loud roar. All the remaining RGs ran back to the diamond room. In the hallways, they all ran right past Natalie and Dennis.

Natalie: (confused) Okay, so what is going on?

Dennis: They’re running away, but those demons are still coming Natalie.

Natalie and Dennis started running towards the entrance to the Coliseum. Outside the cave, Josh’s airship arrived. They looked down and saw hundreds of different demons lurking around and headed into the cave.

Lalaine: Do you see that?

Amy: That’s got to be where the red diamond and the others are at.

Josh: Do you have anything in that bag of yours that will help us clear these things out?

Lalaine: I don’t know. Let me check.

Lalaine went to her bag and searched around. She pulled out 3 pink metallic ball.

Lalaine: These things may be help.

They opened the door and she dropped the balls. Thousands of demon-bats were flying round their ship. A huge electronic explosion created a dome around the underground cave site and started electrocuting every demon that was caught inside it. A lightning bolt hit Josh’s airship and caused it to lose its electronics.

Josh: OH shit. I think we got hit.

His airship started going out of control.

Josh: Get ready to crash land.

In the diamond room. Mya was finally able to transport the red diamond.

Mya: Okay, I transported the diamond.

Joel: Good, let's get to the Coliseum.

They all started making their way towards the coliseum while Jenkins and Lloyd surrounded them with flames to keep the demons away. One of the demons got ahold of Lloyd.

Jenkins: NOO!!

The demon dragged Lloyd around the counter while he screamed for his life. All the RG’s started attacking the demons in the entranceway to the coliseum. One of the RG’s grabbed Mya’s hand and guided them to the closest exit.


As they neared the entrance, A giant Tarantula-demon jumped in from of them.

Jenkins: SHIT.

Josh’s airship crash landed on the demon and killed it.

Joel: Well, that was convenient.

Josh, Lalaine, Amy, and Mike climbed out.

Mya: JOSH!!

Josh: We came just in time huh?

Mya: You always do, but we need to get to the coliseum.

Markus was still running in the cave looking for Natalie. Suddenly, the sharp pain shot thru his stomach once again. The pain made him fall to his knees.

Markus: (to himself) Damn, what the hell is causing this?

Natalie and Dennis made it to the coliseum entrance.  Natalie saw that Josh, Amy, Lalaine, and Mike was with them.

Natalie: Josh, when did you guys get here?

Josh: We crash landed.

Jolin: Markus went to look for you guys. I’ll go find him.

Jolin ran off to look for Markus.

Lalaine: Wait Jolin.

The others went into the coliseum and started heading towards the entrance outside.

Further in the cave, Markus was still struggling to move. Jolin found him lying on the ground.

Jolin: Markus! Are you okay?

Markus: There's something wrong with me.

Jolin: We need to get to the coliseum. Unison District should be out waiting for us.

Dozens of demons arrived and started walking slowly towards them. A few RG’s came up behind them.

Jolin: shit.

She started shooting at the demons. Markus started screaming and a loud demonic growl came from his scream. His skin started bubbling as if it was water boiling. Jolin started to panic as the RG’s backed away from them.

Jolin: oh my god Markus. What's happening to you?

The demons started backing up from them and walking away.


Josh, Lalaine, Amy, Mike, Natalie, Iris, Jenkins, Dennis, Joel, Mya, and Kersi was trying to find the entrance.

Natalie: I don't know where the entrance is with all this wreckage.

Mya: Me neither.

Dennis: Should we split up?

They all looked at him like he was an idiot.

Dennis: Okay never mind. Just asking damn.

Natalie: I haven't seen any demons yet.

Joel: What about Jolin and Markus? Someone should go and meet with them.

Lalaine: I’ll go.

Joel: I’ll go with you.

Lalaine and Joel ran off. The others moved forward. The others made it to lobby part but had to stop.

Josh: Whoa. What the fuck is that?

They all stood still and stayed quiet. The room was filled with spider webs and holes in the ground. There was a demon spider in the middle of one of the webs and a demon scorpion going into the hole. One the ceiling was dozens of demon bats also.

Iris: it seems like it should've been this way in the cave.

They saw lightning and heard the rain and thunder.

Natalie: I hear thunder and rain, there is a way out close by here.

It started lightning again and Josh saw the opening.

Josh: I see the opening. How the hell are we going to make it there?


Jolin was helping Markus walk to the entrance to the coliseum. Lalaine and Joel met up with Jolin and Markus.

Joel: What happened to Markus?

Jolin: I don't know, he is sick, his body is burning up. Like literally boiling.

Joel helped Jolin with carrying Markus.

Lalaine: We got the green diamond.

Jolin: Thank god. I was worried about you.

Lalaine: You know I always make it Jolin.

Joel: Is it me, or did this cave clear out. There's no more guardians or demons running around.

Jolin: I noticed that too.

They made it to the coliseum and started making their way towards the rest of the group.

Joel: I don't know where we are going.

Jolin: I do, I been to this coliseum many times so I can probably figure it out even thru all this wreckage.

Markus finally started feeling better.

Markus: Guys, I think I can walk now.

Jolin: What the hell was happening to you Markus?

Markus: I don't know, but it hurt like hell.

Jolin: Well follow me.

The others were still trying to figure out how to get past the demon spiders and scorpions.

Amy: Did Lalaine bring her bag with her?

Mike: Yeah, she did.

A demon scorpion was sneaking up behind them. It grabbed Kersi with its pincer and she screamed. The group turned around and started shooting at the demon.


Joel: GET HER!!

The pincher snapped Kersi in half. Her blood got all over them. Joel, Mya, Dennis, Josh, and Natalie started screaming and shooting.

All the other demon spiders, scorpions, and bats started rushing towards them. Dennis was going crazy and shooting.




Dennis grabbed a few grenades and threw them all over the room, then grabbed his last two and unpinned them. The demons were closing in on him and all the grenades exploded. Taking him and many of the demons out in the room.

Josh shook his head then started punching the wall,

Josh: This is bullshit.

Natalie: We can grieve later, we need to get out of here so we can get the last diamond. Their deaths will not be in vain.

They started running towards the opening in the wall. As they were running, The Unison District convoy trucks and Airship busted thru the wall. They started coming in with guns, flamethrowers, and grenade launchers. The team made it to the airships. When the rest of them found Markus, Jolin, Joel, and Lalaine, they escorted them to the rendezvous point. They all made it to the airships and flew off. Joe was on the airship also.

Joe: Glad you guys made it.

Natalie: Not all of us did.

Joe: Who did we lose?

Josh: Kersi and Dennis. Captain Jenkins lost his colleague too.

Joel: (Devastated) We lost Kersi and Dennis?

They team took the time to mourn their fallen comrades.

Natalie: That’s it, when we get the last diamond I am going to kill Headmaster Johnson myself.