Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 14: The discovery



Jolin was visiting with Lee and Blue in the garden.

Lee: So, you said that Markus had a huge cut, and it healed fast with green stuff coming from it.

Jolin: Yes, and then he kept having sharp stomach pains, and I saw his skin like literally boiling when he had those pains. When that happened the demons and the guardians backed away from him.

Blue: It seems like a little demon may have slipped into him and trying to take over his body. But his body won't allow it to take over so easily. Otherwise he would have turned already. The best way to get it out of him is to give him some of the poison of the Demon Orchid. Once the poison shuts his body down, he will get rid of the worm either by vomiting or defecating. After that, give him a Reconstruct Seed to give him his strength.

Jolin: Can't we just squish it?

Lee: Not after it has already taken a host.  But this demon, when he is out, we need to catch it. Did you see Markus here earlier?

Jolin: Yeah, I think he is still here.

Lee: Good, because if he was infested with a dark demon he would not have been able to step foot around here. Mother Nature put an invisible shield over to keep demons out. The ONLY demons that are allowed on temple ground are Bladein Descendant Demons. If he is here, he is being used by one of them. They just don't choose random people, they choose strong people who are in a weakened state so they can gain energy and give them energy as well.

Jolin: So, would it be better to keep the demon inside him?

Blue: I know Markus, he is not going to want to keep that inside him.

Jolin: Why are Bladein Descendant Demon’s special?

Lee: The only way to answer that is to have you go to the scroll room and read the scroll of Bladein. We will just say that him and Mother has an alliance. A special alliance.

Jolin: Okay so poison of the Demon Orchid, and the Reconstruct Seed. Got it. When the demon gets out, catch it, and bring it here.

Lee: Yes.

Blue: I heard you lost a couple members of the team.

Jolin: Yeah, we did.

Blue: Just one more diamond to go. Don't worry, the planet will award those who have fallen. Their deaths will not be in vain.


Headmaster Johnson was in his office when he called General Brown up. Brown walked in.

Johnson: I hear that the Red Diamond was confiscated by the Unison District and that they took out all our troops there. 

Brown: I was unaware of that.

Johnson: Yeah, they tried to send a distress to us, but the lines were cut off. If I am not mistaken, that can only be done from here.

Brown: Yes, that's true.

Johnson: Why haven't you found any of the traitors that I asked you to find.

Brown: We have been looking.

Johnson: Maybe you are looking in the wrong places. Maybe one of the traitors is right in front of my face. You don't think I don't have cameras all over this place.

Brown: Maybe you're the traitor. The last couple years you sure as hell haven't been yourself. You broke every peace treaty with all Districts. You’re killing your own citizens. YOU'RE THE FUCKING TRAITOR!

Johnson charged at Brown and threw him against the wall. Then he held Brown up by his neck with one arm. Brown tried to defend himself with his martial arts training, but he was no match for Johnson. Johnson’s eyes started glowing orange.

Johnson: First we will destroy Unison District for attacking us with that giant monster and interfering with our operations twice.

Brown: Because of you and this operation the planet is dead. Now it makes since why you’re after the diamonds. Why you’ve changed so much. It wasn't even Johnson.

Johnson: Don't worry, we will reunite you with him in a little bit.

4 soldiers came in.

Johnson: Send this traitor to the concentration camp with the others.

The soldiers took General Brown to the concentration camp and threw him inside a dungeon like cage. There was someone lying down in the dark corner when they threw him in.


The guy in the corner got up.

Guy: I have been saying that for 2 years and yet they don't seem to care.

Brown: Who are you?

The guy walked out the corner and it was the real Headmaster Johnson.

Brown: Johnson?

Johnson: I must admit. I am a little disappointed that no one noticed that imposter wasn’t me.

Brown: How could we have known? We just thought you went crazy. What happened to you?

Johnson: I was possessed. All I remember was getting back from a hot date and then waking up in here. Next thing I know I am looking at myself and it’s telling me they are going to destroy everything I worked so hard for, and the world at the same time. I have tried escaping so many times, tried to get message out that I was here, and asked them to just kill me, but they insist on making me stay here.

Brown: Well, we need to find a way out because we been staging an uprising against you. Well, against your demon clone.

One of the guards was pacing back and forth in front of the cave.

Guard: It seems to be snowing in the desert.

Brown: Let's break out the snowmobile.

Johnson: (Confused) What?!

Brown: that's our secret code. To know who is with the uprising and who isn't. (to guard) What is your name young man?

Guard: Aaron, Aaron Smith sir.

Brown: You see this man right here Aaron, do you know who he is?

Johnson had a huge and thick beard and also long hair.

Aaron: He looks like a homeless version of our headmaster.

Brown: This is Headmaster Johnson. The real one.

Aaron: I KNEW IT. I just won a bet.

Johnson: That’s great, but do you happen to have a key or know a way out of here?

Aaron: Sure do. We got your message and have an airship ready for you right now, the only thing I am waiting for is the boom.

The wall behind them exploded. All the alarms went. Aaron escorted Brown and Johnson out to the airship while taking out the few guards that tried to stop them. They made it to the airship and took off.

Brown: Good job Aaron.

Aaron: Thank you sir, where are we headed?

Johnson: Unison District. We need to let them know what the hell is going on.


Natalie was walking with Iris and Jenkins to Headmaster Peebles office. General Larus opened the door. They saluted him and walked in.

Peebles: Instructor Natalie, how are things progressing with the Temple mission.

Natalie: We have one more diamond to go. We did lose a few in the process.

Peebles: I am sorry Natalie.

Natalie: The last diamond is in Octo District and we will need some help with this one.

Peebles: It’s in Octo District?

Natalie: Yes sir. This here is Iris. She is a combat pilot with Octo District. Her, General Brown, and others are staging an uprising against the Headmaster so they will help with gaining access inside.

Peebles: Headmaster Johnson just contacted us waging war. I still don’t know what we were in war for in the first place.

Iris: Headmaster Johnson has gone crazy.

General Brown walked in.

Brown: Went crazy is an understatement.

Peebles: General Brown. What brings you here?

Brown: I had to escape here. Shit has really hit the fan and the imposter claiming to be our headmaster has waged war against Unison again.

Peebles: Imposter?

Johnson walked in, it took a few seconds for everyone to realize that was him.

Peebles: Johnson is that you?

Johnson looked at Natalie and smile.

Johnson: Hi gorgeous.

Natalie: (Smiles) It is Johnson.

Peebles: Holy shit, what happened to you?

Johnson: I spent the last two years in the damn dungeon of my own district. All I remember was I was on a hot date. After I left her house, I was driving and got hit by something. When I woke up, I was in my dungeon looking at myself. Like a clone of me you know. Whoever this person was called himself Shadow. He said he was going to kill everyone on this planet and release Drago. I spent my time trying to get message out to anyone. I almost escaped like 10 times. Now that I hear what kind of hell he raised in my name, I’m ready to kill that bastard.

Natalie: Well get in line. You have a whole special forces team that wants his head on a stick.

Johnson: So, I hear the last diamond is at my district. Does anyone have a plan on getting it?


Markus was lying in bed sweating. Jolin was next to him and so was Josh. Markus was sipping on the tea mixed the poison of the Demon Orchid. Caitlyn knocked on his door.

Jolin: Come in.

Caitlyn walked in and had a green jar with her.

Caitlyn: Hi guys, High Priest Lee sent me here to give you this special jar and help with catching the worm.

Markus: WHAT WORM!?

Jolin: The demon in you Markus.

Markus: Oh yeah.

I think I need to use the bathroom. Markus tried to get up slowly. When he sat up straight he started projectile vomiting and defecating.


Caitlyn: Ewwwww.

Jolin: Oh my god.

Caitlyn got sick and then she started vomiting. Jolin started vomiting too. Josh was laughing hysterically and recording with his phone.

Josh: (laughing) ya’ll are all weak asses.

The worm finally came out of Markus.

Jolin: There it is.

Markus was laying on the ground, so Jolin gave him the reconstruct seed. Josh and Caitlyn was chasing the worm around the district. Jolin stepped in to help.

Josh: Caitlyn. What is so special about the jar?

Caitlyn: It’s a demon jar, it contains demons.

Josh noticed the demon was getting bigger. The district alarm started going off.

Caitlyn: What’s that?

Josh: The district alarms.

Caitlyn: Why are they going off?

Josh: it only goes off if we’re under attack.

Caitlyn: Who is attacking us?

In the headmaster’s office, Headmaster Johnson was playing with the alarm switch.

Johnson: Your alarms sound different than mine.

Peebles: You probably just freaked out everyone in this district right now.

Johnson: I wonder if anyone is walking around looking for trouble with their guns.

Almost everyone in the district was out with their guns drawn. Johnson turned the alarm off.

Johnson: Okay I am done.

Peebles: Haven't changed one bit.

Markus met up with Josh, Jolin, and Caitlyn.

Josh: You feeling better?

Markus: After damn near shitting and vomiting my whole insides, cleaning up a huge mess that wasn't entirely mine, and taking an extremely detailed shower. I feel like a new man. What the hell is going on and where is that worm?

Josh: We lost the worm.

Markus Shit.

Natalie, and Iris met up with Markus, Jolin, and Caitlyn.

Natalie: Guys, it's time to get the last diamond and end this.

Josh: About time.

Markus: When do we leave?

Iris: In an hour.

Caitlyn: I can stay and try to catch the worm for you guys.

Jolin: Thank you Caitlyn, we appreciate that.

The team left while Caitlyn stayed behind. Everybody was still running around the district so it made her mission more difficult.