I/Tulpa: Pokémon Go NY by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


Chester walked on a leash, always just in front of Jon, while Jenny walked on his right. It struck Jon there were no cars, and except for a few bicycles, racing madly as if determined to get somewhere fast, one with a really odd Pokémon wearing a dress in a basket, people walked. He had seen several motorcycles with sidecars at the police station on chargers, so they did have vehicles. A couple of people were riding Pokémon, and some of those took straight to the sky, which was very distracting, causing Jenny to hurry remind him to keep up. The only other distraction was the pedestrians who would stop them to address his ‘puppy.’  “Aww, what a cute puppy,” but then would quickly ad, “But just not as a good a Pokémon.”

 “Does every one see through the puppy disguise but me?” Jon asked.

 “Everyone see it as a puppy,” Jenny said.

 Jon pouted. “I have so much to learn.”

 “Aww, you’ll get there. Even as old as you are, you can still learn new tricks,” Jenny said. “Isn’t that right, Chester?”

 Chester barked that he agreed.

 “If you say so,” Jon said.

 Jenny suddenly pulled Jon up against a building. “I don’t think they noticed me,” Jenny said. “But quick, kiss me, anyway.”

 “What?” Jon began.

 But Jenny pulled Jon to her and buried her face in his, spun him, and pushed up against the wall. Chester sat and looked up at them. Jenny brought the kiss to an end, but didn’t leave his eyes.

 “Wow,” Jenny said. “You kiss like a Pokémon!”

 “What does that mean?” Jon asked.

 Jenny sighed, almost breathless. “I will tell you some day, but first, I must stop Team Rocket. Stay here.”

 Jenny rushed across the street, simultaneously calling for back up. A Machamp burst through the door, shattering windows, leaving a shadow of Machamp in the building, like a cookie cutter might leave in a spread of dough. Debris rained down over Jenny, causing her to shield her eyes with her arm, and Machamp rushed out, hit her with two open palms, and sent her flying back across the street. Jenny was KO, but the Machamp advanced, seriously intending to end her. Chester broke free of his leash and ran to defend her, putting himself between Machamp and Jenny. Machamp roared, beating its chest with all four hands, and then pounded the street with the upper two, breaking the road. Jacey and Jacky emerged with silver suitcases in each hand, four altogether. Jon went to Jenny’s side, not knowing what to do. He emptied the last two units of his rive spray on her face, but nothing happened.

 “This way, Machamp!” Jacky called.

 Machamp roared at Chester. Chester barked back at it.

 “Leave the puppy and come,” Jacey shouted.

 “I told you it was too powerful for us to control!” Jacky said.

 “Fine, we’ll get another one,” Jacey said. “Let’s go.”

 Jacey and Jacky ran off as Machamp rushed Chester. Chester charged, and jumped and bit one of its arms, but was quickly caught up in the other hands. It yelped.

 “Hey!” Jon said. “Put him down, now.”

 Machamp was surprised to be spoken to in this manner. It roared at Jon.

 “Down, now,” Jon said.

 Machamp tossed Chester down, and he just lay there. Jenny had waken to see Jon confronting the Machamp, and reached over to pull Chester out of the way as Machamp pounded the ground on either side of Jon.

 “Stop that,” Jon said, pointing at the Machamp. He held up an empty ball. “Now, in the ball.”

 Machamp took the ball and crushed it, right in front his face. Jon reached into his bag for another one. Machamp charged Jon, picked him up, and took him to the far side of the street, pushing him up against the wall and yelling into his face. Jon was in a great deal of pain, but he kept his eyes open, holding Machamp’s gaze. Take enough knocks as a kid, and you learn to gate pain into a holding area, but what gave him strength was knowing he was defending the world, and helping Jenny.

 “You want to play ball?” Jon asked. “Well, let’s play hard ball.”

 It smashed the wall to either side of Jon, roaring. Jon pulled a Pine Cone on Machamp, hesitated, kissed it to distract it, which really did confused the Pokémon, and then he hit it straight in the center of the forehead. In she went. Jon fell to the ground. The next thing he knew, he was in the Pokémon Center, Joy hovering over him.

 “How do you feel?” Jon asked.

 “Confused,” Jon said. He sat up suddenly. “Jenny!”

 “Easy,” Joy said.

 “I am here, Jon,” Jenny said. “Thanks to you and Chester.”

 “Chester?” Jon asked.

 “Oh, he’s okay,” Joy said. “If he hadn’t been wearing that suit, though, I don’t think he would be here.”

 Chester licked Jenny’s face.

 “Yes, I love you, too,” Jenny said. “Good dog. So, Jon, feel up to finishing our mission?”

 “Really? What about Jacky and Jacey?” Jon asked.

 “Oh, they got away with some prized Pokémon, for now,” Jenny said. “But we’ll catch up with them sooner or later. Team Rocket is known for making mistakes.”

 So, Jon and Jenny returned to their mission, Chester leading the way.

 “May I ask you something?” Jon asked.

 “Anything,” Jenny said.

 “You kissed me to escape getting noticed,” Jon said.

 “Yes,” Jenny said.

 “Does that ever work?” Jon asked.

 “It worked for me,” Jenny said. “And kissing the Machamp worked for you. That was quick thinking and very brave.”

 “Would you kiss me again?” Jon asked.

 “Sure, in the line of duty or as a friend,” Jenny said.

 “Good, then kiss me now,” Jon said, dragging her to the wall.

 Jenny obeyed, and when the kiss went on longer than it should have, she stopped it.

“What? Did you see the man who sold you Chester?”

 “No, I just wanted to kiss you again,” Jon said.

 “I said no tricks, Mr.,” Jenny said.

 “You said no funny business, but a kiss isn’t funny,” Jon said.

 “True that,” Jenny said, hugging his neck and kissing him again. “I really don’t know what to make of you.”

 Chester barked. Jenny and Jon followed his gaze, the leash going taught as he wanted to go towards Stanly. But he wasn’t in the wheel chair, and he was carrying a large bag.

 “That’s him,” Jon said.

 “Are you sure?’ Jenny said.

 “Pretty sure. He was in a wheel chair last time,” Jon admitted.

 “Quick, let’s follow,” Jenny said.

 They followed Stanly, and every time he looked back to see if he was being followed,

Jenny kissed Jon. Finally, even by the door to Stanly’s home, they were kissing.

 “You two should really get a room,” Stanly said.

 “Hello, Stanly,” Jon said.

 “It’s Stan Lee!” Stan said. Jenny cuffed him. He dropped a grocery bag full of dog food.


 “You’re swindling days are over, Mr. Stanly!” Jenny said.

 “Stan Lee,” Stan corrected.

“That’s what I said,” Jenny said.

“Please, don’t arrest me till you hear my story,” Stan begged.

 “Start talking,” Jenny offered.

 “Come inside,” Stan said, inviting Chester, Jon, and Jenny in. jon collected the dog food for him and brought it inside with them.

 Inside the home, there was at least a hundred dogs, of all breeds, all ages, and all sizes. An old Poodle walked upright using a human walker. A Chihuahua walked on an exercise ball. Yorkies ran in circles, up onto a couch, back onto the floor, back on the couch, off the couch. Some larger dogs slept on the floor, their bellies exposed while puppies jumped over them.

 “A puppy mill!” Jenny said. “You better have one good story, Sir!”

 “These dogs came to me, homeless, hungry, afraid. No one wants a dog in this world. People just want Pokémon! I took it upon myself to care for them, but do you know how expensive dog food is in this world? I can’t afford dog food on my pension. So, my friend at Stark gave me some experimental puppy power Pokémon suit, in exchange for data on puppy performance against Pokémon. This allowed me to train so I could at earn some pocket money battling, but also allowed me to adopt some of them out. Stark still collects its data, which pays for the suits, they get a home, and I get just enough food on the table to feed this lot,” Stan said.

“Usually, once people find out Chester isn’t a Pikachu, they kick him to the street and he comes back here. This is the first time Chester never came home.”

 “That is really sad,” Jenny said. “But if you’re running an orphanage for dogs, the city will help pay for their food, and maybe help adopt them out to people who are allergic to Pokémon.”

 “You would do that for me?” Stan said.

 “Absolutely,” Jenny said.

 “I can’t give the money back. It spent it all on dog food,” Stan said.

 “That’s okay,” Jenny said.

 “It is?” Jon asked.

 “Sure,” Jenny said.

 “What happened to sending him up the river?” Jon asked.

 “How would that help society? All these dogs would be homeless and hungry,” Jenny said. “I will send someone from our department to start the aid process, and we’ll have someone convert the abandoned kid park into a dog park, and extend your property to include a kennel.

But next time, come to me when you need help. Don’t swindle people.”

 “Okay,” Stan said, looking appropriately chastised and humbled.

 “Let’s go, Jon,” Jenny said.

 “Really?” Jon said. “That’s it?”

 “Jon, you have to have compassion for people and situations,” Jenny said.

 “You were so going to send me up river,” Jon said.

 “Oh, that was just a little fear tactic to make sure you were cooperating fully,” Jenny said, patting him playfully.

 “Should have started with the kiss,” Jon mumbled. “Fine, Chester. Let’s go.”

 “Wait just a minute,” Stan said. “Chester’s mine.”

 “I bought him, fair and square,” Jon said.

 “Come here, Chester,” Stan said. Chester took one step closer. “Good dog.”

 “Wait wait wait,” Jon said. “Chester, come back here.”

 “He’s mine!” Stan said. “Chester, remember who fed you when you were hungry?”

 “He’s my dog,” Jon said. “Who went up against Machamp for you when you got KO!”

 “You did legally sell him,” Jenny pointed out. “And, it’s not illegal to buy dogs, even if they are in Pikachu power puppy Pokémon suit.”

 “But he’s not a Pokémon! Why would you want a non-Pokémon pet?” Stan said.

 “Why don’t we let Chester decide?” Jenny said. “Chester, who do you want to go with?”

 Chester looked at Jon and then looked at Stan. Jon called to Chester, and he got up, wagging his tail. Stan called to Chester and he took a step towards him. Jon called him again.

Stan called him again. Chester turned and went and sat down next to Jenny.

 “I guess the police station has a new mascot,” Jenny said.

 “But he’s got the best power suit!” Stan said.

 “Sorry, it’s stuck on the dog, so it comes with the dog, per the original sell, unless, you’d prefer to go up river,” Jenny said.

 “The jail is run by Jenny clones,” Jon offered.

 “There is that,” Stan said, considering. “Go ahead, Chester. You always wanted to be a crime stopping dog.”

 “Oh, we don’t believe in crime stopping in this world,” Jenny said. “We just investigate after that crime happened and try to make things right. Come on, Jon, let’s get you back to your friends. You’ve had enough adventures for one day.”

 Back at the station, multiple Jenny’s gave Jon a hug. A couple of them even kissed him. They claimed this was thanks for saving their sister and for being so brave while out on assignment, but it was more likely they wanted to confirm for themselves that Jon tasted like a Pokémon. One of the Jenny’s awarded him a Special Service badge, pinning it on the inside of his jacket, and then gave him a secret wink. “Show this to any law enforcement officer, and you will be taken care of,” she said, kissed him, and hurried off.

 Jenny returned with Jon’s friends. “You guys should be really proud of your friend,” she said. She hugged Jon. “Farewell, my friend. And anytime you want to work undercover, come see me.”

 Jon blushed. Loxy and Reese took Jon by the arms and took him outside.

 “Bye now,” Jenny said, waving. Chester barked.

 Outside, Loxy, Reese, and Mentos confronted him.

 “What was all of that about?” Loxy led with.

 “Why do you have lipstick all over you?” Reese led with.

 “Where’s my Pikachu?!” Mentos led with.

 “We’re back on that?” Reese asked.

 “He spent all of our money on a Pikachu and we don’t even have a dog to show for it!”

Mentos snapped. He pointed to Jon. “We are not friends, Sir. Don’t talk to me, don’t ask for my help, but don’t think you’re getting off Jenny free! You owe me. Until you pay me back ever last Poké cent, I am going to hound you like the dog you are and lost.”

 Mentos turned and stormed off.

 “Where are you going?” Reese demanded.

 “To the Pokémon center to revive and restore my Pokémon,” Mentos called back.

 “Sorry for what my brother said. He will calm down,” Reese said to Jon.

 “He’s right to be angry,” Jon said. “I really messed up.”

 Loxy patted Jon on the shoulder. “That’s how we improve. Reese and I have to go revive and restore our Pokémon, too. We’re just going to have to keep battling the gym until we level up. Wait for us there.”