Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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James woke the next morning feeling rested and rather energized; as a matter of fact he hadn’t felt this good in months. He remembered what Daniel had said about the camp; he liked the ‘feel’ of this camp, it was very positive. All the people were very friendly, and helpful, and the animals were a sight. There were two enormous huskies to greet him when he woke this morning. He spotted Lady Emily’s falcon circling the camp and watched as he glided to a landing. Lady Emily came up behind him and answered his unspoken question.


“His name is Lancelot, he’s a Peregrine falcon who has been enhanced; it quadrupled his size. He flies night patrol with the dragons every evening.” She smiled sweetly at James.

“Oh my manners, excuse me, my name is Lady Emily.” She held out her hand and he shook it smiling back at her, “Welcome to Dragons Hill stranger,” she said sweetly, staring at the handsome stranger and blushing.


He smiled back at her and bowed in a chivalrous manner, “I am pleased to meet you Lady Emily, my name is James, rider of Valotin.” His thick Scottish accent set her heart a twitter, “We come from across the sea.”


Just then Daniel and Michael came around the bend and they took James off with them. They all headed for the mountaintop, Jake had need of James he was told. They entered the Riders Hall and James looked around the huge room; very impressed with the size of the place. He saw Jake and another man in the center of the room around a large granite table. He half-bowed in respect as they approached, Jake acknowledged him and Jeffery immediately started towards him.


“Ah, James, welcome, welcome my boy.” Jeffery came forward and they shook hands, “my name is Jeffery; I am the advisor and chronicler for the Dragons of Light here at Dragons Hill. You might call me the dragons Resident Historian. I would like to get an idea of the landmass, and the positioning of your dragons and camp, and the black devils and their lair. I have some maps here, possibly you can help.” He spread out a huge map of Europe across the tabletop.


James walked over and took a look at the maps of Scotland and England. Jeffery would keep him busy most of the day with the maps. He would have many, many questions to ask, just as Jake wanted.

An hour passed quickly as Jeffery questioned him about the lay of the land.


Hours later Ichor and Lady Isabol entered the large Hall with Sarah and Jackson. Jake interrupted them for a moment and introduced them to James. James displayed his best dragon etiquette and told Ichor he considered it a great honor to meet the Second of the Ancients. He was very impressed with both Jackson and Sarah. He was told that they were to be the new family to start in Europe after they aided Alakar in ridding Scotland and England of the beasts.


James gave them detailed descriptions of their base camp and the strength of the beasts they fought. Tentative battle plans were drawn that would be put into play when they arrived. Sarah asked him to join them in a hunt the next day to see their squad in action. He was honored that they asked him and quickly said yes.


By dinnertime he was exhausted and ready for a break. Jackson offered him a ride to the mesa on Lady Isabol and he accepted. Sarah and Jackson and James met up with Michael and Sally and they all went down to the Hall for dinner together. The camaraderie among the riders was having a positive effect on James. He met several more riders, and during the meal he heard the tale of the final battle with the creatures.


He didn’t believe the story of the talking dragons and the woman who thought she was a dragon. They just laughed and told him to just wait; John and Diana were due for a visit any day now. He would see, they told him; and then they all laughed. He was feeling lighter, more positive than he had in a very long time. He heard more tales about the area and the people in it. After a bit he excused himself for the night and left the Hall. He was in rather good spirits as he headed towards his quarters. A cool breeze came thru the camp and James decided to take a walk around.


Above dark eyes watched as he approached the waterfall area.



James was heading down towards the waterfall when he noticed a woman coming down the side of the mountain. Her hair caught his eye, red as a sunrise, it was flowing about her face in the wind; a beautiful freckle-faced redhead. He was taken aback by his reaction, caught completely off-guard. As she got closer she seemed familiar somehow. He stood to the side of a boulder and watched her. As she stepped off the landing he stepped forward. She tried to sidestep to keep from bumping into him but she lost her balance, James quickly reached out and steadied her by holding on to her arm.


“Easy there Miss, sorry if I spooked you,” he said as he let her go and stepped back. She smiled and thanked him and then their eyes locked for a brief moment.


She blushed as she stared openly at him, “I know you, …from somewhere...” She kept staring for about a minute as she tried to remember where she knew him. Suddenly recognition dawned on her and she backed-up shaking her head back and forth, then she turned and all but ran from him.


Well now, what was that all about? He thought as he made his way back to his cave.


James retired for the night quite exhausted. There were many questions floating around in his mind, but he was too tired to think about them anymore. He had many dreams, some of them painful, others hopeful; and the redheaded woman was there, coming his way. A week went by and James noted that he was feeling better and better each day, both physically and mentally. Then one morning he awoke refreshed and energized; a feeling of expectancy – that something was about to happen. He ran into Michael on his way up the mountain, he asked him about the woman he had seen.


“Can’t help you too much my friend. I believe she’s a new arrival, found an egg and was living in a cave by herself near the town we just recently freed. The doctor in the town knew of her, that’s how we found out. Jake insisted that she be brought here to be properly instructed in the care of her egg. From what I understand it’s huge; I mean the Queen said it was the biggest egg she’s ever seen.”


At the mention of that, James perked up. “A large egg you say? Where is the egg right now? Where are the hatching grounds located? Please, I have to see this egg.”


“Sure, follow me, it’s right up the mountain here.” As they started to climb up the side, Michael began to relay the story of Oreo and the battle of the hatching grounds. As they arrived Oreo came out, and purred and rubbed against Michael. James was still quite impressed at her size and manner. She looked at James, and as if recognizing him, she purred loudly and rubbed against him also.


James went in with Michael and stood fixed. He recognized the size and shape of the egg; he was very familiar with eggs this size. He could feel the vibrations emanating from the egg.

Valotin, Valotin my friend. Are you there? Have you returned from feeding yet?


Your friend is still feeding, and resting James. Jake was speaking to him. Do not worry yourself about this egg. You should not be here; you should be off flying with Sarah and Jackson this morning. They are looking for you as we speak.


But Jake, this egg is…he tried to argue.


James, the matter of the egg is settled! Jake was rather stern with him. Be off!


Reluctantly James left the hatching grounds.

Something is going on; why isn’t Valotin back from the feeding grounds? Jake was keeping them apart, but why?


He didn’t feel that anything was wrong with Valotin, as a matter of fact he felt great. James decided to follow Jake’s instructions and let the matter go. He went in search of Sarah and Jackson. Ichor located him for them and they met him on the path to the top. He decided to say nothing about what just happened. As they arrived up top, Jackson explained that since James’ dragon was away at the feeding grounds for a well-deserved rest, they had asked Lady Ashley to ask permission for him to fly Daowyn. Daowyn said he would be honored to fly the rider who welded the Fire Staff. James decided to throw himself into the hunt. He graciously thanked Daowyn, and they all proceeded to leave for the Montana area.


We have gotten several reports of these guys heading for the area around Montana and Idaho border. They have to be hunted down and dealt with before they breed. Ichor acted as the relay point in the conversation between Jackson and James. Sarah and I thought that you would enjoy a good hunt. I realize that in your country it is a life or death situation; please believe me that we do not make light of your situation. It is only that here, these beasts are clowns. They have no fighting skills at all.


James quickly answered Jackson, if the one I killed yesterday is any indication of the dragons here, yes, they are quite inept. In the shire, a clever monster leads them. He strikes terror into the hearts of the people. We fight as best we can, but we were late to the game of dragon breeding; so our forces are small. But with you Ichor, and your lovely Lady Isabol, perhaps that will be changed.


James, see the river up ahead, Jackson pointed out, we will follow it. If they are near we will find them.


Sarah spoke up suddenly; I can feel people below Ichor! There are many of them, and they watch us in fear.


Let us go to the heights; we are too exposed this low. Ichor answered and flew to the heights with the others right behind him.

They flew for almost an hour before they spotted the monsters. There were four of them. Two were just juveniles, newly hatched by about a month. As they passed overhead they saw more join them. Now there were at least 8 of them.


Interesting development here! I believe that we are just in time. Apparently they have a hatching ground in the area and they are breeding again. Let’s just see how many of them there are. They waited on high for about an hour as more and more of them showed up. They had quietly regrouped without Jake picking up on them. This could not be allowed to continue.


There are 3 of us, and 12 of them. I think we can take them with no problem. James, the Fire Staff you carry, how does it work? Jackson asked him.


It is a simple device that draws on the flame power of the dragon, James explained. Valotin and I both dreamt of it resting in the side of a mountaintop. We flew there and retrieved it. We have sent many of the devils to their doom together. Daowyn, do you know the figure eight maneuver?


Yes James, I know it well. I am honored we will flame together. Daowyn’s voice betrayed his excitement of the impending battle. He who holds the Staff of Fire is a warrior of great fighting skills.


They waited till the sun was at its zenith and then they dove at the group. The poorly formed dragons never saw them coming until it was too late. Flames shot out in all directions. The smaller ones fell first, and the older ones tried to fight back. The larger and healthier dragons took them out quickly. Just as they thought that the battle was over, from out of the cave below came many more dragons.


They had been hiding, or breeding; it didn’t matter as they soon were upon them. The monsters kept coming from the cavern below; they were beginning to think that they might be overrun. There were at least fifty of them by now, and these were seasoned fighters. This was taking on all the appearances of a real battle.

As they fought, James thought he saw some more dragons coming to their aid. Then he was surrounded and the Staff of Fire flamed again. Daowyn was a quick and mighty fighter and he soon learned the power of the Staff of Fire as he and James brought down many of the filthy beasts. It seemed that for every one they killed, another took its place. Sarah and Jackson were fierce in their attacks; they gave no quarter, and fought skillfully. James was starting to think that maybe they had stumbled upon another large force of blacks that had been kept hidden till they were up to fighting strength. The sheer numbers of these creatures was overwhelming them. James asked Ichor if perhaps they should call for aid.


Ichor informed him that the Blue Dragons from the coast had already been called. Just be prepared for some very unusual dragons, they talk a lot. Ichor informed him. Twenty minutes later, from below James heard the strangest thing.


“Coming thru dudes! Outta the way man!” A large Blue Dragon flew by James and flamed four of the black devils to dust as he passed. James stared open-mouthed at these strange dragons. He saw a very large Blue Dragon, with a mountain of a man riding him, take out six of the devils, and the man was singing loudly!


Thru Ichor, Jackson hailed James, don’t let them get you rattled James. They are very strange, but they are fierce fighters. Their leader is Wolf - Big John rides him, and Diana rides Surfman. Wait! Here they come from out of the sun. Are they not a sight?


James watched as this golden goddess riding the back of a Blue Dragon swept by. He could have sworn that the dragon was yelling ‘surfs-up’, but he must have been mistaken. Then he saw them all come together in a tight formation and they all yelled, “hit it boys!” and they spiraled out and dove in a precision figure eight. The remaining black dragons fell as they were all flamed to ash.


The large Blue called Wolf flew by and went directly to Ichor. “Hail Ichor, Jackson, good to see you again! Lady Sarah we salute you! Who is your new friend who welds the Staff of Fire?”


James was stunned, he sat there mouth agape starring at Wolf. The Blue Dragon was speaking…. actually speaking! Jackson saw his dilemma and took pity on him. “Wolf, Big John, may I introduce James, he comes to us from across the sea. He and his dragon, Valotin, fight the devils in Scotland and England. His dragon is twice the size of Jake, if you can imagine that!”


“Hail James! You weld the Staff of Fire; a mighty warrior in your homeland you must be! We welcome you in the name of the Blue Dragon Clan.” Wolf roared the welcome call and his dragons joined in. James was overwhelmed, and honored.


Big John saw the look on his face and understood, “Yes James, they talk. I will explain when we land. May I introduce my lovely mate Diana, she rides Surfman.”


James bowed slightly as he sat on Daoywn. “Madame, I salute you and your brave dragon. You are both a beautiful sight to behold.”


Diana blushed bright red and Surfman said, “hey dude; we are the best! The fools don’t stand a chance.” They flew off ahead a bit.


“We were on our way to your camp when Ichor called to us. You know we can never pass up an opportunity to flame a couple of more of these clowns. Diana is in need of the women’s advice on something. She won’t tell me what it’s about, just insisted that we go to Dragons Hill.”


Wolf cut in, “she is with child I tell you! I can feel the change. Should I not know if my sister is with child! She has all the classic signs; she is haughty, she wants to form a nesting area, and she wants us to leave her alone. Classic dragon signs of pregnancy.”


Big John asked Ichor to call ahead and ask when the doctor was due to return for a check-up on the women. He was informed that the doctor was due in two days time. It would be perfect timing. Daniel and Lady Kate sent word that Big John and Diana would stay in a newly made guest cave near theirs. She and Daniel also sent word to John that they were aware of Diana’s condition and very happy for him. Coming from them, the news finally penetrated his thick skull, and he realized fully that he was going to be a father. This huge man, who was afraid of nothing, sat there on Wolf, with a silly smile on his face as tears were running down his cheeks.


“John? John, are you alright man?” Jackson was concerned at this change in his friend.


“He’s alright Jackson,” James told him. He knew only too well what John was feeling. “It just hit him, the reality of the situation.”


Ichor sensed what James was feeling and began to understand. He had been brought here for healing and much more. He liked the man from afar, and wanted to give him hope.


As they came over the rise and headed towards Dragon’s Hill, Ichor spoke to James. I am sorry for your loss James, but life will go on. And you must prepare yourself for it, just as your dragon is doing, so must you. Do not close off your heart to the possibility of a future life.


I appreciate your concern Ichor, it has been ten months, but it still hurts sometimes like it was only yesterday. James assured him, Valotin and I are getting by ok.