Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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As they landed Jake called Ichor and Wolf to the Riders Hall. Jackson and Sarah went with them. James was left with Big John and Diana and they started down the mountain. Daniel met them coming down, “hey guys, we’re planning a trip to town. The women want to shop, and Doc is due for a visit in two days. Want to come along?”


“Oh yes! John of my heart, please can we go? It is so much fun to shop!” Diana had learned much during her visits and shopping with the women was her favorite. “Kate will be there, and Lady Ashley, Daniel?”


“Yes Diana, all the women are going. The house will be filled with noise, and music, and all the things that you love,” Daniel smiled as he told her. He always enjoyed her enthusiasm, her sweet innocence and delight at the small things in life. “And James, you’re coming along to ride shotgun for the duration. No arguments, Jake said that you needed to unwind; and I was told to tell you that Valotin would not be returning for another week; so no arguments!”


Elizabeth was sitting quietly in the hatching grounds enjoying the time spent with her dragon. She was a chatty little thing, and she had a real spirited personality. She was getting so big, Elizabeth was so proud of her. As she sat there her thoughts wondered to other things. She really liked Dragons Hill, and the people here also; they were all quite friendly, people of good heart. Her thoughts now took on the form of James, with his incredibly blue eyes. He was new in camp; she couldn’t remember seeing him before. He was so handsome, and so real! My God, the things she had dreamt about him were enough to make her blush all over again.

What a surprise. I didn’t think I could feel like that again.


Elizabeth, Jake called to her, Elizabeth, Lady Kate is in need of your services. Will you please go to her; she is in the Mess Hall, she has a chore for you.


Sure Jake, I’ll go right now.

She really liked Jake, he felt safe; she trusted him with her life. And she was in awe of Kate and the legend of all she had done. She brushed off the sand of the hatching ground from her clothes and wished she had some new ones. These were just about worn out. She hated to show up looking like a rumpled disorganized mess. She felt she owed it out of respect for Lady Kate to appear well groomed. She walked into the Hall and spotted Kate amid all the obviously pregnant women. They were all chatting up a storm about a coming trip of some kind.


“Oh I saw the cutest crib set…”

“I saw a rocker I want to get and also a…”

“I want to have plenty of baby clothes…”

“I’m going to get some clothes for after…”


She heard snippets of conversations as she passed thru the throng of women. They all sounded very excited. She finally caught Kate’s eye and headed over to her. “Lady Kate, excuse my interruption, but Jake said you had need of my services. What may I do for you?” she asked.


“Ah Elizabeth; we are going shopping, and you are coming along. I know that you need quite a lot of things. You have been here long enough and not even mentioned it. You know I will not take ‘no’ as an answer; we are going to town for a few days. Jake says your egg is in a dormant transition stage and will be doing nothing for a week or more. You can still keep in contact with each other.


You are going to enjoy yourself for a few days young woman, do you hear?” She was smiling at her so sweetly that she couldn’t refuse her.


“Yes Lady Kate, I hear you. I will enjoy going shopping I can tell you.” She was really looking forward to it. “Everything I have is worn out. Thank you for thinking of me.”


Daniel came into the Hall and went to Kate’s side. “When do you want to leave my love? I have sent Andrew ahead to open the house and air it out. The town has weathered the winter very well. He saw nothing lurking about. Brutus and Cesar are running around with Tabs; they flushed out a couple of rabbits, but that was all.”


“Ladies! Ladies, your attention please,” Kate announced, “when can you all be ready? I’d like us to be there this afternoon so we can get some food in the house.”


“We can all be ready in an hour Kate.” Lady Sally spoke up. “Michael is going to be busy with patrols, so I can leave anytime.”

“Same goes for me,” Lady Ashley added.

“Include me in this too,” Lady Beth chimed in with enthusiasm.


“And I too am happy to go with you all,” Diana shouted as she entered the Hall. The ladies all went to her and hugged her in welcome, and immediately started discussing the symptoms of their impending pregnancies.


“Ok Ladies, gather around.” Daniel was enjoying his role in this little game of matchmaking that Jake and Alakar had cooked up. “First off, let me introduce you all to James, he comes from Scotland. He is here for a visit and I’ve asked him to accompany us and ride shotgun. He has graciously accepted. I don’t know of a man who would turn down an offer to be in the company of so many lovely ladies.”


There was a lot of ‘hellos’, and ‘welcomes’ directed to James. He smiled charmingly, and noticed that the redhead was there also. Maybe she was going along on the trip.


“Ok ladies, we will be taking the trailer there, I want you all safe and not jostled around. Get your things, one bag, and be ready on top in an hour. See you all there.” Daniel went to Kate smiling; he bent over and kissed her on the cheek.


Sam came up to them, “Since my Lucy is going along on this junket, I’m going with you too! I can lay in some food for the camp and return with the dragons.”


Daniel was still amazed that Lucy was pregnant; the power of the dragons seemed to be limitless. Since learning she was carrying twins, he took great care to check on her every now and then. He began to notice that she seemed to be looking younger and younger each week. The Dragons didn’t take to giving her the gift lightly; they went all out stopping just short of actual enhancement. Even Sam was looking younger, and Daniel doubted that either of them noticed the change at all. “We’d love to have you along Sam. Have you met James yet? He’s newly arrived from Scotland.”


James and Sam shook hands. James asked him if he rode a dragon and was surprised when Sam burst out loud laughing. “Not in this lifetime my man, no, I’m the glorified cook of this band of dragon riders!”


“James, we’ll need to get you some clothes and anything else you want while we’re at the town.” Daniel explained, “Michael and Andrew will show you how it works. But you have to be careful; it sort of grows on you quickly!”


Daniel was going to throw him off so he wouldn’t be expecting anything. Kate would do the same with Elizabeth. Jake said these two were destined to be together, and if he and Kate were any indication of his abilities, then James and Elizabeth would find each other.


“Daowyn said he enjoyed your riding him, and he consented to joining us on our trip. Your dragon must have been exhausted. A flight of that magnitude is unheard of, let alone done.” Daniel continued, “Lady Diana and her dragon Surfman have ridden the thermals around the world, but that’s like coasting on a wave. It’s nothing at all like having to actually fly the distance. When we are settled at the house you must tell us what it is like overseas. We have been curious as to the situation there, how they got started, who the leaders are, and so on. There is nothing like sitting outside with a beer in hand, smoking a good cigar, or pipe chatting with the guys.”


“I look forward to it Daniel, I have some questions myself. I’m going to my quarters to get my bag. I’ll meet you all on top.” James took off and went to his quarters and rolled up his gear and put it in his bag. Maybe this would be a good thing.


Everyone was on top and loading the trailer when James stepped out onto the mesa. He marveled at the trailer and the ingenuity of the men to put a T-bar on the top for the dragons to grab hold of when moving it about. He tossed his bag into the trailer, and helped the ladies climb aboard and get seated.


“Oh no, I forgot my knitting bag! Oh damn! Elizabeth, would you be a dear and run down to my quarters and get my knitting bag? Please?” Lady Kate asked sweetly. Elizabeth shook her head and was off down the pathway.


It is time we are off. Please close the trailer and let us be on our way. Jake made a low pass.


But Jake, Lady Kate just sent Elizabeth to get her knitting bag for her. She hasn’t returned to the mesa yet. Daniel informed Jake.


James, will you wait for her. She can ride with you on Daowyn; he knows the way. Just follow us, and tell her I wanted to get the ladies to town early enough in the afternoon for them to get settled. James nodded, Thank you James. Jake circled around and picked up the trailer and they were off.


James marveled at the inventiveness of these people. These are an amazing group of people, and most amazing dragon leader this Jake. He went over to Daowyn and bowed before him, and then went around and climbed on. He heard a fluttering sound behind him and turned to see Lancelot take flight. He was following Lady Emily to the town; he was so graceful, so beautiful. James watched as they all flew off towards the west. What an amazing sight! He was lost in thought for some time. He turned as he heard Elizabeth come onto the mesa. She looked bewildered for a moment.


“Jake didn’t want to wait any longer. They just left about ten minutes ago. He asked me to give you a ride to the town. I’m James, please...” he stretched out his hand as he leaned down and offered her a hand up. She took the strap of the knitting kit and slipped it over her head. She took his hand and pulled herself up and slid in behind him.


She then wrapped her arms around his midriff and pulled her self to him as he took off. He was surprised at his own reaction to her touch.

I’m not dead after all, he thought to himself and smiled.

As they rode she leaned against him and he could feel the heat of her body. It was not all that unpleasant. As they flew along he took in the countryside. Looking below he saw a lonely black straggler gliding along; he felt a cold chill go up his back. James called to Jake and told him what he saw. Jake relayed to Daowyn and set up a relay between him and James.


Daowyn called to James; James, shall we rid the world of this abomination? Let us make quick work of him. Best warn Lady Elizabeth of our intentions.


James turned around and pulled Elizabeth to him and yelled in her ear, “Lady Elizabeth, please hold on.” Pointing downward he told her, “We have some business below.” Elizabeth looked below and her eyes flew wide as she grinned at him.


James pulled out the Staff of Fire and yelled over his shoulder, “Hold tightly my lady.” Daowyn dove at the creature before it even knew that it was in danger. He flamed it as he passed and immediately turned around and James sent it to its doom. Daowyn flamed the carcass to ash quickly. They soon proceeded on their way.


“My God that was exciting!” Elizabeth was panting heavily, her eyes wide with excitement. “You showed no fear at all, you just dived in; I would have been shaking in my boots. It was amazing to see!” Elizabeth was so excited, she was babbling.


“Calm yourself my lady, it is over. You’re safe, we can proceed again.” He found he was enjoying her enthusiasm, her presence was somehow familiar, even comforting. He had not had thoughts of another woman in a very long time.


“Proceed! No, no! We should see if there are any more of them lying about. If there’s one, surely there are others. We can’t take the chance if …” she was hoping for another fight.


He started to laugh heartily, “I do believe that you are looking forward to a fight. Well now, I never would have guessed it; you are a fighter, Lady Elizabeth!” Turning, he mockingly bowed at her smiling. She thought he was making fun of her and she swatted him up aside his head. “Hey! What was that for?”


“Don’t ever make fun of me! I will be a warrior one day, my dragon told me so. I am not some stupid, weak woman; I will never be that again. I am more, much more.” She spoke with such conviction and fierceness that he was surprised.


“I was not mocking you. I appreciate your eagerness to want to fight. But your dragon will not be like these dragons. It is, or will be larger, much larger. When my Valotin returns, you will see what size your dragon will become. You are not destined for here; you will be returning with me, and Ichor’s squad of dragons. Your dragon will tell you the truth of this, just ask her.”


Elizabeth said nothing more, but she was surprised that James knew what she had just found out that morning from her dragon. She would indeed be leaving this country and going overseas. She had told no one of this yet.

So how did this James know?