Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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We have arrived Master James, Daowyn announced. Her spirit is strong, but it is as damaged as yours. You should heal each other; it would make you both stronger. James thanked Daowyn for his concern but assured him that he was just fine. He received a low rumbling chuckle in reply.


James watched as they glided over the last hill and the house and estate came into view. The beauty of the place took them both by surprise. As they landed Tabs, Brutus and Cesar came out to greet them. The woman slid off of Daowyn’s back and bent down to pet the dogs. They greeted her like an old friend, licking her face and knocking her over. He watched as she giggled and begged them to stop. He slid off and thanked Daowyn for the ride and headed for the house.


Elizabeth shooed the dogs off and went to Daowyn, thank you so much for the ride mighty Daowyn, I enjoyed it very much. He showed surprise and then bowed his enormous head to her, and then he turned and took off to join the other dragons. Elizabeth ran and joined up with James quickly. They followed the dogs around the side of the house towards the back where all the noise was coming from.


“This is a beautiful place, I love the porch.” Elizabeth commented as her eyes looked over the house.


“Thank you, I love it too,” Daniel had stepped out to greet them. “It has a comfy feel to it don’t ya think? Well, I see you both made it in one piece.” Waving his hand he bid them enter at their own risk.


They went up the back steps and entered thru the kitche. It was full of people all talking at the same time. The women were busy chopping up some food, and making some kind of dip and chatting about all kinds of things. Cokes were being passed around. Elizabeth took one and swallowed half of it right away, letting out a loud belch after. She turned beet red amid loud cheers of ‘well done!’


Daniel took James off and led him upstairs to his old room. “This will be your room while you’re here. Just drop your stuff off you can unpack later. Right now we men are off to the back yard and some well deserved beer. Come on, follow me.”

He headed off down the stairs with James following. They waded their way thru the women and headed out the back door. James could see Michael and Andrew tossing a football back and forth. Jackson, Jason, and Steve were getting some beers out of the cooler. They tossed one to Daniel and one to James.


“Bloody good!” James exclaimed as he opened it up and drank down the whole bottle in one long gulp. A very loud belch broke the silence and they all laughed. “It’s been a long time since I had one of those.”


“There’s more where that came from, indulge yourself tonight, James” Daniel told him. “We rarely get to enjoy like this; so we make it count.”


“Oh, before I forget, we ran into a lowly straggler on the way here.” James was directing his comments to Daniel. “Daowyn and I took care of it; we felt nothing else around. It was very young Daniel; there may be a hatching ground nearby.”


Daniel put his mind at ease quickly, “Juztin and Lady Jessica are scouting the area as we speak. We will check it out in the morning at great length. Tonight we party James.”


Daniel threw him another beer, “the dragons will keep watch, and the dogs will keep anything on the ground at bay. This night is ours to enjoy.”


Jackson came around the side of the house with a bag of charcoal, “Ok let’s get this fire started; I want to eat before midnight.” They all went over to him and offered advice on how to start the fire, how much charcoal to use, and how hot to let it get.


Kate watched them from the screened in porch. It almost seemed normal again; it was a heart warming moment in a world with very few of them lately. She turned around and went into the house. Music was playing, Big John was teaching Diana to dance, and the women were all talking at once with each other. For a moment everything froze and Kate looked about remembering.


Can it be that almost a year ago I stood here on this very spot and thought about this moment? Having the house full of people, laughing and enjoying themselves; me standing here preparing snacks and enjoying the chatter. So much has happened, a new life in me for this new world of ours. Thank you Lord, for all these precious moments, but most of all, thank-you for Daniel.

Noise broke thru her thoughts and she smiled.


“Hey there woman, come and dance with me, lets show them how it’s done!” Big John had come in the kitchen and grabbed her up. “We used to be the champions.” He swung her out on the living room floor and they began to twirl and dance around in rhythm to the music. Even with her big belly, Kate was beautiful to behold. Everyone was chanting, and Daniel came in to see what was going on. He watched for a few moments soaking in the sight of her enjoying herself.


“Hey, that’s my woman you big lug!” Daniel turned and grabbed Diana and dragged her forward, and actually got her to dance with him amid giggles and laughter. She was enjoying herself immensely. Big John was surprised that she caught on so fast, and then he switched partners with Daniel in mid step. He grabbed her in his large hands and swung her around in the air, and she laughed and looked at him with such devotion and love that it was plainly evident to everyone in the room. As the song ended, everyone was clapping.


“Oh, I’ve got to sit down for a minute Daniel. I’m not used to all that spinning around.” Daniel apologized to Kate, but she told him not to worry, it was fun. She sent him back outside, and the house sort of divided up into women inside, men outside. They got the fire going strong and then talk came around to, ‘what the hell they were doing!’


“I sometimes feel like I don’t know what’s coming next. And then other days I know clearly what our goal is in all this.” Daniel looked at Jackson, and James, “you know what I mean? It’s a whole new world out there. Are we going to be able to handle it? Is there really a plan in place, does Jake really know where all this is heading?” He looked about at all these brave men and many were nodding in agreement.


“I know exactly what you’re saying, Daniel” Jackson admitted, “I’ve thought the same things in my own mind. Ichor is so damned sure of everything. Says we will be fine, one hatching will change the day and we will be victorious.” He took a long swig and continued, “I never thought of myself as a leader, but Ichor says that I am perfect. I have the strong resolve and calmness that is needed. What the hell does he see that I don’t? And Sarah, God bless her; she is a leader in every sense of the word.”

All agreed with him on that.


James spoke up, “I just trust the knowledge of the dragons. I follow their lead; it’s never let me down.” He looked at them all, “Cheers my friends!” He downed his beer, and they all followed.


Inside the house Kate sought out Elizabeth. She found her on the front porch sitting with the dogs. “Oh no you don’t; come inside and join the party. I will not take no for an answer, come, I insist!”

Kate’s enjoyment was infectious; Elizabeth followed her inside and was soon embroiled in a conversation with the other women. Before she realized it, she was enjoying herself again. It had been so long since she allowed herself to enjoy anything. Each and every one of these people was like family to her, and it was good to have that feeling again.


The men set up a huge table outside, and now all the women were out there with plates, silverware, napkins, condiments, etc. Huge steaming bowls of corn on the cob were placed on the large table along with baked beans, and platters of baked potatoes. It certainly was going to be a feast. The meat was ready in no time and they all sat down for a sumptuous feast. Before the meal they all joined hands as Daniel led the prayer.


“Thank you Lord for this wonderful feast, and for our family. Thank you for the Dragons. Thank you for all the blessings you shower on us. Thank you for our friends and soon to be new colleagues across the sea. And most of all, thank you for the new life you have blessed us all with; we are truly, humbly grateful. Ok everyone – dig in!” Plates of food were soon passed around the table.


Kate saw to it that James and Elizabeth sat across from each other. Several times she caught James studying Elizabeth, and vice versa. This is going to be fun, she thought to herself. Bringing them together would be a challenge, not as difficult as she and Daniel, but still a challenge. Jake always knows what needs to be done.


After dinner the women cleaned up quickly and they all decided a walk was called for on this beautiful evening. Daniel asked James and Elizabeth to take the point position with all the dogs as their lead. James felt that he was being manipulated, but he didn’t object. As they walked along he asked Elizabeth how she found her dragon egg. She asked him if he really wanted to hear the story, or was he just making polite conversation. He told her no, he was interested; he always found each tale to be significant.


“Willpower can accomplish many things,” she began. “Those vile black bastards destroyed my world; one of them killed my husband and my daughter before my eyes. Why it didn’t kill me I’ll never know. In my rage and grief I vowed I would kill the thing; so I followed it. I must have been out of my mind. I tracked it for months, the filthy thing. At the time I didn’t care how long it took me, I was determined that I would kill it.” She dabbed at the tears that came at the remembrances of that horrible day. “It led me right to a hatching ground; and I can tell you that I have never been so scared in all my life. It was like all the insane rage that had fueled me for so long had suddenly disappeared; and it was replaced with clarity and sanity. What was I thinking I asked myself? My God there were two of them inside the grounds. I turned to run and slipped and fell in some awful foul smelling liquid; it was dragon pee, and it saved my life. They would have surely smelled me because I was so close I could have touched them. A piece of shell hid me from their eyes. After what seemed like hours they left the grounds. I had turned to leave and stumbled when I heard her for the first time. You know the routine; this little baby voice asking ‘Hello? Is someone there?’ I’m sure you can guess the rest.”


“Yes, you are so happy that you want to shout it to the hilltop. Then you can’t believe what you’re doing. And then, you’re so afraid that someone will find out, you go to extremes to hide it.” He was remembering his own experience.


 “Yes! I was afraid that the people in the town would try to destroy her, so I hid out in a cave to keep her safe. The doctor found me out there one day, but he promised he wouldn’t tell them. Eventually Dragons Hill made contact with the town and with Doc, and after a bit he told them about me, and my egg. Of course I was sent for immediately. Seeing all of them with their riders filled me with hope again. They were so magnificent to watch, so graceful in the air.


When they took me to meet Jake I was awe struck. First thing Jake said to me was that my egg would not hatch until I healed. He told me that I had sealed off my heart, and that it must heal too.” She let out a sigh, “that brings us up to here and now; kind of boring, huh?”


He stopped walking and turned to her. “No, not boring. I’ve been there, and healing takes a long, long time. I lost my mate and her dragon 10 months ago. There are some days when I don’t think of her at all, and some days when everything reminds me of her. And then there are some days when I wish I just had someone to hold, who understood the need. Someone to lie next to and hold at night when I feel so alone.”


She looked up at him and saw the same pain she felt reflected in his eyes.

“I know what you mean,” she said as she laid her hand on his chest, “sometimes all I want is someone to hold me during the night; a warm body next to mine. Is that so bad a thing to want?”


“No, no, it isn’t.” James looked into her eyes and for a moment felt himself swept away. “Perhaps… we could help each other.” He looked down at her and thought that maybe this woman who understood the pain so well, maybe she could help. “I’m sorry; I don’t mean to be so bold …”


She put her hand on his arm, “No, no you didn’t offend me. And given the gaiety of the night, I accept your offer. We both know when they all go to bed we will be left with our thoughts. And this type of night brings back many memories; I really don’t want to face them alone tonight.”

 She stood there searching his face for his thoughts.


He smiled down at her as he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. He bent and lightly kissed her cheek, taking in the smell of her. Her sharp intake of breath told him that she was taken by surprise, but she smiled at him shyly as she blushed. He suddenly saw that the others were catching up to them, so they continued on quickly.


“Daniel, did you see that? Were they kissing just now? Oh this is so exciting!” Kate was enjoying her job as matchmaker.


“Kate, give them a breather. You’ve been hovering over them like a mother hen. Listen to Jake.”

She smiled mischievously at him. “They will take all the right steps. All we have to do is give them the time and the opportunity.” Daniel looked at her as sternly as he could; she was impossible. He took her in his arms carefully and kissed her. “I love you woman, but sometimes you dive me crazy!”


“Oh hush,” she told him seductively, “come kiss me again my Viking warrior!” He obeyed gladly, and soon they heard giggles behind them as the others caught up to them.