Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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As everyone returned to the house music once again filled the night. Little groups formed around the house and conversations were varied. James was asked what their quarters were like, and if they had mountains like Dragons Hill. He explained that they had a castle built into the side of a mountain. This seemed to impress everyone.


Elizabeth helped Kate clean up the kitchen, and went around picking up all the excess glasses around the house. Music was soon filtering out into the kitchen and Elizabeth found herself singing along with some of them. Janis Joplin came on and ‘Me & Bobby McGee’ started. It had been awhile, but it was a favorite of hers. She went outside and was scouring down the B-B-Q grill, and she was pretty sure that they wouldn’t hear her inside. So she belted out the song with everything she had. As the song ended she stood and turned around - to a crowd of people. They all burst out with applause and shouts of ‘bravo!’ She turned beet red, and dropped her scouring pad, and stood with her mouth open.


“Janis couldn’t have done it any better,” Steve shouted as he clapped loudly, “bravo lady, bravo!”


“You guys could have warned me! Oh, I’m so embarrassed!” She was still blushing, and James found it rather fetching. She saw him looking at her and she rolled her eyes and laughed.


In that moment, as he watched her laughing, the wind gently blowing her hair around her face, James felt himself suddenly come to life. He was unprepared for the effect she had on him. He slowly backed up, and went inside. Well this is an unexpected reaction; he had to get himself under control.

My God! Who is this woman and why does she have such an effect on me? She rides my mind with thoughts I haven’t had in a very long time. And I must admit that I rather enjoy them.

He got himself under control and went to the cooler and got two cokes. He went outside smiling broadly and gave one to her. “Cheers!” he shouted and bowed to her with a flourish. She plopped down on the grass holding her sides laughing. Everyone came out and joined her in the grass and the conversations started.


“Remember the time Steve and Lady Elzbeth tripped over a heard of rampaging sheep…”

“How about when you fell into a pile of cow shit over the field in...”

“And remember when the twins went to chase Oreo, and she ended up chasing them!”


The next couple of hours were spent reminiscing about the ‘good ole times’ along with lots of laughter. Some of the stories were hilarious, especially the ones about the Blue dragons; some were so silly they were all laughing hysterically before the end could be told. It was an enjoyable time for all. Gradually, two by two they started to call it a night. Couples said their goodnights and headed off to bed. Kate and Daniel were the last to go up the stairs. Elizabeth went around and picked up all the empty beer cans and glasses. She came back in the house to find him standing there, waiting for her.


He held out his hand, “Madame, it is time to turn in; leave the rest till morning.”


She put everything down and dried her hands. Then she took his hand and allowed him to lead her up the stairs. She grabbed her backpack as they went down the hall to his room. He closed the door behind them and turned the lock.


“There’s a shower in there if you like, please make yourself comfortable.” He wanted to put her at ease.


She went into the bathroom and took a shower. She was wondering if what she was doing was right. When it came right down to it, she didn’t care anymore. She just didn’t want to be alone this night. She stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She brushed her teeth, and then began to work on her hair. She opened the door and moved to the bedside as she began drying her hair.

“Your turn, it will take awhile to towel-dry my hair. A blow dryer will wake the house.”


He smiled at her and her consideration of the others. He went in and took his own shower, dried himself off and put on a tee shirt and a pair of boxers. As he emerged from the bathroom he found her sitting on the side of the bed. She had her head turned to the side as she was rubbing her hair with the towel. That small act so affected him that he quickly turned around.

Get yourself under control, old boy!

“Do you mind sleeping with the window opened?” he asked walking to the window and opening it.


“I rather prefer it; I like the sounds of the night.” She stood up and bent over and gave her hair one last big rubbing, and then stood up swinging her hair back. She turned and faced him smiling. “That’s as good as it gets right now!”


Her red hair was stunning, framing her face in such a way that he was affected deeply.

“It’s beautiful, you’re beautiful,” he told her in a deep voice facing the window, he couldn’t turn around just yet. She must have guessed, because she came up behind him and slid her arms thru his and around his waist.


“It’s ok James; sometimes the need is stronger than the will.” She told him in a soft voice, “I’m not offended at all.”


He turned around; she was so refreshing, her freckles and red hair were very appealing to him, very charming. He touched her face gently rubbing the side of her cheek. She closed her eyes and tilted her head, enjoying the feeling. He pulled her to him gently and he kissed her on the forehead, on her cheeks, and finally full, on her lips. He pulled back and looked into her eyes. Is that fear I’m seeing? He quickly let her go.


“I’m sorry; you have an effect on me I haven’t felt for a very long time. Don’t worry, I won’t force myself on you. We’ll sleep together, as I promised, and take comfort in each other’s arms this night.”

He climbed into bed and threw back the covers. She climbed in and snuggled up to him. He put his arm around her as she laid her head on his chest.


“Thank you James,” she said it so softly he almost missed it.


They cuddled together saying nothing. Each one was just enjoying the feeling of warm companionship. Finally they let go and relaxed, allowing sleep to overtake them. Dreams filtered through their subconscious during the night; very special dreams.


Out side, a dragon could be heard keening in a deep throaty voice.


The next morning James woke up curled around her. It was a good feeling; the smell of her was comforting. She was quite a woman, a good woman he was sure. She awoke and seductively stretched; unaware of the effect she had on him. She turned towards him with a big smile on her face. “Good morning James.” Not at all shy, she slowly began to run her hand over his chest and down to his belly.


Surprised he felt himself rising to the situation, and he grabbed her hand, “Stop! Please, it would not be wise.”


“I wouldn’t mind at all James, I find myself wanting to feel again. Your attentions would be welcome.” She cuddled up next to him and he began to think maybe it would be a good idea after all. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and they both jumped.


Daniel’s voice could be heard thru the door shouting at them, “hey you two lazybones, time to get up! We’ve got things to do today. Come on!”


“We’ll be right down,” he yelled thru the door to Daniel.

She giggled as they got up and she dragged him into the shower with her. This led to a lot of soapy horseplay, as she wasn’t the least bit shy about her body. She had a beautiful body, and he found himself enjoying their time together. He wanted to spend more time with her, talk with her more. For the first time in a long time he was entertaining thoughts of making love; making love to her. She was so different from any woman he had ever known. She started pushing him to hurry up, they had to go, people were waiting. When they finally came downstairs they were the only ones in the house. Everyone had already left for the warehouse. They ran outside and around the house to the front, laughing at each other. There stood Daniel and Queenie. James immediately pulled Elizabeth back; they both bowed to her.


Daniel was trying his best not to laugh. “Lady Elizabeth, you are needed at the warehouse. Just follow the road up there,” he said pointing the way, “it will take you to it. Lady Kate is waiting for you, James and I have other duties today.”


“Yes, of course Daniel.” She looked at James and smiled, tilting her head she shrugged her shoulders and turned and ran up the hill towards the warehouse.


“Now James, you and I have a date with Jake.” Daniel climbed on Queenie and they were soon in the air. She flew over the warehouse and he could see Elizabeth climbing the stairs to the doorway. As they flew off towards the mountain, he felt emptiness build inside of him. Queenie flew directly to the Riders Hall. Daniel and James dismounted and went inside.


Jeffery and Jake were waiting for them. Jake turned and lowered his head to James and looked at him for a time. Very good James, you have done well. Daniel my friend, I thank you for bringing James to us. You may return to Lady Kate if you wish, James will be here with us for most of the day. I will call you when we are finished.


Daniel bid them all good day and he and Queenie were off. The plan was to keep them both apart for the entire day. ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’ isn’t that the saying? Daniel chuckled to himself as he and Queenie returned to the town.


Up above James was wondering what this was all about. Jeffery came over to him and began a long dissertation on Dragon History. He filled him in on a lot of things that he did not know. He was wondering where all this was leading when Jeffery asked him what he knew of Dragon Prophecy. He admitted that the only prophecy he knew of was the Legend of the White.


Jake now took over the conversation. James my friend, there is also the Prophecy of the Phoenix. ‘From the ashes of a tormented soul will rise again the Fourth of the Ancients.’ He waited for this information to take effect. When you arrived at our camp, it was obvious that you and Valotin were both in great pain. You were managing to slowly heal yourself. Difficult though it was for you, you tried to hide your pain. But your dragon knew, for he was suffering greatly also. He did not want you to know how difficult each day was for him, so he also hid his pain from you. That was why Alakar sent you both to us. He feared that he would loose you both before the prophecy could be fulfilled. I know that you have been upset that you cannot contact Valotin. I have heard you call out to him several times. James, your dragon is well, and he is almost completely healed. He will be returning to you very soon.


Jake rose up to his full height, reared back his head and roared, he then lowered his head right in front of James. Hear me now James, Holder of the Staff of Fire. Valotin shall return as the Fourth of the Ancients. You and Valotin are to be the leaders of a new family of Dragons of Light! Yes James, you! And Lady Elizabeth is to be your mate. Her egg is a Queen Dragon, and Valotin’s mate! James’ eyes few wide and stared at Jake open-mouthed in stunned incredulity. Jake continued explaining.

But, before any of this takes place, Elizabeth must heal, and only you can do that for her. You began last night. She is very strong willed, a fierce warrior she will be; but she is also a very fragile woman. She felt grateful to you for being so kind to her last night. This morning when you left with Daniel, she felt empty inside as she watched you go. She asked immediately where you were going. She wishes to be with you again. This is a major breakthrough for her. Once you become one with her, her dragon will hatch, and Valotin will return.


Slow down Jake, my word this is too much! Me? I cannot see myself as a leader. James was overwhelmed with this information; he was trying to disseminate it properly. I’m always thinking too much about the consequences of any actions. Peter is a real leader, he and Alakar are bloody great!


Jake reared his head back and chuckled, then came forward. That’s exactly what he said of you James. Your forward thinking is what is needed to fight the dragons of Europe. And you shall be victorious against them James, I have seen it already. The way you have adjusted and dealt with your grief and your pain has marked you as a leader. Your gentleness with Lady Elizabeth, thinking of her need over your own, this marked you as a man of great compassion. A leader needs all these qualities. You have shown great leadership in many areas James. Your dragon has great confidence in you. He has been in contact with his Queen in her egg. He has healed his spirit and soul. Now you must also heal yours.


James remembered Elizabeth curled up next to him when he woke. He saw her face before him, and remembered how it felt when he kissed her.


About Elizabeth Jake, yes, I am attracted in her. She is so different from any woman I have ever known. And yes, she stirs in me feelings I thought were long dead. But I wouldn’t know how to begin to break thru that wall she has around herself.


Jake chuckled:

That is being done now. We are keeping you both apart till tomorrow evening. She will search for you, and hopefully, open herself up to the possibility of having feelings for you. My Lady Kate tells me she is much agitated that Daniel took you off. So it is already progressing, as it should. Now, to you…there is much we must go over and much we must do to prepare you for what is to come. Come with me.


James spent the rest of the day and half the night with Jake. They went from dragon to dragon and knowledge was passed along. He flew to the high mesa and met with the Blue Dragons and learned even more. Jake kept him very busy. Knowledge was the key to winning, and James was filled with it. When he returned he was a changed man. He had been rejuvenated and slightly enhanced. His features were honed to perfection. He had a new sense of purpose in his life. He loved Catherine and always would; but it was time to put her to rest and get on with his life. He looked forward to seeing Elizabeth the next day. He slept very well that night.


Elizabeth on the other hand was restless during the night. She couldn’t believe that he had left her. She really thought that he cared something for her; that he would be returning in the evening. She should have known better. She had allowed herself to feel something for this man, and he taken what he could and split. She finally got up and went downstairs. She was pacing the floor in the living room when Daniel came downstairs.


“Oh! Didn’t know anyone was there. I’m thirsty, want something?” Daniel came closer peering at her. “Ah, Elizabeth, great timing. I have a message for you from James. You were already upstairs when I returned last night. Didn’t want to wake you.”

He got down a glass and poured himself some water. Then he yawned loudly as Elizabeth was hanging on his every word.

“Excuse me there, oh, where was I? Ah yes, Jake is holding him up at the Riders Hall. It has to do with some information from overseas, dragon business. Anyway James asked me to tell you that he will be back as soon as possible. He asks you to please forgive him, and don’t leave, wait for his return.” He drank down the glass of water.


Elizabeth ran up to him and gave him a big hug all the while saying, “Oh thank you Daniel, thank you so much!” Then she off, flying up the stairs two at a time, humming to herself.


Daniel chuckled to himself. Are you happy now Jake? She seemed thrilled at the news. Now can I go back to sleep? Daniel went back to bed and slept soundly, as did everyone in the house.


High above black eyes twirled. Yes Daniel, I am pleased. For a moment there, she was prepared to retreat within herself again. Any delay and the hurt would have returned. Now, James will be able to turn her heart in the proper direction.