Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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The next morning the doctor arrived in the town for the women’s check-ups. Kate, Lady Emily, and Lady Ashley all had to be there with Diana as she received her first exam. It was finally the doctor himself who got her under control. She was pregnant all right, four months along he said. The doctor also said he couldn’t be sure, but he thought she was carrying four, maybe five fetuses. He said she was in excellent physical condition, and she should have no problem. She thought nothing of it. When they told Big John, he roared like a dragon; and the Blue Dragons joined in roaring their approval also for their sister.


All the women were checked, and the doctor pronounced everyone in perfect shape and doing fine. He told them that within the next month the babies would begin to arrive. Doc Paul asked that they all keep an eye on Lucy, as she was ready to pop at any moment. It was arranged that should anyone go into labor Andrew and Lady Ariel would fetch the Doc immediately. Andrew then took Doc Paul home.


The next evening, after dinner as the ladies were returning from their walk they all noticed that their dragons were descending in ones and twos on the field behind the house. They all wondered aloud about this. “What do you think is going on?”


It was Lady Emily who figured it out, “Lucy is going into labor.”


Lady Kate said with great concern, “Oh hurry, we must be there for her.” They quickened their pace, and bounded up the stairs noisily.


As they entered the house they heard Sam shouting, “Where is that blasted doctor? He should be here by now!”


Lady Kate felt Lady Ariel landing behind her. “He’s here Sam, calm yourself.”


As Doc came up the steps he looked at Kate, “didn’t I just leave this place yesterday? You people sure do things fast.”

As the doctor came in, he took one look at Sam and ordered the men to take him outside. And if possible, get him drunk. Then he went upstairs to the birthing room the women had prepared just in case this happened. He checked on Lucy, and said she was doing quite well. After he shooed everyone out, he went to Lucy.

“Lucy, I don’t have anything I can give you for the pain. It’s going to get pretty rough.”


“No Doc, it won’t. You see I have the dragons keening for me. I won’t be in any real pain at all. Jake promised me they would take the pain away, and they have. I’m really quite comfortable right now. If you stop and be still for a moment you will hear them.”


Doc Paul stood still and listened. My God, I can hear them! They were keening a very low humming; it was a soothing, warm, comforting sound. He felt very relaxed, at ease, not worried at all about anything. Kate and Elizabeth stepped in the room and seeing what was happening she pinched the doctor quickly.

“Ouch! What did you do that for?”


“You were being affected by the chanting, it’s just for the women in labor. It can be very addictive Doc; oh, I brought Elizabeth to assist you in the births.” Kate smiled at him contritely.


“You’re right Kate, damn it’s powerful. Lucy’s in no pain at all and she’s doing just fine. She’s already dilated to an 8…. It won’t be long now. Thank you Elizabeth for helping, I can use it.”


“Kate,” Lucy called to her, “would you get the babies things from our room. They are in a blue suitcase by the big chair near the window.”


When Kate returned with the bag, Elizabeth was holding a screaming baby boy as the doctor was cleaning out his eyes. Tears streaming down her face she handed the baby to Kate and turned as the doctor delivered his sister. She took the screaming baby and washed her up also and prepared her for her mother. The dragons keening became very loud and the babies quieted. Kate and Elizabeth brought them to Lucy.


“A boy and a girl Lucy; oh God they are so beautiful!” Elizabeth was crying for more than the babies’ birth. She was finally letting go of her memories of her own daughters’ birth, and death. It was a cleansing for her. She placed the babies in Lucy’s arms and watched as Kate went to the window and opened it.


She yelled down to the men in the backyard. “Sam! Sam, get up here and say hello to your new son and daughter!”


The Dragons let out a roar of welcome that echoed across the valley to the mountain.


Jake had kept pace with the goings on and now informed Jeffery and James of the birth of the twins. James, you may return to the town now. Lucy has given birth to her children. Elizabeth assisted the doctor, and now she needs your comfort.


James thanked Jake for all he had done, and he was off. Daowyn was waiting for him on the mesa and they were off in a shot. It took them only 15 minutes to reach the town. James thanked Daowyn for the quick ride and bid him a good evening as he jumped down and ran to the house. There was a celebratory atmosphere about the place. Sam was upstairs with Lucy, but they were all talking about the beauty of the babies. James scanned the crowd for Elizabeth; he couldn’t see her anywhere.

As he entered the kitchen he saw Kate bending over the sink. She was holding on rather funny, and he quickly realized that she was falling. He rushed to her, catching her before she hit the ground.

“Lady Kate, are you all right?”


“Oh God!” Kate’s eyes opened wide, “James, oh... I think this is it for me, God bless you for being here. Ohhh! Please, go and get Daniel, I’ve got to get upstairs.”

She began breathing in a panting rhythm. James entered the living room with Kate in his arms and everyone went silent. Daniel rushed forward and took Kate from him.


“She’s in labor I think, better get her upstairs.” James watched Daniel start up the stairs yelling for the doctor. James turned around to the riders and women in the room,

“Ladies, you’d better prepare yourselves; I have a feeling this is going to go on all night. Every dragon from the mountain is in that field right now,” he said pointing out the backdoor, “and they look like they’re all prepared to be here for awhile.”


Sam came down the stairs at that moment. “It’s a bloody miracle, she feels no pain at all, and she’s just fine. I’ve never seen Lucy look so beautiful! And the little ones are angels, pure angels! We’re going to call them Collin and Becky, hope you guys don’t mind.” Michael and Steve led him to the kitchen and got him a coke.


“I can’t think of a greater way to honor them Sam; Jake will be pleased when he hears.”

Michael patted him on the back.


Lady Sally rose unsteadily and called out to Michael. She went to take a step and her water broke. “Oh damn! Michael!”

He came running out of the kitchen and went to her. Seeing what had just taken place, he picked her up and took her upstairs quickly.


Everyone could hear Sam laughing in the kitchen. “It’s your turn now my young friends! Ah Jake, you had better get ready, they are all going into labor.”


James called for their attention. “Anybody else feel a little pressure? Come on ladies, we might as well get you all upstairs now.”


Lady Emily stood, along with Lady Beth and Lady Ashley. Andrew, Jerry and Steve all came forward and took them upstairs. Doc Paul was beside himself. He had Kate and Sally in the birthing room, Lucy had been moved to her bedroom. He sent the three other ladies to their rooms until their water broke.


Kate called for Jake. You have to come now Jake, I want you here for the birth of my child. She called for Daniel and asked him for a favor, “Promise me something, when our child is born, you will take him straight out to Jake. Promise me Daniel, you present him to Jake immediately!”


“I planned on doing just that Kate.” He was wiping her brow with a cool cloth. “Again you read my mind, woman. God, I love you so much.”

Elizabeth asked him if he wanted to be there for the actual birth, and he answered her with, “damn straight I do!” He held Kate’s hand thru the entire labor, talking quietly and reminiscing about when they first met. They both laughed several times; Kate felt only pressure, no pain. Doc Paul wondered why he was there at all.


At 9:09pm that night, Kate delivered a beautiful baby boy; Daniel stared at the little bundle in his hands dumbfounded. He counted fingers and toes and marveled at the tiny angel. He could feel the love in his heart for this tiny little boy begin to build. After the doctor cut the cord and cleaned and medicated his eyes, Daniel wrapped the baby in a large towel and then in a blanket. He brought Kate her son, and asked her if he could name him Billy, after the friend he lost on the way to Dragons Hill. Then Daniel took the baby and kept his promise. He went out the door, down the stairs, and straight out the front door of the house. Everyone gathered around and watched to see what he was doing. Jake was there waiting on the front lawn.


Daniel came forward and bowed slightly, then he held his son high in the air for Jake to see.

“I have a son Jake!" he shouted loudly.


A son Jake, a son! He was openly crying, tears streaming down his face. Kate insisted that you see him first. He’s beautiful Jake, like his mother!


Jake lowered his massive head and peered at the little package before him. He blew a whiff of air on the child and then inhaled. He could smell the innocence of a pure soul, and see the mane to come.

You and Lady Kate have produced a strong child. I am well pleased in your son, Daniel. He looks to be a mighty leader some day.

Jake reared back to his full height and spread his wings and roared a call of ‘Welcome’, and throwing back his head he fired a huge blue flame in honor of Daniel and Kate’s son.


And so it went thru the night, Lady Sally had a handsome boy, and Michael cried at his birth. He told Lady Sally that he wanted to name him Trey, after his brother who saved his life at the cost of his own. Taking a cue from Daniel, he took his son and presented him to Rah and Lady Jennie. Rah bellowed a welcome call for him. Lady Jennie was thrilled and she keened approval. Michael stood outside in wonder and awe holding his small son oblivious to everything around him. James had to go and remind him to bring the baby back inside.


Lady Ashley had a lovely little redheaded girl and Steve brought her to Daowyn and Lady Elzbeth with tears flowing. They both saluted her as the others did; Steve stood there holding his little girl lost in her beauty, and crying. Again, James had to go and get him to bring the baby back inside; he was so befuddled.


Lady Emily gave birth to a boy; Andrew was ecstatic. He and Emily agreed to name him Jared, in remembrance of the powerful dragon and his sacrifice. He presented him to Ash and Lady Ariel. Ash blew on the little baby and keened a welcome call and told Andrew that his son would be a leader one day.


Lady Beth had a lovely baby girl and Jerry was so excited that he near fainted when he saw her. He presented her to Rhontin and Lady Olivia, and followed the birth rite that had been started by Daniel and Kate; and would be carried on for centuries.


By dawn both James and Elizabeth were exhausted. Doc Paul was spent; he finally curled up on the cot in the birthing room and went to sleep.


After making sure everyone was ok, and checking the house and grounds, James went up to his room. He was very tired, and he still had not located Elizabeth anywhere. He opened the door and there she was, sitting on the side of his bed. She turned and upon seeing him went into his arms and he held her close.


“I missed you,” she told him, “It’s been unbelievable; so many babies came tonight, so many memories with them. I really need you here with me tonight.”


“I’m not going anywhere. We’re both exhausted, and our bodies and minds need rest.” He led her to his bed and they removed their clothes and climbed in and clung to each other as exhaustion overtook them. The day dawned bright with hope for the future.


The next morning the house was quiet as they rose. The new parents were in their rooms enjoying the first day with their new children. James and Elizabeth spent the day together talking and just enjoying each other’s company. She took him to the warehouse and they both indulged themselves there. James replaced his worn clothing and also picked up a few new items that he needed. They returned to the house and joined the new parents in dinner. When they retired to their room they cuddled in each other’s arms once again and sleep overtook them quickly.


The next morning as they slept, the house was emptied as all the riders returned to the mountain. All was in place for the hatching of the new queen.