Liminal by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Jon found the offspring grown. People didn’t stay children long in this world and though their language ability was improved compared to the Goonies, it was limited to nouns and simple verbs. Their favorite phrase was stars twinkle. They surprised him by taking up his work in terms of chemistry and engineering. They expanded his periodic table. They were so much more industrious, and yet not wanting to leave the village, that he decided to move his supply cache from origin point to the new mountain base.

      Tipsy arrived and caught him unpacking chests and filling train carts. She looked fabulously surreal, as if she were game character inserted into the wrong game. She kissed him and began inspecting crates.

      “How dreadfully primitive,” Tipsy said.       “Yeah, well,” Jon said.

      “You haven’t summoned me,” Tipsy said. “You can call me anytime, and I’ll show up. You don’t even need a lamp. We can even do it here. The Rainbow sprites gave me a visa because you and I have bonded.”

      “Rainbow sprites?” Jon asked.

      “Your overlords, or hosts for this universe,” Tipsy said. “Their kind and our kind don’t usually get along. They’re much more permissive. Jinn are more authoritarian, letter of the law sort of thing. So, enough about that, why haven’t you called?”

      “Yeah, well, a little busy,” Jon said. “I don’t suppose you could like snap your fingers and make everything here go there?”

      “Sure,” Tipsy said. “I could. But I won’t. I am not your slave.”        Jon went back to unpacking crates and packing train cars.

      “Are you ignoring me?” Tipsy asked.

      “No. Just busy,” Jon said. “Do you want me to do something?”

      Tipsy drew closer. “I want what you want, as much as you want, and so, I find it interesting that you don’t just ravish me every time you see me,” she said.

      “Oh, well, I am actually a bit tired, and I feel kind of grungy,” Jon said. He was perturbed by the fact he hadn’t ravished her yet, too, but there was trajectory here and some resistance. He didn’t get to explore his inner thoughts, as her flibbertigibbet-ness was stronger than his.

      “You are slumming it,” Tipsy agreed. “But then, that’s one of the reasons I chose you.”       “Was that an insult?” Jon asked.

      “No. Statement of fact. Jinn human relationships are the equivalent of slumming,” Tipsy said. “No, it’s more akin to bestiality. I am human, you are my Alaskan Husky. If I put peanut butter on it, would you lick it?”

      “Even without peanut butter,” Jon said.

“Nice,” Tipsy said. “We don’t have to do it here, if you find it too dirty. We can just


      “You want to talk?” Jon asked.

      “Sure, why not. It’s part of our arrangement. Adventures and relationships,” Tipsy said.

“Sex relationship and talking relationships.”       “Are we married?” Jon asked.

      “Oh, no! That would so ruin the sex part?” Tipsy said. “First, humans and Jinn can’t have offspring. Mostly. There are caveats. Like with the Greeks. They were frequently getting into double binds with us. Jinn have arranged marriages. Mostly. Again, caveats. I am married. Boring relationship, no fun at all, just duty and code. He has his side interest. I have you.”

      “Can one renegotiate the contract?” Jon asked.

      “You’re contemplating reneging on our agreement?” Tipsy asked.

      “No. Just, hypothetically?” Jon said.

      “Hypothetically, all contracts can be renegotiated, if both parties are agreeable,” Tipsy said. “Harassing me to change my mind would cause me to become entrenched. You’re not going to come up with a better offer than our present contract. I am a Jinn. I have no wants that I can’t satisfy on my own.”

      “And yet, you wanted to bond with me?” Jon asked.

      “I can’t explain that. Probably a numbers thing. Just consider all the billions of trillions of entities exploring the third dimensional space. There are some combinations that are just irresistible. I love you, that’s it. I want you. That’s it,” Tipsy said.

      “You love me?” Jon said.

      “I am using the word precisely. I know you. The real you and myriad of fake yous, and I

know you from cradle to grave, and all the tangents,” Tipsy said. “I know the flavor of you and how you are with all your individual loves and crushes. I want you to know me in the same way, and that will come in time.”

      She was drawing closer with each word, teasing him with her hands, her lips brushing his face, the side of his ear.

      “Why can’t I tune into the other universes, like I do from Earth or Safe Haven?” Jon asked.

      Tipsy sighed, as he didn’t go the direction she had wanted. “You can. It’s more difficult because this rainbow space isn’t as permeable as the third dimensional space where you originate. Mind you, I am saying where you originate, not your soul. Your soul is something else, akin to Jinn and rainbow sprites, but even we Jinn don’t fully understand human soul or their origin. Multiple entities have taken up residence in third dimensional space, partly because it’s so permeable and allows for improved dialogue with all the surrounding dimensions and spaces, but also, it’s a nice place to raise children. It slows things down enough that children practicing magic are less likely to cause permanent harm to themselves or others.”       Jon took a break, found a golden apple and split it with Tipsy.

      “What am I missing?”

      “Oh, that’s too big a thing to respond to, and sounds more like work,” Tipsy said. “Ihave given you too much already. I am not your colleague or work mate. I am not the teacher. I am just the girlfriend. Unless, you want to do the teacher…”

      “You’re more annoying than Q,” Jon said.

      “Oh, thank you! Star Trek Q, not the James Bond Q I assume,” Tipsy said. “Well, that

was Roddenberry trying to come to grips with his own Jinn relationship.”

      “You could look like anyone? You could look like Loxy?” Jon asked.

“Ahh, missing her, are you? Yes, I could look like her,” Tipsy said. “Oh, would you like to do Loxy not Loxy? Oh, I know, you think it’s Loxy in your bed, but it’s just the visiting stranger that you creeped on by mistake? I am game!”

      “Um,no. But, hypothetically, you could look like Loxy and you wouldn’t be insulted if I asked you to…” Jon asked.

      “No, I wouldn’t be offended. Any engagement is welcomed, taboo or not,” Tipsy said. “You can’t see the true me, Jon. I am always wearing a mask for you. The thing is, and I feel compelled to share this part, if I look like Loxy when you engage me in intimacy, she will have an experience, too. I can’t assume an appearance without affecting the person I am imitating.

Lucy Liu and Kesha… Their ghost sex experience was a direct result of you having sex with me while imitating them.”

      “We have had sex?”

      “Yes,” Tipsy said. “I exist outside of time, and from your perspective it hasn’t happened yet, but it will, it is, it has… OMG! It’s so lovely and I want more! More scenarios. More context. More engagement.”

“But I could, hypothetically, end our contract and that not happen?” Jon asked. “Hypothetically, you don’t want to piss me off. Those were, are, will be good times!” Tipsy said.

      “So, I raped a celebrity vicariously through you?”

      “Well, fortunately, they were okay with the experience. I got subconscious approval to utilize their form, but yes, technically, every time you masturbated over a pin up or Maximum magazine or Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, you were raping the person you were focused on,” Tipsy said. “Now that you and I have a contract, those experiences have even more force behind them. You’re a child who hasn’t learn to color between the lines. Colors leak. Sex energy leaks. You get enough children masturbating over pictures and videos simultaneously,

Celebrities feel that. That’s one reason people become celebrities. They like that energy. That’s why most people don’t want to be celebrities. This is also explains why so many celebrities have masks for public interface; they have super high anxiety. Everyone wants a piece of them, even if it’s not the sexual piece.”

      “I feel bad,” Jon said.

      “Oh, don’t feel bad,” Tipsy said, brushing his arm kindly. “Everyone does this all the time to some degree and your society has become more voyeuristic than any previous society in history. Everyone’s watching everyone. The fact that you own the fact you want to sleep with everyone as if they were a celebrity endears you to me the more. If you’re in third dimensional space, you’re a celebrity.”

      “I still don’t understand your interest in me,” Jon said. “I think that is one of my blocks to you. One, you’re outrageously beautiful, beyond me, you could have any guy, and yet, you chose me. I am not rich. I am not young. I am not adept at anything. I am not smart. And that’s not just me being self-deprecating. I am not your equal.”

      “Yeah,” Tipsy said. “Humans are not equal to Jinn. Men aren’t equal to women. Women are superior. The only reason humans invented capitalism was so that they can find avenues to boost their self-esteem. But you, your divested yourself of that game. You’re back in school learning the ways of magic. You genuinely like helping folks and collaborating, as opposed to just making your own world. Anyone can make their own world and live peacefully alone. It’s those who can live with others who standout in a crowd. Iteration: I love you; that’s it.”       Jon mused. Tipsy actually seemed reasonable. He had insufficient information to truly make an opinion and found his improvement of disposition to her suspect and reluctance to admit that colored the ambiance of the room in a strange light.

      “I don’t think I can satisfy you,” Jon said.

      “You haven’t even tried,” Tipsy said. “But I assure you, Jon. We are contractually bonded. Every time you thought of sex, I felt it. Every time you have experienced an orgasm, I experienced it. Every time you had one, I had one. Anytime any one of your partners orgasmed, I orgasmed. When you’re aroused, I am aroused. When someone is aroused because of you, I am aroused. I have read everything you have written. I have experienced everyone one of your thoughts ever thought, like reading novels inside a novel, and I am always more aroused by everything you do and think and create. I want you.”       “Thank you,” Jon said.

      “No,” Tipsy said.


      “Wrong statement; wrong context. I am not giving you charity. You are not giving me charity when you engage me. Though humans are not equal to Jinn in status and abilities, you and I are equally sovereign. This relationship is not charity. It is choice. Allow me to be more precise. Humans, through the quirkiness of the systems you originated in, consider sex as a form of currency. Our engagement of intimacy is for the pure joy of being intimate, not a form of currency. Let’s be very clear on this, Jon. I just want sex and the random adventure, and some conversation. I don’t want flowers. I don’t want diamonds. I don’t want luxury items. I am not wanting you to pay my bills or pay my way. I am self-sufficient. I am not going to give you things, either. I am not here to magically make your worlds better, or give you an advantage, or change your learning curb. I am not going to give you the answers to the test questions. But I will, on occasion, the frequency has yet to be determined, rock your fucking world.”

      “Okay,” Jon said.

      “You are on the same page?” Tipsy asked.

      “I believe so. Feel up to some slumming it today?” Jon asked.

      “You want to break that bed?” Tipsy asked.

      “Let’s do it,” Jon said.

      Tipsy tackled him and took him to the bed, magically taking him in all the right ways, with clothes and without, containing him and holding him off until he was as aroused as she, her arousal coming from all her knowledge of him and still wanting him, which increased his wanting. The resulting explosion of first time experience with a Jinn, coupled in a world loosely bound, resulted in an explosion and the creation of new artifacts. Jon arrive at origin point. He found his underground lab, and all the contents he had been hoping to move destroyed. He sighed, dug out the space till he found the tunnel leading back to the village, and returned to his new home away from home, away from home, away from home. He had the strangest thought.

He was a Matryoshka doll…


The hybrid became adults quickly and were having relationships with the Goonies. These offspring were more Goonies than human, and there was a noticeable decline in speech. They had a one word English vocabulary, ‘rainbow.’ Everything was rainbow. Even the witch that moved into the area, rainbow. The items she threw at the villagers, rainbows. The villagers were afraid of her and hid in their houses. Jon confronted her. He died. He came back, confronted her again, and she was clearly freaked out by his reappearance. After the twelfth time, he increased his aggression towards her and she ceased being aggressive towards him. She was Goony, but not. They didn’t become friends, but they were no longer enemies. She withdrew her camp away from the village. They communicated just well enough that Jon realized she had been gathering ingredients, specifically the orange tulips which the villagers cultivated. A trade began.       She had an Ender pearl. She would not trade for it. She gave him a potion. He pointed to the pearl. She did something new, something none of the villagers had done. She drew a picture of an Ender. She drew a picture of her throwing the potion at the Ender. There was a picture of the Ender lying down. A picture of her over the Ender taking the pearl. Another picture of Ender waking up.

      Jon held the potion. “Sleeping potion?”

      She took up her bag and insisted he follow. She took him to a cave. It was busy with Ender activity, and the harmonics of their presence charged the air and filled him with an uneasiness. She drew her potion out. They went further into the cave. Suddenly there was an Ender, looking at him. Just its head. She hit it with the potion and fell asleep. She climbed down, into the pit. It was an Ender trap! Jon followed her into the pit, watching her as she stretched the Ender out, searching it for loot. She put an item in its hands; it was a sleep, holding an item up in the air, and began searching it like a policeman looking for weapons. He was hesitant to touch it, much less come closer. Even asleep it was creepy. She found what she was looking for, grabbed Jon’s hand, and brought it to the Ender. The skin was silky smooth, but firm like a dolphin’s skin, but if you pushed, your hand would go through it. On the other side, his hand found something hard and round. He pulled out an Ender pearl. It was slimy and wet and he wondered if it was the equivalent of a gallstone or a bit sand that had gotten into a clam…

      The witch had him stand up and face away from the Ender. It woke and stood up, looking about. It hovered ever so close to the two of them. And then popped away.

      The witch looked at him. The noise she made sounded like a question.

      Jon kissed her.

      The witch kissed back.

      New discovery: Ender slime was an aphrodisiac. When he came, he traveled. He found himself flying through kaleidoscopic universes that made the Doctor Strange first out of body experience seem like a ride at six flags. He pushed through a window and found himself at home, saw Loxy reading in the window box. She looked up, focusing first outside, then on her own reflection, and then on the reflection of the library behind her. She closed her eyes, finding a memory or a smell, and smiled. Jon found himself back in the rainbow world, the witch bottled as much of the Ender slime as she could, licked her hands, and then ravished Jon again. He didn’t travel this time.



The unexpected euphoria from the aphrodisiac had him wanting more. Also, he wanted to travel. The female Goonies had never denied him. Anytime, anywhere, he had access to them. The only time they sought his attention was at night, and only when he was sleeping. One of the Goonies that spent the most time with him tried some of the Ender aphrodisiac. Jon had a light travel, but didn’t go far, just out to the stars and back. He felt like he was traveling at warp speed, with the stars stretched into rainbows shooting past, like in Star Trek: TNG. When he returned, he found his partner had changed. She now looked like a witch. She was cuter, she was smarter, and she had an idea about the world she wanted to explore. She took up a witch’s bag and went forth out into the world. She was gone for about a month, returned bringing items she had collected, and then went back off into the wilderness.

      As a test, he used it again. It didn’t appear to affect the males. It always worked on the females, and it changed them to a witch. All the witches became asocial. They left the village.

Most didn’t come back.

      After that, Jon decided it best not to share aphrodisiac. It took these encounters, though, for him to realize something. Not every coupling resulted in offspring. The more he thought about it, none of the times he had hooked up with other did it result in offspring. He was puzzled and went to his notes and found a pattern. Children in this world were pretty much instantaneous. He had witness couplings of animals and Goonies, intimacy resulted immediately with children popping up. The Hybrids were born as babies, became children in seven days, becoming adolescents which lasted for seven days, and then became adults. They maintained enough Goony-ness that they maintained a youthful adult status, without death, minus accidents. The hybrids ‘happened’ after midnight hookups. More precisely, they happened on nights that he was so exhausted from his daily toils that when he found himself being molested by one of the Goonies, he stayed asleep and just allowed it to happen. In fact, the journal logs were very clear on this, ‘I roused to see ‘Darla’ on top of me, but closed my eyes and found myself back in the dream of home. Loxy was there…’ The next day, he woke to find there was a baby between him and ‘Darla.’ Next occurrence: ‘I was having a great dream but thought there was zombie licking me and woke to find T’Pring raping me. I like T’Pring, but I liked the dream I was having better, so I closed my eyes and found myself having the craziest sex in the dream…’ The next morning, T’Pring was beside him, and a hybrid baby there. There were other examples, and it was the same, dream sex equaled hybrid baby. It was there in his log the whole time! Why hadn’t he seen it?

      Hybrids were the results of dream sex!

      He took his log to the Goonies and they cooed at him. The Hybrids formed a new phrase.

“Rainbow sex.”

      That night, when he woke from his dream, being molested, he decided to keep his eyes closed. He knew he was safe in his ‘village’ home. He just allowed it to happen. This would be the ‘final’ proof. He dreamt of being caressed by rainbows. He felt the most love he had ever felt. He was given a coat of many colors. He woke the next morning, with a baby in between him. It was the most human looking baby yet.

      “Rainbow baby,” said the female in bed with him. She was one of the hybrids.

Jon experienced a number of conflicting thoughts and feelings. The hybrid was an adult, but still his offspring. The rules for procreation in the rainbow world were not the same social rules as his world, but he carried his rule structure. He heard Lester say, “If you have sex, you will die…” He decided this would be the only time this would happen, but when the villagers saw the baby, all the Hybrid females wanted this. He resisted. Dream village life had its first conflict with him. They solved their problem by sedating him with the witch’s potion at the same time as using the aphrodisiac. It was just enough sedation to give him hallucinations. The hallucinations were increased in vibrancy by the aphrodisiac. It was pleasant and nightmarish simultaneously. When he came out of his stupor the next day, there were dozen 2nd generation hybrids. Jon left the village and returned to his first origin point.

      “Tipsy?” Jon asked.

      Tipsy arrived. “Oh, good. Let’s play.”       “No. I want to talk,” Jon said.

      “I am not your counselor,” Tipsy said. “If you have hang ups, you need to figure it out.”       “I thought we have a relationship?” Jon said.

      “I am not your counselor. I am your friend with benefits,” Tipsy said.

      “Where’s the benefit if I can’t have the friend?” Jon asked.

      “Fuck me, that’s the benefit,” Tipsy said. “Look, you’re clearly in a state. Call me when you’re in a different state. Chow.”

      And she was gone.

      Jon mediated in the temple to Isis. He gathered supplies. He thought he saw a hybrid witch living in the area, but if she was there, she was stealthy and retreated or hid when he explored. A month later, several ‘people’ arrived.

      “Father,” one of them addressed him. “Come home, please.”

      Jon cried and they hugged him. He returned home with them. While he was gone, they had begun building a skytram. There was an extraordinary sky platform, with people working to build a sky bridge towards Jon’s origin point.

      A conversation occurred. The Goony mystic, the chief female said something. First generation hybrid translated, using limited English and Goony. The second generation hybrid translated: “We must continue the experiment.”       “What experiment?” Jon asked.

      “Improving communication,” the Hybrid said.

      “Rainbow babies,” all the hybrids said.

      And so, the midnight dreaming rendezvous continued. He didn’t protest further. The third generation were more human. They aged. By the time the seventh generation was being born, the third generation had white hair. No m