Liminal by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Finding Ender Pearls became his mission. Neither the Goonies or the Hybrids were willing to assist in this endeavor. Partly because, they didn’t want him leaving. They also were afraid of the Enders. Enders were scary. An accidental glance and you would find yourself being inexplicably killed, because once they were on you, it was hard to get you off of them. For all of their smarts, they were also fairly predictable. They always changed the ambiance of the room, bringing a harmonics. They were still a mystery. The person who knew the most of them was the first witch friend who had built a crude Ender trap, or had found it and just simply used it. He sought her out. She was not at the home she had made. He read through some of her journals. After a day, he explored the area, and then decided to visit the Ender trap alone.

      He found her, dying. He arrived in time to hold her as she died, but not in time to render aid. Her speech was sad, and somehow more sympathetic to him. When she died, she disappeared like yoda, leaving only her witches bag and a few items. Sheers. Flowers. A few jars of flowery essence. Several sleeping potions. And her primary recipe book, easily decipherable due to her ability to draw. He wondered if she returned to the rainbow sky, or was she simply an avatar that one of the rainbow stars had used, and simply existed in that rainbows memory.       An Ender arrived in the pit. The top of its head was visible as it explored the pit. He wondered if it had been the one to kill the witch. There was no need to pursue it, as it didn’t matter ultimately if it was or another. He was uncertain of sentience or not, but doesn’t kill a snake just because it bites someone. That is just what snakes do. Understanding snakes was the onus of the one with sentience, not the other way around.

      Jon took out the sleeping potion and edge towards the pit sideway, so as not to look directly at the Ender. He scored a direct hit and it fell asleep.

      Jon climbed down into the pit, stretched out the Ender and began search it for loot. An Ender not carrying items had enough of the Ender slime to fill two jars with aphrodisiac. He got concentrated slime with little flecks, little grains of sand like Ender Pearls.

      The Ender moved grabbing both of Jon’s arms. The grip was impossibly tight for something that was mostly ethereal. It was still asleep, but it’s eyes were opened to slits. Jon realized he had skipped one of the procedures. He had failed to put something in its grips.       The ender stood, gripping harder. Jon dropped a jar of concentrated Ender aphrodisiac. The splatter got them both. The resulting madness was sex with an Ender that ranged multiple universes, including the nether, and ‘Ender’ world. Normally, after aphrodisiac sex, Jon would sleep, but the Ender’s harmonic touch prevented sleep. And she was not satisfied yet, and so in the End world she continued to ravish him. He became aware of lots of Enders and new blocks, and a dragon perched on eggs. An egg hatched and a baby Ender emerged… Realization. The Enders were dragon larvae! Was this true only here in his world, or in the real mine craft? Was he hallucinating?

      The dragon swooped down and ate some Enders and returned to its nest. He had heard of animals eating their own young, and there were lots of Enders to be had here, so perhaps she was just being lazy?

Another dragon arrived, bigger than the first, coming onto the scene the same way

Ender’s come and go. It just popped in. The first dragon rose up to meet it. They mated. The second one was the female, and deposited eggs, and the male attended.

      The ender holding Jon evolved in front of him. There was artifacts that suggested she was new a creature, a witch Ender. Her eyes focused, seeing for the first time. She took Jon back to the trap, dropped him, and disappeared. It took all his strength to get back to the witches hut. He fell asleep in her bed, and slept for two days. It was the longest sleep he had ever had. He dreamed of Enders. He dreamed he was still be molested by the new Ender girlfriend. He dreamed of hybrid Enders and hybrid dragons.

      When he woke, the Ender witch was trying to communicate. It enticed him to follow. He did. He found a fortress with and an Ender gate. He took weeks to fortify the area, and he linked it to the village by an underground tunnel. The Ender witch provided the pearls, led him through the gate to an Ender island. There she revealed a nest. There were lots of Ender pearls gathered in the nest. She ate three and became incredibly amorous, and he surrendered to it. She became a dragon while engaging him. Wings sprouted even as she was arching her back in pleasure. Her hands gripping became claws that left scratches. She rose up into the air. She magically produced, or had been carrying a beacon. She melted pearls with fire and made pillar, depositing the beacon on top, and then made a nest, where she deposited her eggs. She flew away. Jon fortified the area around the gate so as to be able to come and go as needed and no sooner finished this when a male dragon arrived, drawn by the beacon. It settled on the eggs and took up a protective stance. The witch dragon returned. It mated with the dragon deposited more eggs and flew away. The Enders that hatched were human witch dragon hybrids. The dragons that came were new and smarter and varied.

      The world had changed.       He returned home.

      He had made it to the End, but he had no resolution. He wasn’t going to kill a dragon. He had no evidence that the dragons were sentient. The witch dragon seemed sentient, and the hybrid Enders were different. They avoided being eaten better than the other Enders, which gave them a survival edge, which meant future dragons might be on the way out.

      He discussed the problem with the Goonies and the Hybrids. The conversation was there was no death, only rainbows. It suggested it was okay to kill a dragon. Jon refused. They discussed the matter further. One of the offspring of the sixth generation kept trying to come in and finally it was entertained. It went straight way to Jon with a paper. Jon thanked her. The child became insistent. He opened it to find a crayon drawing of a human riding a dragon. Their word for rainbow was written by Jon. Also by the dragon. There was symbol for portal not portal, ‘RAINBOW.’ “Bridge,” the child spoke. The mother of the child spoke to her in goony speak and they both said “Rainbow Bridge” together.

      The villagers went to work on making a dragon harness for a single rider. Meanwhile, they continued to study Enders, vicariously through Jon. Traveling to the End via the portal was a one way trip. Jon could get back by dying, he was designated traveler. He could also get back by mating with an Ender, but that was more random. During the intimacy they bounced all over the place, but the final drop and sleep might be anywhere. Once he was deposited on an outer island, commandeered a ship and sailed it back to the main. Gathered supplies, and then sailed out past the cluster. In the distance he was pretty sure there was another cluster, but no apparent progress was ever made getting there. The length of time venturing out was the length of time it took to return.

      “The End world can’t be the end,” it was decided. The dragons went somewhere to hunt and breed. One heard stories of dragons coming to first world, but no one in present company had ever seen such a thing. That is, until Jon rode in on one.

      The dragons of Pearl and game of thrones had nothing on Jon’s dragons. The first generation dragon were simple folks. They would come if he called. If saddled, they would allow him to ride them, but never without. The first generation were black dragons, and they could go to the nether and the first world. It took experimenting with the aphrodisiac recipe to realize they could make different colored dragons. The aphrodisiac always changed the Ender to a witch. Different colored tulips resulted in different color schemes of the Ender witches. When they became dragons, they became dragons of the colored tulips. Rainbow dragons! One for each of the spectrum, plus one. The white egg dropped after an orgy of Rainbows and human. It was a single egg, resulting in a single white Ender. Albino was a better description, as it simply lacked pigment. The white dragon claimed the main island, which Jon shared. Each of the colored dragons claimed their own cluster of End islands, so that in all, the surrounding clusters beyond the ‘outer rim of islands,’ became populated by a spectrum, plus the black dragons, and one cluster for the original species. The original species were not equal, but they were treated respectfully by the hybrids.

      The white dragon was sterile. She was not immortal. She aged, she died. She aged faster if she teleported. Out of all the dragons, she seemed the smartest, the kindest, and if he didn’t know any better, he would say it had Autism. It took a ‘group share’ to make more white eggs. It was decided that the white dragon had the greatest abilities and would be the one capable of traveling the void between Universes. The Rainbows could not say what would happen if he failed to reach the other Universe. Once he left there Universe, he would not experience continuous regeneration. His absence from their Universe would result in a regeneration response. He would wake here, but he would also be elsewhere. They were not sure if he died there he would fully return here, but that he would definitely always be here. This was a complicated conversation that was compounded by ‘multiplicity’ of being in multiple space/times localities simultaneously. This was not absurd to the rainbows, or even his Oversoul, but to him, it was hard thing to clearly grasp.

      The trip was planned. Supplies gathered. Goodbyes were said. And Jon departed on a white dragon. The travel was instantaneous. He arrived back on the high cliff overlooking second home. White laid down and Jon climbed off ready to rush down the hill, but saw white had aged through its entire lifespan. Jon sat next to it. It put its head in his lap.

      “Loxy?!” Jon said, tears.

      Loxy was suddenly there, so was Keera. They both went to the Dragon and with all their medical knowledge and healing abilities, it was determined nothing could be done. This was just age. It projected, telepathically, rainbows and images of hearts. It was not unhappy. It assured them, its rainbow essence would find its way back to the rainbow universe, and that he would be the first of its kind to make it to the third dimensional shared space. If Jon returned, even if only navigating remotely, a more stable bridge would be created.

“I’ll return,” Jon said.

      “Rainbow,” the dragon projected. It died.

      The dragon disappeared in a spectacle of lights. A dragon’s eye stone dropped to the ground. Loxy and Keera hugged Jon.

      “I am so sorry, Jon,” Keera said.

      “The thing is, I didn’t even know it that long,” Jon said. “Why am I so affected?”       “You knew it for an eternity, traveling through the void. Who knows how many adventures you have had with her, adventures yet to be unpacked,” Loxy said. “And you were telepathically bonded, which means you couldn’t have ever been more intimate. You knew her as intimately as you know yourself. But even if none of that was true, you grieve because it was sentient, and this door is closed. Come on, let’s go home.”

      “You must be starving,” Keera said.

      “How long was I gone?” Jon asked.

      “Let’s eat first,” Loxy said.

      The three of them shared a simple meal of rice and eggs then Loxy fetched a book he hadn’t seen in his home before. “My Craft,” by Ion Light. “You were gone long enough to make this. I was reading it when you remote viewed me. In fact, I was reading that when I realized you were with me.”

      “I missed you so much,” Jon said.

      “I know. But there is no where you can go that I am not with you,” Loxy said. “Come on, let’s take a cuddle nap.”

      The three of them cuddled in bed and he fell asleep right away. He dreamed he was back in Rainbow World, and interacted. Each consecutive dream would pick up where he left off. The frequency of the dreams declined over time, but never went to zero. If he was needed, he could be summoned, and if he thought about it, he could intentionally dream himself there again.


On returning home, Jon’s life returned to a normalcy he found comfortable. His first bounce was to the committee, the semester review board. They seemed to be awaiting him. He sat down without being prompted.

      “I am Teriture,” said the hyper-feminized bot. “I would like to revisit not voting.”       “I am sorry,” Jon said. “I don’t intend to be disagreeable, I am not sure what we can learn revisiting that.” Jon remember the hybrids voting on whether he left or not. They voted no. The seventh level of hybrids required him to maintain the blood line. They would eventually die. Over time, the hybrids would likely die out as more and more generations partnered with Goony, the prevalent form of life, and accidental deaths took them. Perhaps if the hybrids traveled to their own spot and made their own Eden, they would sustain themselves, but they liked their home.

      “Where did you go just now?” Frito asked.       Jon came back.

      “Rainbow,” Jon said.

      “Non sequitur, explain,” Frito said.

Jon got up, brought an artifact forwards, and set it on the bench. A dragon’s eye stone.       “I don’t vote, because I don’t believe in mob rule. I believe in freedom,” Jon said.

“Freedom to choose.”

      “I am Floating Feather. How do you avoid conflict, chaos?” asked the Chewbaca wantto-be.

      Jon shrugged. “I don’t have a response to that. We just do. Bliss functions without imposing order,” Jon said. He quoted ‘When we hold on to our opinions with aggression, no matter how valid our cause, we are simply adding more aggression to the planet, and violence and pain increase. Cultivating nonaggression is cultivating peace. The way to stop the war is to stop hating the enemy.’ “Pema Chodron wrote this. ‘When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times.’ It seems relevant. I think he was a smarter man than I. I don’t have to vote to participate. I participate by simply existing. I bring peace by not participating in craziness. Cultivating compassion for others doesn’t mean I don’t follow my own path. Did you ever notice there is a compass in compassion? Ion, light… Let the light guide you, not the darkness. The system at my origin has been corrupted, participating in that advances the corrupt.”       Jon stopped. He found himself staring at the pattern along the bench where committee set. Something about it reminded him of Rainbow World. Maybe it was because he was so recently there. Maybe it was the length of time he was there. It took a hitting of the gavel to bring him back. He looked at Frito and wondered how he had used the gavel.

      “I am Summer,” Summer said. “Where did you just go?”       “Rainbow,” Jon said.

      “You violated a rule,” Frito said.

      “Probably,” Jon said.

      “Not probably,” Frito said. “You had sex. You’re in my class. You were instructed to not engage. You have the nerve to suggest your system is corrupt, when you’re corrupt.”

      “Probably not good idea to have too many rules about sex,” Jon said.

      “Discipline, abstinence…”

      “I am not a monk. I am not going to be celibate,” Jon said.


      “I am a magician. A sexually active magician. I just have to think about sex and it happens. If it doesn’t happen here, it happens somewhere. The frequency of my sexual thoughts may indicate addiction, or normalcy, or intrusive thoughts, or maybe, I am just hyper aware of sex and the pathways it opens… I had sex. I died. A little death. French, right. I traveled. I’d rather discuss the people I met. It’s not a first contact. For me it is, but I have evidence the Jinn have encountered them.”

      “I am Notch,” Notch interrupted. “What evidence?”       “Something Tipsy was telling me…”       “Tipsy? My daughter?!” Frito said.

      “Yeah. I had sex with her, too,” Jon said.

      Jon found himself in a bubble shield. He was not privy to the level of discussion as they restrained Frito from killing him. Everyone was calm by the time the bubble dissipated.

“You were explicitly rule bound from engaging strange while in my class. That’s two rules you broke,” Frito said. “You have flunked the class, and by default and everyone in the class now must repeat.”

      “As long as no sex is a function of the class, we’re not going to advance,” Jon said. “I would like to be released from the class…”

      “No!” Frito said. “You will abide by the class rules…”

      “No, I won’t,” Jon said. “Either I am released from that class, or that class will go on indefinitely. I will not deny myself sex any more than I will deny myself food or water. You may as well as the stars not to shine.”

“Your other classmates may have a say in this. I won’t protect you should they chose to harm you,” Frito said.

      “I am at Safe Haven. I can’t be flunked out. I can be killed, but interestingly, I keep coming back here, which means…” Jon blinked. “We don’t die!”

      “You can be killed,” Frito assured him.

      “Yeah. Maybe. Contextually. We change. Oh! The alien hybrid program on Earth.

They’re not breeding with humans to make hybrids to take over. They’re bridge building! Why didn’t I see this?” Jon said.

      “I am Summer,” Summer said. “Explain that.”

      “Human can’t speak to dolphins. We can’t make their noises, they can’t make ours. Some people use that as evidence they don’t have language, but they do. Science has proben they have individual names and group names, you can’t have the complexity of their interaction patterns without having a language,” Jon said. “Science has even shown you can’t just take a dolphin from one pod on one side of the ocean and drop it into another pod on the other side of the ocean and expect it to just be part of the new pod, because they can’t communicate… Language! Maybe humans will build a computer translation program, smart buoys where AI becomes the bridge allowing human dolphin communication. Or maybe, we make human hybrid dolphins so that the resulting creatures can speak both languages. That’s what the aliens are doing! We can’t speak alien. We just can’t. It’s about intelligence and biology and orientation due to family of origin and system requirements. They’re not going to ask about movies or politics… OMG, that’s why you’re asking about my interaction pattern within my own system. You don’t care if I vote or not. You want to know how I relate…”

      Jon stood up, but didn’t make eye contact. “I am here and not here. I am a magician. I can’t be contained. I exist across multiple arenas,” Jon said. “I did not violate your rule structure. I did not have sex while in your class. If you consider the time on Earth where I went without sex for a two years due lack of partners, then I have demonstrated I can go without, except I still thought of it and masturbated, so you decide if that counts. I had sex on my planet. Planet Bliss is outside your space-time continuum, so not a rule violation. As for the strange… Tipsy is a little more challenging to box, but we had sex outside the space-time continuum, and the though rule structure says block them for all time… Fuck it. I made a choice. I intentionally engaged her, not in contempt of the rule, but because I chose to. I even suspected she was your daughter. I didn’t follow that. Probably should have. Oh, father Frito, it’s nice to meet you.”

      Again Jon found himself back in the bubble. When he came out, Tipsy was there.

      “Seriously, dad. You didn’t think I’d put a protection spell on him?” Tipsy asked.

“You did this to…”

      “No,” Jon interrupted. “I chose this. I am a magician. I travel. I interact with people on many levels. I am going to have affairs. I am going to have one night stands. I am bridge building. Oh! Wait a minute. Loxy and Lester. They were in your class. Not only did Loxy and Lester break your rules, they graduated… Wait a minute. The rules were in conflict. He needed his card punched. He couldn’t move forwards because he needed that but was in your class… Oh, no it’s more complicated than even that. He was married, but wanting to not be married, and your class was the explanation crutch he used… The rules are rules! Not laws. There are consequences for not violating rules. I experienced consequence. The class continues on schedule. The Universe continues unimpeded. It doesn’t care about the transgression because it’s not a Universal law, like gravity. It’s not applicable. Oh! Santa Claus.”

      “What?” Frito asked.

      “I broke a rule, Santa still came. The rules are necessary. The rules are good. Voting is good. All children need Santa and rules and voting. It’s all a lie, but it’s a helpful lie. More a game than a lie, and everyone engages in the game until they realize, I am not in high school any more, and quit the game,” Jon said. “I think I will still graduate. I may never complete your class, but I will still continue to learn and eventually will enough credits, and maybe we just become friends and chat away the rest of the Universe, but I am no longer bounded by social rules that are not applicable to me.”

      “New rule,” Frito said. “You can’t speak this discovery to your class mates. The class continues until all the students have made the same discovery. Every year the class continues,

additional rules will be added until all rules have been violated.”       The panel stood up to leave. Frito turned towards his castle.

      “That’s it?” Jon asked.

“Oh, and you’re now a sophomore,” Frito said. “Tipsy, I want to speak with you in my office, now.”

      “The social rules don’t apply…”       “Now!” Frito snapped.

      “Yes, father,” Tipsy said.

      Tipsy kissed Jon and disappeared.

      “Wait. That’s it?” Jon asked again.

      “What?” Frito asked. “You want a good by blow job?”       “No. Yes. Not with everyone watching,” Jon said.

      “Bye,” Frito said.

      “Wait wait,” Jon said. “That’s it?”

“What?” Frito asked. “You’re just moving from freshman to sophomore. You expect pomp and circumstance?”

      “No, I hate that stuff,” Jon said.

      “No skipping graduation,” Summer said.

      “Is that a rule, or a law?” Jon asked.

      “I a