Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

The Baesar Piece Discovered

Inside the wagon there are 6 large rooms on the first level. There is a dining room, a kitchen, a games room, a bathroom, a living room and a clothes room that has all of their many clothes that Micavello had bought them. Dorama and Saycha go into the living room to get their coins from the safe.

The living room has a green felt couch that runs the length of the left wall, with a pair of round marble and brown wood tables in front of it. There is also a pair of picture windows (one behind the couch and one directly facing it). There is also a dresser made of Palant teeth that has 5 drawers on the front and a secret drawer on the side. On top of it there is a crystal statue of Lord Beba. There is also a Ponopris game in the corner (which is a pair of robot hands you tried to wrestle to the top and sides as they fought you off). If you won, the undercarriage of the game would open and you could grab a stuffed animal of your choosing. On the floor there is a thick Canto skin rug with 4 Canto heads on all 4 corners.

Saycha grabbed the crystal statue of Lord Beba and twisted it a circle. As he did the secret drawer in the dresser popped open on the left side and out slid a 2 foot tall and 2 foot wide black steel safe. Saycha asked,” Is the combination 4,5,6, Guros or the other way around?”

“It’s 4,5,6, Heybea head you dum, dum. And you have to press the red button in the middle of the dial first, like this,” said Dorama as she walked up to Saycha and pressed the red button in the center.

“Oh right, Heybea ok I’ve got it,” said Saycha as he turned the dial and entered the combination. The safe door opened and he said boldly,” And we’re rich, thank you Micavello.”

Inside the safe there were piles of gold and silver coins and also a green emerald pendant that Dlarm had given them. Saycha grabbed a handful of silver coins and gave them too Dorama.

Next he grabbed another handful and put them into the pocket of his Palant hide jacket.

“With this many coins we can do any booth we want too. And I want to try them all,” said Dorama in a sassy voice.

Jamce popped his head in and said boldly,” We’re here, let’s park the wagon and take a look around.”

Dorama smiled, Saycha nodded yes and then all 3 went up to the front of the wagon and took their first look at the Beeda Bed festival.

There was a large brown wood arch that acted as an entrance. Then to the right of it there was a 15 mile long grass field. It was used to pack the wagons in neat rows and it was nearly filled. Then there was a good 50 Qytoe wood carved statues on display in the front (with Qytoe standing beside them doing on the spot quick carvings of anyone who wanted one for 3 coins).

Next there were the livestock barns filled with everything from an Albino Palant to a cage with 2

elderly Canto inside. The barn itself was 600 yards long and had 3 levels, with the roof being 100

feet high. It was blue wood and the doors were painted white and oval in shape. It also had Lord Beba’s image painted on every side in red paint.

Next you came to the games of chance and there were hundreds lined up one after another in blue tents (with the others in brown wood stalls). Beyond those there is the racetrack where they raced everything from horses to Palants to large and small wagons even small children dawned funny suits and animal helmets and raced around the track. On the field in the center there was a dance hall and a shooting gallery. The last thing you came to was the Plople Muswum and it had relics from centuries ago like pendants, staffs, and spellbound rocks, as well as famous Sorcerers robes and shoes. It is 5 stories high and stretched for over 2 miles.

“Take that one right there, Jamce, it looks big enough,” said Dorama as she pointed to an empty parking spot and smiled.

“She’s plenty big, let’s take her,” said Jamce boldly as he steered the wagon into the patch of grass with 2 large wagons on either side.

All 3 of them got down off the wagon and walked over to the front gate. They walked in and Dorama saw the Qytoe carvings and said,” I walk with a many handed friend.”

Saycha and Jamce laughed and then Saycha said,” Let’s get carvings of ourselves. It’s only 3 coins.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice. It will be a good keepsake,” said Jamce as he walked over to a Qytoe and asked,” Can you get all 3 of us in a carving or does it have to be individual?”

“It’s easy to get all 3, but it still costs full price,” said Poavo as he grabbed a fresh piece of white wood.

Poavo has long dark brown hair that has little turquoise statues tied to the ends. His face is round and chiseled, with high cheekbones and well defined lips. His eyes are smoky and dark green.

“Alright, fair is fair do you need us to pose for it?” asked Jamce as he pulled the 3 coins from his pants pocket.

“That’s ok I have already got a sense of you in my mind. It will be only a minute or 2 until it is ready,” said Poavo as he started to frantically carve the white wood with a short silver blade.

“2 minutes , well at least it’s quick. I wonder what they have for food this year?” asked Saycha as he looked around at the people moving about and then spotted a food stand and asked,” Hey, have they got Xstepy over there? I’m gonna go grab one do you want one too?”

“I’m a little full from that delicious Cabon,” said Jamce slyly with a smile and then he said plainly,” Grab a pair for me.”

“We’re never gonna hear the end of that victory,” said Dorama as she looked at Jamce who was smiling and then said,” I’ll take one two, Saycha, and see if they have any Cory tongues too I’m starving .”

“Got it, I will try to remember everything and if I don’t well, you should have come with me,” said Saycha playfully as he walked away and waved bye over his shoulder.

“That rascal will probably forget on purpose and come back with moldy potatoes,” said Jamce as he watched Poavo intently.

“He’s good about remembering things I bet he’ll get everything he can,” said Dorama as she put her arm around Jamce and squeezed.

Saycha walked through the crowd and over to the booth as an elderly man with long white hair and a dark green beard asked politely,” Are you’re hungry I’ve got food? Are you hungry, Young Man?”

“Yes, can I get 5 Xstepys and do you have any Cory tongues?” asked Saycha as he looked at the delicious Xstepys inside the booth.

“Why so hungry, Saycha, you should be full with contentment?” asked Lord Mrecton snidely as he grabbed Saycha’s shoulder.

“Excuse me let go of my shoulder. I don’t know you,” said Saycha as he threw Mrecton’s hand off his shoulder.

“But you know me, don’t ya,” said Cornerme as he walked up next to Saycha and smiled.

Saycha recognized him immediately and felt a chill go down his spine as he froze in his tracks and then said anxiously,” Cornerme, don’t try anything or there’ll be trouble.”

“Trouble, I am trouble. How ‘bout a kiss from my staff? Moneyo Tampo aho meomp!”

shouted Cornerme as he waved his staff in a circle.

Suddenly white sack of flames covered Saycha and Cornerme grabbed it and threw it over his shoulder. Jamce saw this and shouted,” Wait right there, Cornerme! We’ve got business!”

Jamce and Dorama started to run towards Cornerme but as they did he shouted,” Blespo Mi Gagi!” Then he and Mrecton bounced off the ground and shot half a mile into the air and came to rest 50 miles away (Saycha was in tow and they rested on top of a small hut in Bapledo village).

“No, no poor Saycha!” said Dorama sadly after she watched them disappear in the distance.

“Oh no, Dorama, this is terrible! The worst there is, Saycha is gone and we don’t know where. We were only gone for 2 minutes,” said Jamce anxiously as he paced back and forth.

“Wait, wait ah minute, Micavello can help us,” said Dorama quickly as she put her hands on Jamce’s shoulders.

“Yes, that’s right we must go to his castle right now, let’s get to the wagon,” said Jamce frantically as he and Dorama ran to the wagon.

They boarded the wagon and tore out of their parking space just barely clipping another wagon. They travelled the rest of the day and the night, with Jamce steering the wagon and Dorama asleep on his shoulder.

Dorama awoke and asked as she yawned,” Morning, Jamce, did you get any sleep last night?”

“Not a wink, I couldn’t, not with Saycha in Cornerme’s grasp. When I see that man again it will be his last day on Pabstrum I promise you that,” said Jamce sternly as he watched the sun just coming over a hill in front of them.

“Saycha is very strong and I know he will keep himself alive no matter what they try to get him to do. So for right now I think you should get some sleep,” said Dorama warmly as she rubbed her eyes.

“I couldn’t, not today it will have to be tonight I’m too filled with anger to sleep. Let’s face it, if I had been with him this never would have happened. But the Palant will have to rest soon so we will have to stop for an hour,” said Jamce sternly as he squeezed the reigns of the wagon tightly.

“Why don’t we pull off here at Spangol, it looks hospitable?” asked Dorama.

“Spangol’s the place, I just hope there’s someone awake so we can get some food for the Palant,” said Jamce as he steered into Spangol and off the main road.

“The Palant, I’m starving. I’m about to keel over from hunger,” said Dorama as she pretended to be dying.

“Good point, ok then we’ll all grab a bit of breakfast and meet some new people. I don’t know much of this town, but I heard it’s a haven for antiques and collectibles. Which doesn’t really matter too much at this point, but it could give us a way to take our minds off Saycha,”

said Jamce as he pulled the wagon into a parking spot in the front of a large building that had a sign that reads,” Food, supplies and something for your eye at Rafigans” and had a man eating his arm with ketchup on it on the right hand side.

The town of Spangol is made entirely from orange wood. And all the buildings have roofs like a top turned upside down and are also orange wood, but darker. The town emanates outward from a large statue in the center of the battle of Coitosh.

The battle of Coitosh is a famous fight between the Gamsey family and the Venero family. It started when a large 3 ton boulder made entirely of gold was discovered on the border between the 2 families’ properties. Claiming rights in Spangol decreed that both families must split the proceeds from the boulder 50/50, but Poug Gamsey wanted it all for himself. He went out with his 6 sons in the middle of the night to steal the boulder and claim that bandits had taken it the following day. They went out to the boulder and started to dig it up, but then Marade Venero (the wife of Barve Venero) caught them in the act and screamed for her husband to come. Burve and his 7 sons came running down the hill with swords and knives in their hands and a huge battle broke out. Even Marade joined in with her kitchen knife. After the dust cleared everyone was dead and the boulder of gold was taken by the mayor Babfran Coitosh, who said that the first person to buy their farms got the boulder. And he had purchased both the minute he heard what had happened and no one could argue or he’d put them in jail.

Jamce and Dorama went into Rafigan’s and took a look around at his wares. The inside of the store had 70 turnstiles that were half in the room and half in another room, where they were constantly reloaded with items from foods to antiques. All’s you had to do was press a button and the turnstiles would move and you could see everything they had on that particular one. In the middle of the room there was a round dark brown wood counter with a large fluffy green

chair behind it. There are also several small figurines on the counter that are of wizards and warriors. The ceiling is 40 feet high and has a painting of the 7 great wizards of the Evare Province. It is a source of pride for most, some of them come from Evare considering most were born and raised in the Komb province near the Tombuly Mountiains.

Most thought it was because of the rich waters of the Passasip River that snaked around the base of the mountain. The last wizard to be born in Evare was Baesar Brac (a green wizard who disappeared a century prior and hadn’t been heard from since). He was well known for his tireless efforts to keep the Nestook in place as well as the Microfic portals.

The Microfic portals are a series of 500 doors that lead to various destinations in Pabstrum and some even took you too places in the Underworld. Few knew how, or had the power to open most of them, but Baesar Brac was one who could use them all. They are located all over Pabstrum.

“Get whatever you want, Dorama, we’ve got plenty of coin left but if you want it you’ve got to carry it. I’m getting too old to carry around barrels of whiskey,” said Jamce as he grabbed a pack of 5 Luba ears and put them on the counter.

The Luba is a bat-like creature that has blue fur and a small round face. It also has triangle shaped eyes and dark green teeth. It is usually ground up into dust for seasoning, but it has large honey tasting ears that are a true favorite of most.

“You said barrels plural, how ‘bout one barrel?” asked Dorama half jokingly as she smiled.

“Fine, but no more than that, I don’t see why you don’t just grab a half dozen bottles of scotch and be good with it,” said Jamce implying a question.

“Well whiskey from a barrel just has a certain flavor, but I’ll take the bottles of scotch too,”

said Dorama slyly as she started to grab bottles of Geers scotch and put them on the counter.

Geers is a native of Spangol and his scotch has small pieces of Cory tongues and snouts inside each bottle.

“Uh, I should have quit while I was ahead. What do we have here,” said Jamce as he looked at a statue of Baesar Brac that had wild staring eyes and a half smile.

Dorama walked over and looked at the Baesar statue and said,” That is truly amazing. I’ve never seen a more hilarious statue in my life. We have to get that I insist. Put it on the counter, Jamce.”

“Done!” said Jamce as he took the statue of Baesar and put it on the counter.

They grabbed a case of Cory tongues, 20 Xstepys, 26 Seso tarts and a Palant gizzard that had been glazed in red hot Omavha sauce and put them on the counter.

Seso tarts are 3 inch pies that are filled with everything from wild berries to Canto brains, but you never knew until you bit into one which was part of the fun of eating a Seso tart. They were named after Seso R Plan a famous entertainer who would sing and dance and do magic, but always in a sporadic and uncontrollable way (leaving the audience to only guess what he’d do next).

Omavha sauce is a thick blue sauce made from a Larce bird’s droppings. It would make a person flush with heat and be overtaken with flavor.

“We’ll take all of this and a barrel of whiskey to boot,” said Jamce proudly as he waved his hands over all of the good they were buying.

The man behind the counter has stark white wavy hair that is down to his shoulders and tied in a bow, with a red pedant holding it in place. His eyes are bright orange and have an h shaped cornea in each. His nose looks like a bishop from a chess set. He has on a grey jacket that went down to his knees, that has small sewn in patches of everywhere he’d ever traveled too in his life

(from Stachance to Marbou and everywhere in between). He also has on a pure white dress shirt underneath with a golden crystal medallion around his neck. He is also wearing black cloth pants and crimson boots with star shaped heels.

“You’ve got it, kind Sir, and my young son will help you carry it out to your wagon. May I ask you your names?” asked Fert Anvey as he smiled slightly at Jamce and Dorama.

“I am Jamce and she is my sister Dorama. And you would be?”

“Fert Anvey, I bought this store in a recent dealing,” said Fert as he tallied up their bill.

“Fert Anvey, you’re kidding me,” said Dorama in disbelief.

“No, that’s the name my father and mother were kind enough to give me,” said Fert warmly as he smirked slightly.

“Have you ever heard of the Medallion of Believe?” asked Jamce.

“Don’t, don’t say it…don’t ever say those words! That talk isn’t welcome in my shop!

Please, please say you haven’t got it with you!” shouted Fert in shock.

“No, Fert, we don’t have it, it’s been destroyed,” said Jamce quickly.

“Oh thank God for that. That medallion brought nothing but horror to all who owned it.

That’s good news son my mind is free of it now. I’m sorry I yelled,” said Fert apologetically as he closed his eyes and clasped his hands together.

“It’s alright, Fert, the medallion is no more and Micavello is no longer trapped inside,” said Jamce.

“Really, Micavello my dear old friend is free. My how I’d love to see him again,” said Fert softly as he thought about the last time he saw Micavello at the fields of Traen outside of Stachance.

“We’re on our way to see him now. You’re welcome to come with us if you’d like,” said Dorama then she took a bite of a Seso tart.

“Yes, I would like that very much so. Yes, alright, Ill close up the shop and we’ll hit the road,” said Fert happily and then he looked at Jamce and Dorama’s goods and said,” And all this is free, we’ll just call it payment for the ride.”

“Great, thank you, Fert, do you need to get anything before we go?” asked Jamce as he watched Fert’s young son Beabody start boxing up their stuff.

“Yes actually I’ll need to go in the back for a moment and get a few things for the road. I’ll just be a moment,” said Fert anxiously and instantly he walked briskly into his bedroom out back.

Inside Fert’s bedroom there is a spade shaped bed that has 2 piles of stuffed animals on either side, with a small aisle in the middle with a red comforter and 4 black pillows piled on top of each other. There is also a man shaped closet on the left and it has dark brown wood doors with the letters DS emblazoned on it in red letters. On the walls are 8 small paintings of swords piercing the back of a sorcerer who was unable to be seen (he was facing away). The floor is covered in tan socks and blue underwear. And the ceiling has a large octagon shaped clock that is going in reverse.

Fert went over to the man shaped closet and pressed his hand underneath the front of it and unlocked the closet. The closet flung open and inside there were a pair of black and yellow robes, as well as a long tan wood staff. There is also a blue emerald medallion and a pair of diamond encrusted t-shaped sunglasses. There is also a gold 10 inch copy of,” The Mastering of 4 States of Reason,” by Merripleather Fots.

The book has 6 chapters that explain in endless detail how to see everything in life from a different and real perspective in only a moment’s time. The author Merripleather was a black wizard and was feared by each and all even by other black wizards for his love of destruction and death. Merripleather once conjured a spell that left 3 green wizards in constant excruciating pain for 8 years. He did it just to give himself a laugh.

Fert put on his yellow robe, his t-shaped red sunglasses, grabbed his staff and copy of Merripleather’s book. Then he ran his fingers over the blue medallion and said snidely,” Dear Micavello, you’ve breathed free air for far too long. It’s time you met a new destiny and got comfortable in some new surroundings. And I’ve got just the place, have you heard of it, the Hopeshanks Medallion,” said Fert snidely as he rubbed the medallion and then said coldly,

“Roomy for a traitor like yourself, but a fine place to spend an eternity. Your friends could never have guessed I had a part in imprisoning you the first time in the Medallion of Believe, but they’ll find that out in due time as I crush the life out of them,” said Fert and then he started smiling smugly as he grabbed the medallion and put it around his neck and under his shirt.

Meanwhile Jamce and Dorama were outside loading up the wagon when Jamce said,”

Imagine our luck finding Fert Anvey. I mean think of how happy Micavello will be when he sees him.”

“I know this may be the exact break we needed to get Saycha back home and safe. And, we got all these free supplies, which means I think that our luck has turned.”

“I can feel it and I think it’s for certain,” said Jamce quickly as he grabbed an Xstepy and took a large bite.

“I’ve got all that I will need. We can go anytime you’re ready,” said Fert brightly as he climbed up onto the front of the wagon.

“I didn’t know you were a wizard, what color are you?” asked Dorama as she looked at Fert’s robe.

“I am a red wizard or of the Crimson Way you might say,” said Fert smoothly while he secretly knew he was a black wizard.

“A friend of ours, Dlarm is a red wizard too, have you heard of him?” asked Jamce as he chewed his Xstepy.

“Dlarm, oh I think so that sounds very familiar. Oh yes, Dlarm I remember now of course.

So how long ‘til we get to Marbou ya think?” asked Fert as he tried to smile, but secretly was worried about how he had answered the question Jamce asked.

“You mean Stachance don’t you?” asked Dorama as she lit up a blue candle.

“Oh right, Stachance I’m losing my memory in my old age,” said Fert anxiously.

“We should be there by midday the day after tomorrow. Why don’t you have a look around the wagon and tell us what you think,” said Jamce as he continued to eat ravenously.

“I would love it and I’ll hurry right back,” said Fert happily as he went inside the wagon with his things in his hand.

Jamce started the Palant moving and then said,” I like this Fert character, he’s got a bit of a nervous condition, but I think that’s just from old age. And if we run into any trouble, it’s always good to have a wizard around. Don’t ya think so?” asked Jamce as he licked the last of his Xstepy off his fingertips and then belched.

“You’re right, I do think so. With Fert we would stand a chance against almost anything. I worry though, not about Fert, but Saycha. He’s in a bad spot right now and I get distracted for a little while here and there, but I can’t stop worrying about him. I just hope he can hold on,” said Dorama as a tear rolled out of her eye.

Jamce hugged Dorama and said warmly,” Don’t you get so glum. Saycha’s a fighter and he’s crafty. I wouldn’t worry about him, are you kiddin’ me? That boy has been a warrior all his life. He’s probably escaped already and this whole trip is for nothing. No, Saycha he’s the best of it and that’s for certain.”