Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

The Triptoken savior

After they had been home in Consey for a few days resting, Dorama, Jamce and Saycha decided they’d go to the annual Beeda Bed festival in Traymas (the village next to theirs). The Beeda Bed festival is a celebration of the art of lying, arts and crafts, sharpshooting, and all things death defying like the 60 foot fall into a mound of crushed Beeda’s.

The Beeda is a mouse like creature, but it has a pair of red shell like wings, a blue pie piece like head and a tail with a large ball of tiny feathers at the tip. It is known to wait ‘til the exact moment a person falls asleep, then land right on their nose and relieve themselves.

The event was organized by Dergever Mormun (a red wizard). It was in the remembrance and. celebration of his late sister Bukim (who died when she fell off the side of a Femta boat and drowned). Dergever is well known for his tremendous power and most, dared not trifle with him when he was angry.

“Are we walking or taking the wagon?” asked Dorama as she stepped outside of their hut in front of Jamce and Saycha.

“Wagon of course, we don’t want to be sweaty and exhausted when we arrive. Plus the new Palant we got needs to be tried and tested to see what she can do,” said Jamce as he walked next to Dorama.

“I’ll tell you what she can do, she can crap a pile right on your flower garden,” said Saycha as he pointed to Jamce’s flower garden that was covered in Palant droppings.

“Oh no, not my red Paupo and my green Dimlac’s,” said Jamce sadly as he kicked the Palant droppings. “How could this be?” asked Jamce as he looked at the new Palant and then shouted,”

You’re gonna pay for that!”

Dorama and Saycha laughed and climbed inside their new wagon (Micavello had bought it for them). It us 5 stories high and each story is a different color, with the top story covered in green paisley wallpaper. The others are red and on the first, blue on the 2nd, black on the 3rd and orange and brown on the 4th and 5th. It is shaped like someone had put 5 shoe boxes on top of each other, with each box smaller as it got higher up. On the front of the wagon there is a pair of black leather recliners and a green felt couch in between for steering the wagon. There is also a barrel of rum in a spot next to it on the left side. On the rear of the wagon there is a small red cloth couch that faces out the back. It has a small table in front with an Emosly set on it.

An Emosly set is a children’s game where you are each dealt five playing cards with pictures of Lord Beba on each, as well as having grooves and small pins on each. There is the Emosly box, which is 2 feet high and 2 feet wide and filled with 7 different figurines that would pop out of a slot in the front when a certain series of cards were played. Each person secretly plays a card, trying to trick the other players into playing the card they needed for a figurine to pop out of the slot. The first person to get all the figurines is the winner. And when you placed all 7 in the proper slots on the Emosly board, the Emosly would open and you got a Cabon candy stick.

Cabon are 13 inches long and have Guros centers and they are covered in blue chocolate and peanuts. They are named after Pichau Cabon a yellow wizard who was renowned for his insatiable sweet tooth. He awoke one evening in such dire need of sugar he ran 8 miles for a single square of chocolate at a neighboring farm.

Saycha and Dorama went to the back of the wagon and were joined there moments later by Jamce who asked,” Who’s up for a game of Emosly?”

“Count me in, I haven’t had a chance to savor my last win, but I can make room for another Cabon in my belly,” said Saycha proudly with a smirk.

“I wouldn’t count your Heybea heads so soon I can feel the luck pumping through my veins.

And don’t you get any idea’s of winning either, Dorama, my tastebuds need a soothing Cabon,”

said Jamce coyly as he sat down between the 2 of them.

“Jamce, the only thing you’ll be tasting, is defeat. I am due for a victory and none to quickly for my tastes,” said Dorama slyly as she tried not to laugh.

Saycha grabbed the cards out of the automatic card shuffler and dealt out 5 cards to everyone including himself and then said,” Winners breaks, so I go last and I pick who goes first, I pick…Jamce.”

“Oh no that’s how it is, is it. I guess I’ll have to play my all time hardest then. I’ll start you off easy pay close attention,” said Jamce playfully as he inserted the Lord Beba swimming card (which meant that if Dorama or Saycha played Lord Beba swimming Jamce and whoever played it would get the figurine) but if no one played it and then no cards matched, then the last person to go would get the figurine meaning Saycha.

After the first 5 cards were gone a new five would be continually dealt until there was a winner and someone had all 8 figurines.

Dorama looked intently at Jamce trying to figure out what he had played. She inserted the Lord Beba swimming card and said with a smirk,” I think I figured you out on this one, I’m wise I am wise.”

“I hope so or it will be me and Saycha getting the prize,” said Jamce smoothly as he gave Dorama a wink and then smiled at Saycha.

Saycha watched Jamce like a hawk and then he looked at his cards and took his Lord Beba falling into a cavern and inserted it into the slot. The green lights for the number 1 and number 2

lit up and the song,” Me Healthy Happy,” started to play and Saycha sighed and said,” Oh that’s bad luck, right off the start!”

“Me healthy happy,” was a song written and sung by Dirfelt (Lord Beba’s youngest daughter) when she was 3 years old.

“It’s alright, Saycha, losing is in your blood,” said Jamce with a wide smile.

“He’ll get over it he’s young,” said Dorama brightly.

The 2 figurines of Lord Beba swimming came out of the Emosly box while Jamce and Dorama quickly grabbed them.

“You haven’t beaten me yet, still a long way to go. It’s your move, Jamce, be careful not to do anything too risky,” said Saycha slyly as he looked at Jamce wide eyed.

Saycha said this in the hopes of getting Jamce to play another swimming card because he had one. He knew that Jamce could have another one and might play it because he just won with one.

There are 7 different cards in total that included Lord Beba swimming, reading a Larce bird’s wing, eating an Xstepy, kissing a mirror image of himself, punching a Canto, falling into a cavern and sleeping on one of the Teame moons.

Jamce looked at Saycha and laughed slightly then looked at his cards and debated playing another Lord Beba swimming or a Lord Beba punching a Canto. Then he felt slightly nervous and couldn’t decide so he played another Lord Beba swimming.

Saycha saw how nervous Jamce looked and he asked boldly,” You look a little nervous over there you didn’t perhaps play another swimming card?”

Jamce laughed and said smoothly,” There is more than one card in the deck my, Dear Brother.”

Saycha didn’t know what to think and he couldn’t get a read on Jamce. He looked at Dorama who was eyeing her cards carefully and then she slid in a Lord Beba swimming and said happily,” He didn’t, but I might have. You’ll just have to take your chances, Saycha.”

“Well, that’s not what I needed to hear. I’m feelin’ lucky about this one so I’ve decided it’s going to be this one,” said Saycha anxiously as he slid in a Lord Beba punching a Canto and let out a sigh.

The lights lit up again for number 1 number 2 and again the song,” Me healthy happy,”


Jamce shouted,” We are on fire! I can’t believe we suckered you again!”

“How is that possible, you had it? You named the card before he played it, Saycha, wow that has got to be a big Guros to swallow,” said Dorama as she hugged Jamce.

“You know it doesn’t help when you rub it in,” said Saycha as he sulked on his side of the couch and rubbed his forehead.

“Helps us,” said Jamce quickly with a laugh.

“Poor, Saycha, I fell for so bad for you. You only told us about your last victory every other minute for the last 2 weeks,” said Dorama sarcastically as she pretended to wipe fake tears from her eyes.

“Alright, now you’re getting my best game and I will show no mercy, your move, Jamce,”

said Saycha sternly as he stared down Jamce.

“OK little brother, but it won’t be pretty. Time for a new approach Huh,” said Jamce as he grabbed his card of Lord Beba reading on a Larce bird’s wing and put it into the slot with a wink to Saycha.

Saycha smiled and said,” I’ve got you this time. I’ll just have to see if Dorama joins the party.”

“I am the party,” said Dorama then she slid in her card of Lord Beba kissing a mirror image of himself

“Moment of truth, what’s it gonna be, Saycha?” asked Dorama as she smiled at Jamce then Saycha.

“My favorite card,” said Saycha as he slid his card of Lord Beba reading on a Larce bird’s wing into the slot with a big smile on his face.

The Emosly lit up for number 1 and number 3 and the song,” Don’t kill me with my own knife,” by the Bushel Bakers started to play.

The Bushel Bakers are a band comprised of Heybea head salesmen, who started the band because they were traveling so much that it gave them the ability to let off some steam in between deliveries. They had Bomo on lead vocals and the whiskey barrel. With Braup Wellsa on the Larce bird wing and Palant snout.

“Finally, sweet victory is snuggling close. Oh how I’ve waited. Don’t worry, Dorama, you’ll catch a break just hold on,” said Saycha as he stood up and danced in a circle.

“Easy, remember I’ve got 2 statues. And, I’m still in the lead, so don’t get too carried away,” said Jamce as he looked at Dorama, shrugged his shoulders and let out a sigh.

“I can’t believe I choose that card I was just about to choose the right one too. I am such a fool and now I have to withstand his terrible dancing, uhhh,” said Dorama sadly as he shook her head from side to side.

Saycha sat back down and burst into ridiculous laughter. Jamce could only shake his head and try to figure out which card to play. He decided to play Lord Beba sleeping on the Teame moons and said sternly as he did,” You won’t be laughing for long. A blessing is in the works I can taste it.”

“All’s I can taste is your B.O. and it’s a little crunchy as well. Got a piece of it in my teeth,”

said Saycha jokingly as he pretended to be chewing on something.

“O.K. smart guy I am playing this one and it will lead to your early demise undoubtedly. So brace for failure,” said Dorama sternly as she took her card of Lord Beba falling into a cavern and slid it into the slot.

“Failure is for people who are too dumb to steal success from the sleeping baby’s mouth.

I’ve got the card of all cards and it will shake the world!” said Saycha proudly as he played the Lord Beba eating an Xstepy.

The Mosly box started humming. Suddenly all of its lights lit up and the top of it flung open.

The golden Lord Beba statue rose up out of the top causing Saycha and Dorama to let out a sigh and shake their heads and simply say,” Oh no,” in unison.

The golden Lord Beba is a 8 inch tall solid gold statue that goes to the person who played the first card. It signifies that this person now has the equivalent of 6 figurines. It is a totally random occurrence and happens only every 800 cards played.

The song,” I dreamed myself to sleep,” by the Underwater Fire Starters started to play.

They are fronted by 2 identical twin sisters Mowap and Yalwee, with Yalwee being a foot taller.

They each simultaneously play a 2 person guitar while Mowap sings lead and Yalwee laughs loudly periodically.

“And the sun shone down upon me! This is the greatest stroke of luck of all time! How’s that failure tasting, Saycha, would you like something to wash it down with?” asked Jamce sarcastically as he flailed his arms and jumped up and down on the couch.

“We have no luck,” said Dorama as she held her head in her hands and tried not to look at Jamce.

“Well, there’s still a slim chance one of us could beat him,” said Saycha hopefully as he looked at Dorama who nodded no and then Saycha said softly,” We have no luck.”

Jamce sat back down on the couch and said quietly,” I need my Cabon and I’s needs it now.

With just one more well played card, I will have it in my dear sweet hands. Let me plot my strategy,” said Jamce then he played his Lord Beba falling into a cavern.

Dorama took a quick look at her 2 remaining cards and decided to play Lord Beba reading on a Larce wing and said softly,” There is still some hope, I don’t know where, but there is.”

“Hope, hope is for suckers. You’re gonna need a miracle and miracles are as rare as Lord Beba losin’ his temper. Ha, haa so choose your losing card and choose it quick,” said Jamce as he covered his eyes with his forearms and waited.

“Are you gonna do this every time?” asked Saycha as he looked over at Jamce.

“Yes, so get used to it,” said Jamce quickly as he peeked out from under his forearms.

Saycha stared at his 2 remaining cards. He had Lord Beba punching a Canto and Lord Beba falling into a Cavern. He thought to himself how terrible it would be if Jamce won, because he was such a bad winner. He grabbed Lord Beba punching a Canto and started to slide it into the

pocket when he stopped suddenly and pulled it back. He slowly slid Lord Beba falling into a cavern in and as he did said happily,” I know I’ve got you beat, Jamce.”

The Emosly box lit up and folded itself into the head of an eagle and the words,” Claim your prize, light up over the slots you were supposed to put the 7 figurines into, including the slot for the golden Lord Beba.

“Yes! I’ve got all the luck in the world and I’m not sharin’!” shouted Jamce as he hugged Saycha and then Dorama.

“We were doomed from the start. And now there’s no livin’ with him,” said Saycha glumly as he stared blankly forward.

“We’ll get our luck again. Wait, you just had your luck last time. Why am I feeling sorry for you I’m the one who needs the luck? Well let’s see it, Jamce, claim your prize,” said Dorama as she watched Jamce pretending to be flying.

“Come here sweet Cabon,” said Jamce as he slowly slid the first 2 figurines in their respective slots. Then he kissed the golden Lord Beba and slid it into its slot. The song,” Lie ‘til its truth” by the group,” My shackles and Me,” started playing.

My shackles and Me are an 8 piece fronted by a Hunglarian slave named Pich Browe. Pich is 9 feet tall and over 1000 pounds. He worked in Cornerme’s green diamond mine for 17 years before escaping and forming the band with his fellow escapees. They used it as a cover to keep Cornerme from finding where they had escaped too. Pich sang like a bluebird, but was a ruthless murderer in life. He once killed a man (who forgot to clap after they played one of their songs) by stuffing him into a large white wood tree head first.

The Emosly box rolled out a dark red tongue from the eagle’s mouth with the Cabon bar inside. Jamce grabbed the Cabon bar and peeled off the silver packaging and took a large bite

and said proudly,” I want to thank each of you for putting up a fight and giving me your absolute best. So now I know I beat you when you were giving all you had and that’s a good feeling.”

“Are you kidding me you got the golden Lord Beba! There was no skill involved in that, it was pure luck!” said Dorama in astonishment as she threw up her hands.

“Never doubt a man’s luck, it’s unlucky. What have you got to say, Saycha, care to chime in?” asked Jamce then he took another bite of the Cabon and smiled.

“I wasn’t that hungry anyway. Enjoy your ill-gotten gain,” said Saycha and then he looked away quickly.

“Ill-gotten gain, why you low flyin’ Larce. I ought to pummel the life out of you, but I won’t

‘cause this Cabon is too good. And, I think we’re almost to Traymas,” said Jamce as he messed up Saycha’s hair and then he got up and went to the front of the wagon.

“Beeda Bed, boy will this be fun. What’s your favorite booth at the festival?” asked Dorama plainly as she stared at the wagon behind them.

“I love the Catch me lying booth. There is no way Saucy Seire is going to catch me this year. What’s your favorite?” asked Saycha as he put his feet upon the table.

“I love the obstacle course, what’s it called, oh the Feet of an Angel booth,” said Dorama quickly then she flopped both of her legs up on the table and said,” I can’t wait to get a Cory Tongue, my belly is singing the fill me up song.”

“Mine too,” said Saycha as he rubbed his belly.

“I thought you said you weren’t hungry?” asked Dorama with a wry smile.

“I was just trying to get under Jamce’s skin. I couldn’t let him get the total satisfaction of winning,” said Saycha as he smiled, stood up and said happily,” Let’s get our money so we’ll be ready when we get there.”

“Good idea,” said Dorama and she followed Saycha into the wagon and pulled a Triptoken Savior doll out of her pocket and kissed it.

Triptoken was a beloved figure for children that had been written about in many books. He was a man with a Palant head and a human body who gave up his own life to save 3 small children from being eaten by a pack of Canto. Triptoken let the Canto eat him so the 3 children could safely run away. There is a statue of him in the center of Traymas made from black petrified wood.