Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Havermo’s Bouquet of Smoke

Back at Fenceghost Cornerme, Lord Mrecton and Saycha were sitting in his cell block called the Last Whisper. The Last Whisper is where he kept anyone who got in his way or betrayed him. It is a huge labyrinth of star shaped cells that have thousands of unlucky souls locked inside.

The cell Saycha is in has a small black wooden desk that has circular drawers with Cornerme’s crest on each in the handles. Inside each of the drawers are mind-changing toys and books that are meant to entertain, but secretly worked to sway a person to Cornerme’s way of thinking. Like the 3 sided top, that when spun sent secret messages to you through an encrypted spinning sound that the top made.

There is also a yellow wood bed that has only half a mattress and a very small L shaped pillow. It is meant to keep you perpetually uncomfortable as you sleep. Beneath the bed there is a Loins music machine.

The Loins Music Machine is a tan wood guitar and piano combined that you didn’t have to play the notes only press one of 300 different colored buttons and it would produce the music. It is round in shape with 8 rows of buttons and a hollowed out circle on the left side. It has the visage of Brethedore Loins carved into the body of it.

Brethedore Loins is a blacksmith whose hands were too thick and mangled to play a proper instrument. So he decided to focus his time and resources on creating an instrument he himself could play. After 10 years and several prototypes he created the Loins Music Machine. And when a customer heard him playing it one day as she walked in, she decided she had to have one.

And from there more and more people started coming to his blacksmith shop to buy one. So much so he retired his hammer and chisel and made them full time (He made himself a fortune).

“Here is your new home and isn’t it a nice one? The kind of place a young lad like yourself could come of age and become a new person. Go ahead and get comfortable while I go and get a few chairs,” said Cornerme brightly as he smiled and then he left the cell slamming the door behind him.

Saycha watched him walk away and felt sick inside. He could see all the other captives most of which were frail and talking to themselves. He thought how did I end up in such a horrific place? He turned and looked at the bed and could tell it was far from as comfortable as his cushy bed at home. Boy how he wished Jamce and Dorama would come running down the hallway and save him. His stomach started to growl and he remembered how hungry he was. Then he thought if only he had waited the 2 minutes for the carvings to be finished then Jamce and Dorama would have been there to help him fight off Cornerme. How could he have been so impulsive he thought? He walked over and sat on the bed and asked aloud,” Oh no you’re as hard as a rock, how will I ever get a good night’s rest again? Wait, am I talking to myself, I am. Oh who cares all is lost.”

“Hey, hey you there, don’t be so glum. You haven’t seen the best part, they feed us every other day,” said Jick, a bone thin balding old man who was in the next cell.

“I can’t wait, thanks,” said Saycha nervously as his heart sank.

He thought to himself, why me why was I so unlucky?

He started to tear up and Jick in the next cell saw this and yelled,” We got a fountain Fellas!

Let’s get our cups!”

Jick grabbed a small tin cup and ran back to the bars between the cells and said excitedly,”

Go ahead, Son, get em’ right in here. I haven’t had a drink in days.”

Saycha looked at the man’s bone dry cup and gulped. He’d never gone without anything for long. He fought the tears and got a hold of himself. He remembered Jamce and Dorama’s love for him and he realized that they would come, he knew it.

Cornerme appeared at the door with Mrecton and 2 brown wood chairs. Cornerme unlocked the door, walked inside and sat down facing Saycha with Mrecton beside him.

“Ok, Saycha, we’ve decided to keep you here forever, and that’s a promise I’m making to you,” said Cornerme warmly as he reached out and touched Saycha’s knee while smiling at him slightly.

“What, why…why would you want to?” asked Saycha anxiously as his eyes glazed over.

“I feel a boy like you needs to be enlightened. And I worry you won’t get that out there in the horrible world of Pabstrum. What you’ll find is after a few years you won’t even miss the outside world. The solitude I can provide is unequaled!” said Cornerme calmly as he smiled and then nodded at Saycha.

“I ah I…I really don’t want to be enlightened. I am fine with what I know and how I know it, can I go home now?” asked Saycha softly as he tried to smile.

“Of course that’s what you’d say, but your mind hasn’t been trained to want it. What you’ll see is a new you emerge and take the place of your old naïve and terrible self. So no Dear,

Saycha, you’re not getting off that easy,” said Cornerme brightly as he smiled and waved his index finger side to side.

“Ah, can I ask when I get to eat, because I am very hungry?” asked Saycha sheepishly.

“I thought you might be hungry so fear not. Tomorrow at midday you’ll get a large bowl of strained Larce bird wing stew. Doesn’t that sound delicious, and to tide you over ‘til tomorrow I’m having a half cup of milk brought to your room just before bed time. Now I must be going, but before I do I want to let you know that your attempts on my life were not forgotten and will need to be settled in the years to come. So, Saycha, try to hit the ground running tomorrow with a tune on your Loins or maybe you could reflect on your failures. We’ll speak again soon,” said Cornerme warmly and then he and Mrecton stood up and walked out of the room slamming the door behind them and giving Saycha a wave.

Saycha watched them walk away and was filled with anger. He swore to himself that if he ever got the chance he would kill the both of them. Saycha stood up and walked over to the dresser and rummaged through it in a hurried fashion. Suddenly he saw the Loins and walked over and grabbed it. He started to play it and then he squeezed it so tightly that one of the sides broke in slightly. He saw a long shiny sliver of silver. He looked around and saw no one in sight, so he pulled the 11 inch rod out of the Loins and saw it had a pointy end.

Suddenly his thoughts were of joy, because he knew he could use it as a weapon giving that it was sharp enough. He put it under his mattress and then got down on his bed and smiled as he started thinking of escape.

Back at the wagon

Jamce was lying down and taking a nap, while Fert and Dorama were playing the Ponopris game in the corner of the living room. Fert used all of his strength on the intermediate level and just barely pressed the hands to the top and sides and said proudly,” I whipped you this time.

Where’s my present, oh there it is!”

The bottom of the undercarriage of the Ponopris opened and revealed 2 dozen stuffed animals, they were shaped from everything from Palants to wizards with staffs. Fert reached in and grabbed a black wizard stuffed animal and said,” There’s somebody just like me.”

“I thought you were a red wizard?” said Dorama implying a question as her brow furrowed.

Fert paused for a second then said quickly,” Of course I am, I meant a wizard in general like me.”

“Oh, sorry I jumped to conclusions. Well I guess it’s my turn I think I’ll try the hardest level. Just see if a little girl like myself can outdo a big strong wizard,” said Dorama slyly then she grabbed hold of the Ponopris’s hands and started to fight them.

She strained with all her strength and with one lightning quick motion won the game and Fert shouted,” Holy mother of strength! How on Pabstrum did you do that?”

“Momma was strong and Papa was even stronger. I got his hands and I got her biceps. Boy that was fun,” said Dorama as she breathed heavy and rubbed her hands.

She reached down and grabbed a stuffed Guros and started to laugh loudly. Fert stepped up to the Ponopris and set it again to the hardest level and then cracked his knuckles and said proudly as he grabbed the hands,” I will not be defeated. Time for full power!” exclaimed Fert as he grinned menacingly. Fert started to struggle with all his might and got the hands halfway but couldn’t get them any further.

“Come on, Fert, give it all you’ve got!” shouted Dorama.

Fert gave it one last burst and just as he was about to get it Jamce walked in and asked,”

Who’s winning?”

Fert got startled, lost his grip and let go of the hands.

“Oh, Jamce, you may have messed Fert up a bit,” said Dorama as she rubbed Fert’s back.

“No, I wouldn’t have got it was too hard,” said Fert sadly as he shook his hands out.

“I was just coming back because we’re nearing the town of Coshba and I thought we might stop and ask for directions to Stachance,” said Jamce as he scratched the back of his neck softly.

“I thought you knew how to get there,” said Dorama in disbelief as she half-smiled at Jamce.

“I thought I did too, but since we’re coming from a different direction then Consey it seems that I may have miscalculated and gotten us lost,” said Jamce as he gritted his teeth and smiled slightly.

“How lost?” asked Fert like he’d stolen his wallet..

“Well, I have no idea where the road goes of where Coshba is located in relation to Stachance. So we might be going further away as opposed to closer. Or, I could be wrong and we’re going the right way. Either way I think we should pull off and find out for certain,” replied Jamce plainly.

“I wish I could help but I’ve never heard of Coshba either. Then a stopping we must,” said Fert in a somber voice as he walked out of the room and out onto the front of the wagon to take a look. He saw several large groves of trees with modest homes in the middle of them. There were a dozen roads that went in every direction. There were several large mounds of purple earth dotted all over the countryside. He saw the town of Coshba in the distance and said softly,” How did we end up here? It’s a memory so desperate.”

“What’s so desperate?” asked Jamce as he walked up beside Fert.

“Oh nothing, I was just mumbling to myself. I do that from time to time when I’m stressed or troubled,” said Fert brightly and he sat down on the leather couch and scanned the hills.

Jamce sat down beside him and took the reins as he steered the Palant down the small clay road to Coshba. The town itself was made entirely of black wood and concrete. There were hundreds of rounded Hershey kiss shaped homes hidden behind bushes cut to look like a wooden fence. In the center of the town there are 8 interconnected 3 story buildings that have walkways in between each of the stories. The buildings have the purple Laga vines growing in circles around the base of each. The windows look like red balloons that are about to burst as they protrude from the buildings. There is also a Bhion punching range behind one of the large buildings.

Bhion is a game where you ran through an intricate maze and punched as many targets as you could before the statue of Tartos opened its eyes. This caused a bright light to shine and the song,” I made me,” to play by the Rafftracks.

Tartos was a mythic hero from the Blue Sky Years. It was said that Tartos created the winters to punish man for smiling in the face of danger. He was 13 feet tall and over 3000

pounds as the story was told.

The Rafftracks were a 26 piece ensemble where every musician focused on 2 notes that they would play and no more. The lead singer Prijoip would sing over their composition using exactly 9 notes. Prijoip was a beautiful and curvaceous woman who had also written the children’s story,” It’s my mess to make,” that centered around how hard a journey it was into adulthood (and featured 2 pieces of dirt that grew into mountains).

“Let’s try here it looks hospitable,” said Jamce as he packed the wagon in front of Micaa and Bert’s Hotel.

The front of the hotel has a large mural of 2 dozen children floating down to Pabstrum on B-shaped cloud (the children are smiling and laughing). There is also 2 brown wood Caligaly men on either side of the large round black wood door.

Caligaly men are wooden robots that you can punch and kick and they will try to punch you back (all the while hurling insults at you). They are 6’4” tall and look like an actual wizard covered in wood. Their heads are bulbous and have an evil expression that makes most want to instantly lash out at them. There bodies are covered with a thin padding that is hidden under a black robe that prevents you from injuring yourself as you played. If you landed 3 consecutive blows to the head (without yourself getting hit) they gave you a piece of a Petcroy bar-which was a thick caramel centered brown chocolate.

“Sounds great, are those Caligaly men?” asked Dorama already knowing the answer then she said,” Fert, you’re gonna love this.”

“Oh no, watch out for yourself, Fert, they can be tricky,” said Jamce as he put his hand on Fert’s shoulder and grinned from ear to ear.

“Caligaly men, I’ve never heard of that, boy we are lost,” said Fert in disbelief as he climbed down off of the wagon.

Jamce went inside to ask directions while Dorama and Fert walked up to the Caligaly men on either side of the door. Dorama said boldly,” Hit em’ in the head as many times as you can, Fert, and you’ll get a present.”

Fert looked at the face of the Caligaly man and said sternly,” Boy your face incenses me.

I’m gonna knock your head off!”

Fert punched him right in the mouth and the Caligaly man punched Fert in the stomach and said snidely,” Boy, that was a weak punch. I didn’t realize I was fighting a weakling. I knew you were an idiot.”

“What, who do you think you’re talking too? I’ll punch you to death!” said Fert sternly as he started to spazz out and threw a dozen hard punches in a matter of seconds.

“You get ‘em, Fert, don’t take his lip!” shouted Dorama as she watched Fert lay into the Caligaly man.

The Caligaly man punched Fert right in the eye and said boldly,” Did I say you were an idiot, I meant road apple, and a smelly one at that. You must have just won a sewing contest with those girly punches.”

“Girly, now I am insulted and my fire is lit! Taste my right hand you worthless wooden trash bin!” shouted Fert then he grabbed hold of the Caligaly man and started pummeling him repeatedly in the head.

This caused a Petcroy bar to come out of the Caligaly man’s leg, but Fert kept punching like a wild man. Then another one came out and even a third. Dorama shouted,” Fert, snap out of it you’ve won already!”

Fert threw a few more punches then looked over at Dorama and saw the concern on her face.

He looked at the Caligaly man and said,” Oh…I’m sorry I just got carried away. Well at least there’s these fine candies,” said Fert softly as he reached down and grabbed the 3 Petcroy bars.

While this was happening Jamce had been waiting at the counter for someone to ask directions. The inside of the hotel has a pair of carved triangle arches, with every member of Micaa and Bert’s family tree’s faces carved into it. At its apex there is an eye shaped sun roof that has different colored patches of glass covering it. Around the lobby there are 4 blue felt

rocking chairs on either side, with a small end table made from yellow wood in between them.

At the far end there is the cross shaped counter (with a black wood rack behind it that had all of the room keys as well as a pair of wizard’s caps hanging there).

Jamce stood at the counter tapping it nervously with his right hand then he shouted,” Is there anyone about?!”

The key rack swung open revealing a room behind it and a beautiful woman came out. She had long blonde hair with pink highlights that was tied to her white lace dress. Her eyes were orange and she has a long nose with a wide tip. She also has a black diamond necklace around her neck with a pair of gold and silver rings on her right hand. She walked up to the counter and placed a large black leather book on the counter and opened it and asked,” Your yelling had a nice tone to it that I hadn’t heard in a while. I’m Cortapello and my parents own this hotel. Are you looking for a room for the night?”

“I’m sorry if I yelled I had been waiting for a bit,” said Jamce apologetically.

“No, I actually liked it, it showed me you’re an honest person and you take charge. You are very handsome are you from around here?” asked Cortapello as she smiled.

“Ah, thank you no I am from Consey and I am on my way to Stachance. I am worried that I may be going the wrong way,” replied Jamce.

“Oh you don’t want a room, you want directions. Well that’s easy enough just keep going down this road and in half a day you’ll come to the Doveba pass. That will get you to Stachance the fastest,” said Cortapello as she flipped her hair over to the other side and asked,” Are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay a night?”

“Trust me I would if I could, but I don’t have any time to waste. Ya see my brother is in trouble and needs my help. So I’m sorry, but I must leave now and thank you for the directions,”

said Jamce as he grinned.

“If you must you must, but you should really come back and visit sometime. It would be a really fun time,” said Cortapello as she rubbed Jamce’s forearm.

“I’ll see if I can someday, Cortapello, bye for now,” said Jamce as he smiled then made for the door.

Outside Dorama and Fert were eating their Petcroy bars when Jamce came through the door Dorama said boldly,” Hey, Jamce, boy you missed a classic meltdown by Fert, I mean he really lost it on the Caligaly man.”

“Well it really wasn’t as bad as she says I was just trying to win a few candy treats,” said Fert nervously as he tried not to look at Dorama.

“Fert lost it, boy I wish I’d seen that. I tried to warn ya about those Caligaly men, they’re real terrors. They love to get under your skin and make you totally lose it,” said Jamce as he looked at Dorama and smiled.

“I wouldn’t say I lost it, it was just me playing the game and having a little fun with Dorama you see,” said Fert anxiously with a forced smile as he tried to smooth over his embarrassment.

“Whatever you say, Fert, those candy bars are pretty tasty,” said Jamce as he gave Dorama a wink and smiled at Fert.

“Did you get the directions?” asked Dorama as she fought back laughter.

“I did it’s just up this road for half a day then we’re at the Doveba Pass and Stachance is right there a little ways further,” said Jamce as he inspected Dorama’s Petcroy bar and asked,” Is there one for me or is that the last of it?”

“I have one here for you and they are delicious, Jamce, believe me,” said Fert happily as he handed Jamce a Petcroy bar.

Jamce bit into it and grinned, then looked up and saw the Palant asleep and said,” How could this happen?”

“What’s wrong?” asked Fert quickly as he walked over to Jamce.

“That’s what’s wrong. Well…I guess we can rest here for a spell. Do you think we should stay the night and head out fresh in the morning?” asked Dorama as she chewed.

“No, we’ll give it an hour and we should be fine. Palants sleep so sporadically, Fert, that there’s no tellin’ when they’ll knock off. Maybe you can spazz out and get us a few more candy bars eh, Fert,” said Jamce then he laughed a little and shook Fert’s shoulder.

Fert didn’t know what to say so he just smiled back at Jamce and then said,” I…”

“Did I hear you were stayin’?” asked Cortapello as she came outside.

Jamce turned and asked,” Yes, for about an hour or so why do you ask?”

“Well it’s just…I don’t really have anyone to play Bhion with because I’m such a fierce competitor,” said Cortapello as she looked down at the floor of the hotel porch.

“What’s Bhion?” asked Dorama.

“I’ll show you,” said Cortapello as she grabbed Jamce’s hand and tugged him down the street and out behind the Spangol Coin bank. Cortapello said boldly,” This is Bhion and it is fun.

You see we all start out in different parts of the maze and as we run towards the Tartos in the center we punch as many targets of each of our own colors. Then when the statue of Tartos opens its eyes and the song,” I made me,” plays, the winners color will rise up out of Tartos’s stomach. You wanna play?” asked Cortapello as she looked at Jamce and pouted.

The Bhion maze is made from intricate carved smooth tan wood that has thousands of knick knacks woven into each of the walls. It also has 5 different color rubber targets, with the face of Tartos sewn into each of them with black thread. The ground is covered by a series of quilts that are piled on top of one another to give that floor an incredible comfortable feeling for your feet.

“Sure, I don’t see why not. We’ve got a little time to kill,” said Jamce as he looked at the enormous maze.

“I’m up for some excitement. How about you, Furious Fert?” asked Dorama as she smiled at Fert.

“It’s a fine day for some youthful exuberance, count me in!” said Fert enthusiastically.

“Then it’s settled just pick a color and get in your starting spot,” said Cortapello as she walked over to the red starting spot.

Jamce walked over to the purple spot and got ready while Fert took the yellow and Dorama pink. Cortapello pressed the start button and a voice rung out from the Tartos statue,” Come close if you dare, but your life is at risk. Only the bravest of warriors can sit at my right hand.

And only one will live to speak of their triumphs. So gather your power for your life’s last breaths start now!”

Suddenly a bell sounded and Cortapello ran into the maze (with everyone else doing the same). Cortapello quickly punched and kicked 5 targets and shouted to Jamce,” You better hurry, Jamce, I’m kicking butt!”

Jamce heard this through the walls and punched 2 targets at once and shouted,” I’m kicking a bit of butt myself, Cortapello!” and then said,” She’s so aggressive, I love aggressive.

Meanwhile Fert and Dorama were knocking down target after target, with Fert shouting,”

You never loved me and that wasn’t right Poppa!”

Dorama cam around a corner laughing, saw it was a dead end and she punched a pair of targets and said boldly,” It’s like a maze in here!” She quickly went back the way she came.

Fert on the other hand was racing through the course blasting every target in site and when he reached the statue of Tartos, Cortapello got there at the same moment and Cortapello said,”

Boy you got here fast. No one’s ever gotten here before I did.”

“I had a lot of anger helping me through the maze,” said Fert as he bent over at the knees and put his hands on his hips and breathed heavy.

Jamce came into the finish area and said,” Oh no, I thought I had you all beat.”

“Fert said he got here the fastest using all of his anger or something,” said Cortapello as she put her arm around Jamce.

“What’d you spazz out again, Fert, that seems to be your secret weapon or something,” said Jamce plainly as he caught his breath.

“Well I ah…I just had a hard childhood. It’s not that big ah…” said Fert softly as he tried not to let Jamce bother him.

In ran Dorama and she threw up her arms and asked,” How did you beat me?”

“Fert beat us all, he said he used his anger to get him here fast,” said Cortapello.

“Furious Fert, I swear that temper of yours is an unfair advantage,” said Dorama as she fought back laughter and smiled.

Jamce laughed as did Cortapello while Fert just smiled and nodded his head. The statue of Tartos opened its eyes and a bright yellow light shone out of it and the song,” I made me,”

started playing. Tartos raised his left hand and shouted,” The winner is purple I decree and shall have one of my golden statues to take on your travels! Then his leg opened up and a single 3 inch gold statue of Tartos fell down to the ground.

“How could I lose, this is unfair. I was here the fastest, I hit all my targets, I…I can’t believe it,” said Fert fiercely as he paced back and forth and waved his arms.

Everyone was staring at him bewildered and then Jamce picked up the golden statue and walked over to Fert and said,” It’s ok, Furious, you can have the prize.”

Fert stopped pacing, looked at the statue for a second and then took it and said calmly,”

Thank you, it is only fair I’m sorry I got so emotional, old age and all.”

“You played a good game, Furious Fert, I hadn’t been beaten in a long time,” said Cortapello warmly and then she asked,” Is anybody hungry cause I’ve got some baby back Palant ribs if you are?”

“That sounds great, Cortapello, we are in need of a good meal,” said Jamce brightly as he looked at Dorama and Fert, who both nodded yes.

“Great, follow me back to the hotel and I’ll whip some up quick,” said Cortapello happily as she started back to the hotel with everyone close behind.

Jamce grabbed Dorama by the shoulder and stopped her and said,” I’m worried about Saycha, Sis, he’s all alone with Cornerme and he’s gotta be getting scared and desperate.

“Trust me I know and he’s strong enough to withstand a lot, but they might be doing things to him he can’t handle,” said Dorama as she tugged at her hair.

“It kills me that we can’t move any faster, but at least Micavello will be able to help us. Poor Saycha I pray he’s alright,” said Jamce sadly as he hugged Dorama tightly.

“I know,” said Dorama softly as she put her head on his chest and then sighed.

Meanwhile at Fenceghost Saycha was slowly sipping his half cup of milk and muttering in between,” It’s all my fault, it’s not my fault. Why did I get so hungry when I could have waited?

I could be here forever and never see Jamce and Dorama again.”

A sound embraced his ear as he heard the large cell door, at the end of the hallway (of the Last Whisper) swing open and he felt a rush of joy and anticipation. His thoughts raced from could it be Jamce and Dorama or could it be well needed food? As he listened to the footsteps coming down the cellblock he could barely contain his joy. Then he heard Cornerme say brightly,” Hello, my children you look well all of you,” and his heart sank.

Cornerme and Mrecton stopped in front of Saycha’s cell with a tea cup sized bowl of strained Larce wing soup in one hand and a staff in the other. Cornerme smiled and said brightly,” I hope you’re hungry for there is hot soup for my newest friend.”

Saycha nodded, forced a smile and said softly,” Yes, thank you so much, I am very hungry.”

“We thought you might be,” said Cornerme as he opened the cell and handed Saycha the soup He and Mrecton sat down and then Cornerme said,” Enjoy my friend, I want you to be happy.”

Saycha drank the small bowl of soup in an instant and licked the bowl clean like a ravenous dog. His lips were dry as sand, he licked his lips and said,” Thank you, you’re too kind.”

“I know, but I feel you’ve earned it. Ya see, Krowny, the man in the cell next to you said you played your Loins this morning and that initiative thrills me to no end,” said Cornerme as he pulled out a Petcroy bar and started chewing it like a wild dog.

Saycha stared at the Petcroy bar and felt his mouth begin to water. Saycha said sadly,” Yes, I thought I would fill the cell block with song and also it gave me a way to drown out the other prisoner’s screams. It was very helpful I must say.”

“Don’t worry about those screams you’ll get used to it before you know it. Now I have a question to ask you, it’s more of a favor really,” said Cornerme as he put the staff on his knees and rolled it back and forth.

“Yes, anything,” said Saycha quickly as he watched the staff carefully and then looked up at Cornerme.

“This staff I have here is the Staff of Wrom, and I’d like you to take hold of it and say the words Fortus Cam Yoes. And then hand it back to me. Could you do that?” asked Cornerme as he held the staff of Wrom out in front of him and lamp started to flicker.

“Of course, anything you say,” said Saycha and Cornerme handed him the Staff of Wrom and Saycha said,” Fortus Cam Yoes!”

Unbelievably his cell filled with a giant chocolate cookie. Saycha looked at the cookie (which he had to lean back from because it was right in front of him) and asked,” Is it real?”

“Take a bite and find out,” said Cornerme with a wide smile.

Saycha took a huge bite that filled his entire mouth and Cornerme asked,” Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Saycha looked at him and said,” Thank you,” as he chewed.

“No the staff please, Silly,” said Cornerme as he extended his hand outward like an eagle’s claw.

“Oh, of course I’m sorry,” said Saycha as he handed Cornerme the Staff and then asked,” Is it alright if I eat some more?”

“It is, but let me ask you another question first. Now, you can see now that I’m not all bad by my actions here today right?” asked Cornerme as he rubbed the Staff of Wrom,

“Right,” answered Saycha as he ate ravenously.

“Then maybe you’d consider doing me a little favor in the not so distant future,” said Cornerme warmly as he looked at Mrecton. “See, Saycha, we need someone who can do what you just did and wield the Staff of Wrom in a certain place, so we can free one of our dearest

friends from a terrible place he’s got himself into. Do you think you’d be willing to take the staff in your hands again and cast one more spell for us?” asked Mrecton as he smiled at Saycha.

Saycha looked at him, grinned and asked,” Of course, but what’s in it for me?”

“I thought you might ask that and the answer is your freedom. It’s the least I could do for a friend and if you do what I ask, that’s just what you would be. So now I’ll ask you as a friend could you do me this favor?” asked Cornerme warmly as he tossed the Staff of Wrom from hand to hand.

“I’d do anything for a friend, so yes I’ll do it, but how soon after can I go back to Consey?”

asked Saycha as he pointed to the cookie. Cornerme nodded and Saycha took another bite filling his mouth.

“I don’t want to keep you here, it broke my heart to do it, but I had to teach you a lesson for trying to take my life. Ya see… that was a very serious matter for me, because my life is important to more than just myself. I represent something to people and I need to watch out for myself. So in answer to your question, the minute after you do me this favor you’ll be sent along your way. And I hope that in the future you’ll think differently of me ok,” said Cornerme and he pressed his finger to his lips and nodded yes to Saycha.

Saycha stopped chewing, swallowed hard and said enthusiastically,” That is the best news I’ve ever heard! When do you need me to cast the spell, which just dawned on me is an incredible thing that I didn’t know I could do? Wait ‘til Jamce and Dorama hear about that wow!”

“In a day and a half we’ll take you from here and go on our journey to where the spell needs to be cast. In the meantime I’m going to have you brought a larger mattress, as well as a few proper pillows and a bottle of wine to ease your mind. Look, Saycha, you’re young, enjoy your

life. We’ll come back to get you the day after tomorrow ok,” said Cornerme brightly then he and Mrecton stood up and moved towards the doorway.

“Great, I’ll be ready believe me,” replied Saycha happily as he spun in a circle. “And thank you for letting me keep the cookie,” said Saycha happily as he chewed.

“Think nothing of it bye now, Saycha,” said Cornerme as his cape swung around in a small ellipse. He closed the door then he and Mrecton walked down the hallway out of the Last Whisper.

Mrecton asked,” So what of Saycha, you’re not really going to let him go home are you?”

Cornerme laughed and said snidely,” No, god no, what let a wizard capable of wielding the Staff of Wrom be let to live. If that happened it wouldn’t be long before he destroyed us all. No poor wretched worthless Saycha will have his throat slit right after he does my bidding. And when Drayne is set free we’ll destroy the rest of his family and all of the wizards of the Crimson Way. And any and all who aren’t black wizards. Then we will have the ultimate power over every creature on Pabstrum.”

“That will be a fine day to be alive,” said Lord Mrecton snidely as he smiled.

“It will be the first day of ten million days of our total domination. Can you feel it, Lord Mrecton?” asked Cornerme as he grabbed Mrecton’s shoulders and faced him.

“What’s that master?” asked Mrecton calmly as he looked him in the eye.

“Our time is at hand. It’s our sun in the sky now. As it always should have been,” said Cornerme snidely as he smiled a sinister smile.

Back at Micaa and Bert’s Hotel Jamce, Fert, and Dorama were sitting in a dining room in the back of the hotel. It has a 20 foot wooden table made entirely of broken pieces from used and broken grandfather clocks. It has all the faces of the clocks on the 8 legs of the table and the

backs made up the surface of the table. Beneath it was a thick red rubber rug that had the words,”

Thief for hire, I stole this rug from your house,” written in a thick soft black thread. There are 5

walls and each has a piece of a train set that has a white locomotive that is constantly in motion.

It also has fake bushes, trees and people lining the track, as well as 4 miniature towns and a depot around the track. Hanging from the ceiling is a rectangular shaped hat bin that is over the table and filled with every hat you could imagine. Beneath the bin are 6 different colored lights that lit the room dimly.

“Boy, is this somethin’, I’ve never been in a room like this in my whole life. Isn’t it spectacular?” asked Jamce as he sat at the table and watched the train fly by.

“It really is, it’s just a fun place to spend some time. And we’ve got food comin’ which suits me just fine, cause’ I can smell something good cookin’ right now,” said Dorama as she rubbed her arms.

“It smells unbelievable, I may be old, but my nostrils are working just great. Boy could I be happier, I don’t believe it is possible,” said Fert as he grabbed a black hat that looked just like a stocking but had a blue visor, and he slipped it over his head and smiled.

“Nice hat, Furious Fert, you know you’ve got ah…how shall I say it well, a weird way of saying things. Has anyone ever mentioned that to you before?” asked Jamce as he looked at the train then over at Fert.

“A time or 2 it’s not a bad thing. I’m just a unique soul that happens sometimes. I’m glad it happened to me if for no other reason than it gave us something to talk about right now,” said Fert smoothly as he adjusted his hat.

“Well put, Furious Fert, we can’t all be me. Ya know handsome, smart, and charismatic. I could use a little unique,” said Jamce jokingly as he threw a smile at Fert.

“Thanks, Jamce, thank you for that,” said Fert as he shook his head and smiled.

In walked Cortapello with a large white plate of ribs and mashed potatoes in a red bowl. She set them down and said warmly,” I hope you’re hungry because I may have made too much.”

“It looks great and I am starved, so I think it is just enough if anything we might need more,” said Jamce slyly as he looked at the ribs.

“Are you kidding me, Jamce?” asked Cortapello as she smirked at Jamce.

“I am indeed.”

“He’s very robust, pay no attention,” said Dorama smoothly as she looked at Jamce and rolled her eyes.

Cortapello went back into the kitchen and got 4 plates and then set them on the table. She got 4 glasses and a bottle of scotch and set them on the table. She said warmly,” I’ve got a Larce bird pie for desert if anyone is interested.”

“Sounds great, I’ll leave a little room in the back of my belly for it,” said Jamce as he cut off 2 racks of ribs and put them on his plate.

“Oh really, you’ve got a hidden space back there?” asked Cortapello jokingly as she sat down and Jamce passed her the plate of ribs.

Jamce filled half of his plate with potatoes and said sarcastically,” Well, that’s where I hide my diamonds and gold in case someone tries to rob me. You know how it is.”

“We know how it is, Jamce, believe me. You gonna pass those potatoes any time soon?”

asked Dorama as she looked at Jamce and smiled.

“I had thought of it. There you go, Dorama,” said Jamce as he handed her the potatoes.

Meanwhile Fert was filling his plate with 3 racks of ribs and Dorama asked,” Furious, you sure love ribs, are you going to have potatoes too?”

“Oh I’m just too hungry for potatoes. My taste buds are craving these delectable ribs they really are tasty,” said Fert happily as he ate.

“You know I have something I’d like to show you, I’ll be right back,” said Cortapello as she took a bite of potatoes and then went into an adjoining room.

Everyone continued eating and Cortapello came back with a small statue of a wizard. She set it on the table and asked,” What do you think of my little man?”

Jamce picked it up and instantly set it back down and said sternly,” Keep that away from me!” He stood up quick from the table with half a rib on his fork.

“What’s wrong, Jamce?” asked Dorama as she reached over and picked up the statue and as she looked at it her heart sank when she realized it was Obalesh the Green. She threw it on the floor and shouted,” No I won’t touch that evil figure!”

The statue of Obalesh the Green started to shake and became encircled in a green flame.

Then out of the statue rose Obalesh in the flesh and he shouted,” I can’t be contained by you worthless mortals!”

He walked over to the table and looked at the ribs and said,” Ribs, I love ribs.”

“Help yourself, I’ve got plenty more,” said Cortapello brightly as she smiled at Obalesh while Jamce and Dorama stood still in shock.

Fert continued to eat ravenously.

“Go ahead, Obalesh, they’re top quality,” said Fert as he looked up at Obalesh and started licking his fingertips.

“You know each other?” asked Dorama as she looked at Fert in disbelief.

“Yes, Dear girl, we’ve had many run in's, haven’t we Ferticious the Black,” said Obalesh as he took a spoonful of the mashed potatoes and then said,” Umm, very good.”

“Wait ah minute, you’re ah black wizard? You flat out lied to us, Fert!” said Jamce sternly as he moved up to the edge of the table and looked at Obalesh.

“I only lied to you because I needed you to take me to Micavello. He and I have unfinished business that you wouldn’t understand. I knew you wouldn’t take me if I told the truth. And I am sorry I did that, but I must say that regardless of what I told you, what I am about to tell you is true,” explained Fert as her wiped off his hands. “And that is that you’ve become the only friends I have in Pabstrum. I would just ask that you let me make it up to you, please could you do that?”

asked Fert honestly as he set down the rack of ribs.

Obalesh laughed and set down his spoon and said snidely,” You’re not going to be around to play with your new friends, Ferticious, I’ve got other plans for you and your worthless life. Rise up and face me!”

Fert took another bite off his ribs, smiled and said fiercely,” We are what our powers provide and you’ve got only moments left to remember why a green wizard should never trifle with a BLACK! Everyone get out of the room this will get messy!”

Jamce, Dorama, and Cortapello hurried into the kitchen and watched Fert and Obalesh through a large peep hole. Fert stood up and faced Obalesh, then fired a red thunderbolt from his eyes that just clipped Obalesh’s shoulder and spun him around. Obalesh shouted,” Bevti beos Moc!” and the ceiling above Fert opened up and a dozen half pound metal balls fell on top of him (sending him to his knees).

“Go ahead and kiss the floor while you’re down there. It will be the last love you get,” said Obalesh snidely as he glared at Fert.

Fert rose up, gritted his teeth and shouted,” Pieo Pom be vile!”

A pair of flaming red claws came out of the wall and grabbed Obalesh. They started ripping his flesh, Fert smiled and said snidely,” Love is overrated, but enjoy my fiery friends if you must.”

Obalesh struggled to escape the fiery claws and when he did he shouted,” Beso Pome forever!” but as he did Fert shouted,” Coire Pa for Struggles!”

2 dozen rabbit like creatures (called Pogs) with daggers appeared and ran towards Fert.

Simultaneously a pair of 2 ton shiny silver balls covered in spikes came through the wall behind Fert and ran over the Pogs. They ran smack into Obalesh crushing him against the wall. Then a round grid of blue and brown light rose up from behind the boulder and shot through the ceiling (blowing open a huge gaping hole). Fert sat back down at the table and continued eating his ribs.

Jamce came back into the room with Dorama and Cortapello right behind him.

Jamce said warmly,” Furious Fert, remind me not to get you angry at dinner.”

Fert laughed and said as he smiled,” Duly notated, now we can continue on our journey as friends I hope.”

“Of course, anybody that wants I or Dorama as friends is somebody we want as our friend.

Alright then, let’s dive into the rest of these ribs and get back on the road,” said Jamce as he sat down and tore into his ribs.

“I say yes to that,” said Dorama as she sat down.

Cortapello looked up through the hole in the roof at some storm clouds above and said,”

Wow, my father is gonna be mad when he sees this. And your food is about to get a whole lot wetter I’m afraid.”

Everyone finished their meals and Jamce, Dorama, and Fert went out to the wagon and saw the Palant standing up and ready to go. Jamce gave Cortapello a hug and said warmly,” Thank you for a great meal and a great time, Cortapello, and we’re sorry about the roof.”

“It’s ok just let me give you one little thing before you go,” said Cortapello slyly then she grabbed both sides of Jamce’s face and gave him a good long kiss.

She let go and Jamce said,” You are undoubtedly the world’s greatest cook and kisser, bye, Cortapello.”

Jamce climbed up onto the wagon with Fert and Dorama and waved goodbye and drove off down the road. Jamce went inside to get a Guros and saw Fert and Dorama inside the study playing Botsaw Buddies on a tan cloth couch.

The study is 18 feet long and perched on the second floor. It has a couch and a Palant jaw table in front of it with a blue wood surface on top, that has a photo book of the Mospet family as well as a statue of Baesar. There is also a bottle of Bourbon with 3 brown wood glasses on top.

There is a pair of carved tan wood chairs in front of it that have leather cushions sewn all over the surface of the chairs (and they have Lord Beba’s face sewn into the leather). There are also 3

shelves of books in front of the couch on the opposite wall. The other 3 walls have every drawing the Mospet children had made inside picture frames. One of the drawings is by Saycha and has him diving up a mountain in a pair of shorts, while Jamce and Dorama threw boulders down at him from the top. The floor is covered with a rug that is comprised of all the clothes they had worn in their youths sewn together tightly.

The game of Botsaw Buddies is a 2 person game where you each controlled a small mechanical Palant with a rider on top. And what you did was race around an intricate maze known as the Collka, all the while trying to knock the other person’s rider off with Palant kicks

and whip blows from your mechanical rider. The first person to reach the end of the maze or knock the other person’s rider off twice won the game. But there were also obstacles, like boulders and crossbows that would also try to knock your rider off of your Palant. You controlled your Palant using a pair of joysticks and 4 buttons . Upon winning the children’s song,” Poppa don’t steal my nickels,” would play and the winner was given 3 pulls on the arm of a built in slot machine to try to win the jackpot, which got larger every time you played because you had to put 3 coins in each to start playing. It was created by Pomp Botsaw (a famous writer of adventure novels) to keep his son Thayor occupied instead of constantly yelling while Pomp was trying to write.

“Did anybody hit the jackpot yet?” asked Jamce as he sat down in one of the wooden chairs across from Dorama and Fert. They were at either ends of the couch straddling the Botsaw Buddies game and racing around the maze.

“I wish, Fert just beat me and tried for the jackpot but thankfully he did not win,” said Dorama as her Palant moved slowly through the Omsey swamp with Fert’s Palant right behind hers kicking hers it in the butt.

“Oh, but I shall this time, I just need you to fall off that Palant one more time,” said Fert as he wiped the sweat from his brow. “Go ahead, Dorama, grant an old man a moment of happiness,” said Fert as he used his joystick to pull his Palant up beside Dorama’s and started kicking at her ride.

“Whoa, dream on, Furious Fert, I am moments away from the finish line. So go ahead and grant a beautiful young lady a moment of extreme joy,” said Dorama as she kicked the front legs of Fert’s Palant and sent him into a bush and she shouted,” How’s the foliage this spring, Fert!?”

Fert quickly maneuvered his Palant out of the bushes and raced after Dorama. Dorama came through a cave and as she did a crossbow blasted an arrow right into the left side of her Palant, knocking her into a wall and causing Dorama to shout,” Oh no, not now where is my luck!”

“Your luck’s right here, Me Lady,” said Fert as he pulled alongside her and was just about to kick her rider off when a boulder came out of the mountain beside him, and knocked his rider off for the second time. Fert shouted,” I was so close! I think Drayne himself threw that boulder!”

The song,” Poppa don’t steal my nickels,” started to play and Dorama sang,” Poppa those nickels are for me me me meeee.” Dorama said warmly,” Nice game, Furious, it’s not your fault I’m just smarter and more talented. Go ahead and shake it off ‘cause if I don’t hit the jackpot we’re going again, Ferty.”

Dorama cracked her knuckle, shook out her fingertips and then grabbed hold of the jeweled arm of the slot machine and said,” Just be lucky for a second,” and pulled the handle.

The 3 reels came off Canto, Canto, Palant and Jamce said,” You’re close give it a second spin!”

“Uhh, alright…please be lucky for me and I won’t rub it in when I win,” said Dorama as she pulled the handle and out came Lord Beba, Lord Beba, and Pomp Botsaw eating a sandwich.

“Thank you God of luck. There is still a chance I might get the prize,” said Fert happily as he crossed his arms.

“It’s alright, Sis’, it only takes one and you’re good for winning,” said Jamce as he stood up and walked over and sat on the edge of the table.

Dorama tossed her hair to the side and tied it into a ponytail and then said,” I think that I am as due to win this as a girl can be. Let the luck be in my left hand just for a second,” said Dorama as she pulled the lever for her final try and it came up gold coin gold coin and gold coin and she

jumped up on the couch and shouted,” I’m the best and luckiest woman in the world! I can never be defeated not by Furious Fert or even the all powerful Jamce. I am the greatest player of Botsaw Buddies of all time!”

The side panel on the game flipped open and out came an avalanche of coins, some silver some gold. Dorama grabbed a handful, put them in her mouth and started spitting them at Jamce and Fert.

“OK I’m out of here,” said Jamce as he walked out of the room and laughed.

“I’m with you,” said Fert as he got up and walked out.

Dorama laughed and shouted,” Go ahead and run away, I don’t need you I’m lucky and I’m rich! I can buy 2 more people who look just like you, but don’t smell as bad. I don’t need you I need,” replied Dorama and then she continued,” I need to sit down and kiss my coins they’re lonely.”

Fert and Jamce went downstairs to grab a bite in the kitchen when Jamce noticed the wagon had come to a stop and said,” We shouldn’t be stopping, Fert, that Palant’s rested. Let’s go have a look see.”

“I agree,” said Fert as he followed Jamce out to the front of the wagon.

In front of the Palant they saw a pair of small brown wood 2 story wagons blocking their way, with 4 men in blood red robes standing in front of them like a steel fence.

The men had their heads covered with hoods but their green skin could be seen. They were all tall and rugged and each had a long black staff with a red crystal on the top.

“What’s the trouble here, Sir?” asked Jamce as he picked up his sword from beneath the couch on the front of the wagon.

Fert put his hand on Jamce’s wrist and said softly,” This is my problem, Jamce, I’ll handle it. These men are from the Cornstar Guild and they seem to think I owe them a debt.”

“Cornstar Guild, I never heard of it,” said Jamce in disbelief as he put his sword down.

“Exactly, Jamce,” said Fert coldly as he climbed down off the wagon and walked a few steps and then stopped and asked,” Do you think I’ll go quietly?”

“We were hoping no,” said the tallest one named Mercidos, in the front as he flipped his staff up into the air and took a defensive pose. He caught it and said sternly,” Your plague has a cure and it’s me.”

“Dear, Mercidos, don’t kid yourself, your father might have a chance against me, but you are but a boy. Where’s the challenge in that?” asked Fert as he started to move his shoulders up and down rhythmically and smiled like he’d tasted the sun.

Mercidos raised his staff high and shouted,” I am more than my father old man! Now feel my power in full, Drocto Meco be fire!”

4 trees lining the side of the road flew into the sky and churned up into a fiery ball high in the clouds. Suddenly large rain drops of fire started bombarding Fert, but just as they started to hit he shouted,” Bromadon be mine!”

A stampede of lightning bolts shaped like horses tore at Mercidos and his friends. It trampled all of them but Mercidos (who flew up into the sky and started dancing on a black cloud. He let himself fall and as he did he shouted,” Dranfa be blood stone!”

His form turned into a statue of himself 10 times larger and made of pure gold (with shards of fire flying out of the sides).

It shot straight for Fert and he stared up at it and said,” He is not his father,” and then it landed on top of him crushing him flat except for his head and shoulders.

“FERT!” shouted Jamce as he jumped down off the wagon and ran to see if there was still hope.

Fert’s eyes fell shut and he died right there.