Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Drayne reaches for Daylight

The Magnex flew into the Gobsty Grey and as it did a pair of Larce birds started trying to tear holes in its sides. They bit again and again into the Magnex. Dlarm pressed his staff farther into the floor and shouted,” Tiberus Ti be done!”

A red bubble came out of the staff and trapped the Larce birds inside.

It burst into flames torching the Larce and reducing them to bones. They continued ever onward to the Nestook.

The clouds were so thick little could be seen in any direction. The clouds receded and revealed the Nestook. It was a massive, 10,000 feet across granite brick, sun shaped behemoth. It rose 2,000 feet high into the grey clouds. Its walls were dark blue with black 8 foot spikes over every inch of it. There is a staircase that runs its circumference. On top of it is a gigantic bust (600 feet high) of Shethou.

Shethou is the queen of Paytis (an ancient society that fought tooth and nail to protect the Nestook, along with the Norndred wizards). She has a beautiful face with a determined look that suggested her inner strength. On top of the Nestook a plume of red smoke was starting to slowly billow out of a crack.

“They’re almost through, Dlarm, set us down near that red smoke!” said Micavello sternly as he grabbed his staff. Dlarm flew Magnex towards the red smoke and set it down right next to it.

Dlarm asked as he grabbed his staff,” What do you need us to do?”

“I need you to keep Cornerme and his men away from me for as long as you can. They can’t be allowed to stop me before I fix the Nestook or there is no tomorrow!” proclaimed Micavello fiercely as he gave everyone a look and a nod.

“You can count on us, Micavello,” said Saycha as he grabbed a sword.

“That’s right, we’ll give you all the time you need,” said Dorama boldly as she tied her hair back.

Dlarm opened the door to the outside and saw Cornerme, Prines, Coma, and 2 other men waiting outside with blades drawn.

“Miss me much, Child,” said Prines snidely as he licked his blade.

“Not as much as you’re gonna miss breathin’,” said Jamce boldly as he tapped his sword on the ground causing sparks to fly up.

Cornerme stepped in front of Prines and said,” It doesn’t have to be this way, Micavello.

Drayne would gladly give you endless powers if you were to aid his arrival.”

“Power is only an illusion and it you’re fool enough to think that he’s going to give you anything, then you’re deceiving yourself. Step aside or perish more than a thought,” said Micavello snidely as he stared fiercely at Cornerme.

Cornerme stared back at him coldly and threw a dagger at Micavello. Micavello stopped the dagger with a blue pulse from his staff and then it fell helplessly to the ground.

Prines raised his blade and tore at Jamce. Jamce met his blade with his sword and then kicked Prines in the stomach. This sent him reeling.

“You hungry my Sweet?” asked Jamce as he slashed at Prines’s stomach, cutting into him.

Prines laughed and cut Jamce on the shoulder. Jamce let out a scream like a dying swine. He swung his blade at Prines’ knee and cut his lower leg off. Prines screamed in agony as blood gushed from his severed limb.

“This world needs you no more, Sweet Lord Wines, be gone,” said Jamce snidely as he thrust his sword up and through Prines’s heart-killing him in one foul swoop.

While this was happening Micavello was battling with Cornerme.

“Conava Co,” said Micavello as a flaming red net shot out of his staff and enveloped Cornerme. His skin burned and he fell to the ground struggling to escape the flaming net. This gave Micavello the opening he needed and he sprinted towards the crack in the Nestook.

Dlarm, Saycha, and Dorama were engaged in battle as well.

“I’ve got these 2, you take him,” said Dlarm quickly as he blasted the 2 henchmen with an orange gel that stuck them in their tracks.

The 2 men struggled to free themselves, but couldn’t.

“Alright, Coma, your evil soul is about to pass over,” said Dorama as she side stepped.

“Don’t count on it, Wench. The two of you are no match for me,” said Coma as he eyed Saycha and Dorama.

“Your pride will be your undoing,” said Saycha sternly as he moved closer to Coma.

Coma did a roundhouse kick and knocked Saycha to the ground. He was dazed, but not unconscious.

“Now it’s just the two of us, Beautiful. I bet you’ve thought of me since last we met. It’s a shame you’ll have to perish, but no one lives forever,” said Coma as he raised his sword.

Just then Saycha threw his sword at Coma hitting him right between the shoulder blades. A geyser of blood erupted from his back and he crumbled face forward to the ground like a sack of potatoes. He let out one final gasp before he died.

“Nice throw,” said Dorama as she helped Saycha up.

“I had me luck today. We’ve got to see if Micavello needs help,” said Saycha as he started to run to Micavello.

Jamce, Dorama, and Dlarm were right behind him. Ahead of them Micavello had reached the large crack in the Nestook. What was once a plume of smoke, was now a geyser of fire and purple ooze.

“I must be swift,” said Micavello to himself as he raised the staff and then shouted,”

Fembido, Cironex, Korsum Fe be done!”

A blue lightning bolt shot straight up into the sky, parting the grey clouds. As this was happening a gigantic black scaly finger poked through the hole in the Nestook and tore a larger hole.

3 scaly fingers reached through the hole and ripped a large chunk of the Nestook away.

“What’s happening?” asked Saycha anxiously.

“I did my best, that’s all I could do I’m sorry. I needed more time,” said Micavello quietly as he dropped his staff.

“That can’t be the end, we came so far. Isn’t there anything that can be done?” pleaded Saycha as he put his hands on Micavello’s shoulders.

“I wish…I wish there were. Drayne can’t be stopped now, in a few seconds he’ll be set free in our world. Take one last look at the world around you, because it will never be the same again,” said Micavello somberly and then he let out a long sigh.

“What, try another spell! Dlarm, can’t you do something?” asked Saycha as he looked at Dlarm.

Dlarm just shook his head no. The scaly hand disappeared into the hole in the Nestook. It was replaced by a giant red eye that darted back and forth. They heard an evil bellowing laugh and Drayne said snidely,” I can see what you’ve been hiding for all these centuries. Now it will be under my reign and it will be a savage reign Indeed!”

Drayne unleashed a sinister laugh and then his entire head broke through the Nestook. He looked like a giant iguana with red eyes and a large gaping mouth filled with sharp jagged teeth.

His ears have blades attached to the ends. On his upper lip there is a long spike protruding from the center. His skin is dark green and scaly with orange spots.

Just then a gigantic flaming blue pyramid lit up the sky. Everyone shot their gaze skyward.

It was descending at unbelievable speed.

“I guessed,” said Micavello as he looked up at the pyramid.

“Guessed what?” asked Dorama as she looked intently at Micavello.

“Watch and see.”

They all moved away from the hole in the Nestook. Drayne stared at the pyramid in horror then yelled,” No, Not Now!”

The pyramid smashed into Drayne and instantly blasted him back where he belonged, to the Underworld. It also completely filled the hole in the Nestook with blue light that quickly turned to bricks.

“We did it, we saved Pabstrum!” shouted Jamce as he pumped his fist and shook Micavello’s shoulders.

“That’s right the luck was with us today,” said Micavello as he smiled.

“We can go home now. I can’t believe it that was amazing!” said Saycha enthusiastically as he raised his hands in the air and waved them.

“I couldn’t have done any of this without you. I mean that, so I’m gonna make sure that you’re all taken care of, riches will be yours,” said Micavello as he looked at everyone.

“Thank you, Micavello, we really appreciate that. I’d love to say that isn’t necessary, but we’re a little strapped for coin unfortunately,” said Jamce with a grin.

“Don’t give it ah thought. We’ve all been there. Now, we need to get you home. No time like the present,” said Micavello as he started to go and then he bent down and grabbed his staff.

“What about Cornerme?” asked Dorama nervously as she rubbed Saycha’s neck.

Micavello looked at her surprised and said a moment later,” That’s right, let’s hope he hasn’t escaped.”

They ran back to the Magnex and when they got there, Cornerme and his 2 men were gone.

“He escaped…for now let’s not worry about him. He’s not worth our concern,” said Micavello as he looked around for Cornerme.

Everyone boarded Magnex and they set out for the Evare province and Consey. Back at Fenceghost Cornerme was sipping some wine and petting his Canto. The room he was in was very large, with a cathedral ceiling that had beautiful stained glass windows depicting the war of 8.

The war of 8 was the first known religious battle that prompted reinforcements in the Nestook. Cornerme’s relatives were involved in the losing end of the battle and had never stopped trying to bring down the Nestook in the centuries that followed. The room he was sitting in had three chairs facing a 3 person chess board. The sun cast a single beam of light on the board. Across from Cornerme was his wife Desibell and Lord Mrecton.

Desibell was a stunning beauty, with long flowing red hair and warm light blue eyes. She has the appearance of seriousness at all times. She is very thin with great curves. She is wearing a black silk dress and a gold wrap in her hair. She has a silver necklace that hugged her tightly.

Lord Mrecton is a man of many years and has seal black hair with a single red streak that cascades over his head from a widow’s peak. He has a black beard that runs along his jaw line, with a gold Luckster medallion fixed to his chin. He is wearing gold rimmed red glasses and a red leather jacket and black leather pants.

“We took a step backward today, Cornerme,” said Mrecton as he moved his chess piece.

“Not as far as you think,” said Cornerme as he took a sip of wine.

“How so?” asked Desibell as she moved her chess piece.

“Granted, Drayne will have to wait to kiss the sunlight, but the boy Saycha, I think he could wield the staff of Wrom,” said Cornerme boldly as he stroked his eyebrow.

“Only Blemsink could…wait, you think he’s come back again in this boy,” said Mrecton as he laughed.

“If you had seen him you would have no doubt, a dead ringer. Blemsink was a possessor of endless power. If we could capture this Saycha, I have no doubt we could force him to do our bidding,” said Cornerme as he nodded yes.

“Then Drayne shall rise and we shall have our vengeance at long last!” said Mrecton snidely as he slammed his fist on the table.

Back at Consey

As the Magnex arrived at Consey the sun was beginning to set. The ship landed and Jamce, Saycha, and Dorama climbed out and waved goodbye to Micavello and Dlarm.

“What a crazy time we have had,” said Jamce as he walked up the path to their home.

“Well, Lord Beba said everyone should have one adventure in their life. It makes the time before it special, and gives you something to talk about for the rest of your days,” said Saycha as he looked back at the Magnex as it took off.

“As long as it doesn’t kill ya, I’d agree,” said Dorama as she walked into their hut.

“That would be the truth for certain,” said Jamce as he walked through the door.