Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 10: Dinner

Kam went to meet with the alpha Tom, to show the photos. They discussed what his pack was going to do about it. He stated, "I did not want you to risk helping, as you lived too close. They will bring a war to your pack."

Tonight's dinner was a cookout. The street was filled with tables. Most families brought side dishes or deserts, while the alpha cooked burgers and hot dogs. Cindi had Kam sitting with all of her girlfriends.

They decided to gang up on Kam. Some would flirt, while others talked trash, all just trying to get a major reaction from him. He just went with the flow, until one of the flirters slip her foot where only Cindi has the right. She got a reaction for sure. Claws stabbed that foot the instant it crossed the line.

Good wolf, he realized, as she did not cry out or even show tears, about the damage done to her. But, his fingers had blood on them so he got her good. Instead, she gave him a tenuous smile. He returned a frown and wiped the blood off his fingers, letting her see it.

She and the others started to behave after that, as many noticed or heard of the blood, if not outright smelled it. The whole table was whispering. Cindi did comment with a whisper to his ear, "got that bitch good didn't you." He just gave her a huge kiss in response and a whisper, "no where near enough."

The entire table heard those whispers and the wolf in jeopardy whimpered. He looked at her with his fury and she avoid his looks obsequiously. As soon as she wolfed down her food, she left with a slight limp, as the foot was not completely healed. The other girls laughed at her panicked exit.

Cindi states, "don't come back bitch." All the girls laugh once more.

The table totally respected Kam now so he got to learn more about Cindi and her friends. They were all hoping to find their own mate some day. Though most had boyfriends within the pack. They did share he was Cindi's first boyfriend.

Kam share his love of Jane and his waiting for Cindi, instead of acting on it. He did state they kissed on the day of her death.

Cindi shared she had kissed a boy. But, it sucked so she decided waiting was better. The girls tried to get her to spill the boy's name. She would have, if Kam asked. Since he did not care, Kam did not say a word.

The girls talked rumors about the werebears wondering, if it was true. Kam had shared with Cindi and the alpha that it was. But, neither participated in the conversation. Kam because it was not his pack. Cindi out of respect for her father. If he wanted it known, he would share it here with the pack.