Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 16: Hunted

The next couple days past quietly, until the police released the arrested dealers. No reasons were given, but they dropped the charges and let them go back to business as usual.

Kam pursued it further to find out that the evidence and witnesses had vanished, including the arresting officers, who quit their jobs first.

Cindi and Kam had been both risky and safe. They slept together every night, but did not go beyond cuddling and playing with each others bodies. While their wolves wanting marking and sex, they accepted the closeness over the alternative of nothing. But, they did push for more in moments of weakness.

A few days later, the werewolf state police officer quit his job and vanished. Kam started to worry, as it seemed the bears were backtracking to him. He call his beta and told him to move the pack into the woods. He also suggested all packs in state be ready to abandon their pack land on a moments notice, in case the bears moved on them, especially the officer's pack.

Three days later, Kam's entire development was burned up in a wild fire. It was still burning the national forest surrounding the pack land. The fire appeared to start down wind by a tossed cigarette. The pack guard watched twenty bears enter all the empty development houses two hours earlier.

Kam's pack was now living in a second development that is managed by a completely untraceable set of companies incorporated out of the country. This was reserved for the state's werewolves, in case something like this occurred. While living conditions would become crowded, every werewolf in the state could live there near Attitash.

They rented out enough units to pay the maintenance and real estate tax bills so no expenses ended up costing the packs, nor profit made to pay income taxes on. All work hired out to human companies so no way to track them to werewolves.

The pack buses and vans were parked offsite, on land owned by a different foreign company. They were underground reached by ramp, at the end of a dirt road. The top of the ramp looked like a huge rock outcropping covering the ramp. It was big enough to drive a full size school bus down. The fake rock lifted up on hydraulic cylinders high enough for the bus to drive under. The buttons to raise or lower the rock was hidden off in the woods a ways.

It was one massive steel box with four cement and stainless steel supported ceilings or floors, creating three parking levels, with two ramps to travel between the floors and surface. The bottom ramp went from bottom floor to the top floor with a stop for the middle one. The top ramp was directly above the bottom and connected the top floor to the surface level.

The top level of the lot was forty feet under the ground. The first twenty allowed trees to grow. The next twenty had ceiling structure with top of the steel box and structural cement ceiling, plus parking. Two other levels were below. The bottom level started with the steel bottom of the box with a cement floor.

The top level had a landline phone that automatically called a fixed number, plus controls to raise or lower the rock. The alpha or beta would get out there to lower the rock after the last vehicle was down. All the passengers would get out and the drivers would find parking. There was a code word to get the bus to pick them up and a second one to call in the soldiers.

Only the alphas and betas of packs know about Albany parking lot and its control location. Therefore, the bears would have to catch one to find it. Nobody except Kam, Chris, and condo bus driver knew about the Attitash condos location from the parking lot.

The condo bus driver was a member of Kam's pack. He was retired soldier and single. He lived full-time at the condo. When no single soldiers were available, a married couple could be used. You went there for the rest of your life so a few others were there to keep him company because, when you could not drive, you got replaced.

The bus he drove for the pack had no windows, except for the cab. There was a door blocking the back of the bus so nobody could see where they went. The ride was always longer than it took to get where you went to. It includes a large circle to check for followers. The passengers were warned to not look around too much so you will not know where you are. But, since it was far from the parking lot, it was less likely you would know.

The van he drove was used in the Attitash condos to move skiers or vacationers to and from the mountain, the shopping, and the resort. He also used it for pack business, such as buying food.