Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 17: Organizing

The pack the state officer belonged to moved into Attitash the next day as the bears had showed up on their land. They did not take out the buildings, likely as there was no safe way to do it, without looking intentional. But, they knew enough to search them all.

They had been in wolf form in the woods, only guards watching near the buildings. Not sure the bears were coming, but definitely wanting to be safe and in hiding.

Given two packs were hit, Kam made the call to all the alphas himself, telling them to clear out of the pack land join up at Albany. Any pack that the officer knew about will be visited and nobody knows for sure, which ones he knew.

All packs had burner phones for this exact purpose. The alpha had one per vehicle making the trip for his pack, plus his number was known by all the alphas.

The Bow pack left an hour later. Alpha Tom explaining the procedure to the pack, plus gave paper copies of vehicle and condo assignments to caregivers, parents, soldiers, and other adults. The buses would not carry soldiers. They would follow their bus in vehicles to allow for quick deployment. The youngest child and their caregiver were at the back of the bus, with all others that caregiver was responsible for. This repeated, until the bus was consider full. It was repeated for each of the buses with the youngest child or oldest adult, once all children were assigned seats. The soldiers were split to protect the buses, parents protecting their kids and others to even number of fighters for each.

Bags of luggage were stored underneath the passenger compartment. Each family had an assigned bin.

He then explained parking and travel details to the drivers. The alpha's car is first, as they only know the destination. The soldiers were grouped to vehicles to follow the buses holding the wolves they would ride with between the parking lot and the condos. There would be a large circle to make it easier to detect followers. If followers were detected, the last group of soldiers would get rid of them. The others would let a bus pass them, to protect those in front.

At the parking lot, the buses park first, while the others stay out of the way near the ramp on our level. Our assign parking is the top level, third and fourth row. First two buses in the third row, the last two in the fourth. Soldier vehicles evenly fill the rows. The alpha's car in the front of the third row, with beta's car in front of fourth. Everything is backed in. Leaving is the same formation as arriving.