Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 19: Safety

Kam had everyone get out at the bottom of the ramp. He found his parking spot on the top level, with his pack's vehicles next to the ramp.

The first bus turned the corner and let everyone off. All the adults present, would remove the luggage labeled with a color tag for the bin it came from and an adult name it belonged to. Once everyone got out of the first bus, it backed into its parking spot. The other buses performed the same maneuver. The adults would gather their luggage together to put on the next bus. The following vehicles, waited out of the way, until all the buses had parked. Afterwards, they drove to their parking place, with the alpha's and beta's cars waiting to go last, dropping off their passengers once they were out of the way.

Kam was back with those he dropped off before the first bus had opened its door. Tom called for the ride immediately on his exit of Kam's car. His oldest son was driving his car, with soldiers as passengers, following the first bus. When the last car, was below the surface, Kam closed the rock lid.

The bus ride to the condos would take four trips. Each trip taking ninety minutes or so. Kam, Tom, and their lunas went on the first bus, while the beta was on the last.

Each bus was organized by the front seats holding the soldiers, with parents behind the childless. The non-soldiers area kept the seat organization of the buses leaving the pack land and removed their car seats to use in the next bus. When there were not enough seats for the soldiers, they stood in the aisle strapped to both seats, though it would only be a few, before the pack would add another bus.

The pack buses had every seat able to seat belt three small children or two adults. The adult set built into the seat cushion. The child set built into the seat back. They are inset so you can not feel them regardless of how you bounce against them. You connect the end latch plate to the shoulder buckle inset at two different spots of the seat back: child or adult. Then, the sliding latch plate is connected to the adult buckle in the cushion or the child in the back. The adult latches are bigger than the child ones so the will not lock in the wrong place. For car seats, the adult buckle is used and the end latch plate goes into the cushion. Each seat has an alarm, if weight is detected and a belt not used so, given New Hampshire does not require them for adults, they can insert the end plate into the cushion's buckle.