Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 25: Mission

The day Rob and Jeff switched to the new hotel, the mission task-force was gathered in Kam's condo. All alphas were present, plus the eight team members. The normal bus driver would drive. The other seven would capture, lock up, and secure the target. The van they used held ten, but only eight seats were hidden from seeing anything. It was a risk using him, but the alphas felt it simplified the task by saving three hours.

The team had two shooters each with tranquilizer darts. They had two silver handcuffs each held by different team members. The others would hold the target.

The first shot would happen half way to the target's car from his door. The second if it failed to take him down. The first to the target with handcuffs would put them on him, while the others helped making it easy. They would carry him to the road, as the van drove up. Once in back, he would be silver chained in place.

They all were wearing black clothes and shoes. They had gloves and ski masks in black too. This would hide their identity and protect them from the silver. The mask and gloves would stayed off, until Manchester.

The van parked two blocks away. Everyone had put on the gloves and mask as they entered the city. The team was given a single knock three times to mask up. Two triple knocks was the signal to exit the van.

The team hid behind the car a shooter to the front and back. The first shot got the target down. They had no issue with the handcuffs or the lifting him up. But, two bears exited the house having heard or seen the fall. The cub went for one side, while the mom the other.

All plans fell to the wayside, as the wolves got dropped by the mom. The van stopped in front of the house and the driver shot out his passenger window, tranquilizing the cub easily. The mom was moving way to fast shoot safely. A couple of wolves shifted to better fight the mom. The second shooter grab their gun and got her. They carried the sleeping naked females into the house and the target into the van. They gathered the ripped clothing and guns before hopping in the van.

They managed to slip out of the neighborhood, while hearing the police sirens approaching. They drove out of the city in a rush. Meanwhile, the target was stripped of his clothing and bound in silver. Fifteen minutes later the target woke up screaming due to the burning of his silver jewelry. Nobody much cared for his noise and they were all happy for his discomfort. When they finally reached the condos, the driver opened the back door and let the team out before shooting another dart in the target. Two of the team members removed all the silver except the handcuffs and carried him into the cells in the basement of Kam's condo.

The cells are a cube of thick steel rods with plenty of silver mixed in making them difficult to bend and damaging to touch. The door has bolts like a safe door locking into the circular opening. The door is hinged by one of the rods going through it.

They left him on the mattress, without his handcuffs, locking the door behind them. The cube touches both floor and ceiling. There is just enough room between the floor bars so a careful walk, without burning is possible. The rest of the bars are to close to slip your wrist through.