Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 27: Cleanup

Back in the living room, the alphas were watching the show on TV. Tom states, "remind me to never get on your bad side. He'll be begging for paper and pencil shortly."

As if on clue, he does. However, the walls of wolf's houses are sound proof along with most of the doors. A wolf could be at the cellar door and not hear a sound coming from the screaming bear.

Kam turns down the volume to a whisper only wolves can hear. He states, "we need to go back and collect the wife and child tonight. We should have planned for them originally."

He sends the text message to the spies phones confirming exiting tomorrow.

Tom asks, "do you really have forty bears in your pack?"

Kam replies, "yes, but none of them are soldiers yet. Most are too young for initiation. The adults are a long way away from attempting it. They did not grow up learning to fight."

He thinks for a few moments. "We send four of our lunas, with two bears: mom and three year old daughter. The daughter can shift to show she is the same as the family. They all get into the van peacefully. If not, the wolves take them by force.

"I do not believe the family will trust the gang so will likely stay home. They might visit the non-gang bears, but they are likely not friends, at the moment, due to the daughter's actions."

The alphas are a little shocked there are bears in these condos. But, eventually, see reason and agree to the plan. They realize that showing the daughter must happen shortly, after getting the list.

Kam smiles as he walks past the TV and the screaming bear. He goes to the second floor to get his mom and Cindi. He tells them both the plan and leads them downstairs to the alphas. He looks at Mike and Tom, "will you let your wives join these two." He does not let Tom excuse his daughter so he must include his wife. Effectively stating Cindi is his wife and under his control.

The other alphas note the power play and its result, when both state, "yes." It was already noted that Cindi lived in Kam's condo not Tom's. Not something done prior to marriage, but Kings make their own rules. The fact Tom allowed it showed the power Kam had over him.