Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 29: Vengeance

After the woman puts her daughter in bed, she goes downstairs to the basement. Cindi and Kam are watching it on their TV. Cindi asks, "how did you know?"

Kam laughs, "simple human nature... the question is does she bend to his will or stand on her own two feet?"

Stuart states, "Martha, you got to get me out of her. Please, darling."

Martha looks at him, "rat in his cage, just where you belong. I am done doing what you demand. I can't believe I let you get away, with everything over the years. If it weren't for May, I would have killed myself to be free of you. Every night you left me alone, for those drug addicts you fucked so they could get a momentary free high, I seriously considered doing everything in your stash so I would be dead, when you came home. May and I do not need or want you."

She turns and climbs the stairs, ignoring his calls to come back or his promises to be good to her. Cindi laughs, "how are you going to get that list now?"

Kam smiles, "simple, appeal to her vengeful nature. She wants him punished. Seeing his daughter playing with other kids, on video so close, but out of reach. She will love it and he would give me his soul for it."

Come morning, Kam pitches it to Martha. She is hesitant, but sees the beauty of it. Neither has to see the idiot, yet he can only see his daughter, when Kam lets it happen. He will be tortured because it does not come close to what he wants and it is the best he can get. He even talks her into filming it.

She is at the neighborhood play ground with a bunch of young children. Her daughter is in the group. Her daughter shifts to a bear and many of the children follow suit. The adults get between the bears and the still young children, while letting both groups continue playing. The bears play like cubs would normally, ruff and tumble. Eventually, they run out of steam and shift back to human. She stops the recording and ships it to Kam, before collecting her worn out daughter.

Kam goes to Stuart's cell with pen and paper. "Ready to create that list."

Stuart states, "why would I, Martha won't let me see her."

Kam laughs, "you first stated, if I let her into my pack, you would. No conditions of seeing her mentioned. Now, you want me to kill her. Fine I got no problem killing animals that fail to learn from their mistakes."

He turns and walks away. Stuart yells, "wait. Give me that paper. I'll create your damn list." He takes the paper and pen still on his mattress passed through the bars. He had moved the mattress in front of the door. When done, he passes both back.

Kam plays the video letting him see his daughter playing with other bears. "I can't promise to repeat this, but your daughter is happy in my pack.”