The Choice by J Barrett - HTML preview

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While Josh was busy with the children Rain stood at the bow of the Queen staring into the water below.  His mind was racing with all that had happened, and with all the new knowledge his mind now held. 

Josh is right; I have to find a way to get rid of all this anger. I don’t want to screw this up.  I want to be a part of this; I want to help create a new world; one without hatred, without pain.

Lost deep in thought, Rain did not notice the Orca swimming below him.

Young one!  B’nal called to a startled Rain; your spirit is in much turmoil. Come to B’nal, come now and we will help set your spirit at peace.

Rain looked below at his new friend and without a moment’s hesitation removed his clothes and dove into the water.

Back on deck, Josh looked towards the bow of the ship and suddenly smiled knowingly.

Rain surfaced and swam to B’nal quickly.  Climb on my back, we will go for a cleansing ride.  Rain climbed on the back of the huge mammal and they sped off down the river.

Lean forward and rest your head my young friend.  Let all thoughts go, and hear only B’nal. I see your scars and feel your anguish at what was done to you by man. Rain gripped the Orca tightly, hearing his words as the past filled his head for a frighteningly short second.  I see the wall you have placed around your heart. Rain squeezed his eyes shut tightly at the memories.  You must understand something young one, there will always be good and evil in the world. They are the balancers.  It is you who decides how it will affect you.  If you allow the darkness to overtake you, then it has won; hatred and anger will continue. But... if you choose to rise above it, it loses its power and disappears.  You are strong young one; you have survived much cruelty; and you have cared for and protected those young ones with you.  You have tried to shield them from those who would cause them harm.  You possess much good in you; this is why B’nal was chosen for you.

They slowed and Rain raised his head and looked about him.  They were in a beautiful lagoon, complete with crystal clear waterfall.  Lush greenery surrounded the clear deep pool they rested in.  There were colorful birds sitting in the trees, and he saw a flutter of wings and watched as the most beautiful bird he had ever seen spread its wings and fly to a branch right in front of him.  She lifted her iridescent green head and throwing her slender neck back opened her beak.  Rain listened to the throaty mournful warble of the enchanted bird.  As he listened its simple beauty seemed to touch his very soul.  Rain fought the effects of the beautiful sound, but it was too powerful and he slowly bowed his head and released all his anguish in gut-wrenching sobs.

B’nal felt his pain and began to speak softly.  I too have been touched by the worst of man.  My whole family slaughtered before my very eyes.  There was great anger and rage at first.  But I have learned over the many years since that anger and hate only breed more anger and hate.  I have learned that in refusing to allow these things to fester in my heart, it has no hold on me.  And I have found a peace that few experience.  I am a Soldier of the Sea, and yes I destroy when it is necessary; but I do so without hate. So can you, R’an.

Rain slipped into the water and waded over to the front of the giant Orca.  He stared into the eyes of the majestic beast for a long time.  Something took place between them; a connection of two sorrowful souls, for Rain suddenly felt the weight of the world lifted from his heart.  Then he smiled and spontaneously threw his arms about the Orca and laid his head beside his huge mouth.

Thank you, oh God, thank you so much, B’nal. Rain cried tears of relief at last; you have saved me from myself, my friend.

They remained in the grotto till evening and bonded strongly, each pledging the other their loyalty and love.  Theirs would be a strong link, one in which all the sea would rally about when the final battle took place. 

Back on board ship as evening came, Josh sent all the younger children to bed.  He went above, pulled back the railing and walked down to the platform, to wait for Rain to return.  He sat listening to the jungle about him, and to the water.  He felt the tremor in the water signaling they were on their way.  He looked off into the distance and spied them coming down the river way.  Rain was riding B’nal as naturally as riding a horse and Josh marveled at the sight.  As they came closer he became aware of the change in Rain’s demeanor.  He smiled, knowing instinctively that Rain had passed the test.  As they approached the ship Rain dived off B’nal and swam to the platform; gracefully propelling himself out of the water he landed facing Josh. 

They stood facing each other for a long moment when suddenly Rain smiled, went down on one knee and bowed his head in respect.

“I am a Soldier of the Sea; and I have freely sworn to protect it.  B’nal and I pledge our loyalty to your leadership.”  His voice was clear and strong.

Suddenly the sea around them erupted in a chorus of clicks and warbles as the Dolphins and Orcas all leapt upward in praise.  Hail to R’an!  Hail to B’nal!

Josh stepped forward and placing his hands on Rain’s shoulders bade him to rise.  He looked deep into Rain’s eyes and saw only peace there.

“I accept your pledge, on behalf of those who came before me.  You’re going to make one hell of a general, Rain!  I pity the fools that tangle with you.”  Josh added laughingly.  Both young men embraced and then turned to their fellow warriors in the sea. 

B’nal came forward and rose out of the water as Rain laid his hand on his nose.  B’nal claims R’an; oaths have been given and received!  Woe to the enemies of the sea. B’nal turned and joined the others as they swam down the river.  We shall return in the morning for the young ones, he told Rain as they disappeared from view.

Both young men climbed above quickly joking with each other.  As they stepped on the landing Josh reminded Rain, “We have a chore to finish before dawn; I suggest we get to it.”  They went to the now deserted lounge and each grabbed a pad and pen and sat down and began to make their lists.  Both brought to mind each of their young friends and vividly ‘saw’ them in every detail.  They noted their strengths and weaknesses.

Josh’s list:

TJ:  He’s my brother in blood; he’s fearless, instinctively knows right from wrong.  Gifted with the ‘sight’ at an early age and embraced it with our mother’s help.  Has an inquisitive mind.  Needs reassurance every now and then; likes a challenge and wants to prove himself.

Kamryn:  Bossy, assertive, standoffish.  She questions everything; I think she fears that she won’t measure up.  She can’t stand not knowing something; she always has a book in her hands, always reading.  This keeps her from interacting with anyone; a self-defense of some kind.  I have seen her with the younger children and she is very patient and caring.

 Hayden:  A happy guy, he jokes and keeps the others spirits up.  He is fearless, but not in a negative way.  He sees things in their basic forms.  He believes that what is happening to the world is justified, and needed to happen.  He has the uncanny ability to know when someone is lying about something.

Chloe:  Sixty pounds of pure dynamite.  She loves life and everything in it.  She embraces change with gusto; has a very adaptive personality.  She’s very intelligent, and found her passion in the study of the seas and all the life it holds.  Her parents are oceanographers and introduced the ocean to her at an early age.  She is not afraid to fight if the cause is just.

Richard:  thought he was a bully at first, but soon discovered that that was just his way.  He is fiercely loyal, and a good follower, and totally unselfish.  He listens carefully and asks questions if he is unsure.  He takes on any task asked of him and completes it.  He is not one to take chances unless he can see no other way.  He would easily sacrifice himself if he thought it would help the others.

Nicholas:  13 years old and full of angst.  Not very sure of himself, needs a lot of encouragement.  His parents are archeologists and absorbed with their work; they don’t give him enough of their attention, which is why he is constantly in trouble for one thing or another.  I am going to make a suggestion here, if he is given a strong personality, I believe the real Nicholas will emerge. 

Samantha – Sam:  Strong well-rounded personality, aggressive but not bossy.  She is definitely a survivor.  She lost her parents to a drunk driver when she was four, has been raised by her mother’s brother and his wife.  They were a loving couple that gave Sam the stability she needed.  She sees all that has happened as a natural progression; man screwed up and now must pay the price.  Her only flaw is that she is grossly overweight.  I do not know if it is glandular or not; she really doesn’t eat all that much. 

Leslie:  I don’t know what to say about him.  He is quiet and very shy.  He watches everyone else and does not participate in activities unless asked.  He is a bit effeminate for a boy and does not like confrontation.  He is an enigma to the rest of us.  We try to include him in all we do, but many times he begs off and goes his own way with his nose in a book.

Zoë:  what can I say about her… she is wild and carefree.  Nothing seems to bother her; she loves life and everything in it.  She wants to experience all there is challenging and scares us with her antics.  She will definitely need a strong personality to rein her in. 

Allen:  he’s always got his head in a book.  Photographic memory; has stores of knowledge on any topic in his head.  Even tempered and all around good guy.  No evident hang-ups.

Rain’s list:

Rebecca:  Likes to be called Bex.  She is a fierce fighter, not afraid to jump in and protect the young ones from the bullies; totally loyal to the group.  Think she was molested when she was young, as she has spurned advances from anyone.  Saw her go ballistic on a guy trying to force himself on a young girl; she tore him up pretty good before I could stop her.  I think she would have killed him.  Lots of anger there, you guys are going to have to address that before you can turn her lose.

Tristan:  Deadly with a blade - there’s history there but he refuses to discuss it.   Makes a good scout, takes in everything and leaves without being seen.  Not afraid to stand up for what is right.  I’ve seen him calm a feral cat and move her and her kittens to a safe place.  The guy has a way with all creatures.

Ruby:  Sweet Ruby and her visions; she saved us all.  Some see her as a timid little mouse, but I know her inside; there’s a tiger in that little body somewhere just waiting to come out.  She has the sight all right, and it frightens her some.  Meeting TJ and seeing him with his ability has helped her a lot.  She’s not afraid to say what she sees, just still in awe of it I think. 

Esparanza:  Espy is a born fighter; has that Latino personality, complete with all that machismo crap.   He isn’t afraid to fight when he knows he’s right.  Shows no fear in battle, does what has to be done.  If you tell him to hold an area, he will hold it.

Sophia:  Typical spitfire, she has a temper of monumental proportions, she is very acrobatic.  She and Espy are twins.  They have this ability to communicate with each other that’s spooky.  They make a good team in battle, Espy tosses her around and they cut down the enemy before they realize what happened; she follows his lead.

Summit Paul:  SP for short; what a name to saddle a kid with; his parents were hippie types, thought it was cute.  Needless to say he learned early how to take care of himself; very self assured, no illusions.  He’s our resident philosopher, good mind, intelligent; helps me see both sides of a problem before I take action.  Good man, he looks out for the little ones.

Juan Pablo:  JP is our resident Romeo, or so he thinks.  Good looking, big muscular body he works on all the time; has all the ladies a twitter.  Not big on the intelligence, sees things as black and white; it’s either good or bad.  He’s a good fighter, but needs leading.

Dylan:  Quiet, but not shy, just thinks a lot.  Good planner leaves nothing to chance.  Seen him in action many times, he is quite deadly, totally emotionless.  

Skylar:  Loud, boisterous, full of life; loves a good fight.  She has that love ‘em and leave ‘em attitude that is generally reserved for men only.   She is a rowdy one all right, but you can count on her in a fight; she always has your back covered.

Kristina – Kris:  loves a good knock down fight, but won’t go looking for one.  Good-natured and offers help without being asked.  She shows no emotion or remorse at taking the life of someone who had hurt the children, simply says ‘it had to be done.’  She would be deadly if ever aroused to anger.

Both young men retired to their cabin after completing their lists.  Sleep came quickly as they were exhausted by the task.  While they slept T’kai and B’nal went over their lists again and again, studying the young ones.  As Josh and Rain were making their lists they had brought to mind a picture of each person they were describing.  Seeing thru their links’ eyes, T’kai and B’nal were able to get a better picture of each child.

It never ceases to amaze me at the cruelty man inflicts on his own young.  These are very good candidates for your army B’nal.  They will make good fighters. T’kai told his long time friend.

Yes my friend, R’an’s group has much promise. And Zoë from the first group, she is Orca material.  I am not sure about Chloe, but I believe she is a possible candidate also. Hayden would prove most useful with his ability, but I leave that call to you. B’nal finished his assessment and waited for T’kai to comment.

I think we will hold off on Leslie and Tristin also, wait and see how they progress in training.  See if either of them shows a preference towards one of the Dolphin or the Orca.  I believe one of these may possibly be the Link.  T’kai looked to his friend and clicked several times twisting his body around.

You think it will be a human this time, a human to bond with that one? B’nal puffed and spewed out water in disgust. Well, stranger things have happened. This Tristin does seem to have a gift with wild things.  Ah, we shall see.  Well, that is it then; tomorrow we will begin again.

Both left the river area and swam down to the secluded lagoon and dove below.  Down, deep down they went in the glistening blue waters until they came to an opening in the side of the mountain.  They swam into and thru a short tunnel that connected to another pool of crystal clear water.  They swam upwards emerging in an underground cavern that was shining brightly.  Four great giant urns were positioned at the four corners of the pool and huge flames burned brightly in the center of each illuminating the golden walls and ceiling of the hidden grotto.  Displayed on these walls was the history of a noble race of beings.  Beings who gave up any chance of returning to their home world; instead choosing to stay and protect the seas of this world from the danger they had accidentally brought with them.

This was the initiation pool of old, used by the Ancients in times long past.  This was where the first blending took place.  The first Teacher enhanced, the first Soldier awakened.  Now, once again the teachers and soldiers have been called forth to do battle.  Once again the pool will be used to change and bind human and Orca, human and Dolphin.  Once again they will join forces with the great Dragons of the air to free the seas of the ancient beast that had reawakened and risen from the depths.