The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 10




It had been 4 months since Dramkick had seen Poida and he had taken her advice and focused on his affairs. After Dramkick cut the Praem supply to an 8th, the natives became infuriated and one of them ratted out the Gopas. Coats and Pleu were taken to into custody, as well as the rest. And the missing Praem was returned. Poeragard and Vield had yet to be apprehended or their hostages returned. But recently Dramkick had cut the supply of Praem to their home worlds and refused to return it to normal until their location was revealed.


Babsetron Putor Miug sat in the information room going over potential leads in the missing Benbres case. A Babsetron is the title given to the head of Dramkick's secret service-he holds authority over 50,000 agents that are known as Prags. The public is unaware of their existence and they carry out most of the missions the Vor Me couldn't or wouldn't for obvious reasons do. Whenever people turned up missing you could bet it was at the hands of the Prag.


Putor's information room is a 30' x 30' circular office where only important information (or leads that are supremely focused on by the Prags) ever end up. It has one large window on the ceiling that is half the circumference of the floor. The walls are colored seal black with 2 paintings in triangular frames across one another that are of absolutely nothing but empty white space. There is a red J shaped desk in the center with smooth edges and a pilot's chair that swings into it. There are 2 hologram projectors inside the desk as well as a keypad and movable red monitor. The desk has 8 large drawers that have voice operated security locks that can only be operated by Putor. The floors are black and grey marble with the large letters DR carved into the center-in white and red cursive letters at the base of the wall.


Putor is a giant at 6'10" tall and 590 pounds (built like a Greek God). He has an enormous chest and back, with broad shoulders that are harder than steel. His feet and hands are 3 times the size of a normal man's. His face is hard and sinister with high cheekbones and wide set eyes (and a scowling crooked mouth that never fully closes). His nose looks like a baby's arm and it has 8 diamond studs in the left nostril and a blue stud through his upper lip. His hair is tan in color and so long he tucks it into his pants. He is wearing a white silk vest and a necklace made from human teeth-as well as a pair of black and green checkered pants and red boots that have his favorite saying, "The afterlife starts today friend," written in Whyzi's skin.


A message comes over the monitor that Poeragard and Vield are in the Lashno mountain range and Putor shouted, "Your destiny is at hand!"


He pressed the button for his next in command to come into the office and he waited for him. Camtrid Tash immediately jumped up and hurried down the all black hallway.


Camtrid is diminutive at 4 feet tall and a slight 76 pounds. He has thick curly short blue hair and a yellow beard that covers his face. He is wearing a green and yellow striped shirt and a pair of light blue denim jeans with a tan dress shoe.


The door to the information room opens and Camtrid walks in. He stands in front of Putor's desk.


"Camtrid, the cowards Vield and Poeragard are hiding out in the Lashno mountain range. I need to put a strike force together and go up there and apprehend them. I'll be heading up the mission and I'd like you to be a part of it," Putor said as he extended his hand out with his pointed index finger stretching even further.


"It would be a blessing, Babsetron," Camtrid said proudly as he touched Putor's fingers with his thumb.


"Glad to hear it, Camtrid, now I want you to go get me 20 of the finest Prags you know," Putor ordered as his cocky grin took over his face. "Have them ready to leave this evening and do not tell them the nature of the mission. You can't screw something up if no one knows you're doing it. And we both know the value a surprise like this would be worth to Dramkick," Putor's voice was thick with intensity and unforgettable sternness. He sat back in his chair and waited for Camtrid to take the leap.


"I'll tell them nothing, Babsetron, and I will have them ready in an hour's time."


"Outstanding, Camtrid, outstanding let's see some fire in those engines!" Putor replied loudly as he smiled ear to ear.


Camtrid smiled slightly and hurried out of the room. On the Greaps Promenade Coats and Pleu-as well as the other captured Gopas-were being fitted for execution by amputation. They were all locked into a standing position in large steel braces-each brace has hoops that are attached around each of their joints and they are all lined up in a row.


"Pleu, we screwed up our lives for nothing. It was so foolish of us," Coats started to cry.


"I'm sorry, Coats, we just lost our heads. We could have had great lives. I blame myself I'm really sorry I dragged you into this, Coats," Pleu said honestly as he looked down at the restraints.


A large crowd had formed and was milling about in front of the 10 foot high wooden stage. Greaps Promenade is a walking area only and has: a dozen shops, 2 fountains, abundant trees, bushes, and green grass to sprawl out on. There is also a 20 foot crystal statue of Dramkick, behind the crowd, facing the stage. Dramkick had chosen this spot to give the Praem thieves a reminder of who they had messed with. Coats looked at the statue and felt incredible anger well up inside of him. He wished he could strangle Dramkick to death with his bare hands. Pleu looked at the people who had gathered and felt embarrassed and ashamed. He knew that things were going to end badly.


"Coats, if by some miracle one of us gets out a here, promise me something," Pleu said calmly as he furrowed his brow like a worried Labrador.


"What, Pleu, what is it?"


"Kill Dramkick, kill that Whyzi dead. No one should be able to do this to anyone, never!" Pleu said fiercely as he gave Coats a looked that implied the threshold of murder had been crossed in his mind. This was a leap Coats didn't care to see and it made his throat dry instantly.


"Pleu, if I get that chance I will do it in a second, but it's not going to happen. We're going to die a horrible death and that is for certain," Coats replied with the sadness of a widowed wife.


"I know-I know, Coats, how stupid we were. We should just accepted our lots in life and been happy and now-" Pleu stopped himself just as he realized what he had just said was true and not just words.


The Gopas who are first in line have the bottom of their legs amputated with a lightning quick blow. The 2 ton steel block-attached to a pendulum-would swing like a giant hand of death causing them to scream, "OH GOD SAVE ME!" Then blood gushed from their shins like a spilt pot of pea soup. The next 2 were slid into place as the crowd looked on in a "Thank God it's not me" horror. In a Flash their legs were split in half and they screamed like butchered pigs.


"Oh no, Coats, were next, do something," Pleu pleaded as he watched the steel block slide in front of them and he felt a sudden unexplained pain in his shoulder. Coats gritted his teeth and looked quickly over the crowd for someone who could help. Suddenly his mind was on fire with thoughts of bread, beer, sex, and of course Praem. He wanted that most of all to numb the pain. He started to laugh hysterically and talk in an indiscernible language. He violently shook his head from side to side in a pathetic gesture to somehow dodge the steel block.


Pleu stared at him in shock and then looked at the steel block. It started for their legs like a mountain suddenly collapsing, but jammed halfway to their shins. Coats and Pleu stared at the block in utter shock, fear, and uncontrolled mania. They wondered, they hoped, they prayed this somehow meant they were free. The seconds ticked by like an eternity as their eyes sat transfixed on the block. A Vor Me walked over to the block and started kicking it is hard as he could. Every kick, every single kick, sent a jolt of fear so powerful and so potent their bodies had no choice but to seize up. Coats started muttering incoherently. Pleu started biting his lip (causing nervous blood to trickle down his chin). The Vor Me stopped, kicked the steel block 5 more times as hard as he could and let out a sigh and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Gentlemen, we can't kill you today. Don't worry it will be soon enough." He turned to the crowd and said sadly, "You can all go home that's the end for today."


Pleu looked at coats wide eyed and said hopefully, "Coats, it's a second chance can you believe it! We have to make this count."


"We will, Pleu, I am not going through this again. We are going to escape or die trying," Coats said forcefully as he studied the blood stains on the steel block like there was some answer there.


At the foot of the Belos path, at the base of the Lashno mountain range, Camtrid, Putor, and 20 Prags started up the slope. The path was lined with 30 foot high thick green bushes that hugged the sides. The path itself is a red tar and white brick combination. After a bit of planning, the ascent to the Hailmo-which was a Château made famous by its former owner Dr. Aigl Dam a one handed surgeon-was way past the daydreaming as you walk stage.


Dr. Dam had the château built as a summer getaway, but it became famous because of one particular dinner party where Dr. Dam drugged all his guests. He proceeded to kill them all by cutting their chests open and removing their still beating hearts. It got its name Hailmo after the Talz slang term that means, "To dine."


"When you make positive visual identification fire the tranquilizer spread, and do so without hesitation," Putor ordered with the just got laid smile on his face. "We need them alive and for the fear of their fate, they will undoubtedly give us resistance. Needless to say take them down before they know what's happening," Putor said sternly as he and the Prags jogged up the slightly sloping path. They were sure to not even trust the breeze.


"That's right, Boys, and there's a bonus for whoever tags em first," Camtrid spoken in a way that calmed everyone's nerves. He thought of his father, and how used to talk to people, and he mimicked his charisma. "So be prepared to take your shot and keep your aim on the torso and below. If you hit them in the head it could kill them all, and we can't have that, Boys. Unless you want to be the one to tell Dramkick of your blunder," Camtrid looked at Putor and saw he wasn't struggling with fear. This lifted his spirits tremendously.


They came around a corner and there rose Hailmo. It was almost too real to be believed. There is a long wooden tunnel that rises up 20 feet and leads through to the château's courtyard-the courtyard has a swimming pool stretching into the center and 50 feet beyond. Hailmo is a towering structure, all of 50 stories with a botanical garden on the roof, as well as an attic that has a large bed and hot tub made from wooden Indians. The front of it has an enormous mural of Dr. Dam adjusting his glasses-with hundreds of windows throughout the mural in neat rows. The sides of the château are covered in mountain rock stolen from an enemy’s home while he was on vacation. The deck surrounding it sticks out like the gaudy tongue of a drunk. With 50 stories, it has a wide variety of themed rooms from a sword room to a stuffed animal's head room, and everything in between.


Putor carefully jogged into the courtyard and took a quick look around. He realized very quickly that their defenses were down. He saw a man in a well lit room sitting in a chair reading a book. The nerve of these people, he thought. He stared at the man and realized it was Vield. His eyes checked the back for holes and he saw a brown door slightly ajar. He and Camtrid, followed by the Prags, hurried over to it. Putor pushed the door completely open with his gun barrel and looked inside. They entered quickly with their rifles raised. They saw a brief hallway with 4 Impressionist paintings of Manalike trees on both sides-they had been painted by Tamel, a 15-year-old prodigy from the Ceers basin.


The Manalike tree is a large green tree that has small men known as Tormocs growing on its branches. The Tornocs only live for 8 days after they form and are separated from the Manalike. They are completely green from head to toe and respond to the commands of whoever planted the tree.


At the end of the hallway there is a half moon shaped living and dining room. It has a purple couch and 3 red chairs in the center of the room facing a living mural of Dr. Dam smoking a pipe. Poeragard is asleep on the couch while Vield is sitting in the chair on the right reading the Marko coal memoirs-which is a collection of 64th century short stories written for Emperor Valest Pen the 36th.


Valest was notorious for his love of fiction and paid the 50 greatest writers of the age to contribute one 20 page short story to what became the Marko Col memoirs. Valest himself died of a massive heart attack before he could ever read a word and only 30 years into his term as Emperor.


Putor and Camtrid burst into the room and Putor fired his Horsemu at Vield, but the book he was holding shielded him from the tranquilizer dart. Vield sprang to his feet and darted into the next room like a kid at Christmas. While this was happening Camtrid stepped up and shot Poeragard just as he was waking up. The darts caused Poeragard to pass out instantly. Doga came walking into the room and remarked as he looked at a vase, "You've got to see this, Vield, it's really quite astonishing."


Camtrid and Putor were busy reloading and unable to shoot Doga, but a Prag stepped forward and shot Doga, right as he looked up, in the neck. Camtrid and Putor sprinted after Vield and all the Prags joined in-the Prags marking the exits flooded throughout the château. Vield ran frantically from room to room looking for a hiding place or escape route. He saw the Kast Rig statue and remembered there was a secret passageway beneath it. He might just be able to make it he thought.


The statue was carved by Kast Rig a renowned sculpture. It looks like a 6 foot lava lamp made of green clay and wood.


Vield pulled the light fixture on the wall towards him and the statue spun 90° revealing a staircase. Vield quickly raced down the stairs and pushed the closing mechanism at the bottom. The statue started moving back into place and Vield ran like hell. Putor burst into the room and saw the statue moving. He ran over to it and tried to lift it, but couldn't. Camtrid came rushing in asked, "Need some help with that?"


"Yes." His voice clearly echoed his agitation. "There must be a lever that releases it, start pulling anything that can be pulled," Putor ordered forcefully and started moving all the books on the nearby desk.


"Got it," Camtrid replied as he grabbed a painting off the wall and threw it with a joyful cackle that only a mother could hate.


Putor looks at the light fixture, pulls it, and the statue swings open. Putor shouted, "This way quick!"


Camtrid and Putor flew down the stairs into a darkened furnished cellar-it has various children's games strewn about and feather stuffed balloons. The walls are covered in hand written questions like, "Who stole the soup?" and also, "Where is my laughter?" The room is 300 yards long and has a damp smell to it like a root cellar.


Putor waded through the sea of toys and kept his eyes focused, looking for any movement.


"Babsetron, I can see the far end of the room and it looks like there's no way out of here," Camtrid said implying a question and buying some confidence.


"I see it too, and if that's the case he's in here somewhere hiding. I want you to stay by the stairs while I find him," Putor said sternly as he kicked over a musical robot-the robot started playing a simple 4 note song repeatedly after the angry kick.


Putor walked out into the center of the room and shouted, "WE know you're in here! And you might be afraid!" Putor's eyes never left the room. He was aware of everything. "Do not worry, Vield, we are not here to harm you. We just want to let you do your duty and serve your Quadromolan…if you must hide, then hide, but were not leaving without you, Dear Benbre."


A few seconds went by and Vield stood up from beneath a patch of balloons and said glumly, "I give up, Dramkick can have my mind as his play thing. If we weren't safe here, why bother running at all."


Vield walked over to Putor and Putor tapped him on the shoulder and said, "You shouldn't fear, Vield, Dramkick can be very forgiving if you appeal to his benevolent side."


"It's his friendship I fear the most," Vield replied as they walked up the stairs with his breathing was heavy and gasping.


When they got back to living room Poeragard and Doga were already fashioned to floating gurneys by the Prags. This while Bree was sitting on the couch having a cup of tea with a Prag and said brightly, "Our respite has ended and far too soon. Luckily I can reason with Dramkick so I wouldn't worry, Vield."


"I don't have that luxury, Bree, I know what I'm hiding," Vield said honestly as he looked at Poeragard unconscious. And for a moment he saw his own dead face in Poeragard's. His real thoughts were murder and he knew it.