The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 11



"Get away for me, Bree, I don't believe you!" Dramkick shouted as he glared at Bree-they were inside Dramkick's trophy room at the château Gaudileap.


The room was comprised of 60 feet tall rows that were filled with hundreds of shelves and thousands of trophies from all of Dramkick's many pursuits-including his "Quadromolan of the century" award and his "Father of the People" trophy which oddly enough he awarded to himself. The floor is made of glass and there are 6 handwritten poems by Dramkick-from his youth-scrawled beneath it in large black letters. There are also 8 leather chairs with sculptures of Dramkick on the backs of each, placed randomly around the room. There is also a large fresh water spring in the center of the room that is used for swimming.


"Dramkick, look I didn't want to go they forced me to. Secondly, I still haven't heard you say you were glad to see me back. I could've been killed or worse!" Bree said boldly as she tapped her right foot on the floor and smoked a government cigarette.


"Of course I'm glad to see you, but something is amiss here," Dramkick sensed deception with her every breath. "I will find out soon enough. And I won't in good conscience ask you to make a mask, but Vield and Poeragard will have theirs made shortly. And then I will find out the truth!" Dramkick said as he noticed a Bree's tapping foot and gave her an accusatory look.


"Don't you give me that look,” Bree snapped. “I'm more than happy that those masks are being made. I've got nothing to hide, nothing at all…No Sir," Bree replied hollowly as she lit up another cigarette.


Dramkick looked at Bree and she raised her eyebrows and continued smoking quickly. He walked over and took off his sweater and pants, and slipped off his shoes, and jumped in feet first. Dramkick popped his head out of the water and grinned and said, "Don't pout all day, Bree, my shoulders need a rub."


"Ah, oh really, your precious shoulders need my decrepit hands rubbing them do they? Well…fine whatever makes you happy, I hope I don't actually choke you in the process," Bree said sarcastically as she walked over and sat down beside Dramkick. She knew the stakes and she quickly started rubbing his shoulders angrily.


"That's perfect, Bree, just like that. Really put your thumbs into it," Dramkick said smugly as he closed his eyes and sighed.


Bree clenched her teeth and rubbed as hard as she could for a minute and asked snidely, "Is that good enough, Dramkick, is there anything else I can do?"


"Actually yes," Dramkick said quickly as he grabbed Bree round the waist. He lifted her into the spring in one motion and kissed her passionately.


Bree fought the kiss at first, yelling into Dramkick's mouth, but gave in after a few seconds. She grabbed both sides of his face and pushed him away and said sternly, "Alright, not mad anymore, but don't think this is a bottle of Jacour for me."


Jacour is a red wine that gives the drinker uncontrollable laughter after only one glass. It is often served after a personal tragedy to ease the sense of woe.


"Bree, what good is love if it isn't tart and sweet from one breath to the next? It wasn't the fighting that drove us apart, it was the lies we told ourselves about each other. Let's avoid that trap this time," Dramkick was earnest as he gently pulled Bree's hair from her face.


Bree took off her top, exposing her bra and a tattoo of a bird on her shoulder. They started French kissing with a new passion. Dramkick didn't mine, but wondered how he got so lucky. She started smiling in between kisses and thinking she had the greatest being in the universe in Dramkick. She started kissing all around his face and neck, and Dramkick held her close and smiled at her affections. Still he had to wonder if he could truly trust her with all that he was, this made him grimace slightly. Bree picked up on this immediately and smiled playfully. She put her hands on both sides of his face and kissed his eyes. Dramkick was young again in this moment. He laughed at this and said honestly, "It was always you, Bree, and always still."


Bree rubbed his back and spoke as she caught her breath, "We are what makes us roar, I know this now, and will forever."


Just then a message pulse sounded. Dramkick knew it was important news and a messenger outside his door. He climbed out of the water and threw on his clothes. He pressed the unlocking mechanism on the near wall-it was in the shape of his father head-and stood waiting for the news. In walked his liaison Kapel Imobul, and with him a beautiful middle aged woman with green hair in a silky black dress. Beside her there were 2 tall thin men in red robes. The thin men's faces resembled that of an angry camel. Dramkick was ready for anything.


Kapel has dominating size of 6'4" tall and 231 pounds of sculpted muscle. His lime green hair and light yellow beard (on the left side of his face only) struck Dramkick as trouble. He has on a black suit jacket, blue T-shirt, and a pair of black cargo pants. He is off putting to Dramkick to say the least.


"Quadromolan, this is Queen Mela Vindijan from the planet Sras Oblique. These are sheiks Uaty and Paut from the planet Areap," Kapel explained as he looked at each person and then stepped to the side.


"Sras Oblique…then undoubtedly you are Peastro's wife," Dramkick said brightly as he gave Mela a hug.


"No, I am not his wife, I am married to the former Emperor Coup Vindijan. Which is partly why we are here to speak with you, Quadromolan," Mela said as she looked at Dramkick awkwardly.


"Let us sit and discuss these matters that concern you," Dramkick said as he walked over and sat in the nearest leather chair.


Kapel grabbed the remaining chairs, one by one, and moved them so that they were close to Dramkick and facing him. Mela, Uaty, Paut and Kapel sat down, while Bree stood behind Dramkick with her arms draped around his neck.


"If you don't mind me asking how do you know of Peastro? I mean you're so far from Sras Oblique out here," Mela crossed her legs seductively.


"Doga, a famous prophet told me that Peastro was a wise and powerful ruler," Dramkick explained as he sized up the 3 of them. "That he was the true equal I've been searching for all my life. In a few short months, when all of my affairs are in order, I'm going to travel to his home world of Sras Oblique. And I will meet the friend and brother I never had," Dramkick was more serious now as he held Bree's hands to his chest.


Mela looked at Dramkick concerned and said sternly, "Peastro is not the man you think he is. He is a vindictive, murderous little monster who single handedly destroyed billions of lives on Sras Oblique so that he could take power. If you knew him you would despise him with all of your faculties."


"No, you have just confirmed it to me that he is the man I think he is," Dramkick was now overjoyed and excited in a way he hadn't been in a long time. "It may come to a shock to you that I did those very same things to take power a good many years ago. A woman like you can't truly appreciate the resolve it takes to pull something like that off,” Dramkick said snidely as he grinned. “And moreover, the devious man is always more likable to me for his total honesty in his search for possessions and power. Now that was not a request, but I feel one is coming on so let's have it," Dramkick said snidely as a smile glided across his face.


Mela looked at Dramkick with a cold stare and then she looked at Uaty and said, "Well, Dramkick Reign, son of Emasip Reign there is a problem. See your father Emasip entered into a Morshan agreement with my great grandfather a few hundred years ago. In exchange for use of our armies and advanced weaponry in the Raska war. A war which your father won. This led to him becoming the ruler of Membra and to the Reign family dynasty in general."


"What is this Morshan agreement and what exactly is your request?" Dramkick asked as he let his hold of Bree's hand lapse.


"I was hoping you'd ask, a Morshan agreement, for lack of a better term, is a life debt redeemable at any time,” Uaty replied with a boyish glee. “When 2 parties enter into a Morshan, each gets one undeniable request from each other. In this case your father asked for the use of our armies. My great grandfather never made his request and after he died the Morshan was passed to my father. Upon his death, it passed to me and today I've come to make my request and complete the agreement. Guess what I want?" Uaty asked smugly as he smiled a sinister smile.


Dramkick paused for a moment then asked calmly, "What?"


"Great, we want you to capture Peastro, bring him to the Gorgus Syndrome Hospital planet in the Mum system. Whereby we'll slowly slice his body into little pieces. This as he is kept alive and conscious through the entire ordeal. So what do you say?" Uaty asked snidely as he waved his hands in unison like a bird’s fluttering wing.


"What happens if I say no firstly, and where is the proof that there is a Morshan agreement at all?" Dramkick asked as he sat forward in his seat.


Paut pulled out a silver mask from under his robe and handed it to Dramkick and said, "Press in the eyes."


Dramkick took a slow breath and pressed in the eyes. He heard Emasip's voice say, "I Emasip take the breadth and scope of this Morshan. And agree that I will, and my family will, for a thousand generations will honor this agreement or our family secret will be revealed. And all my subsequent descendents destroyed. I also agree that all powers and properties will be forfeited by my family if the Morshan is not accepted. If my son or daughter is listening to this I send you our family nickname, Waudo."


Dramkick stood up and quickly said, "OH God no it can't be…Waudo, there is no way you could know that. It was only spoken once."


"You have a decision to make and it is difficult, but is Peastro’s life worth giving away everything your family has worked for?" Mela asked as she stood up and reached out her arms palms up.


"What is this?" Dramkick asked defiantly as he looked at Mela's arm. "What does this mean?"


"If you agree to the deal then wave your hand in a circle over my arms,” Mela spoke with an unwavering determination. “It's a small thing, Dramkick, that's all it is. One man's life and then you're back to your life as Quadromolan. Your empire is vast and will need your supreme guidance to survive. Steady the ship with this gesture and secure your legacy," Mila said sternly as she continued extending her arms out.


Dramkick stared at her as she spoke and thoughts careened off the inside walls of his skull. He feared that he might have to kill the only person he could truly relate to. He wondered if he could fight off Uaty and Paut and their vast armies if he refused to accept the deal. Then he decided quickly and said boldly, "My father said the end of the world would be caused by a lie, and then an admission followed by violence between friends. He also said carry your feelings in a silver safe that has no door. This Peastro…if his existence threatens mine then a pair of friends we weren't or ever would be."


Dramkick waved his hand over Mela's outstretched arms and Mela smiled and said snidely, "You're ridding the universe of its lesser self. This will not be forgotten by Me or mine."


Dramkick nodded yes and asked with his full breadth of voice, "What is the timetable for this? I ask because we're in the middle of an interplanetary war as well as several other pressing matters. And I will need a little time."


"Granted we would like to see this remedied as soon as physically possible, but we were aware that there would be loose ends to tie up before you journeyed to Sras Oblique," Mela said warmly as a sense of glee filled her body. This Dramkick would take care of it all she thought. "We are willing to wait and eager to escort you to the outer reaches of the T sun. And then it will be at your discretion how you actually apprehend Peastro. I must warn you in advance that he is wise, he is powerful and he will not yield," Mela said firmly as she stroked his chin.


"I am not concerned with his power he will be broken,” Dramkick answered as he looked at his fingers and thought of them killing Peastro. “I would appreciate the escort for my mind to be put at ease, considering I’m venturing to a galaxy I've never seen. As far as how I will capture him, I've got that under control fear not. The question now is, is there anything I can get you for your stay? We have very luxurious accommodations I can assure you," Dramkick walked over to Bree and put his arm around her shoulders. He kissed her on the lips but didn't close his eyes. Not with these men around, he thought.


"Thank you, Dramkick, for that, but we brought all the comforts from home on our ship. I'd like to catch a bath and lie down for a while if I could," Mela said warmly as she rubbed her hands together.


"Kapel, see to it they get everything they require and put them up in the Baumeg wing. Mela, Uaty, Paut, don't hesitate to ask for anything, we don't judge here," Dramkick said honestly as his voice descended into almost a whisper.


"Thank you again," Uaty said and then he, Mela, and Paut were escorted out of the room.


As soon as they left Bree asked, "You're not really going through with this are you, Dramkick?"


"Oh most assuredly so, this Peastro will fall under my blade."


"What? That's lunacy I thought this was the person you'd searched for your whole life. How could you even think of killing him?" Bree asked emphatically and then she pulled away from Dramkick's grasp.


"It's not a thought, it's an action and one that needs to be taken if I am to survive and my empire continue, Bree." Dramkick was agitated and his body language showed it. "You've never been in control of another man's fate so you don't appreciate the responsibility involved. I don't enter into this lightly, there are huge things at play here that must not be ignored." Dramkick reached down and touched his toes. The stretching calmed him for a moment. "Trust me, Bree, they'll be another Peastro and I'm strong enough to wait," Dramkick said passionately as he walked over to the wall and grabbed one of his trophies. He walked back over to Bree and said sternly, "This is a physical trophy for a challenge met. It wasn't easy obtaining it and neither will the trophy of Peastro, but the glory will be of same. Roll your eyes all night long it still doesn't change the fact that Peastro will die a horrible death. And I will live another thousand years as Quadromolan."