The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 12




"58 Prangs please?" Downer Frien asked anxiously of Haver-a 12 foot tall android bartender. He looked around Gorelle's bar for Vibrom Teni Pents (who he was waiting to meet with).


Haver is bright red in color and looks humanoid. His eyes seem to trace you even when he wasn't looking in your direction. His head is long and shaped like a Peacock's feather. His face is soft, almost childlike, and can convey emotions. Haver has 8 fingers per hand and long arms with a V shaped torso. His black legs walk with the ease of a rich banker.


"In a Kispo, Downer?" Haver asked as he stood and waited with his arms behind his back.


"Yes, please, Haver," Vibrom responded quickly as he spun around and continued to look for Vibrom.


A Kispo is a 12 inch blue glass that has 3 compartments-the 3 compartments would become one when you pushed the lever on the side. This allowed you to mix your own drinks and have them with the right amounts you wanted. Heavy drinkers loved it, lightweights filled it with beer.


A Prang is an individual flavor of alcohol as well as a degree of intoxication. There are a total of 57,000 different Prangs in the known universe.


Gorelle's is poorly lit and has 4 circular bars in each of the 4 corners of the oval shaped room. There are square bar stools hovering in place that are very sturdy. Behind the bar there are holograms of robots-the patrons control these robots and square off against one another in a fist fight for a nominal fee. The other patrons would place wagers on who would be the winner. Often times this sparking real fist fights when someone didn't want to pay up. This is a frequent occurrence and enjoyed by the bar staff. The floors and countertops are covered in Asup dust-which is a sanitizing cleaner that destroys all the germs that come into contact with it. Because of this fact, it is commonplace to see people lying on pillows and eating off the floor. It doesn't take an evolved sort of person to come in, but it does to stay. The walls are filled with shimmering trapped light balloons. They burst every few minutes causing a kaleidoscope of colors that stretch to the far corners of the bar.


Downer turned to get his drink and heard, "All the drinks here are poisoned!" That was the password he had sent to Vibrom and he instantly turned and said warmly, "But death is only certain."


"Downer, how are you?" Vibrom asked happily as he grabbed Downer's shoulders and gave them a friendly shake.


Vibrom is medium height and build, but has yellow and blue stripped hair that reaches out for the walls. His wild eyes and yellow teeth snarl perpetually at you. He also has the words, "Truth is a lie," tattooed on his chin. He is draped in army fatigues and a pair of white boots-with the drawing of Perbetain on the sides of each.


Perbetain was a 29th century general who sabotaged his own battalions, because of a severe mental collapse. He is responsible for the death of 3 million of his own troops. And he was only found out to be crazy after a love affair with a Whyzi and he shaved his head bald before running naked through the capital city (whipping pedestrians across the face with a belt as he did).


"Better now, Vibrom, that's for sure. Let's grab a seat and talk," Downer replied warmly as he walked up to the bar and sat down on a stool.


Vibrom sat down beside him and said sternly, "I’ve got a message and did some research."




"Coats and Pleu are the only Gopas that can be set free,” Vibrom admitted as he fumbled in his pocket for a government cigarette. “See, their cells are next to the Sooly restaurant supply warehouse. I know Fermand Sooly personally, he's a scoundrel, but he will allow us to blow a hole in his wall to spring Coats and Pleu," Vibrom said and then he motioned to Haver to get him 34 Prangs.


"That's great news! Then let's get them out right now," Downer said enthusiastically and he grabbed a nervous drink. His ears were flared, his eyes pierced, his heart not quite ready.


"It's complicated, we can't just blow the wall or the guards will come flooding through. Our only shot is at lunch today. You see the guards eat their meals at the same time as the prisoners, and on the other side of the prison. Today is their bi-monthly card game," Vibrom explained carefully (not sure he was ready for all this). He continued, "So an hour from now we blow that wall and grab Coats and Pleu. Otherwise there’s no chance," Vibrom said as he tried to hide the fact his hand was shaking.


"Nice, but what happens if they’re too close to the wall, they're not in any danger are they?" Downer asked nervously as he casually pulled out his Ovelie cigarettes and lit one up.


Ovelie cigarettes are made from genetically altered tobacco that has been spliced with wild berries (they have a very sweet aftertaste, but are not quite candy).


"Well, that's the Meonk in the room,” Vibrom answered as he twisted his sweaty neck to the side. “What if they get blown to pieces, it's a risk we have to take. I saw the look on Coats and Pleu's faces when they were on that stage waiting to be killed, you did too," Vibrom said as he looked firmly Downer with no friend in the eyes. The stakes are too high, he thought.


"No, you're right they're not going through that again. That's it then, we just take our chances. I just pray we get lucky," Downer replied sadly as he nearly stared bubbles into his drink.


A Meonk is a 2,000 pound ape like creature that is known for its destructive power. A hundred thousand people per month are ripped to shreds by Meonks. They have small hands that are covered in blonde fur. Their shoulders and arms make up two thirds of their body weight. Their eyes are ocean blue typically and appear lifeless.


Downer and Vibrom made their way to Sooly's supply warehouse. Fermand Sooly is waiting at the side door with a smile on his face and the control switch in his left hand as they walk up.


"Gentlemen, I have their freedom in my left hand," Fermand declared as he handed it to Downer and then said, "Just squeeze the handle firmly, when you're ready, and press the button on top and it'll be one loud hello."


Downer inspected the switch and replied, "Let's hope for an easy resolution and that Coats and Pleu aren't injured in the blast."


"Let's hope, now we must hurry inside and make the final preparations," Fermand led them through an egg white fist shaped door.


They hurried down a long black hallway with bright red lights every 10 feet (it cast their shadows skyward). They came to a gold door that is slightly ajar and Fermand shook it open. Inside there was an enormous hangar bay with 4 Tetrio fighter ships lined up in a row. Each Tetrio is stacked with 3 large jet engines on each side and an upside down pie shaped fuselage in the middle. They are 40 feet long and pure white in color-with dark blue laser canons on the front and back and can easily rotate 360°. The ceiling of the warehouse has a retractable roof that is wide open. The rest of the room is filled with old memories an old annoyances stacked one on top of the other (Fermand's signature lasagna Au Moat, is piled up in plastic green containers along the wall). The walls are colored paisley red and green. Downer can see this isn't his life he had entered, but he still didn't want to leave.


The 3 of them walked over to the left wall and Fermand said boldly, "Don't worry about a thing, we've got the Tetrios fueled up and ready go.” Fermand shook off a chill. “The explosives are here as you can see. And in about a minute from now we'll stand back from this wall and light the candle. Any questions?"


"None, let's cook it," Vibrom answered as the 3 men moved back from the wall 40 good feet (and wondered if 50 feet was a better distance).


Downer looked at Vibrom and Fermand nervously. We need the luck today, he thought. He squeezed the control stick and remarked as he pushed the button, "I'm sorry my friends."


The explosives blew a gigantic 100 yard long hole through 30 different prison cells. A moment later, each of the inmates poked their heads into the blast cylinder. Downer looked at Fermand and asked sarcastically, "Did you pack enough explosives, Fermand? Were you trying to set a record for the longest blast?"


"I'm sorry I made a mistake, we must hurry and get Coats and Pleu there's no time," Fermand sounded apologetic, but he was more annoyed than anything (They were his friends in their damn it). He ran over to the hole and jumped inside.


Coats and Pleu were covered in rubble, but were still alive. Fermand started clearing the rocks off their bodies. Coats asked, "Who are you and why are you trying to kill us?"


"I am your friend, we’re here to help. Try to get to your feet, be quick!" Fermand barked as he lifted Coats to his feet and they hurried through the hole. The dust made it very difficult to breathe and many of the inmates were coughing themselves to death.


While this was happening Downer was helping Pleu to his feet. They were right behind Coats through the hole. The other inmates came running from their cells with the stunned guards right behind them. They boarded 2 different Tetrios with Vibrom, Pleu, and Downer in one and Fermand and Coats in the other.


"Take off quick!" Coats shouted as he sat down in a leather chair and coughed the prison out of his lungs. Fermand jumped into the Capt.'s chair and hit the button for the jet thrusters. This caused them to soar through the opening in the roof like an eagle through a mountain pass.


"We're fine now, we'll be out of the atmosphere in a few seconds. Then we'll reenter on the far side of the planet. How do you feel, Coats?" Fermand asked as he walked over to Coats.


"A lot better now that's for sure, thank you."


"Fermand, I'm a close friend of Downer's. We were friends from a long time ago. It's alright if you don't remember. Downer here is the one that set this up."


"Downer…oh God I owe him an enormous debt. I almost forgot, how's Pleu, did he make it out?" Coats asked anxiously as he rubbed his hurt shoulder.


"He's fine, he's in the other ship. We're gonna meet them at the rendezvous point in the morning." Fermand reassured Coats as he put his arm around him. "There's nothing to worry about now, we won't allow them to take you again," Fermand said as he walked a few steps, grabbed a Praem tube from the drawer, and then continued by asking, "Thirsty?"


Coats looked at the Praem tube and said quickly, "You can't imagine my thirst. It's like I've been drinking sand with the crap they gave us in there," Coats swallowed the Praem and let out a sigh. He declared snidely, "Not anymore, Dramkick, not ever again you TYRANT!"