The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 13



300 million Talz live on the shores of the river Pusdo and have bathed in the light green waters. Pusdo stretched for 7,000 miles and ends in the Gone Sea. The Gone Sea is titled such because of its depressing green water. And the fact that many a lost soul has chosen it as their final resting place in the underwater cemetery known as Traps League. The mighty Emasip and his wife Snatsy Reign were counted among the ones resting there.


Today Dramkick is giving Mela, Uaty, and Paut a tour of the Pusdo and the Gone Sea (including Traps League). Dramkick insisted they travel aboard a Toose ship-a vessel that can travel above and below the water as well as in the air. The Toose is 85 m long and is shaped like a slingshot lying on the ground flat wise. It has 2 steel hands on either side that can smash through other boats or ships if need be. There is a luxurious open air deck on each of the stems, with a complete outdoor kitchen and dining area surrounded by beautiful vegetation. It also has a thin white canopy over half the deck to give people a break from the sun. There are 2 leather couches under the canopy and 2 cloth ones in the open air. Dramkick had seized the couches from assassin the previous year (after breaking his neck in a botched coup attempt). There are also several small tables shaped like the number 8 in front of the couches. They have pop up Praem tubes in the center as well as holographic projectors. There is a group of 4 musicians playing the popular song of the day, "Why ask questions?" on their Vaneck guitars.


The Vaneck is shaped like a regular guitar, but has a microphone on the neck that you sing into. It causes the Vaneck to play the melody you chose, while you manipulate it with a series of 7 strings and an array of 30 buttons. Regardless of how you sang every note, everything was always played with perfect pitch. Each one of the 4 musicians stands 3 inches shorter than the next in the order. They are playing in the semi-circle. They are all wearing black leather flight suits and white helmets with Dramkick's likeness on each. They are from the Conservatory of Rebet-which is 50 miles from the Gone Sea and produces every well known musician on Membra. Like P.H.D. short for Pieces Hurled Downward for instance. An immensely popular group of 3 identical blonde haired sisters who have 9 octave range. Each of the sisters are 6'2" tall and incredibly beautiful (with make you nervous legs).


Mela and Dramkick are sitting under the canopy in their swimsuits, each enjoying a glass of Wams. Mela said sincerely, "This Wams is extraordinary, it truly is a pleasure. Where I'm from we don't have anything near as good."


"Thank you for that, it happens to be my favorite," Dramkick replied as his eyes looked more in than out. "Ya know, Mela, I would love it if you would try some Praem. It's the life's blood of our civilization and fuels our better selves," Dramkick said as he pressed the red button on the table and a rack of 5 Praem tubes popped up.


"I would love to,” Mela answered warmly and then continued, “On Sras we have a pill called Breask that thrills our souls. I wish I had brought some to give to you, but I didn't think about a stay of sorts," Mela said apologetically and then she inched closer to the table.


"Don't give it a thought, here," Dramkick said as he handed Mela a Praem tube and then continued, "I hope this suits you."


Mela sucked on the Praem tube for a few seconds and then a smile came across her face. She fell back onto the couch and started to laugh. Dramkick ingested some Praem and joined her in Twosqu. Once inside they were enthralled, and a little scared, at the way the world looked and everything felt. She saw the Danbridgo climbing up her arms and dangling from her fingers. Her skin felt warm and she was filled with sensation. She turned to Dramkick and said sarcastically, "I've officially seen it all. I can see now the Breask was not required. A woman of many years shouldn't get this excited without her husband, but I know he would understand."


Dramkick smiled and stood up and said, "We're nearing the Gone Sea, you must see it with the Praem's embrace."


Mela rose to her feet and walked briskly over to the railing. She saw the mouth of the Gone Sea and said shocked, "Oh my God, all the world's blood is here and on fire!"


The Gone Sea is 10,000 miles across and 20 miles deep at its lowest point. The surface is covered with red Bousee algae-it is so thick it allows people to be able to walk on it without falling in. There are also thousands of small homes built on top of the Bousee called Frimel shacks-whose inhabitants are the Derg. The Derg are a close nit group who live their entire lives within 5 miles of the Gone Sea. They dig small holes in the Bousee and spend their nights fishing by torchlight for the Namis fish.


The Namis fish is up 5 foot long, 4 inch wide, 2 headed fish that is so delicious the second you finished eating one you started to hunger for another. That exact fact led many Derg to spend their entire lives in search of the illusive fish and nothing else.


There are wooden pathways between each of the Derg's small shacks that create a maze of interconnected homes and lives. The main causeway has no homes of any kind on it and leads directly to Traps League.


"Who are these people?" Uaty asked as he slid in beside Dramkick.


"The Derg, they're harmless for the most part. They've been here for eons, long before anyone can remember," Dramkick said as he pointed to the Namis fish hanging from a hook and then continued, "That fish there is the root of their problems."


"Please explain," Mela looked at the Namis fish and then curiously at Dramkick.


"The Namis fish is filled with Coack, which is an addictive toxin,” Dramkick explained with his eyes dancing on the Derg. “Because of the high levels of Coack in the Namis fish, anyone who eats one can instantly become severely addicted. So, needless to say, the wise people avoid the Namis and the rest linger here in an inescapable self made prison," Dramkick said as he grinned and watched 2 Derg fight over a Namis.


"That's hilarious, what an odd predicament to find yourself in. All these generations lost to the Gone Sea, what a travesty. I must ask, is there no cure?" Mela asked as she watched an elderly Derg compulsively lick her fingertips to the point of tearing her skin off.


"No known cure, we had several of our Vor Me volunteer for an eating of the Namis," Dramkick looked down and breathed slower now. "We were hoping we could find a way to kick them of it, but we were unsuccessful. And now they live here on the Gone Sea," Dramkick said sadly as he looked at an old man lying face down on the pathway as people walked over him without stopping.


"That's terrifying, to think of the loss they have to deal with each day, it's humbling and troubling at the same time," Mela said she sucked on a Praem tube. She thought of Coup and how he would have really loved this.


"It's beyond my control so it vexes me not. I thought you should see this to get a sense of the lessons I've had to learn. The next place we will come to will reveal something else entirely," Dramkick said coldly as he walked over and took a sip from the Wams sitting on the table. He loved the Gone Sea this time of day. The memories were pale and evaporating.


"And where might that be?" Uaty asked in a concerned voice as he turned to face Dramkick like a hungry turning lion.


"Traps League, it’s the final resting place of all the great men and women spanning over 1 million years. Trust me, it will not disappoint. Here it comes now!" Dramkick's voice had a certain spark in it that thrilled everyone. He walked over to the railing and lifted his right hand over his head.


Mela looked at Dramkick with a youthful giddiness and saw a mile high tower rising out of the water-this was the top of Traps League.


It is burgundy in color and has hundreds of thousands of windows-with blinking lights of every color that run from the top to the water's surface. On the top is a mushroom shaped dome. And it has yellow flower shaped decks all around its base. The design was meant to signify greater life after death. In the center of the tower there is a searchlight that rotates in a circle and produces a series of musical notes as it does. The base of the tower has a giant hangar bay with ships going in and out constantly. Around the hangar Bay door there is the inscription, "We were all once the new old hat and now were just laughing," written in gold trim.


As they drew near, a blue solar flare shot through the sky and gave everyone a burst of warmth. Mela thought of Coup's warm breath on her neck in the morning and she was slightly excited by this. The sky itself was a vibrant orange and red with a few thick puffy clouds here and there. Mela felt overwhelmed by the magnificent sight and started to wish for Sras Oblique (and especially the T sun). What she wouldn't give for a dose of that right now, she thought. She thought of Coup and wished he was there with her to see this wondrous sight.


"Was it worth the trip?" Dramkick asked as he put his arm around Mela.


"Oh Builder yes, worth 1,000 trips and a million dreams," Mela announced as she pulled her hair back from her face. "This is the soul's way of reminding us that we should never think we've seen it all. Thank you for this, Dramkick," Mela said warmly and then she kissed Dramkick on the lips.


"No thanks necessary, you are my guests I consider it my pleasure. But the best is next to come wait and see," Dramkick said as a boyish grin came across his face. Who was this Mela he thought.


The Toose pulled into the hangar bay and maneuvered into a landing stall. In a line of 3 there is a pair of men in black long sleeve sweaters and tan corduroy pants (with black sneakers as they were waiting to greet them). The men are similar looking in the face, but not identical twins. Inside the hangar bay there are thousands of ships in similar stalls with 3 men waiting to assist them as well. In the center a tower reached skyward-with 6 black turbo elevators and a Poplam attendant in each.


The Poplams are snow white from their skin, to their hair, to their eyes, and every inch of their bodies. There are only 100,000 of them on Membra (with their 8 foot tall bodies they are easy to find). The high exalted Poplam-Vaskov Eapo-is their living God. He chose to spend his days writing humorous stories and poems for the rest of the Poplam to enjoy. Vaskov had vanished from the public eye 2 years ago, but his writing continued to pop up in the Baravin times-the Poplam newspaper paper.


They exited the Toose and the 2 men in black sweaters walked up to Dramkick and said, "Quadromolan, we will satisfy your every concern and guide you through your visit here."


"I know you will,” Dramkick responded flatly as he clapped his hands together hard. “What we will require is the Bood room to ourselves. And also a nice bottle of Touc and some aged cheese, preferably white. O.k. great run away now," Dramkick said snidely as he gave the 2 men a push and a kick in the ass.


Mela, Uaty, and Paut saw this and smiled to themselves as they watched the 2 men scurry away. The 4 of them walked over to the Turbo elevators and got in. And as they did the Poplam named Toruss asked, "Do you want a person or year?"


"A person," Dramkick replied sharply and then the Poplam pressed a few keys and Dramkick said, "Emasip Reign."


"Of course, Quadromolan," Toruss said as he brushed down the white coat he was wearing and pressed the correct floor.


Instantly they were in motion and the inside of the elevator appeared to be perfectly still- with several large monitors on each wall that showed a beautiful sunrise (and even had the smell of fresh grass in the elevator). There went a mile downward, a long mile down, into the Hall of Seven Life Givers-which is where all the elite Talz are housed and kept in pristine condition inside a glass case forever. There are also hundreds of hours of dialogue from each that they recorded while they were still alive. This is to keep their personalities intact for future generations. There are also androids of each Talz that stand in front of each tomb-this gives the visitors a glimpse into the minds of their greatest citizens. The hall itself is 3 miles long and has thousands of large lavish tombs with all their favorite possessions inside.


"Be it as it is, Quadromolan, we are here," Toruss said as he opened the door.


"Whoa builder, what is that?" Mela asked as she was obviously startled when she saw the tomb of Macoos in front of her.


Macoos is tall and bulbous with 6 circles of blue and white hair on the sides of his head that move when he walks (but always went back to its original shape). His skin is blood red and hairless. He's handsome, but also has a devious smile. He is wearing a tan long sleeved shirt and a black leather vest, and also a pair of loose fitting tan pants and black boots.


"It's an old friend of my father, the legendary Macoos," Dramkick announced proudly as he walked over to the android of Macoos and put his arm around him. Then Dramkick said brightly, "Go ahead entertain the lady."


The Macoos android walked a few steps forward and then jumped and did a forward flip. He landed beside Mela and said, "Dear vision, be anyone you want to be right now it's only us."


Mela smiled, rolled her eyes and said, "I'm flattered, but you've got too many sharp objects beneath those clothes."


"You're right about the sharp objects, but let me assure you everything is in working order," Macoos said coyly as he ran his hand up Mela's thigh.


"Oh really, well I would never cheat on my husband even with an android, but thanks for momentary pleasure," Mela grabbed Macoos's crotch and said smoothly, "You must of been something when you were alive."


"I was a raging pleasure chest from sunup to sundown. The last of the great pleasure givers," Macoos said slyly as he did a sideways spinning flip and started dancing awkwardly from side to side.


Mela laughed and then Dramkick said, "There's much more to see and we'll run out of energy if we’re not wise. This next one is of special significance to me and all Talz."


In front of them there was a large black rimmed cone, with a white walkway in it, that led to a cross shaped door. They followed Dramkick inside and watched him spit into the saliva lock. The door opened slowly, moving inward like an elderly man near the end. They walked in and could see a large egg shaped case with the mortal remains of Emasip Reign inside. He was standing with his left hand extended. Behind him there is his favorite thrown and a re-creation of his reading room-including his personal library. There is also his pet Kaco, which is a dog sized reptile that has green and orange scaly skin, an almost bubble like head, and a frowning mouth with purple fangs. There is also his beloved Snatsy sitting on a couch behind him-in a white dress holding a bottle of Touc in her right hand and a Paniflu revolver in the other. There is a Dellow maker hanging from the top of the case.


A Dellow is a green and red swirling colored bubble, filled with holograms. And when you burst one it would cause a hologram to appear for several seconds front of you.


Each of the Dellows has been filled with home movies from their home lives as well as Emasip's public life.


Behind the case is a collection of awards, knickknacks, and salutations that the 2 accumulated during their lives. This includes the petrified Derg statue under which they had shared their first kiss. It depicts a dying Derg wrestling with the Namis fish. There is also Dramkick's graduation sword from his father. Dramkick looked at the sword and could still feel his father's hand on his shoulder.


They walked up to the case and the Emasip android jumped out from behind the Derg statue and shouted, "There's a hole in the roof and they can't keep the water out, run for it!"


"This, Everyone, is what's left of a truly great man, my father…Emasip Reign. Try not to humor him too much or he'll be ridiculous," Dramkick said apologetically as he was locked in a stare down with the android Emasip.


Emasip walked over to Dramkick and punched him in the stomach as hard as he could. Dramkick didn't even flinch, and he punched the android in the shoulder with a quarter of his power. This sent him onto his backside. Dramkick let out a belly laugh and said, "If it were really him, he'd ah knocked me out if I did that to him."


"He's right, I would have and he'd a known a real man's fury. Enough about that who is this radiant woman?" Emasip asked as he sauntered over to Mela and took her wrists.


"Mela and I thank you for that wonderful coffee. You are a wise and handsome man," Mela said warmly as she leaned in and kissed his cheek.


The Emasip’s head started shaking violently and he spit at Mela. And then he head butted her in the chest and she fell like wet laundry to the ground. Dramkick rushed over and grabbed the android, pressed the reset button, and stopped him from shaking. Emasip said apologetically, "I apologize, Mela, I'm due for a tune up. I hope you can forgive me."


Uaty helped Mela to her feet and Paut said, "Its fine, you're only a machine and accidents can happen. I am stronger than I look so please do not be concerned."


"I thank you for that I-"


Emasip suddenly punched Mela in the mouth and shouted, "I'll kill you, you worthless LITTLE-" Dramkick quickly jumped on his back and pummeled him into the ground. Dramkick flattened its head under his foot and put his other foot through his back.


Dramkick said brightly, "Your beauty fired up his circuits. Maybe we should just move on to another part of the exhibit for safety's sake."


Dramkick felt slightly embarrassed by what had just happened, but didn't let it show. Mela on the other hand had already forgotten it entirely. She'd been through worse and seen all sorts of surprises in her day.


Next they exited the Emasip exhibit and continued on to the large red marble tomb of Dustfra Obalink. Dramkick walked over to the entrance and stopped, turned to everyone and said, "This is the tomb of Dustfra Obalink. Who was a famous inventor, writer, general, and ruled over Membra for 600 years. His life did not end, it was taken by an assassin's blade in the middle of a famous speech. It is known as the Unending Word speech,” Dramkick casually pointed to Dustfra. “He was feared by his people, but also beloved for his unending mercy and compassion. Many buildings and schools bear the name Obalink, and rightfully so."


"Did you ever meet him?" Paut asked as he ran his hand along the smooth marble wall.


The outside of the tomb is a 100 foot high and 300 foot wide red marble rectangle with Dustfra's visage carved into each side (several hundred times and in several different sizes). The door is made from Copac ivory.


The Copac is a four-legged pig like creature, but much larger, almost 30 feet tall. It has ivory horns that protrude from above its eyes and twist upwards towards the sky. It has a snout like a pig, but it has human eyes and facial features. It is hairless except for its feet and has soft gooey purple flesh. Each Copac is branded with the government seal-a pair of eyes and a devious smile across their ribs. They are raised for their delicious meat and of course, the ivory is much sought after-especially the red ivory horns of the small ones.


"Yes, once when I was very small and my father was working under his regime," Dramkick thought back to those days and could still feel the ache of being ruled over. "He shook my hand and made a point to laugh at the jokes of a child. That was the depth of his humility. My father told me a story of him being catapulted behind enemy lines so as to inspire bravery in his troops. That was the depth of his courage. You'll get a taste of him today," Dramkick said sincerely and he opened the ivory door with a spit into the saliva lock.


First they walked through a 20 foot round hallway with the walls covered with one enormous TV screen. What was being shown on it was actual battlefield footage of Dustfra during the Massipip War, as he led his troops into the heart of the Astipo Proper-which was the stronghold for the now extinct Foldram people.


Dustfra is 5'9" tall in life with a small belly and broad shoulders. His forehead is long like a ski pole and he has a stunning profile as his nose is enormous. His smile is of a person not quite at home. He has seal black hair with a greenish hue (and his hair never seems to move). He is wearing a bright red jumpsuit and a pair of brown leather boots (the boots annoyed his wife Goldsty and he wore them often).


The Foldram were a race of warmongers whose unyielding lust for battle eventually led to the destruction of all of them. The cities they built were destroyed as well. Now they are just a punch line in pop culture humor, but nothing more.


They entered the dining hall and saw a 50 foot table with 48 Cedar chairs on either side-with arching cross shaped backs. At the head of the table there is the Dustfra android smoking a Porte leaf cigar. Each cigar is made and then eaten by a Whyzi. Then pulled from its stomach and packed into a Porte cigar. They have an aroma you never forgot and always cherished. The walls are filled with all of his favorite paintings as well as every joke he'd ever told like, "You want to hear something funny, so do I, so tell us what you do for work again." And also, "I don't want to kill you, I just want to crack open your skull and find my missing ship model, honest. I won't disturb a thing."


The android took a few quick drags and jumped onto the table and shouted, "Who wants to die first?! Step forward!"


"Oh not this again," Mela said anxiously and she quickly started to look for a weapon.


Dramkick smiled and said, "It